This article will help explain priority 0 and dispatch logic.
Assistance requests are the highest level of dispatchable jobs. However, there is prioritization within the assistance and priority 0 subsets (grouping of job type) which is helpful to understand.
Order of Priority (starting with the highest dispatchability):
Assistance requests with priority 0
Assistance requests with less than priority 0
Priority 0 jobs
All remaining pending jobs.
Dispatch Value (DV)
While we do not see a dispatch value (DV) within the dispatch monitor for assistance and priority 0 jobs, these jobs always will have a DV.
The reason is because if there are numerous assistance jobs of priority 0, assistance jobs with less than priority 0, or priority 0 jobs, they are prioritized based on the DV.
Best Practices
The time the job became pending will be used for prioritization only when jobs are within the same subset and with the same dispatch value (DV).