We’ll review how to Update Console Settings. Generally this would be done by an Application Administrator or Manager.
Load Console
To update a console make sure you have the correct console loaded.
You can check which console you have loaded by selecting the Load/Save Console icon.
The name of the console appears at the top under Current Console.
If you do not have the correct console you can search and select the one you need.
Once you have the console selected, click Load.
Update Console
Areas within the console you can update:
Electronic Bedboard®
Custom Views
Notification Settings
Console Settings
Advanced Filters
View Options
If you make any changes, you will get a reminder that you need to save your console to ensure the changes permanently save.
To save, go to the Load/Save Console icon.
Click the Save tab.
Under Scope, choose if it is a Personal or Group Console.
Select your View Group.
Leave the Name field blank unless you are creating a new console, in which you would type the name of the new console.
Select Set as my default if you want this console and all changes to be set to your account.
Select Set as group default if you want these changes to be saved for anyone who uses this console.
Click Save.