The Archive is a nightly process that runs as configured in Admin Tool > Archiving
Part 1 - Identifying the problem:
Navigate to Admin Tool > Archiving
Observe the most recent line in the Archive Jobs table. (This should have yesterday's or today's date)
Compare the most recent line with previous durations of the Archive.
The Archive will always start at the same time
The Archive should always end around the same time.
On the server, check if the XT Archive Service is running.
If the archive is still running and it’s hours past the normal end time, the archive service is likely hung, and needs a manual restart.
You will need to stop the archive service.
Once stopped, start the archive service.
If you have to continue to restart the Archive service, please reach out to Client Support.
The archive will start at it’s scheduled time.
You will need to check if the archive was successful the next morning.
Part 2 - Identifying the problem: Factors that influence a variance in Archive duration:
The volume of patients (for example, if the hospital has a higher volume on the weekend than during the week, the corresponding Archives will take longer to complete. This is normal).
Scheduled SQL jobs such as a reindex or scheduled maintenance plans.
Log into SQL Server Management Studio > expand Management > expand SQL Server Logs > Open the one that corresponds with the date and time you're researching. Normally, you should start with "Current".
If this is a factor you'll typically see the Archive slow down when it runs into a SQL job.
Network slowness or maintenance is difficult to pin down since no logs (that we can see) will directly point to this issue.
Part 3 - To analyze a specific run of the Archive
Click on the number under the Archive Batch ID or ETL Control ID to open the .pdf log
This will allow you to look at specific steps and to determine what steps ran long.
The Archiving History is in chronological order.
Each step in the .pdf will have an End time. The Archive History also includes a Start time.
Part 4 - Factors that influence a variance in Archive / ETL duration
Compare information gathered in steps 2 and 3 for a correlation in time.
Does the timeframe on the Archiving History Report match with a scheduled SQL job in the SQL Server Logs?
If yes, then have the client’s DBA move the scheduled SQL job further into the future.
If no, then we've ruled out environmental variables on the SQL Server itself.