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Release Notes - Info - TransferCenter™ Classic
Release Notes - Info - TransferCenter™ Classic
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over a year ago

What's New?

Version 2018.2.10

Support for NICE Uptivity™ Call Recording Version 18.1.2 – The classic TransferCenter™ application now supports NICE Uptivity™ call recording application (formerly inContact®) version 18.1.2 and later. Contact NICE to implement NICE Uptivity™ at your health system. To assure playback and download of recorded calls, contact your TeleTracking representative to configure the classic TransferCenter™ application's integration with NICE Uptivity™.

Version 2018.2.5

Support for NICE Uptivity™ Call Recording – The classic TransferCenter™ application now supports NICE Uptivity™ call recording application (formerly inContact®) version 18.1.1 and later. Contact NICE to implement NICE Uptivity™ at your health system. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your organization to configure the classic TransferCenter™ application to integrate with NICE Uptivity™.

Year End Report – The new Year End report allows users to compile a transfer history report displaying an automatic selection of columns for a date range of up to one year. The following columns are automatically selected for the Year End report. Users can remove unwanted columns before or after exporting the results to Excel:

  • Entry Time

  • Case Owner

  • Patient Last Name

  • Patient First Name

  • Patient Date of Birth

  • Patient Age

  • Patient Gender

  • Primary Payor

  • Diagnosis

  • Transfer Reason

  • Patient Type

  • Referring Facility

  • Referring Unit

  • Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) Status

  • Destination Facility

  • Hospital Service

  • Referring Physician

  • Accepting Physician

  • Disposition

  • Disposition Reason

  • Transport Mode

  • Level of Care

  • MRN

  • Visit #

  • Refer notify time

  • Bed Type

  • Medication/drips

  • Bed request completed

  • Page date & time

  • Return call

  • Decision time

  • Physician type

Version 2018.2

Facility Association for Targeted Physician Communication – Transfer specialists can now associate a facility with a physician from the new Facility field in the case’s Targeted Physician Communications. This allows the transfer specialist to track where the physician is accepting or declining from. This feature can be useful especially if physicians are credentialed and on-call at multiple facilities.

Version 2017.3.1

  • Integration with External Servers – The classic TransferCenter™ application can now be configured to send patient data to an external server, such as an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) server. This feature can save time because the information from the classic TransferCenter™ application does not have to be manually re-entered into the external system. Administrators can see the status of the integration interface on the view-only External Server Configuration page. A TeleTracking representative can assist you to configure this functionality.

  • Windows Server® 2016 Supported – The classic TransferCenter™ application now supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2016.

  • SQL Server® 2014/2016 Supported – The classic TransferCenter™ application now supports Microsoft® SQL Server® version 2014 and 2016.

  • Facilities Appear with Their Groups - If facilities are associated with a health system, the name of the health system appears in parenthesis after the facility name in the drop-down lists on the transfer case edit screen. When a facility is not associated with any health system, or is associated with an Unaffiliated health system, then the health system does not appear in parenthesis. This enhancement assures that users select the correct facility because they can easily see to what group the facility belongs.

  • Classic TransferCenter™ Application – The on-premise TransferCenter™ application is now referred to as the "classic" TransferCenter™ application to distinguish it from the TransferCenter™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform.

  • Administrators Update External IDs – Administrators can now change the value in the Call Recording External ID field of the User configuration page. The value maps the TransferCenter™ user to the call recording application. This feature enhances usability by giving administrators more control over their call recording application settings. Contact your call recording provider to learn the available options for mapping user IDs.

Version 2017.2.1

  • Consulting Physician Sent to the Capacity Management™ Suite - The consulting physician in the Targeted Physician Communication page of the TransferCenter™ case now appears automatically in the Capacity Management™ suite. There is no need to re-enter the information from the transfer case in the Associated Physicians section of the Patient/Placement Details dialog box. This saves time and reduces possible errors.

Version 2017.1.0

  • Compatibility With Updated inContact® Application – The TransferCenter™ application has been enhanced to integrate with the latest version of inContact® (formerly Uptivity® and CallCopy®). This upgrade in technology is recommended to improve the linking of calls in the Call Recording page of the transfer cases. Contact your inContact® representative for information about upgrading your call recording system.


  • Compatibility With TelStrat® Engage™ API – The TransferCenter™ application has been enhanced to integrate with the TelStrat® Engage™ Application Programming Interface (API). This upgrade in technology is recommended to improve the interaction and communication with the TelStrat call recording provider. The TransferCenter™ application continues to integrate with the TelStrat® Engage™ Software Development Kit (SDK) for those clients who do not wish to upgrade.

Version 3.5.2

  • Streamlined Accepting Physician in Referral — In cases where the external care provider knows the name of the accepting physician in the preferred facility, the health system access center can now receive that name in the new Accepting Physician field of the referral. This saves time because the patient placement specialist in the preferred facility does not have to contact physicians to admit the transfer patient. In addition, when the health system's access center indicates an accepting physician in the TransferCenter™ application, community care teams will now be able to see the name of the admitting physician and subsequent admitting physician updates in the Patient Admissions Details pane of the Community Access™ portal. This allows the community care team to follow the patient's progress in the health system.

  • Improved Origin Unit Integration with the Capacity Management™ Suite — Previously, when the TransferCenter™ application was integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, the origin unit that was configured for the destination facility was automatically sent to the Capacity Management™ suite without transfer specialists knowing. Now the new Origin Unit field on the case's Bed Request page allows users to change the unit from the default until the bed request is completed. The TransferCenter™ application sends the updated Origin Unit value to the Capacity Management™ suite when users save the transfer case. This allows the transfer specialists to more accurately control which list view in the Capacity Management™ suite displays the patient.

  • Streamlined Physicians Dictionary Synchronization — When the on-premise TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite and with the TeleTracking IQ® platform applications (Community Access™ portal), the physician dictionary information is supplied by the Capacity Management™ suite. When physicians are added or edited in the Capacity Management™ suite, the dictionary updates immediately and automatically synchronize on the on-premise TransferCenter™ application. Then the TransferCenter™ application automatically synchronizes the dictionary on the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Physicians must also be deleted in the Capacity Management™ suite. Deleted physicians are synchronized when an existing physician is edited or a new physician is added. The latest physicians list is available for users without any intervention by administrators.


  • Improved Notification of Cases on the Pending Tab – When transfer cases are submitted through the Community Access™ portal, an alert box appears in the top right of the TransferCenter™ application screen. The box displays the number of cases on the Pending tab that have not yet been imported. The notification remains in view until all cases have been imported. The transfer nurse or specialist can reposition the box anywhere on the screen, and it always remains on top of any application screen that is active. A link in the notification directly navigates to the Pending tab even if the TransferCenter™ application is minimized. In the fast-paced environment of the health system access center with many shifting priorities competing for the transfer specialist's attention, the notification box ensures that the specialist immediately sees when a transfer request arrives from a community care provider and does not forget about it.

Version 3.5.1

  • Streamlined Integration with the TeleTracking IQ® Platform — A TeleTracking IQ® Platform Status indicator now displays the message Interface Active when the TransferCenter™ application is communicating with the TeleTracking IQ® platform. When the interface resumes after being disconnected, updates are automatically sent to the Community Access™ portal from the TransferCenter™ application. Dictionary updates are also sent to the Community Access™ portal from the TransferCenter™ application. In this way, the information is automatically synchronized.

  • Improved Infection Prevention and Screening – External care providers using the Community Access™ portal are now required to note if the patient or anyone with whom the patient has had contact has traveled internationally in the past 21 days. The new question and answer appear in the case's Clinical Notes when the referral is submitted to the hospital access center. The note indicates that it has been sent from the Community Access™ portal and concerns Infection Prevention & Control Screening. The hospital access center is immediately alerted that precautionary protocols may be necessary. This enhances communication, patient care, and public safety.

  • Case Origination Information Appears in Transfer History Report — The Transfer History Report can now display the Source column with information about the application that originated the case. Users can select the Source column in the Field Chooser dialog box to add the Source column to the Transfer History view. Once it is added, the column displays Community Access Portal or TransferCenter as appropriate. The Source column can also be displayed on the Pending, Active, and Inactive tabs.

  • Facility Disposition Setting Controls Appearance of Re-Direct Reason — If your TransferCenter™ application has the Facility Disposition setting enabled and is integrated with the Community Access™ portal, the bed request information that is sent to external care providers does not include the Redirect Reason or the Preferred Facility. This change in functionality prevents incorrect data appearing in Community Access™ portal if the Re-Direct Reason is selected and then later changed in the TransferCenter™ application. The community care team always sees accurate information.

  • Reopened Cases Do Not Create New Referrals on the Community Access™ Portal — When the patient placement specialist opens and edits a closed case in the TransferCenter™ application, a new referral no longer appears in the Community Access™ portal. This avoids the mistaken impression that a new referral has originated in the TransferCenter™ application when, in fact, it has not.

Version 3.5.0

  • Integration with the Community Access™ Portal — The integration of the onpremise TransferCenter™ application with the Community Access™ portal has been enhanced to allow community care teams to always view comprehensive and current information about all referrals from their medical practice account. Patient placement specialists in the health system's access center create and update transfer cases from referring facilities that are associated with medical practice accounts. The referral information for those cases now automatically appears on the Referrals page of the referring facility's Community Access™ portal. Communication between the community care team and the hospital's access center is improved.

  • Pending List Displays Referrals from the Community Access™ Portal — Patient placement specialists in the health system's access center no longer need to open a separate window and sign on to the Community Access™ portal in order to import referrals. Now, the new Pending tab in the TransferCenter™ application automatically displays referrals submitted by the community care team. The tab displays an alert icon when pending cases arrive, and the number of cases displays in parentheses. From this page, the patient placement specialist can import the cases to the Active or Inactive page in the TransferCenter™ application, and the case owner becomes the user who imported it. The addition of the Source column to the view and to the Transfer History Report allows user to see where the case originated. In the Community Access™ portal, the request appears with an In Progress status and becomes read-only. This enhancement streamlines the access center work flow.

  • Status of Communication with Community Access™ Portal Always Visible — An alert at the top of the TransferCenter™ application window allows the user to always see the status of the communication with the Community Access™ portal. The IQ Platform Status field displays the message Interface Active or Interface Inactive as appropriate.

Version 2018.2.9

  • [TRAN-1023]The Notes and Recorded Calls column groups, which were removed from the Transfer History Report in v2019.2.7, have been reinstated. In addition, the Transfer History Report has been enhanced to indicate when columns have been added to the report but have not been loaded. See the section Transfer History Report > Refreshing Reports in the Reports Guide for more details.

Version 2018.2.7

  • [TRAN-1014] The Notes and Recorded Calls column groups have been removed from the Transfer History Report. This change allows the report to run successfully using a lot of data, such as the data for a full year. To retain the Notes and Recorded Calls column groups, do not upgrade to version 2018.2.7 or later.

Version 2018.2.5

  • [TRAN-956] Users can now select a maximum date range of three months for the Transfer History Report. The All Dates box no longer appears next to the date range selection fields. This update assures that the Transfer History Report will run effectively.


  • [XT-3409] When the TransferCenter™ on-premise application was integrated with the Capacity Management ™ suite version 3.4 and later, the transfer specialist had to select or reselect a physician in a transfer case in order to receive updates to that physician's information that were made in the Capacity Management ™ suite. Because the TeleTracking IQ® platform receives physician updates from the TransferCenter™ on-premise application, this delay was preventing the TeleTracking IQ® platform from receiving and displaying the physician updates in a timely manner. This issue has been addressed with a hotfix which allows the Capacity Management ™ suite to automatically send physician updates to the TransferCenter™ on-premise application which then automatically passes the updates to the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Contact TeleTracking Technical Support for assistance installing the hotfix.


  • [TRAN-718] TransferCenter™ application users no longer see an error message when the TransferCenter™ application does not update the Community Access™ portal. Now, a pre-selected user receives an email notification stating the details for case cannot be sent to the referring facility. Using the email for the notification improves the performance of both applications.

Fixed Issues

Version 2018.2.18

  • [TRAN-1080] Customers who had their workstations in a different time zone from their SQL server noticed that closed cases displayed a Close Time from the SQL server's time zone rather than the time displayed on their workstations. The time difference impacted the Transfer History report. This has been fixed, and now the case's Close Time is always the time from the workstation.

Version 2018.2.17

  • [TRAN-1057] Occasionally when users switched between applications and then returned to the classic TransferCenter™ application, the screen refreshed and the previously selected Origin Unit was no longer selected. This has been fixed, and now the selected Origin Unit remains selected.

  • [TRAN-1059] An error appeared when Call Recording users unlinked a call from a case and then tried to link another call to the case. This has been fixed, and now linking a call to a case after a call has been unlinked from the case does not cause an error.

  • [TRAN-1060] Users noticed incorrect results when they selected a Payor or selected or deleted a Referring Physician and then moved the transfer case window to a different position on the screen. The user’s last selected values for Payor and Referring Physician were either undone or replaced by incorrect red text. This has been fixed, and now after the selection or deletion of a Referring Physician and selection of a Payor, the correct values remain in those fields when the case window is moved.

  • [TRAN-1063] In the Status field of a case’s EMC section, if users began typing “Emergent” and selected enter when the automatically completed text appeared, then an error appeared. The error did not appear if users selected the Emergent box or the Emergent option from the Status drop-down list. This problem has been, and now no error appears when users use the automatically completed text to select the Emergent option in the EMC > Status field.

Version 2018.2.16

  • [TRAN-1054] - A problem in the classic installer caused data integration issues with the SynapseIQ™ solution. To avoid this problem, clients should upgrade to v2018.2.16. Your TeleTracking representative can assist you to implement this fix.

Version 2018.2.15

  • [TRAN-1048] - In version 2018.2.15, a fix for payors, which was previously issued in version 2018.2.12, has been rolled back to allow a more robust solution to be developed.

Version 2018.2.13

  • [TRAN-1045] - If the administrators had not selected a default facility in the General configuration page > Default Destination Facility for new Transfer Cases field, then any new facility that was configured automatically became the default facility. This has been fixed. Now when the administrator leaves the Default Destination Facility for new Transfer Cases field blank, it is not automatically populated by new facilities that are added.

  • [TRAN-1046] - When administrators selected the Administration option on the Configuration menu, an error message appeared if the health system did not have a call recording provider configured. Administrators could select OK in the error message to dismiss it and continue working. This issue has been fixed, and now, the error message does not appear.

Version 2018.2.7

  • [TRAN-996] Sometimes when users linked in progress calls, the call was added to the case twice, which prevented users from saving the case. Now users can save cases with duplicate linked calls, and only one of the calls is saved.

  • [TRAN-1019] A duplicate physician error appeared when the classic TransferCenter™ application received a referral with an existing National Provider Identifier (NPI) physician who had been previously mapped to an ID in the Capacity Management™ suite. This issue has been fixed, and a duplicate physician error no longer appears.

Version 2018.2.5

  • [TRAN-780] When customers tried to save the Denial Detail report in Raw Excel format, the report did not save on the local drive. This has been corrected and now the Denial Detail report saves in Raw Excel format as expected.

  • [TRAN-894] When customers set the EMC Status to have a cell background color, they did not see that color on the Active list view. As a result, customers tended to miss the emergent cases. A fix has been developed, which a Teletracking representative can help your health system implement.

  • [TRAN-936] When the TransferCenter™ application was integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, administrators were unable to create users in the TransferCenter™ application when Use TeleTracking™ XT for User Authentication was selected. in the General configuration page.

  • [TRAN-942] Users could not correctly filter the Ad Hoc Transfer History Report by age or by 24-hour time when customizing the time with an operator, such as Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to, Equals, or Does not equal. If you continue to have the problem after upgrading to 2018.2, select Layout > Restore Default, make any desired modifications to the layout columns, and then select Layout > Save Layout.

  • [TRAN-944] When the Capacity Management™ suite provided both targeted and referring physicians to the integrated classic TransferCenter™ application, sometimes users could not select physicians.

  • [TRAN-1007] When users created a new case, the case's Entry Date/Time cleared if the users added a targeted physician on the Consult tab. This problem has been fixed, and now the Entry Date/Time continues to appear after a targeted physician has been selected in a newly created case.

Version 2018.1

  • [TRAN-889] Users who had previously saved calls using TelStrat® Engage™ Record with SDK and then changed to TelStrat API could not play back the previously recorded calls. A TeleTracking representative can assist your organization to manually run a database script to correct this problem.

  • [TRAN-900] Previously, an internal exception error appeared if TelStrat users searched the saved calls list in the TransferCenter™ application because the search was performed by port number. This problem has been solved by now allowing TransferCenter™ application administrators to configure which field is sent to the TelStrat API when saving a call, either the port or extension field. The TransferCenter™ application administrator can select the appropriate field to use.

Version 2017.3.2

  • [TRAN-883] On the classic TransferCenter™ application list view, the case entry time appeared in local time while the time stamp for Clinical Notes that originated in the Community Access™ portal appeared in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time. This was a time difference of several hours.

Version 2017.3.1

  • Not applicable for this release.

Version 2017.2.2

  • [TRAN-641] When users completed transfer cases and the patient was then discharged in the Capacity Management ™ suite, the Patient Admission Details pane in the Community Access™ portal did not update. The patient’s card continued to appear 72 hours after the discharge and continued to display a status of Admitted. This has been fixed.

Version 2017.2.1

  • [TRAN-834] Deleted items in the Allergies configuration page turned the text red in cases where the item had been selected. The red text indicated that the allergy had been removed after it was saved in the case. However, the item incorrectly remained available for selection in new cases.

Version 2017.1.1

  • [TRAN-392, TRAN-710] Some clients observed that when the Cases list was either automatically or manually refreshed, the secondary sorting order of the cases on the screen changed.

Version 2017.1

  • Not applicable for this release.


  • Not applicable for this release.


  • [TRAN-779] Some clients saw an exception error when the Facility Disposition feature was enabled and they tried to create a new case. This has been corrected.

  • [TRAN-800] Some clients who had TC application version and later noticed facility disposition names that were used in cases were replaced by numbers when the following occurred:

1. The disposition was saved in at least one case as a Facility Disposition, but was never used as a Case Disposition.

2. The administrator later deleted the Facility Dispositions from the Dispositions configuration page.

This issue was fixed in version Now, when the administrator removes the facility disposition, the disposition appears in red text in the Dispositions configuration page, and the disposition name appears as red text in the cases where it was previously selected. Clients who notice this problem should contact TeleTracking Technical Support for assistance in retrieving lost data.

Version 3.5.2

  • [TRAN-642] Previously, when the Capacity Management ™ suite had two or more physicians with identical names, it was not possible to use all of these physicians in the TransferCenter™ application. This has been corrected.


The TransferCenter™ application cannot use more than one physician with an identical name in the same transfer case.


  • [TRAN-768] Users who had TelStrat® Engage™ Record noticed that there were some situations when a case could not be closed because a completed, linked call continued to display an In Progress status. The call recording system did not mark the call as completed, and therefore the TransferCenter™ application could not locate the call in the call recording database in order to link it. This release includes improvements to reduce the frequency of this issue. The TransferCenter™ application now informs users when it lacks the information it needs from TelStrat® Engage™ Record to locate a call after it is completed. The TransferCenter™ application does not link this call to the case while it is In Progress. However, users are notified so that they can manually link the call after it is completed. In addition, users can now close a case that has an In Progress call. A prompt appears, and users can select a confirmation to continue to close the case.

Version 3.5.1

  • [TRAN-555] When the TransferCenter™ application had the Facility Disposition feature enabled, the Facility page's Disposition Reason that was sent to the Community Access™ portal was only accurate for the first facility that was contacted. Subsequent updates to the Disposition Reason for the first contacted facility and for additional contacted facilities were not accurate.

  • [TRAN-610] When a closed case that did not initially appear in the Community Access™ portal was re-opened in the TransferCenter™ application, the case appeared in the Community Access™ portal with the current date and time.

Version 3.5.0

  • [TRAN-572] After upgrading the TransferCenter™ application to version 3.4 a red X appeared in some of the transfer case fields. A message appeared indicating a problem with local memory resources. Clients had to close and reopen the TransferCenter™ application to restore normal operation.

  • [TRAN-625] Clients who had the TransferCenter™ application integrated with the Community Access™ portal did not see the Clinical Information from the Community Access™ portal displayed in the HPI/PHM field of the corresponding TransferCenter™ application case.

Known Unresolved Issues

Version 2017.3.2

  • [OP-1810] Customers could not create users in the classic TransferCenter™ application when the Use TeleTracking XT™ for User Authentication option was selected in the General configuration page. This was because users with duplicate abbreviations existed in the TeleTracking XT™ platform. Fixed in version 2018.2 in TRAN-936

As a workaround, do the following:

a. Clear the Use TeleTracking XT™ for User Authentication box in the classic TransferCenter™ application General configuration page. Do not save.

b. Create users in the classic TransferCenter™ application with the same user names as those in the TeleTracking XT™ platform. Do not save.

c. Select the Use TeleTracking XT™ for User Authentication option again on the classic TransferCenter™ application General configuration page.

d. Save.

  • [TRAN-879] If an in-progress call has been linked to an new, unsaved transfer case, then the user will not be able to link the same in-progress call to another unsaved case.

As a workaround, do the following:

a. Wait for the call to be completed.

b. Link the call from the Available Call Recordings section of the transfer case's Recording page to the desired transfer case.

c. Save the case.

Version 2017.3.1

  • [TRAN-882] With version 5.x, the call recording program TelStrat® no longer supports the Mitel® SRC phone system. Therefore, new installations of the classic TransferCenter™ application version 2017.3.1 are not compatible with TelStrat® version 5.x if the Mitel® SRC phone system is used.

Version 2017.2.1

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2017.1.0

  • Not applicable for this version.


  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 3.5.2

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 3.5.1

  • [EA-327] For environments that have the Capacity Management ™ suite version 5.0 integrated with the classic TransferCenter™ application version 3.5.1, when the administrator selects the Use TeleTracking XT for User Authentication option on the General page of the Configuration section, the user lookup feature fails. Do not select this option when upgrading to the Capacity Management ™ suite version 5.0.

  • [TRAN-438] If a referral from the Community Access™ portal has no value entered for the Middle Initial or Suffix fields, when that referral is imported into the TransferCenter™ application, the Patient Full Name field displays the Last Name, First Name followed by a comma.

  • [DA-503] A referral that originates in the Community Access™ portal creates a case on the Pending tab in the TransferCenter™ application that cannot be imported when the following situation occurs:

While creating a referral in the Community Access™ portal, the external care provider, chooses a dictionary item (supplied by the classic TransferCenter™ application) which has never been used in the TeleTracking IQ® platform.

Before the external care provider submits the referral, the (missing or bad snippet) administrator removes that new dictionary item from the (missing or bad snippet) dictionary.

When the external care provider then submits the referral, an error appears because the dictionary item no longer exists in TeleTracking IQ® platform.

The referral appears on the Pending tab in classic TransferCenter™ application with the dictionary field blank. However, it cannot be imported as it does not exist in the TeleTracking IQ® platform.

If this situation occurs, contact TeleTracking Technical Support for assistance.

  • For environments that have the Capacity Management ™ suite versions 3.3.1 or 5.0 integrated with TransferCenter™ version 3.5.1, the Target Unit is cleared in both the transfer case and the Patient/Placement Details dialog box if the following actions occur:

A bed request is made in the TransferCenter™ application.

The bed request is then updated and saved in the Capacity Management ™ suite.

Any field in the transfer case is subsequently updated and saved in the TransferCenter™ application.

Version 3.5.0

  • [TRAN-555] When the TransferCenter™ application has the Facility Disposition feature enabled, the Facility page's Disposition Reason that is sent to the Community Access™ portal is only accurate for the first facility that is contacted. Subsequent updates to the Disposition Reason for the first contacted facility and for additional contacted facilities are not accurate. Fixed in version 3.5.1.

  • [TRAN-610] When a closed case that did not initially appear in the Community Access™ portal is re-opened in the TransferCenter™ application, the case appears in the Community Access™ portal with the current date and time. Fixed in version 3.5.1.

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