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Release Notes - Info - TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System TempTracking™
Release Notes - Info - TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System TempTracking™
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 5 months ago


Versions 3.4.0 through 2023.10. You'll find the new form of release notes in the Feature Announcements Collection

Release Notes for Location IQ® will remain here for the time being.

Eventually they will merge so bookmark the Location IQ® Release Notes!

Whats New?

Version 2023.08

  • Database Query Optimization: A database index was added that will reduce query execution time by over 99%. This update will improve application performance.

Version 2022.12

  • GDD and Battery Data Integration: Centrak GDD (Guaranteed Data Delivery) and low battery data will now display in graphs and reports.

Version 2022.10

  • Apache Web Server Upgrade: The Apache Web Server included in the TempTracking installer was upgraded to version 2.4.54.

  • Logos Update: The TeleTracking logos were updated.

Version 2022.06

  • In the Device Groups configuration page, administrators can use the new Alert Recipient field to select either the Admin Users option or Alert Condition Users option to receive alert notification emails. This enhancement expands the pool of notification recipients. Previously, only Admin Users could receive low battery, missing badge, and probe disconnect alerts. Now Alert Condition Users can also receive those types of notifications.

Version 2021.03


  • Monthly Temperature Report Renamed: With the addition of humidity data as well as temperature data, the Monthly Temperature Report has been renamed more appropriately as the Monthly Report.

Version 2021.02

Dashboard View

  • Dashboard View Real Time and Rolling Average Plots: Users can now activate or deactivate the Real Time plot and the Rolling Average plot on the Dashboard view by selecting or clearing the check box next to the name of the plot below the chart. This feature can make the chart easier to read.


  • Humidity Tracking: The TempTracking™ application now supports the gathering and display of humidity data in addition to the temperature data. Humidity data appears in various locations, providing health systems with additional information to better control sensitive storage environments.

  • Dual Probe Tracking: The TempTracking™ application can now gather and display data from two probes for each Centrak sensor. This enhancement increases the number of data points tracked if customers have the dual probe sensors.

Installation Program

  • Installation Program Integration Service: The TTTemperatureHardwareDriver service has been replaced by the TTTeleTracking Centrak Integration service in version 2021.02 and later. The TTTeleTracking Centrak Integration service is now automatically installed and is required for proper system function. In addition, the TempTracking™ application installer now automatically checks to see if the Centrak Integration service is already installed. If the service is already present on the system, the installation wizard clears the Launch TeleTracking’s Integration Installer check box, and the Centrak Integration service is not installed again. This avoids unnecessary downtime and prevents configurations from being unintentionally overwritten.

  • Mobile Compatibility: The TempTracking™ application is now optimized to be compatible with mobile browsers for Apple® iPhones® and iPads®.

Version 2020.06

  • TempTracking No Longer Needs Adobe® Flash®: Version 2020.06 and later of the TempTracking™ application no longer depends on Adobe® Flash®. This enhancement allows users to more easily view the Dashboard on modern browsers, such as Google Chrome™, Mozilla® Firefox®, and the Microsoft® Chromium-Based Edge. In addition, users will not experience any interruption when Adobe® discontinues Flash® on December 31, 2020.

Version 2020.04 for Temp ONLY

  • Windows Server 2019 and IIS 11 Supported: The TempTracking™ application version 2020.05 and later supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2019 with Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10.

Version 2020.03 for Temp ONLY

  • SQL Server® 2017 and 2019 Supported: The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions v2020.03 and later support Microsoft® SQL Server® 2017 and 2019.

Version 2018.2.1.4

  • Improvements in Associating Devices and Users with Device Groups: You can select check boxes to associate devices with device groups and to select the users who will have access to device groups. The check boxes make it easier to see which devices and users you have and have not selected to associate with a device group. The Create Device Groups, Update Device Groups, Create Device, Update Device, Create Users, and Update Users pages have been revised.

  • Improvements to Messaging When Unit of Measurement for Device is Incompatible with Unit of Measurement for Selected Device Group: A device must use the same unit of temperature measurement (Fahrenheit of Celsius) as the device group with which you associate it. In addition, all devices in one group must use the same unit of measurement. When you create or update a device, you can select multiple device groups to associate it with. If you select a device group that has an incompatible unit of measurement, the device cannot be saved. A message appears indicating which device groups are incompatible. This makes it easy for you to see which device groups cannot be associated with the device. You can clear the check boxes for the incompatible device groups, and then save the device.

Version 2018.2

  • Temperature Can Be Displayed in Degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius on the Dashboard View: Some hospital departments use degrees Celsius to convey temperature while others, such as Food Service, use Fahrenheit. On the Dashboard View, you can select C or F from the Temperature Degrees list, and then select Filter, to display temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. Your selection changes only the display on the Dashboard View. It does not change how temperatures appear in data and on reports.

  • Reactivate Deactivated User Accounts: If a user account was previously deactivated, an administrator can reactivate it. In the Users view, the row that shows a deactivated user's information has an Activate link. The administrator can click the Activate link to reactivate the user account. As part of this change, the Show Deactivated Users check box has been removed. Administrators can see deactivated users in the Users view.

Version 3.4.0

  • Missing Sensor email updated with group ID: When a Missing Sensor email is sent for a sensor that belongs to multiple groups, the subject line now contains a group ID to help the recipient determine which group the email is associated with.

Key Changes

Version 2023.10

Version 2019.02

  • [RTLS-1537] The format of the product version number has been changed to For example, the current version is 2019.02.

Version 2018.2.1.1

  • With this release, the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solution has been updated to support TLS 1.2 in a Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016 environment. TLS (short for Transportation Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol used to establish a secure communications channel between two systems. It is used to authenticate one or both systems and protect the confidentiality and integrity of information that passes between systems. This means:

    • When data is in transit, TLS 1.2 encrypts it.

    • Once data is delivered to the destination website, TLS 1.2 unencrypts it.

  • To enable TLS 1.2 support, TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ has been updated with the necessary drivers.

  • SQL Server 2012 R2 has not been specifically tested with TLS 1.2 for this release, but it is expected to run without issue. If you are running TeleTracking RTLS with SQL Server 2012 SP2 with TLS 1.2, you must first download Cumulative update package 10 for SQL Server 2012 SP2 from Microsoft available here. This update is required to support TLS 1.2.

  • Additional information regarding the transition to TLS 1.2 across the TeleTracking platform is forthcoming.

  • [RTLS-1368] / [RTLS-1428] Apache® HTTP server software version 2.4.29 is bundled with the AssetTracking and TempTracking version 2018.2.1.1 installation programs and therefore does not require manual installation. Note that you may encounter a “Page cannot be displayed” error when you launch AssetTracking and/or TempTracking. If that happens, you must start Apache manually.

Version 2018.2

  • [RTLS-1226] To reduce gaps in the data received in the TempTracking™ application and facilitate more accurate temperature readings, two configuration settings have been changed. The min_temperature_change_c setting has been changed from 0.5 to 0.0. The min_update_time_seconds default setting is now 300.

Version 3.4.0

  • [RTLS-1192] CenTrak® Service Pack 19 has been regression tested with the AssetTracking® application and the TempTracking™ application.

Fixed Issues

Version 2023.10

  • [RTLS-3157] Sometimes, the TempTracking™ application erroneously generated unnecessary missing sensor events and alerts for sensors that tracked historical data. This has been corrected, and now unnecessary missing sensor events and alerts are not generated for sensors that track historical data.

  • [RTLS-2247] For missing sensor events, if no administrator email was specified for the sensor’s group, then the system would not create a missing sensor event for the device. This has been fixed, and now missing sensor events result in an alert sent to the group’s members.

Version 2023.08

  • [RTLS-3031] When running the Event History Report in theTempTracking™ application, alert information did not display as expected. This issue has been fixed.

  • [RTLS-3103] An error appeared when users attempted to archive the TempTracking™ application data. This has been fixed, and now an error does not appear when the TempTracking application archive runs.

Version 2022.10

  • [RTLS-1527] Administrators saw an error when they selected the Edit link for a device group on the Device Group page. This issue has been fixed, and now the Update Device Group page displays as expected when the Edit link is selected. (The defect occurs because the Battery column no longer appears on the Device Group page. The battery levels can be viewed elsewhere on the Sensors page.)

  • [RTLS-2707] Within Admin Functions > Device Groups, when Admin Users were selected from the Alert Recipient drop-down list, the device out of range notification emails went to administrators only. This behavior is incorrect and is now fixed.

  • [RTLS-2188] Users received disconnected probe alerts and emails every five minutes. This has been fixed, and now users receive only one disconnected probe alert and email as expected.

Version 2022.08

  • [RTLS 2188] Users received disconnected probe alerts and emails every five minutes. This has been fixed, and now users only receive one disconnected probe alert and email as expected.

Version 2022.06

  • [RTLS 2479] When changing pages of the Device List, the chart did not refresh and displayed the sensor from the previous page. This has been fixed, and now each page of the Device List automatically updates the line chart to display the first sensor on the selected page.

Version 2021.07

  • [RTLS-2150] Some customers received unexpected alerts because the TempTracking™ application generated duplicate data which affected the rolling average. This has been corrected, and the application no longer generates duplicate data that causes unexpected alerts.

  • [RTLS-2151] On the Dashboard when a probe’s Current Value was zero, the calculated point for the probe's Rolling Average did not appear, which left a gap in the Rolling Average graph. This has been fixed, and now the Rolling Average graph does not display a gap when the Current Value is zero.

Version 2021.05

  • [RTLS-2111] Several issues were fixed in this ticket: No alert email was sent when the alert was configured to trigger on the 1-hour rolling average. This has been fixed, and now alert emails are sent if the alerts trigger from the 1-hour rolling average. Alerts were sent immediately to multiple recipients who were configured to receive their alerts at staggered times. This has been fixed, and now staggered alerts are sent at the correct time for each recipient. A memory leak required customers to periodically restart services in order to restore system performance. This issue has been addressed, and will no longer require periodic service restarts. [RTLS-2123] When the entire alert condition temperature range was below zero, the label defining the range did not appear in the range's colored band on the Dashboard chart view. This has been corrected, and now the alert condition range label always appears on the Dashboard chart view. [RTLS-2132] This ticket included the following two issues: Temperature-only sensors mistakenly generated alert emails that referenced humidity. This has been fixed, and now alert emails from temperature-only sensors do not reference humidity. Alerts were incorrectly created for sensors reporting temperatures equal to the lowest limit of the alert range. When this incorrect alert was created, the probe ID did not appear in the Probe(s) Alerting column of the Alerts view. Both issues have been fixed, and now probes are created correctly and appear correctly on the Alerts view when they report temperatures equal to the lowest value of the alert range.

Version 3.4.0

  • [RTLS-1135] The TempTracking Alerts report displays temperature values in Fahrenheit only.

Known Unresolved Issues

Version 2021.09

  • [RTLS-2171] Attention customers who use Centrak as their RTLS hardware vendor and use any 2021 version of the TempTracking™ application, and the following humidity and ambient temperature badge types: ITD 7366 ITD-733 You must upgrade your Centrak Rest Connector to version 1.18 or later. This integration will be included with the TempTracking™ application version 2021.10 or later by default. Please contact TeleTracking Technical Support if you have a lower version of the TempTracking™ application and are unable to upgrade at this time.

Version 2021.02

  • The Safari® browser displays Device Names and sensor serial numbers that are within the range of 1000000 - 1999999 as links. This issue does not affect the functionality of the TempTracking™ application.

Version 3.4.0

  • [RTLS-855] The following columns cannot be sorted Alerts > Open For, Admin > Archive Jobs > Archive Start Date and Archive End Date, and Admin > Device Name, Device ID, and Sensor ID. Sorting on the Alerts > Responses > Response column causes the error "We're sorry, but something went wrong."

  • [RTLS-1006] Missing Sensor email notifications are sent instead of Low Battery email notifications.

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