As the application transitions to SaaS, TempTracking™ will transition to Location IQ® Temp and AssetTracking® will transition to Location IQ® Asset. Until then you will still see TempTracking™ and AssetTracking® Referenced in the documentation.
About the TempTracking™ Application
The TempTracking™ application provides hospitals with the ability to report, measure, and monitor temperature-controlling devices such as refrigerators and freezers containing medications, blood and tissue samples, food products as well as other units that warrant continuous monitoring like blanket warmers to assure compliant temperature ranges. The TempTracking™ application gathers incoming temperature data from wireless mobile sensors. These sensors are asset tracking tags that are equipped with internal temperature gauges or, alternatively, can be used with external probes. The sensors are attached to devices in much the same way that asset tracking tags are attached to assets. The temperature data for each device is available for display on the TempTracking™ Dashboard view.
The TempTracking™ application dashboard includes a device list and temperature data ata-glance. Data can also be exported to a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) report from this view. For more information see Exporting Device Data. Clicking the Dashboard icon, or alternatively the TeleTracking® TempTracking™ logo, returns the user the Dashboard view from any other view. Clicking the Help link, located in the upper right-hand corner of any screen, displays the TempTracking™ User and Administrator Guide in PDF format
Note that version numbers that appear in screenshot images presented here may not match your installation exactly. Minor version patches may occur more frequently than changes to this document without affecting the accuracy of the information provided. TempTracking™ User and Administrator Guide Version 2022.xx
The views associated with the TempTracking™ application are:
Dashboard view
Alerts view
Device Maintenance view
Reports view
The TempTracking™ application includes the following features:
Temperature data displayed as a graph or calendar
Configurable email alerts (displayed on the Alerts view) when temperatures fall outside required parameters or when external probes become disconnected
Temperature reports by date or event (accessed from the Reports view)
Logging In
When accessing TempTracking™ application from a new browser window for the first time, the following login screen appears.
To log on to TempTracking™:
Enter the email address associated with your account in the Email field.
Enter your account password in the Password field.
Click Login.
Understanding the Dashboard View
Device List
The left side of the dashboard displays a list of devices that are attached to a temperature sensor and its current temperatures. Each sensor can have two probes, and therefore, display two sets of temperature data or one set of temperature and one set of humidity data. By default the devices are listed alphabetically by Device Name. The list can be filtered to make it easier to navigate. For more information on filtering devices, see Filtering the Device List. Selecting any device from the list displays on the right side of the dashboard the temperatures of all sensors that are attached to that device during the specified time period.
Status Icons
The device display also includes status icons, which are color-coded to describe the current condition of the device:
Green Sensor is within the correct temperature or humidity range
Red Sensor is outside temperature or humidity range defined by Alert Status
Blue Sensor has not reported for the Sensor Missing Duration (in Minutes) defined in its Device Group
Orange Sensor is disconnected from device
Grey Sensor has not triggered any alerts.
Filtering the Device List
In cases where the filter list spans multiple “pages”, filtering the device list can make it easier to locate needed data.
To filter the Device List:
In the Device Group field, do one of the following:
If you know the device group to which the device belongs, click the arrow next to the Device Group field and select a device group from the list.
If you do not know the device group to which device group the device belongs, accept the default (all groups) selection.
In the Temperature Degrees field, select the Fº or Cº option.
In the search field, enter the appropriate filter text. Filter text can include any part of the device ID, device name, device description, or sensor ID. The entire name is not necessary. Do not use “wildcard” symbols, such as “*,” when filtering. If you selected a device group, the search is limited to the devices in that group.
Click Filter.
To clear the filter selections, select Reset.
Filter the Device List by Alerts
The Alert Filter bar appears at the top of the Dashboard view. It displays from left to right the following icons representing the alert conditions:
Red (out of range)
Blue (missing)
Amber (disconnected)
A number appears next to each alert icon signifying how many devices are in that alert condition.
The gray icon replaces an alert icon if no device is in that alert condition. In the example below, because there are no devices in the amber alert condition, the gray icon replaces the amber icon.
To filter the Device List by alert condition
In the Alert Filter bar, select the colored icon for an alert condition.
The Devices List refreshes to display only the devices in the selected alert condition.
To clear the selected alert condition:
Select Reset next to Filter in the Device List.
If the device’s sensor is attached to dual probes, an alert icon appears if one or both of the probes is in an alert condition.
Displaying Device Details
Select a device in the Devices List to display the device’s information.
The device’ s Current Value, the 1 Hour Average, Daily Average and Daily High and Low temperatures appear in the gray Device Details bar at the top of the Dashboard.
If the device’s sensor is attached to dual probes, the second probe’s data appears below the first probe’s data in the device details bar.
The Current Value - the value most recently read by the probe.
1-Hour Average - the average temperature over the last hour.
Daily Average - the average of all hours of the day to the current time.
By default, temperature data from each device is updated in the TempTracking ™ application every 15 minutes. The temperature update frequency can be customized as needed on both the hardware and software. Administrators can see information about devices that are not attached to temperature sensors on the Device Maintenance view.
The device’s temperature history details can be displayed in chart or calendar view. For more information, see Displaying the Chart View and Displaying the Calendar view.
Displaying the Chart View
About the Chart View
When you select a device in the Device List, the dashboard chart view displays incremental temperature data recorded from the selected device in the form of a line graph. This chart can be set to view the temperatures recorded over the past day, week, or month. When viewing a large selection of data, the chart view includes history navigation arrows that allow users to scroll backward and forward through the chart. For more information, see Using the History Navigation Arrows.
To Display the Chart View
Select a device in the Device List.
Click Chart on the Dashboard view.
Date – Change the date by selecting the next or previous arrows next to the date.
Time Frame – Change the span of time displayed on the x axis in the chart by selecting Day, Week, or Month in the Time Frame options.
Day - Displays the current day in 6-hour increments along the x-axis with points plotted every 15 minutes between the increments. The times start and end at midnight for the selected day.
Week – Displays one-hour averages for the current day and the previous seven days. Midnight (12:00 AM) for each day is labeled along the x-axis with hour’s average points plotted between the increments.
Month – Displays the previous 30 days up to the current day of the week. Points appear for the rolling average between the increments.
Acceptable Range – If the administrator has configured alerts for the Device Group, a green band on the chart defines the acceptable temperature range for probe #1. An orange band on the chart defines the acceptable temperature or humidity range for probe #2. A yellow-green band on the chart defines where the two probe’s acceptable ranges overlap. Any values that appear in the white areas outside of the colored bands are values outside of the acceptable temperature range. To view an acceptable range, select the box next to the range’s description in the legend. To remove an acceptable range from the chart, clear the box next to the range’s description in the legend.
Dynamic Vertical Bar – Hold your cursor over the chart to display a dynamic vertical bar and a pop-up that displays the Real Time Value and the Rolling Average at that point.
Real Time Plot – The dark blue plot on the graph displays the historical temperature values for probe #1 and updates every 15 minutes. The light blue plot on the graph displays the historical temperature or humidity values for probe #2 and updates every 15 minutes. To view a plot, select the box next to its description in the legend. If the second probe records temperature, the legend will say “Probe #2” next to the plot’s name. If the second probe records humidity, the legend will say “Humidity” next to the plot’s name. You can select more than one box. To remove a plot from the chart, clear the box next to its description in the legend.
Rolling Average Plot – The green plot displays the average temperatures up to the current time for probe #1. The orange plot displays the average temperatures or humidity up to the current time for probe #2. To view a plot, select the box next to its description in the legend. If the second probe records temperature, the legend will say “Probe #2” next to the plot’s name. If the second probe records humidity, the legend will say “Humidity” next to the plot’s name. You can select more than one box. To remove a plot from the chart, clear the box next to its description in the legend.
If the Time Frame is set to Day, each Rolling Average data point represents the average of all data points reported for that day up to the current time.
If the Time Frame is set to Week, the Rolling Average is calculated based on the sum of data points reported at the top of each hour over the last week, divided by hours per week.
If the Time Frame is set to Month, the Rolling Average is calculated based on the sum of data points reported at the top of each hour over the last month, divided by hours per month.
Using the History Navigation Arrows
The navigation arrows, located above the device data bar, allow users to scroll day by day through large data sets by clicking the directional arrows.
Displaying the Calendar View
Select the Calendar option to view the device’s daily average temperature data in a monthly calendar format. When viewing a large selection of data, the chart view includes monthly navigation arrows that allow you scroll backward and forward month by month.
If probe 1 is a temperature probe and probe 2 is a humidity probe, the data appears on the calendar view as shown below.
If both probes are temperature probes, the data appears on the calendar view as shown below.
Exporting Device Data
Clicking Export produces a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) report of the currently displayed data. The report includes two columns, one displaying the date and another displaying the related temperature reading. This report can be viewed in Microsoft® Excel or as a comma separated text file.
To export data:
Select the appropriate device for the export.
Click Export.
Click Open to display the report immediately or Save to place a copy of the report on your computer. If you clicked Save, the Save as Location dialog box appears.
Browse to select a location to store your report.
Click Save.
Understanding the Alerts View
The TempTracking ™ application provides functionality to configure email alerts when temperatures readings fall outside the required parameters for a specific device. When an alert is triggered, these alerts are displayed on the Alerts view.
To access the Alerts view, click the Alerts icon located at the top of the page.
The Alerts view includes the following information:
Device Name — The name of the device that went out of the acceptable temperature range.
Device ID — The device’s system ID.
Sensor ID — The unique ID for the sensor (temperature tag) that is attached to the device.
Alert Condition — The name of the temperature alert condition which is out of range. If a device is missing, the value Missing appears in this column.
Probe One Alert Range — The range of temperatures that are acceptable. Any temperature outside of this range triggers an alert. Abbreviations in parenthesis indicate if the alert was triggered by a real-time (RT) or rolling average (Hr Avg).
Probe One Value — If the probe is disconnected, a value of Disconnected appears. If the probe has a calibration error, then a value of Configuration appears.
Probe Two Alert Range — The range of temperatures or humidity that are acceptable. Any temperature or humidity outside of this range triggers an alert. Abbreviations in parenthesis indicate if the alert was triggered by a real-time (RT) or rolling average (Hr Avg).
Probe Two Value — If the probe is disconnected, a value of Disconnected appears. If the probe has a calibration error, then a value of Configuration appears.
Probe(s) Alerting — Which probe(s) sent the alert.
Alert Date/Time — The time the alert occurred.
Status — The status of the alert.
Open For — How long the alert has been open.
Alert responses — The number of responses to the alert – See Viewing Alert Responses and Adding Alert Responses.
When the temperature of a device moves out of the alert range, the alert’s status automatically changes to Closed, and the Open For counter stops counting.
There will only be one active alert displayed on the dashboard per device at a time. The alert will match the current status of the sensor. For example, when a missing alert is displayed, a blue icon will be shown for the sensor and any previous alerts (such as out of range) will be closed. If the status of the of sensor changes, the alert will be updated accordingly.
Searching for Alerts
In cases where there is a long table of alerts, clicking Search displays a search field. Enter the text you wish to search by, then click Search to the right of the field. The search text is compared to the content of the Device column, displaying only those devices that match.
Viewing Alert Responses
Alert responses information is manually entered by any user who has responded to the alert. This information is used to track who responded to alerts and what was done. The Alert Response detail displays the username of the responder, response time and response message for each person who entered an alert response.
To view alert responses, click the Alert Responses link in the appropriate device’s row.
The Alert Responses for Alert detail section expands below the device’s row.
Adding Alert Responses
To add an Alert Response:
Click the Alerts icon.
Click the Alert Responses link for the appropriate device. The Alert Responses detail appears.
Click Create New. The Create Alert Responses page appears. By default, the Responder name field is populated with the currently logged in user account. This information can be changed as needed. The Response time is included automatically.
Enter the appropriate response message in the Response field.
Click Create.
Exporting Alert Data
Clicking Export produces a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) report of the currently displayed alert data. This report can be viewed in Microsoft® Excel® or as a comma separated text file.
To export data:
Select the appropriate device for the export.
Click Export.
Click Open to display the report immediately or Save to place a copy of the report on your computer. If you clicked Save, the Save as Location dialog box appears.
Browse to select a location to store your report.
Click Save.
Understanding the Reports View
Understanding the Reports View
The Reports view allows users to generate the Monthly View Report and Event Report options. These reports provide users with a concise display of the data supplied by the TempTracking™ devices.
To access the Reports view, click the Reports icon located at the top of the page.
The following reports are available from the Reports view:
Report Description |
Monthly View Report |
Event Report |
Device Attachment Report |
Alerts Report |
Report Description
Monthly View Report: The Monthly View Report includes the Average, High, and Low temperatures for a specific device for a selected month.
Event Report: The Event Report includes alerts and related responses for a specific device or all devices for a selected month.
Device Attachment Report: The Device Attachment Report displays a history of the sensors that were attached to the selected device(s).
Alerts Report: The Alerts Report displays all the alerts that have been open for a specified minimum amount of time.
About the Monthly Report
The Monthly Temperature Report displays the month’s data in a separate section for each device.
The header for each device’s section displays the following information:
Database type (Archive or Production).
Device name.
Device ID in parenthesis after the device name.
Sensor ID that was associated with the device during the month and year of the report.
Probe IDs that were associated with the sensor.
Month and year of the data displayed in the report.
Acceptable Range of any alert conditions to which the device belongs.
The body of each report section displays data for individual dates. Each row is data for one day. There are columns for Probe 1 and Probe 2 which are populated with data as appropriate.
Creating a Monthly Report
To create a Monthly Report:
Click the Reports icon.
From the Monthly Report section, select the Database that you want to supply data for the report (Production or Archive).
Select a device group from the Device Group list. The Device drop-down list displays only the devices from the device group that you selected.
In the Device field select one of the following options:
If you want to report on one device in the group, select the device from the Device drop-down list.
If you want to report on all the devices in the selected device group, accept the default selection of (all devices).
Select a month from the Month dropdown list.
In the Format field, select one of the following formats for the report from the list.
Click View Report.
If you selected the HTML format option, the Monthly Report appears in a separate browser window.
If you selected the PDF format option, the report appears in a separate browser window from where it can be saved.
If you selected the Excel option, the report is downloaded into your computer as an XML file, and your browser prompts you to either open or save the file.
About the Event Report
The Event Report displays the month’s temperature data in a separate section for each device.
The header for each device’s section displays the following information:
Database type (Archive or Production).
Device name.
Device ID in parenthesis after the device name.
Sensor ID that was associated with the device during the month and year of the report.
Probe IDs that were attached to the sensor.
Month and year of the data displayed in the report.
Acceptable Range of any alert conditions to which the device belongs.
The body of each report section displays data for individual dates. Each row is data for one day. There are columns for Probe 1 and Probe 2 which are populated with data as appropriate.
Creating an Event Report
To create an Event Report:
Click the Reports icon.
From the Event Report section, select the Database that you want to supply data for the report (Production or Archive).
Select a device group from the Device Group list. The Device drop-down list displays only the devices from the device group that you selected.
In the Device field select one of the following options:
If you want to report on one device in the group, select the device from the Device drop-down list.
If you want to report on all the devices in the selected device group, accept the default selection of (all devices).
Select a month from the Month dropdown list.
In the Format field, select one of the following formats for the report from the list.
Click View Report.
If you selected the HTML format option, the Event Report appears in a separate browser window.
If you selected the PDF format option, the report appears in a separate browser window from where it can be saved.
If you selected the Excel option, the report is downloaded into your computer as an XML file, and your browser prompts you to either open or save the file.
About the Device Attachment Report
The Device Attachment Report displays a history of the sensors that were attached to the selected device(s).
The report header displays the following information:
Database type (Archive or Production).
Device name.
Device ID in parenthesis after the device name.
Sensor ID that was associated with the device during the month and year of the report.
Probe IDs that were attached to the sensor.
Month and year of the data displayed in the report.
Acceptable Range of any alert conditions to which the device belongs.
Creating a Device Attachment Report
To create a Device Attachment Report:
Click the Reports icon.
From the Device Attachment Report section, select the Database that you want to supply data for the report (Production or Archive).
Select a device group from the Device Group list. The Device drop-down list displays only the devices from the device group that you selected.
In the Device field select one of the following options:
If you want to report on one device in the group, select the device from the Device drop-down list.
If you want to report on all the devices in the selected device group, accept the default selection of (all devices).
Select a month from the Month dropdown list.
In the Format field, select one of the following formats for the report from the list.
Click View Report.
If you selected the HTML format option, the Device Attachment Report appears in a separate browser window.
If you selected the PDF format option, the report appears in a separate browser window from where it can be saved.
If you selected the Excel option, the report is downloaded into your computer as an XML file, and your browser prompts you to either open or save the file.
About the Alerts Report
The Alerts Report displays all the alerts that have been open for a specified minimum amount of time.
The header for each alert section displays the following information:
Database type (Archive or Production).
Device name.
Device ID in parenthesis after the device name.
Sensor ID that was associated with the device during the month and year of the report.
Probe IDs that were attached to the sensor.
Month and year of the data displayed in the report.
Acceptable Range of any alert conditions to which the device belongs.
The body of each report section displays data for individual dates. Each row is data for one day. There are columns for Probe 1 and Probe 2 which are populated with data as appropriate.
Creating an Alerts Report
To create an Alerts Report:
Click the Reports icon.
From the Alerts Report section, select the Database that you want to supply data for the report (Production or Archive).
Select a device group from the Device Group list. The Device drop-down list displays only the devices from the device group that you selected.
In the Device field select one of the following options:
If you want to report on one device in the group, select the device from the Device drop-down list.
If you want to report on all the devices in the selected device group, accept the default selection of (all devices).
Select a month from the Month dropdown list.
In the Format field, select one of the following formats for the report from the list.
Click View Report.
If you selected the HTML format option, the Alerts Report appears in a separate browser window.
If you selected the PDF format option, the report appears in a separate browser window from where it can be saved.
If you selected the Excel option, the report is downloaded into your computer as an XML file, and your browser prompts you to either open or save the file.
Creating an Alerts Report (Continued)
If you selected the PDF format option, the report appears in a separate browser window from where it can be saved.
If you selected the Excel option, the report is downloaded into your computer as an XML file, and your browser prompts you to either open or save the file.
Accessing the Administrative View
The Administrative view of the TempTracking™ application provides users with administrative access to configure and define a variety of management level functions.
Function Description
Devices: Displays information on all devices and related values defined in the application. Administrators can edit existing or define new devices by adding a name, unique identifier, and related device groups. For more information, see Device Maintenance.
Device Groups: Displays information on all device groups and related values defined in the application. Administrators can edit existing or create new device groups by adding a name, related devices, users with access, and an administrator email. For more information, see Device Groups.
Alert Conditions: Displays information on all alert conditions and related values defined in the application. Administrators can edit existing or create new alert conditions by adding related devices, email recipients, and alert conditions. For more information, see Alert Conditions.
Users: Displays information on all user accounts and related values defined in the application. Administrators can edit existing or create new user accounts. For more information, see User Accounts.
System Settings: Displays information relating to the SMTP server configuration for this application. For more information, see System Settings.
Archive Management Settings: Displays the current default archive settings and includes the option to modify the settings as needed. For more information, see Archive Management Settings Option.
Archive Jobs: Displays the archive jobs history. For more information, see Archive Jobs Option.
Accessing the Administrative View
To access the Administrative view, click the Admin link located in the upper right of any view.
Note: Your user account must have administrator rights to perform the functions included in the following sections.
Searching Tables in the Administrative View
In cases where there are large tables in any administrative view, clicking Search displays a search field. Enter the text for which you want to search and click Search to the right of the field. Click Reset to clear the search field.
Clicking the Sensors option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays a quick view of the data for all sensors included within the TempTracking™ application. Additionally, you can edit or delete individual sensors from this view. If a sensor has more than one probe, the Probe Two Value column is populated with data.
Note: The Temp Value field of sensors that are attached to devices displays the unit of measure (Fahrenheit or Celsius) selected for the device group. For unattached sensors, the Temp Value field is displayed in Fahrenheit units of measure.
Editing Sensors
To edit sensor information:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Sensors from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click the Edit link to the right of the appropriate sensor. The Update Sensor page is displayed.
Modify the Sensor Unique ID field as required.
Click Update to save your modifications.
Adding Sensors
To add a new sensor:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Sensors from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click Create New. The Create Sensor page is displayed.
Enter the unique identifier for the sensor in the Sensor Unique field. The unique identifier is the number assigned at manufacture on the sensor itself.
Click Create to save the sensor information.
Note: There is no validation for the settings on the screen. They must be entered correctly for proper functioning. If a sensor has more than one probe, the probes are configured automatically.
Device Maintenance
Clicking the Devices option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays the Device Maintenance view. This is a quick view of the data for all devices that have temperature sensors (tags) attached within the TempTracking™ application. Additionally, you can view Device Group data, and edit or delete individual devices from this view.
Adding Devices
To add a new device:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Click Create New. The Device page is displayed.
Enter the descriptive name of the device in the Name field. (Example: Kitchen Refrigerator 1)
Enter the unique identifier for the device in the Device Unique field. The unique identifier is the number assigned at manufacture on the device itself.
In Device Groups, select the boxes next to the groups which include the device. For more information, see Device Groups.
Click Create to save the device information or Cancel to dismiss the Update Device page without saving your changes.
Note: Devices must belong to at least one device group. The devices in one device group must all use the same Units setting (Fahrenheit or Celsius).
Editing Devices
To edit device information:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Click the Edit link to the right of the appropriate device. The Update Device page is displayed.
Modify fields as required.
Click Update to save your modifications or Cancel to dismiss the Update Device page without saving your changes.
Deleting Devices
To delete a device:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Click the arrow next to More in the row of a device that you want to delete.
Select the Delete option from the list.
Click OK to continue to delete the device or Cancel to not delete the device. If you clicked OK, the device’s row is cleared from the view.
Detaching Devices from Temperature Sensors
To detach a device from a Temperature sensor:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Click the arrow next to More in the row of a device that you want to detach.
Select the Detach option in the list.
Click OK to continue to detach the device or Cancel to not detach the device. If you clicked OK, the sensor ID is cleared from the device’s row.
View Unattached Devices
To view devices that are not attached to Temperature sensors:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view. Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Click the arrow in the Sensor ID header. The Device Maintenance view is sorted with the devices that do not have a value in the Sensor ID field at the top of the list. These are the devices have no temperature sensor attached to them.
Attaching Devices to Temperature Sensors
To detach a device from a Temperature sensor:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Maintenance view appears.
Sort the list to have the devices with no Sensor ID field value at the top.
Click the arrow next to More in the row of a device that does not have a Sensor ID field value.
Select the Attach option in the list.
Click OK to continue or Cancel to exit the attachment process. If you clicked OK, the Attach Device dialog box appears displaying a list of available temperature sensors.
You can search for a particular temperature sensor by typing the sensor’s unique ID in the search box and clicking Search.
Click the Link This Sensor link for the sensor that you want to attach to the device. The dialog box closes, and the sensor’s ID populates the Sensor ID field for the device.
Device Groups
Clicking the Device Groups option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays a quick view of the data for all device groups included within the TempTracking™ application. Additionally, you can view Device and User data and edit or delete individual device groups from this view. Device Groups are used to define which users have access to devices.
Editing Device Groups
To edit device group information:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Device Groups from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click the Edit link to the right of the appropriate device group. The Update Device Group page is displayed.
Modify fields as required.
Click Update to save your modifications or Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving any changes.
Adding Device Groups
To add a new device group:
Click the Admin link to view the administrative view.
Click Device Groups from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click Create New. The Create Device Group page appears.
Enter the name of the device group in the Name field.
Click the arrow next to the Units field and select the temperature type for devices in the group from the list (Fahrenheit or Celsius).
Note: All the devices in one group must use the same type of unit of measurement setting (Fahrenheit or Celsius). In addition, because devices can belong to more than one device group, all the device groups to which a device belongs must have the same Units setting.
In the Devices in Group section, select the boxes next to the devices that are in the group.
Enter the amount of time after which to send missing sensor notification emails to the Admin Email in the Sensor Missing Duration (in minutes) field.
Enter the administrator email in the Admin Email field.
Note: The email address specified in this field will receive email notifications when sensors in this group are not detected for the duration specified in the Sensor Missing Duration (in minutes) field, as well as when sensors in this group which are connected to external probes become disconnected and reconnected to the probes.
Enter the email address to be notified when sensors reach a low battery level in the Low Battery Email field.
In Alert Recipient, select what kind of recipients can receive the notification emails: Alert Condition Users or Admin Users.
Click Create to save the device group information.
Editing the Default Device Group
In version 3.1 and later, all devices must belong to at least one device group. Devices from previous versions that are not in a device group are automatically assigned to the Default device group upon upgrade. The Default device group cannot be deleted or renamed, but the administrator can configure its temperature type to Fahrenheit or Celsius as described in the Editing Device Groups section.
Deleting Device Groups
To delete a device group:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Devices from the Admin Functions toolbar. The Device Group list appears.
Click the Delete link to the right of the appropriate device. A warning message appears.
Click OK to accept the deletion or click Cancel to cancel the deletion.
Alert Conditions
Clicking the Alert Conditions option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays a quick view of the data for all alert conditions included within the TempTracking™ application. Alert conditions are used to define:
Who should be contacted when an alert is triggered.
What conditions cause the alert to be triggered for each probe.
Creating a New Alert Condition
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Alert Conditions from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click New Condition. The New Alert Condition page is displayed.
Enter the Title of the new alert condition.
In the Device Group Filter list, select the device group that contains the devices that you want to trigger the alert. The devices in the selected group appear in the Other Available Devices list.
In the Other Available Devices list, select the checkboxes for the devices that you want to trigger the alert. If you want all of the available devices to trigger the alert, select the (all devices) checkbox.
In the Recipients section, select the username of the user that should receive an alert from the select recipient drop-down list. In the after field, type the time in minutes that should elapse before sending the alert. Selected users receive alert messages at the email addresses specified in their user accounts.
To add additional recipients, click the Add Another Email Address link. Repeat this process for each additional email recipient that you want to add. Each recipient appears in a separate box. To delete a recipient, click the Remove link under the username that you want to remove.
In the Conditions area, enter the trigger conditions. Determine whether the alert should be triggered when the Real Time or 1 Hour Rolling Average temperature leaves the acceptable temperature range. Define the acceptable temperature range for the first probe’s alert. If the sensor is attached to a second probe, enter either the temperature or humidity range that defines the probe’s acceptable range.
Click Create Alert to save the alert settings.
Alert Condition Example: Selecting the Rolling Average and entering a low temperature of 15°F and a high temperature of 25°F produces the following attributes:
A green, acceptable temperature (15°F - 25°F) area is displayed on the related device dashboard chart view.
If the average temperature for the past 60 minutes moves outside the acceptable temperature range (below 15°F or above 25°F), an alert is displayed in the Alerts view, the Outside Temperature Range icon appears to the right of the device name, and an email alert is sent to the Recipient Email Addresses.
Copying an Alert Condition
Copying an alert condition eliminates the need to retype the alert information and email addresses for recipients.
To copy an alert condition, do the following:
On the Alert Conditions page of the Admin section, locate the alert condition that you want to copy.
Click the Copy Alert link for the alert condition that you want to copy. The Copy Alert Condition dialog box appears with the text “(Copy)” following the alert’s title. Because a device can only be associated with one alert condition, the devices are removed from the copied alert condition.
Give the alert condition and new name by editing the Alert Title field.
Add devices to the alert condition by following the steps described in the Creating a New Alert Condition section.
In the Recipients section, accept the copied email addresses or add and remove email addresses by following the steps described in the Creating a New Alert Condition section.
In the Conditions area, accept the copied conditions to trigger the alert or edit the conditions as described in the Creating a New Alert Condition section.
Click Create Alert to save the alert settings or click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving the new alert condition.
User Accounts
Clicking the Users option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays a quick view of the data for all users included within the TempTracking™ application. In the Users view, administrators can create new user accounts, edit, and deactivate users, search for users, and export the list of users. User settings define:
The user’s Username and Email Addresses.
Administrator status for the user.
Device Group to which the user’s access is limited.
Groups to which the user belongs.
Alert Conditions for which the user is notified.
Editing User Accounts
To edit user account information:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Users from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click the Edit link to the right of the appropriate user. The Update User page is displayed.
Modify fields as required. Editing an existing email address in the dictionary updates the recipient on every alert condition using that email address. A warning appears stating that the address is being changed in “x” number of alert conditions. Click Yes to update the email and alert conditions.
Click Update to save your modifications or click Cancel to abandon all changes and return to the User view.
Adding Users
In the TempTracking™ application, user accounts can be defined as “Standard”, “Single Sign-on” or “Active Directory”. Please refer to the table below for instructions on each type of account.
Account Type | Description | Settings |
Standard | A standard account that signs on manually through the TempTracking™ application login page. |
Single Sign-on | An account that is integrated as part of the web server domain credentials. |
Active Directory | An account that utilizes the Windows® Server® Active Directory to log on to the TempTracking™ application. |
To create a user account:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Users from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click Create New. The Create Users page is displayed.
Enter the Username.
Enter the user’s email address.
Note: Email addresses are not required in the user account. However, if the user does not have an email address, the user cannot be selected to be an alert recipient. Each user can have only one email address. A maximum of five users can have the same email address. Email addresses are archived when the alert conditions which use them are archived.
Select the Admin checkbox if the user has administrative privileges.
Enter the user password and confirm the password.
Select an option from the Limit Device Groups dropdown menu. If you select Yes, the user’s access will be limited to the Device Groups that you select in the Limit to Groups Included Items section. Select the box next to all groups that apply. Selecting No from the dropdown menu gives the user access to all device groups.
If the user account utilizes the Windows® Server® Active Directory to log on to the TempTracking™ application, select True from the Active Directory User? option.
Click Create to save your user settings.
Note: There is no validation for the settings on the screen. Settings must be entered correctly for proper function.
Editing User Accounts
To edit user account information:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click Users from the Admin Functions toolbar.
Click the Edit link to the right of the appropriate user. The Update User page is displayed.
Modify fields as required. Editing an existing email address in the dictionary updates the recipient on every alert condition using that email address. A warning appears stating that the address is being changed in “x” number of alert conditions. Click Yes to update the email and alert conditions.
Click Update to save your modifications or click Cancel to abandon all changes and return to the User view.
Deactivating User Accounts
Administrators can deactivate users. In addition, administrators can choose to show the deactivated users on the Users view.
To deactivate users:
On the Users view, click the Deactivate link in the user’s row.
A message appears stating from which alert conditions the user will be removed. In addition, the message states if removing the user will cause an alert condition to have no recipients.
Click OK to deactivate the user or click Cancel to exit the deactivation process without deactivating the user.
Note: Administrators cannot activate users after they have deactivated them.
View Deactivated Users
Click the Show deactivated users box under the Users page title to display the deactivated users in the list.
System Settings
Clicking the System Settings option on the Admin Functions toolbar displays the Graph Refresh Frequency options, the Date/Time settings, the SMTP server configuration settings, and an option for sending test emails for the TempTracking™ application.
Defining the Graph Refresh Frequency
By default, the TempTracking™ application refreshes graph data every 60 seconds.
Note: Though the Graph Refresh Frequency can be modified to any length of time, to avoid a possible system slowdown, TeleTracking recommends that this option be maintained at no less than 60 seconds.
To modify the refresh rate:
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click System Settings from the Admin Functions toolbar. The SMTP Server Configuration page is displayed.
Enter the desired time (in seconds) in the Graph Refresh Frequency box.
Click Save to retain your settings.
Restart the TTTemperatureWebServer service for your changes to take effect.
Date/Time Format
Note: The setting that controls the display of dates and times throughout the application is made with TeleTracking assistance. Dates can appear with the month before the day or the day before the month.
Example: November 7, 2010 or 11/07/2010 (MM/dd/yyyy) - 7 November 2010 or 07/11/2010 (dd/MM/yyyy)
Times appear in 12-hour format appended by “AM” or “PM,” such as 3:00:00 PM. Users need to enter dates and times into the application fields in the format that has been configured. The TempTracking™ application interprets dates that the user types into the application fields in the manner specified by the configuration setting.
Configuring System Settings
Click the Admin link to view the Administrative view.
Click System Settings from the Admin Functions toolbar. The SMTP Server Configuration page is displayed.
Enter the appropriate SMTP settings.
Click Save to retain your settings.
Note: There is no validation for the settings on this screen. This must be entered correctly for proper function.
Send Test Email
In the Send Test Email section, you can configure an email address to which you can send an email that verifies if the system infrastructure is working.
Type an email address in the Email Address field.
Click Send Test Email to test the email system.
If the test email arrives at the email address that you entered, the email functionality is correctly configured and working in the TempTracking™ application.
Archiving the TempTracking™ Application Data
Through the Advanced Admin view, the TempTracking™ application provides users with the ability to define data archiving jobs and manage archive settings. When a user with administrative privileges clicks the Admin option, Archive Jobs and Archive Management Settings are displayed.
Archive Jobs Option
Clicking the Archive Jobs option displays a grid that includes the following archive job details:
Archive Batch ID
Archive Status - Running, Success or Failure
Archive Start Date - Start date of the corresponding archive process
Archive End Date - End date of the corresponding archive process
Additionally, the Archive Jobs view includes:
Archive Reset Button - Clicking this button resets the archiving process if it stuck for more than the specified number of configurable hours. The default value is 22 hours. If the Archiving process is still going on after this time, this button is enabled.
Refresh Grid Button - Refreshes the Archive Jobs grid, displaying the latest results.
Archive Management Settings Option
Clicking the Archive Management Settings option displays a grid that includes the current archive settings.
The following settings are displayed:
Enabled - Displays if archiving is currently enabled. Default = Enabled.
Start Time - Displays the daily start time for the archiving process. Default = 23:15
Cut Off Days - Displays the number of days to retain the data. Data older than this will be archived. Default = 7.
Max Retry - Displays the maximum number of retries for the archiving process if it fails. After these attempts Archiving will send an email alerting users to this failure. Default = 2
Delete Batch Size - Displays the number of records to be deleted in each batch. Default = 500.
Notification Email - Displays the comma separated email ID’s to whom the archiving failure email needs to be sent.
Notify When? - Displays when to send the failure notification email. The default setting will send email whenever archiving fails for any reason.
Additionally, the Archive Management Settings view includes:
List Archive Jobs Button - Opens the Archive Jobs view.
Run Archive Now Button - Starts the archiving process immediately regardless of the next archiving schedule.
Edit Link - Displays the Update Archive Settings screen.
Editing Archive Settings
Click the Admin link.
Click the Archive Management Settings option.
Click the Edit link. The Update Archive Settings screen is displayed.
Modify the archiving settings as needed.
Click Update to save your modifications.
Import Sensors
Through the Import Sensors view, the TempTracking™ application provides administrators with the ability to perform a bulk import of sensors, their associated devices, and their associated device groups. When a user with administrative privileges clicks the Import Sensors option on the Admin Functions toolbar, the Import Sensors page appears.
To import a list of all the temperature sensors with their associated devices and device groups, do the following:
On the Import Sensors view, click Browse next to the File to Upload field. The Choose File to Upload dialog box appears.
Select the CSV file that you want to import and click Open. The Import Sensors page appears with the path to the file that you selected appearing in the File to Upload field.
Click Begin Import. The Import Verification view appears showing the new records, the existing records, and the detached records that will be created by the import.
Verify that the changes are correct. Click Finish Import to continue uploading the CSV file. Records listed in the New Records table are created and attached to the listed device. Records listed in the Existing Records table are updated. Records listed in the Detached Records table are detached. A system error appears if the import fails, and the system does not import any of the data.
Export Sensors
Through the Export Sensors view, the TempTracking™ application provides administrators with the ability to perform a bulk export of sensors, their associated devices, and their associated device groups. When a user with administrative privileges clicks the Import Sensors option on the Admin Functions toolbar, the Export Sensors page appears.
The Details section describes the columns that will appear on the exported CSV file.
To export a list of all the temperature sensors with their associated devices and device groups, do the following:
On the Export Sensors view, click Export to a File.
When prompted, save the CSV file to the location that you desire, or click Open to open the file in Microsoft® Excel®.
You can edit the file data in Microsoft® Excel®.
Save your changes in CSV format.
You can upload your changes in a bulk import. Refer to the Import Sensors section.