When running a quick report you might encounter the following error or one similar.
“An error has occurred. Please retry your action. If the error continues, contact your system administrator.”
When encountering this kind of error, you will want to run the report as a Standard Report (Capacity IQ® Report) and not Quick Report.
If the report is not listed within the Standard reports, you will need to look at the report descriptions to find one that will fit your needs.
Quick reports
The “Quick Reports” Icon is located in ribbon on the top section of each page
Quick Reports will run be only for the section you are currently viewing. You cannot access another section’s Quick Reports unless you switch to that section.
Example - If you are in Capacity IQ® EVS and want to run the “Placements By Physicians” report then you will need to switch to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit to run this Quick Report, as it is not in the quick reports for Capacity IQ® EVS.
Standard Reports
Standard Reports are located within the Clinical Operations and Care Support tabs.
Standard Reports are called Capacity IQ® Reports
The Standard Reports(Capacity IQ® Reports) will list all available Capacity IQ® reports
You can run these reports within the Standard Reports (Capacity IQ® Reports).
When adjusting the parameters of the report it will assist in providing more specific results.