This manual provides information for hospital personnel who configure, administer, troubleshoot, and maintain the Clinical Workflow™ suite (formerly the Orchestrate™ application). This manual describes administration procedures for Clinical Workflow™ suite version 7.3 or higher and might not be accurate for earlier versions. Depending upon the options your hospital has chosen, some functionality may differ in your system. However, the basic functionality remains the same.
Description of Device
Clinical Workflow™ suite is a suite of technology-based solutions to healthcare’s capacity, workflow, patient flow and communications problems. Operating in real-time, on a departmental, facility or enterprise-wide basis, Clinical Workflow™ suite combines the most advanced visual controls, audio controls, care alerts, operational alerts and business intelligence to form the “central nervous system” for the healthcare organization. In effect a “Care Traffic Control System,” the Clinical Workflow™ suite is the most extensible and flexible care operations management system, spanning the entire healthcare continuum, including all clinical (ambulatory, inpatient, procedure-based, and emergency) settings and ancillary support areas.
Who Should Read this Document?
This document is intended for hospital personnel and technicians who configure and maintain the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This document assumes a general understanding of the hardware and software associated with the system.
Contacting TeleTracking Technical Support
If you have questions that are not answered by the information in this document, contact your system administrator. The system administrator can then contact TeleTracking Technical Support department.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite is a comprehensive information management system designed to help hospital staff members deliver the highest quality care to patients, while saving time and effort. This manual describes the system administration of the Clinical Workflow™ suite and its components.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite uses a client-server model in which the data is processed by software residing on a remote server, and the client, or local PC, initiates contact with the server to make use of its data processing programs. The Clinical Workflow™ suite Navigator component is the program that resides on your local workstation (client) to seamlessly integrate with the server. The Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service component is the software that resides on the server.
The following diagram depicts a typical Clinical Workflow™ suite network.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administration Concepts
Client Connection
Client connection refers to a Clinical Workflow™ suite or Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console which resides on the local PC (the client) and is connected to the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service application on the remote server. Client applications must have an open connection to the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service. Information about the client connection can be seen on the Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console screen. Each row in this screen represents a component of the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The Name column contains the service, application, or configuration name.
Service Manager Name
The client application uses the service manager name to subscribe to the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service. You need to know this name when installing the Clinical Workflow™ suite components on the client. The service manager name is the connection listed in the top row of the Administrative Console screen. MNGR appears in the Type column. The other connected clients in the Clinical Workflow™ suite have their own TYPE, for instance the XT Interface service has a type string of “XTIN”.
Configuration Name
Configuration name refers to the variable name given to a set of screens that are each shown on separate tabs when the user logs in to the Clinical Workflow™ suite. For example, Navigator can show all available screens, such as SuiteVue™, ScheduleVue™, Introduction Clinical Workflow™ Suite 4 RoomVue™ and others. Alternatively, the application can be configured to show only a subset of the Clinical Workflow™ suite Vues. An example of the Clinical Workflow™ suite configuration is shown below.
Typically, each component is configured to have one Clinical Workflow™ suite configuration name that includes all the possible screens, usually called “All.” Likely, there are also other configuration names that, when invoked, make only a subset of tabs available.
In the case of the Keypad Controller component, when more than one keypad trunk is installed, there is a different keypad configuration name for each trunk line. A separate instance of the Keypad Controller component needs to be run using the different keypad client configuration names to operate the keypads on each trunk line.
For the FamilyVue® component, there is a different configuration name for each screen location.
To automatically start the Clinical Workflow™ suite with a specific configuration name, do the following:
1. Include the configuration name on the command line of the application.
2. Each individual user login account can be set to open to a specific configuration. This is set using the dialog.
Server Logon Account Specifications
A logon ID and password must be configured on the production and report servers to use the Clinical Workflow™ suite. TeleTracking requests that a single domain user account with logon access to the two servers be set up to use the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The Clinical Workflow™ suite account needs to be in the local administrator group on each server to allow set up and support of the applications and services necessary to run the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Active Directory and the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Active Directory Authentication Overview
One of the advantages of using Active Directory authentication is ease of use for Navigator users. Users only have to remember one set of credentials and can log into the Clinical Workflow™ suite with the same username and password that they use to log into their domain account.
Another advantage of using Active Directory integration is that Clinical Workflow™ suite administrators only have to manage users in one location. If an employee is terminated, you only need to disable their account in Active Directory. The Clinical Workflow™ suite automatically uses that setting instead of having to disable the employee's account a second time in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. You can also reset user passwords using Microsoft Management Console.
One last important advantage of using Active Directory authentication is that when users log into the Clinical Workflow™ suite, they are held to the standards that Active Directory requires. Examples of this are:
• Your domain password complexity policies.
• Your domain password age policies.
• Your domain password history policies.
• Your domain account lock out policies.
Common User Account and Password Administration Settings
This section contains some of the common user account and password settings that you may want to manage.
User settings are set using the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap in. The command to enable and disable user accounts can be found by right-clicking the user name.
Other user settings can be accessed by right-clicking the user name and then clicking Properties. This brings up the user's Properties dialog box that contains settings such as the following:
• Logon hours
• User must change password at next logon
• User cannot change password
• Password never expires
The domain password policies and account lock out policies can be found in the Default Domain Security Settings MMC snap in. The Clinical Workflow™ suite uses these policies when authenticating external users.
Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) is a programmatic interface for Microsoft Windows Active Directory. It enables applications to interact with diverse directories on a network, using a single interface.
The Assembly Registration tool is used to register Clinical Workflow™ suite DLLs. This registration process reads the metadata within the Clinical Workflow™ suite assemblies and adds the necessary entries to the registry. This, in turn, allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently.
Once the DLLs are registered on the customer’s system, and the system (Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service) is running, when a user tries to authenticate with the Clinical Workflow™ suite, a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) system call is made to a COM interop DLL to Active Directory. Active Directory looks up the user’s credentials on the corporate network and returns a pass or fail result to the Clinical Workflow™ suite along with a string result. When the Clinical Workflow™ suite receives the result, it allows the user to continue if there is not an error. Otherwise, it retrieves the result string and displays an error message.
Searching Directories
The Clinical Workflow™ suite uses the Microsoft DirectorySearcher class to search and perform queries against the Active Directory hierarchy using LDAP system calls. Queries are performed based on properties (Rich Query) of an object that is located in a large directory to find a specific object by one or more of its property values.
Administering Directories
The DirectoryEntry component can be bound to an object in the directory to perform administrative tasks, such as modifying properties or monitoring informational changes. For example, suppose that your company allows employees to place online orders for books needed in their jobs. Spending limits vary depending on the employee's position. When an employee places a book order, the company's tracking application can use a DirectoryEntry component to verify information about the employee's position and spending limits. If the limit is exceeded, the DirectoryEntry component can retrieve the e-mail address for the employee and his manager and can then send additional information to both of them.
The DirectorySearcher component requires installing the ADSI SDK or ADSI runtime in order to create applications with their functionality. DirectorySearcher component instances require the LDAP provider to perform rich queries against an Active Directory hierarchy. You must have a directory service provider, such as Active Directory or LDAP, installed on your computer for the ADSI APIs to be useful when conducting searches. For more information about the available directory services and how to install them, refer to the Microsoft Web site.
TeleTracking® System Services Manager
The TeleTracking® System Services Manager allows you to install client applications and to create shortcuts. It also serves as a launching point for opening services, Managers, Connection Gateways, and applications.
The TeleTracking® System Services Manager is run under a user account and may need to be started.
If the user does not see the TeleTracking® System Services Manager icon in the task tray the following steps need to be taken.
1. Browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Orchestrate Systems\ folder and start the TTServiceViewer.exe application as Administrator. Once this is done the icon will appear in the task tray.
The following icons appear in the user interface:
• A red icon indicates that the Manager Service or Connection Gateway is stopped.
• A green icon indicates that the Manager Service or Connection Gateway is started.
• A yellow icon indicates that the Manager Service or Connection Gateway is paused.
The start and stop icons are available on the menu for a Manager Service or Connection Gateway when the Manager Service or Connection Gateway is in the opposite state. In the following example, the Stopped icon displays on the main menu for the Manager Service shortcut (in this example, BaseOR Manager) and the Start icon displays on the submenu for the service.
Starting a Service
A service may be started when in the stopped state. To start the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu
4. Click Start.
The red stopped icon on the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu for the service changes to the green Start icon.
The Start icon on the submenu for the service changes to the stop icon.
Stopping a Service
A service may be stopped when in a started or paused state. To stop a Manager service or Connection Gateway service, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click click the icon for the main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Stop.
The green icon on the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu for the service changes to the red icon.
The stop icon on the submenu for the service changes to the start icon.
Pausing a Service
A service may be paused when in a started state. Pausing the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service closes the listener socket to prevent new client connections.
To pause the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right- click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Pause.
The green icon on the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu for the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service changes to the yellow icon.
Resuming a Service
A service may be resumed when in a paused state. Resuming the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service reopens the listener socket to allow new client connections.
To resume the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Resume.
The paused icon (yellow) on the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu for the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service changes to the start icon (green).
Restarting a Service
A service may be restarted when in a started or paused state. Restarting stops and then restarts the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service.
To restart the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Restart.
Service Properties
You can use the TeleTracking® System Services Manager to view and edit the properties of the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service. These properties were initially set when the Manager Service or a Connection Gateway service was installed.
To open the Manager Properties dialog box, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click click the icon for TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Properties.
The Manager Properties dialog box opens.
The following is a description of the properties that appear on each tab of the Manager Properties dialog box:
General Tab
On the General tab, the shortcut name in the top field, and the full path of the TeleTracking® System Services Manager in the Service Executable field may be modified.
Admin Console Tab
On the Admin Console tab, the properties configured when the Administrative Console was installed may be changed. Command line parameters may be added, deleted, or changed in the Additional arguments field.
Manager Tab
On the Manager tab, the DSN name for the Manager Service may be changed. Command line parameters may be added, deleted, or changed in the Additional command line parameters field.
Changing the Database Password
Changing the database password changes the stored, encrypted password for the DSN connection. Use this procedure to change the database password only if using the SQL Server authentication mode for the SQL Server ODBC database connection. This procedure does not apply to Windows authentication.
To change the database password, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Change database password.
The Manager Service stops.
5. Click Next.
The TeleTracking® System Services Manager dialog box appears.
6. In the confirmation message, click Yes.
7. In the Database password box, type the new database password.
8. Click Next.
9. If you do not want to restart the Manager Service, clear the Start the service box.
10. Click Finish.
Deleting a Service
Deleting a service requires Administrator privileges.
1. In the system tray, right- click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager Service.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Delete.
5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.
All clients are disconnected, and the service is deleted. The Manager Service is removed from the TeleTracking® System Services Manager menu.
Administrative Console
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console component resides on the server and may also be installed on remote workstations. It manages and monitors client connections with the Manager Service. Connection properties are available for display and for export. The Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console may also be used to troubleshoot client connections.
The Perform Admin Console Commands privilege is required to use the Administrative Console component.
Starting Administrative Console
The Administrative Console component may be started when a Manager or Connection Gateway service is running. To open the Administrative Console component do the following:
1. In the system tray, right- click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
2. Point to the Manager.
3. Point to the service submenu.
4. Click Open Admin Console.
5. In the Login dialog box, type the username and password.
6. Click OK.
The Administrative Console component opens.
Connection Display Area
The columns in the upper pane of the Administrative Console component contain information about each client connection.
• Name: The name of the connected client application. For example, Manager Name, Client Configuration Name, or Keypad Trunk Line.
• Type: The type of connected client application as defined in the Client Type table in the database. Client types may vary between individual databases. Refer to the Client Type table in the specific database for a complete listing of client types. Common client application types include the following:
• ADMN: Administrative Console
• DNET: HL7 Services and other HRCor clients
• GWAY: Connection Gateway
• HL7G: HL7 Gateway
• INBS: HL7 Inbound service
• IMPT: Import
• KYPD: Keypad
• MNGR: Manager
• MSGR: Paging
• NAVG: Navigator
• NVEX: NavEx
• OTBS: HL7 Outbound service
• STAT: FamilyVue®
• UIVM: UIVM Service (Web Client)
• XTIN: XT Interface serviceUser: The Clinical Workflow™ suite user name of the base user on the connecting computer.
• Host: The host name of the connecting computer.
• Port: The port on which the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager listens or to which a client is connected.
• Duration: The amount of time the client has been active.
• Priority: The priority of the connection. Priority determines which Clinical Workflow™ suite client applications start first. The higher the number, the earlier it connects before applications with lower priority numbers.
• Status: Shows client status.
• Ready: An active connection.
• Init: The client is in the process of initializing and connecting.
• Queued: The client is in line to connect to the Manager.
• Auth: The client has been authorized by the Manager, but no Connection Name has been selected.
• QuickInit: The client is partially initializing.
• Log: Indicates whether connection logging is turned on or off.
• Messaging Protocol: The protocol used by the client to communicate with the manager, XLP or NLP.
• Listener Host: The IP address of the listener host.
• Listener Port: The name of the listener port.
• Direct Connect Host: The host name of the connecting computer for a directly-connected Manager or Connection Gateway.
• Direct Connect Port: The port name for a directly-connected Manager or Connection Gateway.
• Last Received Message Time: The time that the last message was received from the client.
• Connection Time: The time that the connection was established.
• Error Count: The number of listener connection failure errors since the client connection last started or restarted.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains four commands.
• Select All Connections — Selects all connected applications. This is useful when performing functions such as Copy History Text, Export, and Copy Selection.
• Copy Selection — This command copies the properties of selected connections from the Administrative Console column display to the Windows clipboard to be pasted into a plain text or word processor document for analysis and reference.
• Copy History Text — This command copies the text in the history pane into a plain text or word processor document for analysis and reference.
• Clear History Text — This command removes the communication history information from the lower pane of the Administrative Console window.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console View Menu
The View menu contains commands for viewing connection properties.
• Advanced Filtering — Filters can be used to select which connection properties to view. In the Filter Connection Display dialog box, select a connection property to filter and then type an expression that matches the selected property.
• View All Connections — This command removes connection filtering to restore the default view that includes all current connections.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console Connections Menu
The Commands menu contains commands that may be used to start, stop, and disconnect connections, broadcast messages to all logged on users, and view the connection properties.
• Terminate — To terminate a connection, select the connection and click Terminate. The client application closes on the client computer.
• Disconnect — Disconnects and then reconnects the selected client.
• Broadcast Message — The Broadcast Message dialog box appears when this selection is chosen. Type a message in the Message Text field. The number in the Time to Display field indicates the message time length. The default display time is 1 minute. This message broadcasts to all selected clients. If a Manager or Connection Gateway is selected, all clients connected to the Manager or Connection Gateway receive the message. The message remains on the screen until the display time elapses or until the message is closed. This is useful to issue messages to warn all current users before shutting down the system.
• Logging — On the Commands menu, point to Logging, and then click Enable or Disable to turn logging on or off.
• Properties — Displays the properties of the selected connection. Properties vary depending on the client type.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console Commands Menu
The Commands menu contains commands that affect the entire Clinical Workflow™ suite. Therefore, use these functions cautiously.
• Reload Config — This command reloads the specific configuration for your facility without disconnecting Clinical Workflow™ suite clients. Clients do not receive configuration updates during this process. Other Administrative Consoles connected to the same Manager instance are sent a notification at the beginning and end of this process.
• Reload Config and Reinitialize All Clients — This command reloads the specific configuration for your facility and restarts all connected clients. Clients restart with the updated configuration. Other open Administrative Consoles connected to the same Manager instance are sent a notification at the beginning and end of this process.
• Rebuild Event States and Pictures — This command reloads the specific configuration for your facility and restarts all connected clients. All event states and episode pictures are deleted from the database and then recreated from events. Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console 2020-01-22 | System Administrator Guide 25 Other open Administrative Consoles connected to the same Manager instance are sent a notification at the beginning and end of this process.
• Update and Validate Configuration — This command determines differences between the database and Manager cache. Other open Administrative Consoles connected to the same Manager instance are sent a notification at the beginning and end of this process.
• Update Selected Configuration — This command opens a list of database tables to use for updating clients with differences between the database and Manager cache. Multiple tables may be selected.
• Disconnect Database — This command disconnects the database from the Manager. Client transactions are not allowed while the database is disconnected from the Manager. Admin commands other than reconnect database are unavailable on all Administrative Consoles. In the Disconnect Database dialog box, a message may be typed explaining why the Manager is unavailable, such as performing database maintenance. This message displays when users attempt actions requiring the database such as moving patients or issuing events.
• Manage Gateway — This command launches another instance of Administrative Console to manage the selected Connection Gateway. In the Administer Gateway dialog box, select a Connection Gateway.
Click OK to open an instance of Administrative Console connected to the selected Connection Gateway. This instance displays the selected Connection Gateway and the clients connected through it. The Connection Gateway may be managed using the Administrative Console instance.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Administrative Console Settings Menu
The Settings menu contains commands for setting logging and tracing options.
Logging and Recording Option
On the Settings menu, point to the Logging and Recording option and then select one of the following commands:
• Record Messages: This command records all messages received by and sent from the Manager.
• Record Transactions: This command records all transactions received by and sent from the Manager.
• Record Connections: This command records connection information.
• Trace Flags: This command opens the Trace Flags dialog box where you can select various types of information from the error logs to record about the selected connection. Trace flags may be selected by group or individually. Click the Set All button to select all trace flags. Click the Clear All button to clear all trace flag selections.
• Connection Logging Enabled: If selected, this command logs the connection history for all new connections.
• Log Next Connection: If selected, this command logs the connection history for the next connection only. Subsequent connections are not logged.
• Auto Switch Logs: This option specifies a time of day or a time interval at which to close the current manager error log file and create a new one. The Disable Auto Log Switching box is selected by default.
• Switch Logs: Immediately closes the current Manager or Connection Gateway log file and creates new log files.
Configuration Option
The Configuration command configures the transaction cache size and connection concurrency. The Configuration dialog box is organized under the following two tabs:
Transaction Cache Tab
• Transaction Cache Enabled: Select this box to enable or disable the disconnect processing functionality.
• Cache Validation Enabled — Select this box to enable the transaction cache validation routine. This feature is used primarily to debug the system during development.
• Max Transaction per Request — Specifies the maximum number of transactions that can be sent to a client for each transaction request message. A larger value typically reduces the amount of time required for a client to fully establish the connection, because it minimizes network communication overhead and processing time for the Service Manager. This check box is available if the Transaction Cache Enabled check box is selected.
• Transaction Cache Size — Specifies the maximum size of the transaction cache. If Minutes is selected in the Units list, this value is interpreted as the number of minutes. If Transactions is selected, this value is interpreted as the number of transactions.
• Max Number of Transactions — If Minutes is selected in the Units list, specifies the maximum number of transactions for the specified time interval.
• Units — Specifies the time interval or number of transactions for which the transaction cache is maintained.
• Restore Defaults — Click this button to restore configuration default settings.
Concurrency Tab
• Max Concurrent Inits — Select the maximum number of concurrent initializations allowed. The default is 10.
• Max Connections — Type the maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed. The default is 600.
XT Interface Properties Option
The XT Interface Properties option appears in the Settings menu of the Orchestrate™ application version 7.2 and later if the application is integrated with the Bed Management Suite® system. This option defines the user authentication and properties for the Bed Management Suite® system. The Admin user must have the XT Administrator privilege to access the XT Interface Properties dialog box.
On the Settings menu, point to the XT Interface Properties option and then make the appropriate selections.
Please see the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Integration User Guide for more information regarding the XT Interface Properties dialog.
RTLS Interface Properties Option
The RTLS Interface Properties option appears in the Settings menu of the Orchestrate™ application version 8.0 and later if the application is integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions). This option defines the TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions user authentication and properties.
Please see Clinical Workflow™ Suite Integration Configuration Guide for more information about RTLS Interface properties dialog.
Location Administration Option
The Location Administration option appears in the Settings menu of the Orchestrate™ application version 8.0 and later.
Please see the Orchestrate™ Integration User Guide for more information regarding the Location Administration dialog.
Allow Client Connections Option
If selected, allows the Manager Service to accept new client connections. If cleared, new client connections, including Administrative Console, are not allowed. This command is selected by default. If the client connection is closed before closing Administrative Console, pause and resume the service to restart the listening connection. For more information about pausing and resuming services, refer to Pausing a Service and Resuming a Service.
Keep Alive Option
If selected, the Manager Service periodically checks client connections during periods of inactivity.
Suspend/Resume Archiving Option
The Suspend/Resume Archiving option turns archiving on and off. The default setting is On.
Save Settings Option
This option saves the following settings for retrieval after the Manager Service or Connection Gateway restarts.
• Message Recording
• Error Log Auto Switching
• Keep Alive
• Retry Count
• Transaction Cache Settings
• Allow Client Connections
• Max Connections
• Suspend/Resume
Archiving This is useful for saving custom configuration settings. If custom settings are not saved, they are discarded when the Manager Service or Connection Gateway restarts.
Windows Service
In version 7.1 and later, Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service runs as a Microsoft® Windows® service. Windows® services are applications that run with special properties. They start automatically at Windows® startup. Windows® services do not require a user login, can run under an account other than that of the current user, and continue running after the user logs off. Unless a Windows® service is marked as interactive, it does not have a user interface. Services may be run in many different security contexts and can run in an account that is different from that of the current user.
You can remotely administer the Windows® services that are included in the Clinical Workflow™ suite by using standard Windows® tools or the Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console. In version 7.1 and later, the Clinical Workflow™ suite Administrative Console is the user interface for the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service. The Administrative Console contains many of the commands that control services. For more information about using Administrative Console, refer to the “Administrative Console” section.
To configure the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service to start automatically at logon, do the following:
1. Open Windows® Services (Local).
2. Right-click the service and click the Properties option in the list.
The Properties (Local Computer) dialog box appears.
3. On the General tab, verify that the Automatic option is selected in the Startup type list. The default is Automatic.
To change the service account from Local System to a user account, do the following:
1. In the Properties (Local Computer) dialog box, click the Log On tab.
2. Select the This Account option button.
3. Type the account name or browse to the account and select it.
4. Enter the password information in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
5. Verify that the Allow service to interact with the desktop box is cleared. It is recommended that the service not be allowed to interact with the desktop.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Shortcut
This chapter describes how to create shortcuts to client applications in the Clinical Workflow™ suite using the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service.
Creating a Shortcut
1. In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager.
Point to the Install New option, and then click the TeleTracking® Clinical Workflow™ Suite Shortcut option.
The Install TeleTracking® Clinical Workflow™ Suite Shortcut window appears.
2. Browse to and select the executable file for the Clinical Workflow™ suite client application and click Open.
3. Click Next.
The Enter manager information screen appears.
4. In the Shortcut Name field, type a name for the shortcut. This is usually the application name.
5. In the Manager Name field, type the Manager configuration name in the specific environment.
6. In the Manager host name field, type the host server name or IP address for the server running the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service or the Connection Gateway that to which the client application connects.
7. In the Manager port field, type the software port for the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service or the Connection Gateway.
8. Click Next.
The Enter login information screen appears.
9. Enter a username and password for the shortcut and click Next. Leave the username and password blank to require users to type their credentials each time they log in. The Enter client options screen appears.
10. In the Priority field, type the connection queue priority of the client application relative to other applications. The range is 1–999, with 999 being the highest priority. Applications with the default priority setting of 0 open on a first come, first served basis.
11. In the Redraw Delay field, type the real time update frequency for the client application. The default setting of 0 uses the default refresh delay specified in the database and is recommended for most systems.
12. Click Next.
The Additional command line parameters screen appears.
13. In the Additional command line parameters text box, type or copy and paste additional command line parameters as required. For more information about command line parameters, refer to Client Shortcut Command Line Parameters.
14. Click Next.
The Finish screen appears.
15. Click Finish.
The new shortcut displays on the Clinical Workflow™ suite System Services Manager shortcut menu under the Manager configuration name.
Creating a Remote Shortcut
This procedure describes how to install one shortcut with the same properties on multiple workstations.
To install a remote shortcut, do the following:
1. Using the Windows® functionality, create a shortcut to the cpmnav32.exe executable file located on the computer. The executable is usually located in: C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ Systems\Orchestrate™
2. Right-click the shortcut and then click the Rename option.
3. Rename the shortcut “Clinical Workflow™ Suite” or any meaningful name, such as “Clinical Workflow™ Suite Production” or “Clinical Workflow™ Suite Test”.
4. Right-click the Clinical Workflow™ suite shortcut and then click the Properties option.
a. On the Shortcut tab, place the cursor in the Target field and then press the END key to navigate to the end of the target line.
b. Type a space.
c. Enter the connection string using the command line parameter. The connection string consists of the command line parameter -c followed by three components (the Service Manager Name, the Host name or IP address of the Clinical Workflow™ suite server, and the TCP listening port, usually 7000 or 6000 for Test) each separated by a colon.
d. If using the optional user name parameter, type a space and then enter the User name using the command line parameter. The User name consists of the command line parameter -u and the User name. For example: -ucvs
e. If using the optional password parameter, type a space and then enter the password using the command line parameter. The password consists of the command line parameter -z and the Password. For example: -zcvs
f. If using the optional configuration name parameter, type a space and then enter the Configuration name. The Configuration name consists of the command line parameter -f and the Configuration name.
Example of a final target line:
C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ Systems\Orchestrate™ 8.0\cpmnav32.exe - cbase_or_mgr:ORserver:7000 -ucvs -zcvs -fdemo
5. Test the shortcut and verify that the settings have been saved. The Clinical Workflow™ suite should open automatically.
Creating Shortcuts to Other Applications
You can create shortcuts to applications outside of the Clinical Workflow™ suite using the Clinical Workflow™ Suite System Services Manager. The following procedure creates a shortcut to the Manager error log using Notepad, but you may use this procedure to create shortcuts to any application that is not Clinical Workflow™ suite.
By default, error log files are located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\managername (C:\WINDOWS\system64\managername for 64-bit systems).
1. In the system tray, right-click TeleTracking® System Services Manager icon , point to Install New, and then click TeleTracking® Clinical Workflow™ Suite Shortcut.
2. On the Select Clinical Workflow™ Suite executable page, click the ellipses button . The Open dialog box appears.
3. In the Files of Type list, select the Other applications option.
4. Browse to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and select the Notepad.exe application executable file.
5. Click Next.
The Enter manager information screen appears.
6. In the Shortcut name field, type a name for the shortcut.
7. In the Manager name field, type the name of the Manager under which the shortcut operates.
8. Click Next.
The Additional command line parameters screen appears.
9. In the Command Line Parameters text box, copy and paste or type any required additional arguments. This can be the full path to the manager log file, as shown in the following example, or other arguments required by the specific application to perform a specific function.
10. Click Next.
The Finish screen appears.
11. Click Finish.
The shortcut appears in the TeleTracking® System Services Manager under the Manager name.
Shortcut Properties
1. In the system tray, right-click the TeleTracking® System Services Manager icon.
Point to the shortcut, and then click the option shown below.
The dialog box opens.
2. On the General tab, the full path of the program file and the Manager name may be changed.
3. On the Shortcut tab, command line parameters may be added, deleted or changed as required. Changes will be reflected the next time the application starts. For more information, refer to the Keypad Application Setup Command Line Parameters.
Deleting a Shortcut
1. In the system tray, right-click the TeleTracking® System Services Manager icon.
Point to the shortcut you want to delete, and then click the Delete option.
2. In the confirmation message, click Yes.
The shortcut is removed from the TeleTracking® System Services Manager menu.
Client Shortcut Command Line Parameters
Command line parameters allow you to set up logons to meet your needs. When applying command line parameters, ensure that there are no spaces between the parameter letter and the string attached to it. If the string itself contains spaces, enclose the string in double-quotes. All of these command line parameters are optional and do not require the use of other command line parameters.
Commonly Used Client Shortcut Command Line Parameters
The following command line parameters may be used in the installation wizard shortcuts for Clinical Workflow™ suite client applications:
• -ivrclientport<ivr client port>
Specifies the communication port for IVR and NavEx. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -it <idle time in minutes>
Specifies the number of minutes the client application should be allowed to be idle before it shuts itself down. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
Allows you to run multiple copies of the same client instance. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -s
This suppresses the client splash screen. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -rd
Causes the client to give visual feedback about the timing of the next client refresh. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
•-r <seconds to wait between redraws>
Causes the client to wait a specified number of seconds between refreshing the window with updated information from the Manager. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -o<seconds to snooze redraw>
Causes the client to delay a redraw for a specified number of seconds if it is currently receiving messages when a redraw occurs. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -u<user name>
Runs the client in view-only mode. In this mode, the client does not respond to the mouse or display menus. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -w<x + y + width x height>
Sets the display coordinates of the client window. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -f<client configuration>
The client configuration to use for the client. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• <file name>
The name of the file the client uses for populating the connection arguments. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -p <client priority>
Sets the initialization queue priority of the client. In the wizard, this is set using the Priority box.
• -c <manager_name:manager_hostname:manager_port>
The connection string for connecting to the Manager. In the wizard, this is generated by combining Manager Name, Manager Host Name, and Manager Port.
• -u <user name>
The username for the client user. In the wizard, this is the User Name box.
• -z <password>
The password for the client user. In the wizard, this is the Password box.
Client Shortcut Troubleshooting Command Line Parameters
The following command line parameters may be used in a command prompt for debugging or troubleshooting:
• -dodisconnect
Allows the client to perform disconnect processing. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -dropsub
Tells the client to run with a low memory footprint and not create internal object collections. This is only used in the load test, and should not be used at the client sites. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -dropsubdelay <delay in seconds>
Tells the client to run with a low memory footprint and not create internal object collections. Also tells the client to create a slow client connection by sleeping the specified number of seconds after receiving a message and before responding to the Manager. This is only used in the load test, and should not be used at the client sites. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -g <tracing flags>
Causes the client to create its own error log. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -nokeepalive
This tells the client not to generate keep alives. This is only used for debugging and should not be used in the field.
• -xlp
Forces the client to communicate with the Manager using XLP rather than NLP. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
• -minivalue
Tells the client what kind of mini-dump file to create in the case of a client crash. Use one of the following values 0–5. In the wizard, this must be entered as an additional argument.
Keypad Shortcut
To use the Clinical Workflow™ suite implementations that incorporate the keypad, follow the instructions in this chapter to set up the keypads.
Keypad Application Setup Prerequisite
Before beginning this setup, you must have installed the Keypad client application, cpmkey32.exe.
Keypad Application Shortcut Setup
Keypad Application Setup Command Line Parameters
Command line parameters allow you to set up logons to meet your needs. When applying command line parameters, ensure that there are no spaces between the parameter letter and the string attached to it. If the string itself contains spaces, enclose the string in double-quotes. All of these command line parameters are optional and do not require the use of other command line parameters.
For the Keypad Controller Setup procedure, the following command line parameters may be used.
Complete the following table with the values to be used during the setup procedure.
The following example demonstrates the use of all command line parameters.
To set up the Keypad Controller using command line parameters:
Note: In the following procedure, if no parameters are assigned to the user, the user is prompted to enter a password into the keypad.
Using the Windows functionality, create a shortcut to the cpmkey32.exe executable file located on the computer. For this example, assume that the executable is located in: C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ Systems\Orchestrate™ application<version number>
Right-click the shortcut and select the Rename option.
Rename the shortcut to match the appropriate trunk line. For example, Trunk1 or Trunk2.
Right-click on the newly created shortcut.
Select the Properties option.
Select the Shortcut tab.
To navigate to the end of the target line, press the END key.
Enter a space.
After the space, enter the connection string using the command line parameter. The connection string consists of the command line parameter -c followed by three components; separated by a colon. For example: -cbase_or_mgr:ORserver:7000
Enter a space.
Enter the Keypad User name using the command line parameter. The Keypad User name provided by TeleTracking. The logon user name consists of the command line parameter -u and the logon user name. For example: -ukeypad
Enter a space.
Enter the Keypad Password using the command line parameter. TeleTracking provides the Keypad Password. The logon password consists of the command line parameter -z and the logon password. For example: -zkeypad
Enter a space.
Enter the trunk Configuration name using the command line parameter.
The trunk Configuration name consists of the command line parameter -f and the trunk configuration name. For example: -ftrunk1
Note: If the target line name has spaces, type quotation marks before and after it. For example: -f“demo config”.
Add additional optional parameters as needed. The final target line should read as follows: "C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ Systems\Orchestrate™ application\cmpkey32.exe"- cbase_or_mgr:ORserver:7000 -ucvs -zcvs -ftrunk1
Copy the newly created shortcut into the Startup folder.
Test the shortcut and verify that the settings have been saved. The Keypad application should open automatically.
FamilyVue® Shortcut
This section describes setup procedures for the FamilyVue® client. Before beginning this setup, you must have installed the FamilyVue® client application, cpmst32.exe.
FamilyVue® Command Line Parameter Setup
Command line parameters allow you to set up logons to meet your needs. When applying command line parameters, ensure that there are no spaces between the parameter letter and the string attached to it. If the string itself contains spaces, enclose the string in doublequotes. All of these command line parameters are optional and do not require the use of other command line parameters.
The following table describes the command line parameters.
FamilyVue® Setup Prerequisite Variables for Command Line Parameters
Before beginning the FamilyVue® shortcut creation using the command line procedure, complete the following variable names and values.
To create a FamilyVue® shortcut using command line parameters:
Note: When pushing out one logon shortcut with the same properties to several workstations, complete step 1 to step 3. Enter in the connection string using the command line parameter.
Using Windows functionality, create a shortcut to the cpmst32.exe executable file located on the computer. For this example, the assumption is that the executable is located in:
C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ application Systems\Orchestrate™ application<version number>
Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select the Rename option.
Select the Properties option.
Select the Shortcut option.
To navigate to the end of the target line, press the END key.
At the end of the target line, enter a space.
Enter in the connection string using the command line parameter.
The connection string consists of the command line parameter -c followed by three components separated by a colon. See Connection String in the Commonly Used Client Shortcut Command Line Parameters section. Example: -cbase_or_mgr:ORserver:7000
Enter a space.
Enter the FamilyVue® User Name using the command line parameter.
Your Clinical Workflow™ suite administrator provides the FamilyVue® User Name. The FamilyVue® User Name consists of the command line parameter -u and the FamilyVue® User Name. Example: -ucvs
Enter a space.
Enter the FamilyVue® Password using the command line parameter.
our Clinical Workflow™ suite administrator provides the FamilyVue® Password. The FamilyVue® Password consists of the command line parameter - z and the FamilyVue® Password. Example: -zcvs
The final target line should read:
C:\Program Files\Orchestrate™ application Systems\Orchestrate™ application7.1\cpmst32.exe-cbase_or_mgr:ORserver:7000 -ucvs -zcvs
Copy the shortcut into the Startup folder.
Note: TeleTracking recommends that the shortcut to the Clinical Workflow™ suite FamilyVue® client be copied into the Startup folder of the computer.
Test the shortcut and verify that the settings have been saved. The FamilyVue® component should open automatically.
System Shutdown and Startup
Accepted practices for modern system management include occasional shutdowns for various reasons. The instructions in this chapter describe the procedures required to properly shut down and restart the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Once the Clinical Workflow™ suite clients are properly shutdown, network teams can take over closing other applications and performing prescribed maintenance.
Performing these operations requires local administrator privileges, allowing the ability to stop and start services using the Windows Computer Management window.
DataVue™ Server Shutdown
Shutting down the Clinical Workflow™ suite report server requires shutting down Apache Tomcat as well as the database services.
Shutting Down Apache Tomcat
1. On the desktop, right-click My Computer and then click Manage.
2. In the Computer Management window, expand Services and Applications.
3. Select Services.
4. In the right pane, right-click Apache Tomcat 4.1 and then click Stop.
5. Close the Computer Management window.
IVR and Paging Shutdown
Shutting Down NavEx
Maximize and then close the application window.
Shutting Down the IVR Client
Maximize the IVR System Client window. Select the More button in the top-left corner. Select Stop in the resulting drop-down menu. Shut down the application by clicking on the red X in the upper right corner of the window. If you do not do this step, the application will not properly release the Pronexus licenses for re-use.
Shutting Down VBVoice
Maximize and then close the application window.
Shutting Down Nuance Voice Recognition Software (for the Vocera Interface)
• Maximize and then close the Nuance License Manager window.
• Maximize and then close the Rec Server window.
• Maximize and then close the Rec Client window.
Shutting Down PageGate
1. On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and then click the Manage option.
2. In the Computer Management window, expand Services and Applications.
3. Select Services.
4. In the right pane, right-click PageGate and then click Stop.
5. Close the Computer Management window.
Shutting Down NavNotification
• In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Point to the NavNotification client, and then click Stop.
Shutting Down Pronexus
• In the system tray, right-click the icon below.
Then, click Stop.
Production Server Shutdown
The server operating the TeleTracking® System Services Manager must be shut down. This server may house the HL7 interface known as the HL7 Gateway client, as well as Import clients. If these processes operate on computers separate from the production server, they must be shut down before moving to the Service Manager application.
Shutting Down the HL7 Gateway Interface
Maximize and then close the HL7 Gateway application window.
Shutting Down Schedule Import
Maximize and then close the Schedule Import window.
• In the Schedule Import window, click Close.
Shutting Down the Manager Service
• In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Point to the service, and then click Stop.
Shutting Down the Database Services
Contact your SQL Server Database Administrator to shutdown all SQL database services, including database replication.
System Restart
Restarting the Production Server
The TeleTracking® System Services Manager restarts automatically along with other Windows Services configured to start at system startup. Insure the production database server and database must be available for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager to start.
Manually Starting the Manager Service
In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Point to the Manager, point to the service, and then click Start.
Starting the HL7 Gateway Interface
Double-click the HL7 shortcut to open the interface. It may take a few minutes to establish a connection. When a connection is established, the message count displayed in the Message column increases.
If the Inbound HL7 Service and Outbound HL7 Service are installed, they run as Windows Services and are set to automatically start when the server is rebooted.
Starting Schedule Import
In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Point to Schedule Import, and then click Open. If startup succeeded, “Test Success” message text displays in the Log Messages box.
Starting IVR and Paging
Several applications related to IVR and Paging must be started.
Verify Dialogic Restart
The Dialogic Runtime Manager starts automatically after the server starts.
Starting IVR
1. Double-click the IVR shortcut.
The following window opens.
2. In the Clinical Workflow™ suite IVR Administration window, click the Minimize button.
3. Verify that the contents of the Clinical Workflow™ suite IVR System window match the following example. This indicates a successful startup.
4. In the Clinical Workflow™ suite IVR System window, click the Minimize button.
5. In the VBVLog window, verify that all lines in the left hand side of the window turn yellow and that “waiting for ring” displays in the Status column for all connected lines.
If the lines do not start up correctly, it may be necessary to restart the server to reset the Dialogic card or perform further diagnostics.
6. Make a telephone call into the system. If the call is answered a message states that the Clinical Workflow™ suite is offline and to call back later, the Dialogic Runtime Manager is functioning correctly.
Starting NavEx
1. In the system tray, right-click the icon for the TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Point to NavEx, and then click Open. The NavEx client may take some time to open.
2. Make a telephone call to the system's central number. A response from the system and hearing the menu options confirms that the interface is functioning normally.
3. Press the menu option for the disconnect choice or hang up.
4. Minimize the NavEx application window.
Verify NavNotification is Started
NavNotification should starts automatically when the computer restarts.
• In the system tray, right-click the icon for TeleTracking® System Services Manager main menu.
Verify that the started icon displays next to the paging service name.
Verify PageGate is Started
PageGate starts automatically when the computer restarts.
• On the taskbar, click Start, point to All Programs, point to PageGate, and then click PG Monitor.
Starting the Report Server
Verify Report Database Services Restart
The Microsoft SQL Server report database and replication services are set up to start automatically as standard Windows services. Contact your SQL database administrator to verify that the database and database replication are running.
Verify Apache Tomcat Restart
To verify that the web display service is running, do the following:
1. On the desktop, right-click My Computer and then click Manage.
2. In the Computer Management window, expand Services and Applications.
3. Select Services.
4. In the right pane, select Apache Tomcat 4.1. A status of Started should display in the Status column.
• If the status is not Started, right-click Apache Tomcat 4.1 and then click Start.
5. Close the Computer Management window.
Restart Navigator, FamilyVue, and Keypad
Each of these systems displays its readiness in a different way. Testing the restarted functionality of each is similar to the system verification tests performed during installation. If any system fails or produces unexplained error messages, contact TeleTracking technical support.
Restart Training Systems
Restart any training or redundant instances of the Clinical Workflow™ suite, if applicable. Follow the restart procedure for production systems in “System Restart”.
System Backup and Recovery Strategy
A system backup and recovery plan is essential to safeguarding your system and minimizing downtime in the event of a catastrophic hardware or software failure at the server.
The system configuration information and patient data are stored in a single production database on the MS SQL database server. The reporting database is created by replicating data from the production database into a separate reporting database on the report server. Therefore, it is only necessary to back up the one database and related transaction log files on each server. However, for convenience in restoring an entire system setup, you should consider backing up the entire disk image of both servers on a periodic basis, with subsequent incremental backups of files that have changed since the previous backup. The exact backup methodology, for example full versus incremental, or external tape backup versus network backup, is ultimately up to your IS personnel, who provide consideration to capabilities and storage capacity within the organization. TeleTracking identifies, prior to system installation, the critical data and file/directory structure for the customer.
TeleTracking expects that you acquire and employ basic server-class hardware with hardware redundancy to protect against most common types of hardware failure for example, ECC RAM, redundant power supplies, and a redundant hard disk configuration, such as RAID 5. You are also expected to perform at least daily backups of critical data on the production and report database servers. The reporting database is a replicated copy of the production database and can be recreated from the production database in the event of a problem with the reporting database or server, usually within 24 hours.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Environment Variables
All Clinical Workflow™ suite client applications have the ability to process environment variables as the entire or part of the arguments portion of a Clinical Workflow™ suite shortcut command line. This ability allows for the flexible creation of a generic Clinical Workflow™ suite shortcut on client machines while controlling command line parameters using Novell® logon, Microsoft® Windows® logon or previously set environment variables.
Overview of Environment Variables
Environment variables are name value pairs available to all applications executing in the current operating system session. They are used to hold common values such as user name, executable search paths and temporary directories. It is also common to use environment variables to hold application settings, which are specific to a user or need to change based on logon conditions.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Environment Variables
The Clinical Workflow™ suite has no predetermined names for environment variables. Clinical Workflow™ suite implementation personnel and hospital network administrators are free to use any name deemed appropriate. It is recommended; however, that variable names be prefixed with OR For the following example, three new environment variables are created: ORserver, ORport, and ORservice. The preexisting windows environment variable user name is also used.
To set the three new variables, issue the following commands:
Z:\> set ORserver=
Z:\> set ORservice=base_or_mgr
Z:\> set ORport=7000
In a production environment, creation of these variables should be controlled by a logon script created by the hospital's NT or Novell administrator. The Clinical Workflow™ suite should not encourage environment variables be set at individual workstations since this would offer little advantage over custom shortcut creation. Use of environment variables is to enable the push of a single Clinical Workflow™ suite shortcut while allowing it to behave differently based on external factors such as machine name or logged in Windows user.
To use an environment variable in a shortcut put a percent sign (%) on each side of the variable name. This tells the system to substitute the variable value for the name. For example, with our three variables and our predefined one, the Clinical Workflow™ suite shortcut command line would be as follows:
C:\...\cpmnav32.exe -c%ORservice%:%ORserver%:%ORport% - u%username%
This variable attempts to log into the base or service running on and listening on port 7000 using the same user name as the user currently logged into the Windows workstation.
Used in conjunction with the setting of default tab and configurations at the staff level, system administrators could create user-specific shortcuts without having to create a separate shortcut for each staff member.
Also, Clinical Workflow™ suite accounts could be created for individual workstation names. The workstation name could then be used as the Clinical Workflow™ suite user name in conjunction with the default configuration setting to create location specific workstations such as PACU or OR workstation.
Remote Desktop Connection
Many Clinical Workflow™ suites running on hospital Clinical Workflow™ suite servers do not run as services The user session in which the applications were started in must remain logged in at all times or the applications will be shut down and stop when the user session is logged out on the server. These applications include the HL7 gateway, all IVR applications, NavNotification (paging), Keypad Controller, Auto-Import, and the Nuance voice recognition software on the IVR server necessary for the Clinical Workflow™ suite to Vocera interface. For example, Windows Terminal Services manager default setting is to log out a terminal services or remote desktop session on the server 30 minutes after the remote user has disconnected. This shuts down all Clinical Workflow™ suite programs not running as a service 30 minutes after the non-console Windows terminal services desktop session is closed and the Terminal Services Manager automatically ends the user’s session and logs out the user.
Applications that do not run as services have GUI windows that the TeleTracking support team uses to shut down and restart multi-level applications. These GUI windows contain troubleshooting tools, including various logging utilities.
Numerous problems and support cases have occurred because hospital server and application support personnel have incorrectly restarted the Clinical Workflow™ suite programs in terminal services windows that were not in the console session.
Many hospitals use Microsoft’s Windows terminal services or remote desktop applications to connect to and support servers that use the Windows Server operating system. Since the Clinical Workflow™ suite and support rely on applications running in the server’s console session, TeleTracking must train hospital personnel to correctly set up and use these Microsoft applications when connecting to and supporting the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Always start the Windows Terminal services or Remote Desktop application in console mode. There are two methods of doing this.
Using Remote Desktop Connection
To open Remote Desktop Connection, do the following:
1. On the taskbar, click Start menu, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type mstsc.exe /console or /admin and then click OK to start the program.
3. In the Computer field, type the server name or IP address of the server you want to connect to and then click Connect.
4. When prompted for the server login account, type the user name and password for the Clinical Workflow™ suite login account.
5. Shut down or start Clinical Workflow™ suite programs as required to perform the support tasks.
6. When finished working on the server, restart all Clinical Workflow™ suite programs running on the server.
7. Lock the server desktop and close the Windows Terminal Services session. Do not log out when closing the Windows remote desktop session. Logging out closes the Clinical Workflow™ suite running in the session.
Creating a Remote Desktop Connection Shortcut
To create a desktop shortcut to the Remote Desktop Connection application and add the console switch, do the following:
1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories and then right-click Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Point to Send To and then click Desktop (create shortcut).
3. On the desktop, right-click the shortcut and then click Properties.
4. In the Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.
5. Place the cursor in the Target field.
6. Press END to move the cursor all the way to the right.
7. In the Target field, insert a space after mstsc.exe and then type /console or /admin.
8. Click Apply to save the changes or click OK to save and close the Properties dialog box.
9. Double-click the desktop shortcut to start the remote desktop application.