This article is to provide the appropriate permissions for a user to have the ability to utilize the Found Bed functionality of Capacity IQ®.
In Capacity IQ® EVS there is a functionality where an EVS employee who finds a bed that needs cleaned can enter a cleaning job as Found Bed.
A found bed is a location for which no cleaning request has been created.
A found spill is a spill cleaning job for which no spill clean request has been created.
However, a bed cleaner has seen that the bed or spill needs to be cleaned. The bed cleaner uses the Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) to put the bed or spill cleaning job into the In Progress status and then begins to clean it. When the status of the bed or spill cleaning job changes to In Progress, then a bed or spill cleaning request is created automatically. However, it is noted that the job was not formally requested.
In order to utilize this functionality, the user who will be completing this job must have a BedTracking group associated with their role.
This group must have the Allow Found Bed permission enabled.
Follow this path to check if they have the permission: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > User Management > Group Management > Select users BedTracking Group.
Once this permission is enabled it will no longer show a gray Disabled icon but will show a green Enabled icon.
The user, as well as all users associated with this group, now have the permission to utilize this functionality.
Here is a screen shot of what the group permission looks like in XT.