About the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
This manual provides information for hospital personnel who configure, administer, troubleshoot, and maintain the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This manual describes application administration procedures for the latest version of the Clinical Workflow™ suite and might not be accurate for earlier versions. Depending upon the options your hospital has chosen, some functionality may differ in your system. However, the basic functionality remains the same.
Description of Application
Clinical Workflow™ suite is a collection of technology-based solutions to healthcare’s capacity, workflow, and patient flow and communications problems. Operating in real- time, on a departmental, facility or enterprise-wide basis, Clinical Workflow™ suite com- bines the most advanced visual controls, audio controls, care alerts, operational alerts and business intelligence to form the “central nervous system” for the healthcare organization. The Clinical Workflow™ suite is the most extensible and flexible care operations management system, spanning the entire healthcare continuum, including clinical (ambulatory, inpatient, procedure-based) settings and ancillary support areas.
Who Should Read this Document?
This document is intended for hospital personnel who configure and maintain the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This document assumes a general understanding of the software associated with the system.
Related Documentation
The Clinical Workflow™ Suite Application User Guide provides details for all levels of staff about working with the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Contacting TeleTracking Technical Support
If you have questions that are not answered by the information in this document, contact your system administrator. The system administrator can then contact TeleTracking Technical Support department.
Introduction to Administrative Functions
The Clinical Workflow™ suite is a comprehensive information management system designed to help hospital staff members deliver the highest quality care to patients, while saving time and effort. This manual describes the application administration of the Clinical Workflow™ suite and its components.
Access the Administrative Console
TeleTracking IQ® Enabled Version
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the TeleTracking IQ® platform, in a web browser (IE version 10/11 or Chrome ) enter the URL of the TeleTracking IQ® platform server to display the Sign in page. For Example: https://xxx.xx.xx.xxx/xxxx
Type your user ID in the top field and your password in the Password field. Then select Sign in.
If you have permission to more than one facility, choose the facility that you want to access at this time. Select a facility from the drop-down arrow and select OK, Continue to display that facility’s information.
You may switch to another facility at any time while still signed in by using the arrow next to the signed in user’s name, selecting different facility and selecting the Update.
Go to Clinical Operations > Clinical Workflow to display the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Go to Admin > Clinical Workflow Management to expand the list of administrative options for the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Standalone Version
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is not integrated with the TeleTracking IQ® plat- form, in a web browser (IE version 10/11 or Chrome) enter the URL of the Clinical Workflow™ suite server. For Example: https://xxx.xx.xx.xxx/xxxx
Note: If DNS is enabled at your site you may replace the IP address with the DNS name. Please contact your administrator as procedures to connect to this server at your site can vary.
In the Login dialog box, type your user name and password if necessary.
Select Login.
Select Configuration option from the list, if necessary such as, Perioperative.
Select Login to display the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Select Admin to expand the menu list.
Select an option to expand it and then select one of the items in the list.
What Appears on the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Admin Menu?
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Admin menu contains three sub menus and three options.
Admin Lists — Submenus allow you to add, edit, and delete Code Lists, Discharge Destinations, Patient Types, and Roles.
Pager Maintenance — Submenus allow you to add, edit, and delete Pager Carriers and Pagers. There are also submenu options that allow for Pager Search and Pager Status.
Staff — Submenus options allow you to add, find, and edit staff members.
Messages — The Messages function allows messages to be posted on application message board, sent as a notification, or staff messages menu.
PHI Audit —By editing the PHI Audit option, you can tailor the contents of the HIPAA report to meet your facility’s specific reporting needs.
User Privileges — Privileges determine what users can to do in Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Who Can Configure the Clinical Workflow™ Suite?
This chapter describes how to perform administrative functions in the Clinical Workflow™ suite including managing roles, privileges, and staff entries. The Administer System privilege is required to perform these procedures. Please contact TeleTracking’s Technical Support if you need assistance with these privileges.
Common Tasks
Create TeleTracking IQ® Platform Users
To access Clinical Workflow™ suite by signing in to the TeleTracking IQ® platform via web browser some additional set up will have to be performed in Admin.
There are two different types of account setup:
When the active directory (AD) is TeleTracking AD
When the accounts are pulling from the client AD.
To enable the TeleTracking IQ® platform, sign into the TeleTracking IQ® platform via a web browser. Here you will have two options:
Open an existing user and “link” the Capacity Management™ suite user account by assigning the appropriate role.
Create a new IQ User account.
Create a New TeleTracking IQ® User Account
TeleTracking Active Directory (AD)
If your health system is using the Tele AD, do the following:
Go to Admin > Users.
Select Create Account to create a new user.
Enter Account information
User Roles, select one or more of the following roles for the user:
Clinical Workflow User – Only assign this role if your organization has a license to the Clinical Workflow™ suite, and users will access Clinical Workflow™ suite through the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Administrator - Performs global tasks that affect what others can do in the TeleTracking IQ® platform, such as configuring users and global settings.
Select Create Account to display the new account on the User Accounts list.
Select the user account that you just created to display the User Accounts – Edit Account page.
In the User Permissions > Clinical Workflow™ section, select Access Permissions to display the Clinical Workflow™ View <user name > dialog box.
In the Clinical Workflow™ View <user name > dialog box, complete all necessary information as you would to set up staff members.
Select Save.
Client Active Directory (AD)
If your health system uses a Client Active Directory, user roles will need to be enabled and disabled in the Clients Active Directory. You can set up an account using the previous steps, however, there will be no active roles in the TeleTracking IQ® platform until the you add the roles to the client AD.
The first time the user logs in with the e-mail address that was set up. The e-mail will reconcile and allow access to the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Link a TeleTracking IQ® User Account
To link a user who already exists in the TeleTracking IQ® platform to a user who exists in the Clinical Workflow™ suite, do the following:
In the TeleTracking IQ® platform, go to Admin > Users to display the User Account list.
Select the user, to display the user’s Edit Account page.
In User Role(s), select the Clinical Workflow User role.
Scroll down to User Permissions.
Select Access Permissions, to display the Clinical Workflow™ suite View Staff
<user name> dialog box.
Verify the e-mail address is present.
Verify all other necessary user role information is present as described in the Manage Staff section of this page.
Select Save.
Work with Roles
Why Configure Roles?
Roles allow access to Clinical Workflow™ suite functionality based on the privileges they contain. Users are assigned to roles. The individual users then inherit the privileges of the roles that they were assigned to, similar to a parent/child relationship. This makes adding new users and editing existing users faster, more efficient, and more secure. For information on working with privileges, view the Work with Privileges section of this page.
Create Roles
Go to Admin > Admin Lists > Roles to display the Roles dialog box.
Select Add to display the Add Role Information dialog box.
In Role Name, type a name for the new role.
In Role Description, type a description for the new role.
In Maximum Active Assignments Per Location, type the maximum number of assignments for the role for each location. If the specified number of assignments per location is exceeded, a message displays requesting confirmation. Using this option does not prevent the role from being assigned more than the specified number of assignments.
In Maximum Concurrent Assignments For Staff Member, type the maximum number of concurrent assignments for a staff member assigned to the role. If the specified number of assignments per location is exceeded, a message displays requesting confirmation. Using this option does not prevent the staff member from being assigned more than the specified number of assignments.
In Inactivity Timeout, type a number of minutes after which a user’s application login expires if there is no activity. The default setting is blank. If this box is blank, no timeout applies. If a number of minutes is specified, the range must be an integer 1– 32767.
The time displays in the application title bar and counts down when there is no activity. When the user performs an action in the application, the countdown timer resets to the specified period and begins counting down again. Selections in any of the Vues that open a dialog box or right-selects that open a menu reset the countdown timer. Actions performed outside of the application or when the application does not have focus do not reset the countdown timer. If the timeout period expires, the user must log in again to continue using the application.
If the user is assigned more than one role, the role with the longest timeout period takes precedence. If this is not used, a system default value of 2 minutes applies.
In Group Membership, select a group if you want to assign the role to a role group.
In Source Assignment Type, select how the staff member’s source assignment (existing assignment) is treated if the staff member is dragged and dropped to a new assignment. Choose from the following options:
Keep Assignment – The existing assignment is retained as well as the new assignment. For Example: John’s name is dragged and dropped from his existing assignment in OR Room 2 to a new assignment in OR Room 5. With the Keep Assignment option in his role, John would be assigned to both OR Room 2 and OR Room 5.
Remove Assignment – The existing assignment is removed and the staff member is only assigned to the new assignment. For Example: John’s name is dragged and dropped from his existing assignment in OR Room 2 to a new assignment in OR Room 5. With the Remove Assignment option in his role, John would be assigned to only OR Room 5. In Target Assignment Type, select how dragging and dropping staff members to assignment fields functions when there is already a staff member’s name in the assignment field. Choose one of the following options:
Add: Add an assignment to the existing staff member assignment(s) in the target location. For Example: Mary’s name is dragged and dropped to an assignment field that already has John’s name in it. With the Add option selected in her role, Mary and John are both assigned to the target location.
Replace: Un-assign or replace the existing staff member assignment in the target role. For Example: Mary’s name is dragged and dropped to an assignment field that already has John’s name in it. With the Un-assign option selected in her role, Mary replaces John in the assignment field for the target location.
Swap: Move the staff member who is in the target location to the source location, or effectively swap the assignments. For Example: Mary’s name is dragged and dropped on to an assignment field that already has John’s name in it. With the Swap option selected in her role, Mary replaces John in the assignment field for the target location and John replaces Mary in her original assignment field.
The ExternalID is a string field and is used to map to the cloud AD role name. When a role has a value in the "ExternalID" field, then the role is "externally managed". Only, roles with "ExternalID" are considered to be "externally managed". When a user logs into the Clinical Workflow™ suite via the TeleTracking IQ® platform, the security broker will add or delete Clinical Workflow™ suite role membership based on the cloud AD role membership and the Clinical Workflow™ suite "externally managed" roles.
If a Clinical Workflow™ suite role is not "externally managed" it is not considered by the Clinical Workflow™ suite security broker. For example, if a user is a member of role X (which is not externally managed) then when user logs in (via cloud), the user will still have role membership to X, regardless of what the AD roles are for that user.
Clinical Workflow™ suite externally managed roles A, B. Cloud roles B, C. After user logs into system (cloud), the user will have membership to roles: B. Clinical Workflow™ suite externally managed roles A, B. Cloud roles C.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite user already has membership to A,B. After user logs into system (cloud), the user will no longer have role membership to A and B.
Security Broker service will reconcile user role membership based on Cloud Ad and externally managed roles.
Select Role Is Exclusive to make the role exclusive and to prevent relationships with other roles. For more information, refer to the Work with Role Relationships section of this page.
Select Nonworking Activity box if the role is for activities that are not directly work-related such as breaks or lunch. This is useful to distinguish between designated non-working periods and periods of inactivity when assigning jobs to staff.
Role Is Active is selected by default. Verify that the box is selected in order to keep the role active or clear the check box to make the role inactive.
Add or Remove Privileges to a Role
Go to Admin > Admin Lists > Roles, to display the Roles dialog box.
Select a role and select Add or Edit to display the Edit <role name> dialog box.
To add privileges to a role, in the Add Role Information dialog box or the Edit <Role Name> dialog box, select Privileges to display the <Role Name> Role Privileges dialog box.
Select the required privileges for the role in the Available list and then select Add to move the privilege to the Assigned list.
To remove privileges, select a privilege from the Assigned list and then select Remove to move the privilege to the Available list.
Select Save to save your selections or Save & Close to save and close this window.
For more information about privileges, refer to the Work with Privileges section of this page.
Add Staff to a Role
Do one of the following:
In the Add Role Information dialog box, enter a role name.
In the Edit <Role Name> dialog box, select a role from the Roles dialog box and select Edit.
Select Manage Staff to display the <Role Name> Manage Staff dialog box.
All staff members entered in Clinical Workflow™ suite appear in the Available list. To add a staff member to a role, select a name and then select Add to move it to the Selected list.
To remove a staff member from a role, select a name in the Selected list and then select Remove to move the name to the Available list.
Select Save to save these changes and keep the window open or Save & Close to save and close this window.
The filter can be selected to filter staff members already having a specific role.
Select Show De-Activated to display active staff names and those staff names that have been deactivated in the Available list.
Add Alternate Roles
For more information about alternate roles, refer to the Alternate Role Relationships section of this page.
In the Add Role Information dialog box, enter a role name or go back and select a role from the Roles dialog box and select Edit. Select the Alternates box.
In the available roles (left column), select alternate roles to add to the role and then select Add. The selected roles move to the right column indicating that it is added as a Role Alternate.
To remove the role, select a role in the right window pane and then select Remove.
Select Save to save changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
Adding Inherited Roles
For more information about role inheritance, refer to the Inherited Role Relationships section of this page.
In the Add Role Information dialog box, enter a role name or go back and select a role from the Roles dialog box and select Edit. Select the Inheritance box.
Select roles available from the left window pane, and select Add to move the required inherited roles to the right window pane indicating a parent role. The required inherited roles vary for each role
Select Save to save changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
Assigning Role Activities
In the Add Role Information dialog box, enter a role name or go back and select a role from the Roles dialog box and select Edit. Select the Activities box.
From the available roles list in the left column, select a role and select Add to move the required activity roles to the activity roles in the right column. The required activity roles vary for each role.
Select Save to save changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
View or Edit Roles
Before assigning roles to staff, roles must be defined by adding privileges and selecting options.
Go to Admin > Admin Lists > Roles to display the Roles dialog box.
Select the role you want to modify and then select Edit.
Modify any of the following as required:
In the Role Name field, type a new name for the role. This name displays in the List Administration dialog box.
In the Role Description field, type a new description if necessary to further identify the role. The description displays only here for administrator reference.
In the Maximum Active Assignments Per Location field, type the maximum number of assignments for the role for a location. If the specified number of assignments per location is exceeded, a message displays requesting confirmation. Using this option does not prevent the role from being assigned more than the specified number of assignments. The default is 0.
In the Maximum Concurrent Assignments For Staff Member field, type the maximum number of concurrent assignments for a staff member assigned the role. If the specified number of assignments per location is exceeded, a message displays requesting confirmation. Using this option does not prevent the staff member from being assigned more than the specified number of assignments. The default is 0.
In the Inactivity Timeout field, type a number of minutes after which a user’s Navigator login expires if there is no activity. The time displays in the Navigator title bar and counts down when there is no activity. When the user performs an action in Navigator, the countdown timer resets to the specified period and begins counting down again. Mouse selects in any of the views that open a dialog box or right-selects that open a menu reset the countdown timer. Actions per- formed outside of Navigator or when Navigator does not have focus do not reset the countdown timer. If the timeout period expires, the user must log in again to continue using Navigator.
In the Group Membership list, select a group if you want to assign the role to a role group.
In the Source Assignment Type list, select from Keep Assignment or Remove Assignment. This refers to the ability to drag and drop staff assignments leaving the assignment you started dragging or remove it based on the role.
In the Target Assignment Type list, select from Add, Replace, or Swap. The Target Assignment Type only comes into play if an assignment already exists where dropped blank assignments are just added to as there is nothing to remove or swap.
Add: add an assignment to the existing assignment(s) in the target location
Replace: un-assign or replace the existing assignment in the target role
Swap: move the staff in the target location to the source location, or effectively swap the assignments
Select the Role Is Exclusive box to make the role exclusive and to prevent relationships with other roles. For more information, refer to the Work with Role Relationships section of this page.
Select the Nonworking Activity box if the role is for activities that are not directly work-related such as breaks or lunch. This is useful to distinguish between designated non-working periods and periods of inactivity when assigning jobs to staff.
For the External ID field, see the section on Adding Roles.
Verify that the Role Is Active box is selected to keep the role active.
To make the role inactive, select to clear the check box.
Select the Privileges box.
In the Select Privileges dialog box, select the required privileges for the role in the available privileges list in the left window pane and then select Add to move the privilege to the assigned privileges list to the right window pane.
To remove privileges, select a privilege from the assigned privileges list in the right window pane and then select Remove to move the privilege to the available privileges list in the left window pane.
For more information about privileges, refer to the Work with Privileges section of this page.
Select Save to save your selections or Save & Close to save and close this window.
Remove a User from a Role
Go to Admin > Admin Lists.
Select Roles to display the Roles dialog box.
Select the role from which the user needs the user to be removed.
Select Edit.
The Edit <role name> dialog box for the selected role appears.
Select Manage Staff and the Manage Staff dialog box appears for that selected role.
Select the staff name from the right window pane to highlight it and then select Remove to move the staff out of this role.
Select Save to save or Save & Close to save and close the dialog box.
Work with Role Relationships
Inherited Role Relationships
This role type defines an inherited relationship. Role inheritance refers to the collection of security privileges received from a parent role and thus, the implied inheritance of role membership on the parent role. For example, the Charge Nurse role inherits from the Nurse role, meaning that the Charge Nurse role inherits all of the security privileges of the Nurse role. Because the Charge Nurse role is inherited from the Nurse role, the members of the Charge Nurse role are implicit members of the Nurse role.
The inheritance relationship is not bi-directional, since the role security privileges flow only from parent to child and the memberships flow only from child to parent. This flow of privileges and memberships applies to all levels of the hierarchy. Using the same example, if the Nurse role inherits from the Hospital Staff role, then the Hospital Staff role inherits all members of the Nurse role whether those members are direct or inherited. Since the Nurse role inherits members from the Charge Nurse role, the Hospital Staff role also inherits those members. This also applies to security privileges. Since the Nurse role inherits from the Hospital Staff role, all security privileges that belong to the Hospital Staff role also belong to the Charge Nurse role.
Child Role — The child role receives the privileges of the related (parent) role.
Parent Role — The parent role receives the members of the child role.
Alternate Role Relationships
This role type defines an alternate relationship. This relationship specifies which roles may serve as an alternate role for staff assignment purposes. Providing an alternate relationship to a specific role allows the user to assign a staff member of an alternate role to that role even if that staff member is not a member of that role. For example, defining the Anesthesiologist role as an alternate role for "Charge Nurse" allows the user to select a member of the Anesthesiologist role to be actively assigned to the Charge Nurse role.
Staff assignment does not indicate membership. For example, a staff member assigned to a role does not receive security privileges associated with that role.
Main Role — identifies the role for which the alternate can substitute.
Alternate Role — identifies the alternate role that can be substituted for the Main Role.
Activity Role Relationship
This role type defines working and non-working activities associated with a specific parent role for monitoring purposes. It essentially specifies the state of a particular staff member in a role. For example, the Housekeeping role may have On Break and Working activity relationships. When determining which Housekeeping staff member to page, it is useful to determine the activities in which the staff member is currently participating. If a staff member is currently assigned to the On Break role, then the staff member may not be available. If a staff member is assigned to the Working role, the amount of time a staff member has been working and whether the staff member is overdue for a break can be determined.
Activity Parent Role — identifies the role for which the activities are defined.
Activity Role — the activity role specifies an activity that may be assigned to the Activity Parent Role.
Work with Privileges
What Are Privileges?
Privileges determine what users are allowed to do in Clinical Workflow™ suite. For example, add, view, edit, or move a patient. One or more privileges are assigned to each user ID.
What Privileges Can Be Assigned to Roles?
Privileges are assigned to roles. Roles are assigned to staff members in the List Administration dialog box (see the View or Edit Roles section of this page) to grant access to specific Clinical Workflow™ suite functionality. Changes to privileges become effective after closing and reopening the affected Clinical Workflow™ suite. The following list defines each of the privileges that can be assigned to roles:
Add Patient — This permission allows users to add new patients using the New Patient command on the Add menu in Navigator.
Administer System — This permission allows users to add, remove, or update user security settings. This privilege is given to Clinical Workflow™ suite system administrators. Actions available through this privilege include adding new users, enabling login accounts, changing passwords, managing roles, and editing user privileges. This privilege is required for Import application users.
Assign Pager — This permission allows users to assign pagers to roles or staff using the Assign Pager dialog box. Pager functionality within the Clinical Workflow™ suite application is required for this privilege.
Audit Trail Administration — This permission makes the PHI Audit command available on the Edit menu. The PHI Audit command allows the user to select which patient information is PHI (Protected Health Information) and therefore can be audited. The audit provides a history of which staff members modified patient records.
Cancel/Delete Procedure — This permission allows users to cancel or permanently delete scheduled procedures. This privilege functions only if the role also has the Edit Patient Information and View Registration Screen privileges.
Delete Patient/Episode — This permission allows users to permanently delete patients and episodes from Clinical Workflow™ suite. This privilege functions only if the role also has the View Registration Screen privileges.
Disable Login Timeout — This permission turns off the logon time-out period in the Clinical Workflow™ suite database. The default is 10 minutes. This time period can be changed based on your requirements. If this privilege is not assigned to a role, users must log in again if the time-out period expires.
Edit Bed Request — In the base configuration, this permission allows a user to be able to edit a Capacity Management™ suite bed request from within the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Edit Patient Information — This permission allows users to edit patient information in the View Patient dialog box. This is a dependent privilege; on its own it does not remove or add any abilities. This privilege functions only if the role also has the View Registration Screen privilege. If this privilege is removed from a role, the Cancel/Delete Procedure and Update Schedule privileges must also be removed.
Edit Staff Assignment — This permission allows users to add or edit staff assignments to a patient or location. This privilege must be granted to all IVR users within the Clinical Workflow™ suite including Transporters and Cleanup Staff.
Edit Transport Request — In the base configuration, this permission allows a user to be able to edit a Capacity Management™ suite transport request from within the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Execute SQL — This permission allows users to execute SQL queries against the database through the Clinical Workflow™ suite Manager Service.
Maintain Master List — This permission allows users to add, rename, or deactivate values on code lists (procedure codes, patient alerts, acuity levels). This privilege is required for Import users.
Maintain Pager — This permission allows users to maintain pager information through the Navigator Edit menu. Actions include adding, removing, and editing pagers, displaying pager reports and status, and adding and editing carrier information. Pager functionality within the Clinical Workflow™ suite is required for this item.
Menu Edit — this permission allows users to view the entire Edit menu.
Menu View Patient — This permission allows use of the Find Patient, My Patients, Patient by Physician, and Patient by Name commands on the View menu in Navigator.
Merge Patients — This permission allows users to merge patients within Clinical Workflow™ suite. This is used when the patient has been manually entered and must be merged with the patient record from the HL7 interface.
Move Patient — This permission allows users to move patients from one location to another. This includes moving patients to and from off-screen boxes. If this privilege is removed, patients cannot be moved at all. When you select and drag to move a patient, the gurney icon does not appear and the patient does not move.
Patient abrv override — This permission overrides display of the abbreviated patient name allowing users to view the entire patient name.
Patient alias override — This permission overrides display of the patient alias name (if entered) allowing users to view the real patient name.
Perform Admin Console Commands — This permission allows users to perform actions on client connections using the Administrative Console component.
Examples include sending broadcast messages, connecting and disconnecting clients, and viewing security properties. Without this privilege, client and Manager connections can be viewed, but not modified. Commands remain available on Administrative Console menus, but cannot be used. This privilege is required for the Admin Users role.
Record/Edit Event — This permission allows users to record and edit events.
Events in Clinical Workflow™ suite are usually represented by an icon or a timestamp. Examples include activating an event icon or timestamp by selecting it, editing the date or time of an event, or adding comments to an event. This privilege must be granted to all IVR users within Clinical Workflow™ suite application including Transporters and Cleanup Staff.
Restrict GUI to Privileged Actions Only — This permission restricts a user to actions for which the user is assigned privileges without prompting the user to log on as a different user. If this privilege is not selected, a user attempting an action for which privileges are not granted is prompted to log on as a different user.
RTLS Administrator — This permission allows a user to update the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS) interface settings within the Clinical Workflow™ suite Admin Console. See the Clinical Workflow™ Suite System Administration Guide for RTLS interface details.
Schedule Procedure — This permission allows users to schedule patients for procedure locations.
Update Schedule — This permission allows users to update scheduled procedure information such as procedure date, time, location, code, description, comments, assigned staff and anesthesia required. If a role is assigned the Schedule Procedure privilege but not the Update Schedule privilege, only the length of the procedure can be updated.
View Auditable Information — This permission allows users to view patient and procedure-oriented flex forms.
View Bed Request — In the base configuration, this permission allows users to be able to view the details of a Capacity Management™ suite bed request from within the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
View DataVue™ Reports — This permission allows users to create, modify and run reports in DataVue™. DataVue™ is accessed through the intranet, but DataVue™ user information is maintained in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Roles that have this privilege also need to have the View Live Reports privilege that allows access to Clinical Workflow™ suite Standard Reports.
View Live Reports — This permission allows users to access Standard Reports in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This privilege does not allow access to DataVue™ reporting.
View Patient Information — This permission allows users to view patient information in the View Patient dialog box and the Patient Tagging dialog box. This privilege is required for the Edit Patient Information role.
View Procedure — This permission allows users to view procedure information in the View Procedure dialog box.
View Staff Info — This permission allows users to view staff information in the View Staff dialog box.
View/Update Staff Messages — This permission allows users to add, remove, and edit messages broadcast through the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
XT Administrator — This permissions allows a user to update the Capacity Management™ suite interface settings within the Clinical Workflow™ suite Admin Console. See the Clinical Workflow™ suite System Administration Guide for Capacity Management™ suite interface details.
View User Privileges
Privileges are not directly assigned to staff members. Instead, privileges are assigned to roles, which are then assigned to staff members.
To determine the roles that are associated with the staff member, go to Admin > Staff > Find Staff. Refer to the procedure for finding and viewing a staff member in the Find and Edit Staff section of this page. Note the roles that the staff member has.
To view the privileges assigned to the staff member’s role go to Admin > Admin Lists > Roles. To view the privileges that are associated with a role, refer to the View or Edit Roles section of this page.
Manage Staff
The staff functions allow adding, finding, and editing staff entries.
Add Staff
Go to Admin > Staff and then select Add Staff to display the Add New Staff dialog box.
In the Add New Staff dialog box, type the information for the new staff member. The Last Name and First Name are the only information required for initial setup.
Complete the Security Settings information. Refer to the Security Settings section of this page.
Select Save to save the new staff information and to enable the Roles and Assignments buttons.
Select Roles. Refer to the Assign Roles to Staff section on this page.
Select Assignments to display the Make Staff Assignments section.
Select Save to save the changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
Security Settings
Modifying Security Settings may be done when adding or editing a staff member account.
If the Add New Staff dialog box is not already open, go to Admin > Staff and then select the Add Staff option.
If you wish to use Windows Active Directory, select the Use External Authentication box.
The password fields and the Set to Blank Password box are disabled.
In the Login User field, type a user name. A numeric user name without symbols is required for any staff member that will login using a phone pad (via IVR). If you selected the Use External Authentication field in the previous step, the Login User name that you type must match the Windows Active Directory user name.
Do not insert spaces before or after the name that you enter in the Login User
In the New Password field, type a password. A numeric password is required if the staff member will login on a phone pad (via IVR). –or– To leave the password blank, select the Set to Blank Password box.
In the Confirm the Password box, type the password again. –or– If selected the Set to Blank Password box to leave the password blank, skip this step.
Select a configuration in the Default Configuration list for the staff member to access. If a default configuration such as Perioperative Services or Care Traffic Control is selected, that configuration is selected by default when logging into the Clinical Workflow™ suite. If No Default is selected, a configuration must be selected in the Configuration list of the Login dialog box.
In the Default Tab list, select the tab within the selected configuration that is selected by default when opening the Clinical Workflow™ suite. If the No Default option is selected, the selected configuration opens to the first tab on the left-hand side.
Select the Enable Account box.
If you wish to allow this staff member to log into the mobile application, select the Mobile Login box.
To enable the screen(s) that this staff member can access through the mobile application, select the desired configuration from the Mobile Client list.
Select Save to save the changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
Assign Roles to Staff
You can assign roles by selecting Roles in the Add New Staff dialog box when adding a staff member account or in the View Staff dialog box when viewing or editing a staff member account. The Role Selection dialog box for the staff member appears.
To add a role, select from the roles available list in the left window panel and select Add to move this role to the right window panel. Repeat to add more roles.
To remove a role, select from the selected roles in the right window panel and select Remove to move this role back to the roles available list in the left window panel. Repeat to remove more roles.
Select Save to save changes or select Save & Close to save and close this window.
Find and Edit Staff
Use the Find/Edit Staff command to search for staff member entries for viewing and editing.
Go to Admin > Staff, and then select Find/Edit Staff.
In the Search Staff dialog box, type search criteria in the Login Name, Last Name, First Name, or Organization fields or select a role from the Roles list. Partial text and multiple search criteria may be used.
Select the Login Enabled Only box if you want to include only staff with enabled logins in the search results. The Enable Account box must be selected on the Staff Information tab of the Edit Staff dialog box.
Select the Show Inactive Staff check box if you want to include inactive staff in the search results. The Staff Member is Active check box must be cleared on the Staff Information tab of the Edit Staff dialog box.
Select Search.
All staff entries that match the search criteria appear. If no search criteria are specified, all staff entries appear.
Select the staff entry you want and select View Staff Info.
In the View Staff Info dialog box, you may view or edit general information, security settings, roles, and assignments for the selected user. To edit staff information, refer to the Add Staff section of this page.
Make Staff Assignments
Staff assignments can be made on various screens throughout the Clinical Workflow™ suite using the staff assignment boxes. Staff assignment boxes are typically light blue for location-specific staff or white for unit-specific staff. The same staff assignment box may appear on multiple screens. Once an assignment is made on one screen, it applies across all screens for that staff assignment box.
To make a staff assignment:
Select a staff assignment box (or select Add) to view a list of available staff members who have been assigned to that role. In the example below the staff assignment box is labeled Nurse. Selecting the Nurse staff assignment box displays the list of available employees who have the Nurse role.
Select the box in the Selected column next to the staff member who you want to assign to the location or area. If the staff member is already assigned to a location, the location name will appear in the Other Locs (locations) column.
Select the locations to which you want to assign the staff member.
Select Change to accept your selections.
On the Clinical Workflow™ suite screen, the staff member’s name appears next to the rooms selected.
Assignments made on the ScheduleVue™ or look ahead ScheduleVue™ screens for procedure rooms will also appear on the RoomVue™ screen. For example: On the ScheduleVue™ screens select ADD in the grey staff assignment box and select a staff member(s). A check appears in the box under the Selected column. Selecting the Available Staff Only box will display only available staff in the list.
View Staff Assignments
To view the assignments for a specific staff members do the following:
Select the staff assignment box or go to Admin > Staff> Find/Edit Staff and search for the staff member.
Select the staff member and select Edit. The View Staff dialog box appears.
Select Assignments to view the staff member’s current assignments.
Staff assignment information can also be accessed by selecting Admin > Staff> Find/Edit Staff. Proceed as described above.
Maintain PHI Audit
About PHI Audit
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), healthcare providers are required to monitor, track, and report on staff access to patient information. The Clinical Workflow™ suite provides HIPAA-compliant viewing of selected patient data. Use the PHI (Protected Health Information) Audit editing function to tailor the contents of what can be viewed to meet your facility’s specific HIPAA needs. Please contact our technical support team for information on how to view this data.
The System Administrator establishes and edits the PHI Audit criteria by working in conjunction with the facility’s HIPAA compliance staff. The Audit Trail Administration and View Auditable Information privileges are required to perform PHI editing. Once the audit criteria are established in the system, the Clinical Workflow™ suite tracks information access activities for all users.
Editing PHI Audit Criteria
To edit PHI Audit criteria, do the following:
Go to Admin > PHI Audit option.
Add audit fields to any of the collected information by doing one of the following:
Select the name of a field that you want to audit in the Available audit fields list from the left window pane and then select Add. The field name moves to the Selected audit fields list in the right window pane.
To remove audit fields from collected information:
Select the name of a field that you do not want to audit in the Selected audit fields list in the right window pane and then select Remove. The field name moves back to the Available audit fields list in the left window pane.
Select Save to save changes or select Save & Close to save and close the window.
Work with Pagers
Paging can be used for the Clinical Workflow™ suite. If one-way paging is set up on your Clinical Workflow™ suite, you can send pages to staff members and to staff roles with assigned pagers. The system can be configured to send pages when certain events occur within the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The paging feature requires the installation of PageGate.
What is a Carrier?
A carrier is a vendor who supplies the paging service.
Carrier Maintenance
In the Carriers dialog box you can add, edit and remove carriers from the database. When adding a new carrier, give the carrier the same name used for the PageGate Recipient name. The relationship between carriers in the PageGate and Clinical Workflow™ suite databases is maintained through this dialog box and PageGate's Admin dialog box.
Add Carriers
To add a carrier, do the following:
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Carriers to display the In the Carrier Name list.
Select the Add box.
In the Carrier Name field, type a name for the new carrier. The Carrier name is the Recipient name used in the PageGate software during the carrier setup. The carrier name is the Recipient name used in the PageGate software when creating the carrier.
In the Description field, type a description of the carrier.
In the External ID Label field, type the text to appear on the field label in the Pager Maintenance dialog box. For example, Phone Number.
In the External ID Help field, type the text to display in the message that opens after selecting Help in the Pager Maintenance dialog box. This provides instructions for what type of information to type in this box. For example, type a 10-digit phone number.
In the Maximum Chars field, type the maximum number of characters allowed for each paging message.
Select Save.
Modify Carriers
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Carriers to display the In the Carrier Name list.
Select a carrier then select Edit. The Carrier name is the Recipient name used in the PageGate software when creating the carrier.
Modify the following as required:
In the Description field, type a description of the carrier.
In the External ID Label field, modify the text to appear on the label in the Pager Maintenance dialog box.
In the External ID Help field, modify the text to display in the Help button in the Pager Maintenance dialog box.
In the Maximum Chars field, type the maximum number of characters allowed to page.
Select Save.
Remove Carriers
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Carriers to display the In the Carrier Name list.
Select a carrier. The Carrier name is the Recipient name used in the PageGate software when creating the carrier.
Select Remove.
The selected carrier is removed from the database.
Pager Options
For adding new pagers into Clinical Workflow™ suite, there are three options:
For adding new pagers into Clinical Workflow™ suite, there are three options: For SMTP, TAP and SNPP protocols.
For SMTP with Vocera®.
For Apple IOS devices.
Add Pagers
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Pagers to display the Pager Name list.
Select the blank option in the Pager Name list to clear all information.
In the Pager Name field, type a name for the new pager.
In the Description field, type a description of the pager name. This may be the same as the pager name.
In the Carrier Name list, select the carrier to which the pager is assigned. This is the External ID.
For use with Vocera, type or select Vocera from the list.
In the Pager Code field, type the area code and telephone number for the pager.
To add a new pager, select Add. A new pager is created.
To assign the new pager to a role or staff member, select Assignment. For more information, refer to the Pager Assignment section of this page.
Modify Pagers
To modify a pager, do the following:
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Pagers to display the Pager Name list.
Modify the following information as required:
In the Pager Name list, select a pager name.
In the Description field, type a new description of the pager. This may be the same as the pager name.
In the Carrier Name list, select a different carrier to which the pager is assigned.
a. For use with Vocera, type or from the list select Vocera.
b. In the Pager Code field, type a new area code and telephone number for the pager.
c. To assign the pager to a different role or staff member, select Assignment.
3. For more information, refer to the Pager Assignment section of this page.
When you are finished modifying the pager, select Save to save your changes.
Remove Pagers
To remove a pager, do the following:
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Pagers to display the Pager Name list.
In the Pager Name list, select a pager.
Select Remove.
The selected pager is removed from the database.
Search for Pagers
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Page Search to display the Pager Search window
Type search text in the search field such as the Pager ID, Pager Name, Staff Name, or Role.
Select Search to return a list of pagers that meet the selected criteria.
View Paging Status
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and select Page Search to display the Paging Status window.
The Paging Status window displays current paging information. You can see the total number of pages, as well as the status of PageGate.
Sort the Paging Status list by column headings such as Create Date, Create Time, Sent Date, Sent Time, and Message Status. This information is useful to help determine patterns when investigating paging failures.
Select Close to close the Paging Status window.
Pager Assignment
You can use the Pager Assignment dialog box to assign pagers to a staff member or staff role or to remove a pager assignment from a staff member or staff role.
When a pager is assigned to a role, it stays with the role, not with the particular staff member. For example, if a pager is assigned to the charge nurse role, when one charge nurse goes off duty the pager gets passed to the next charge nurse on duty. When a pager is assigned to a staff member, it stays with the staff member and does not pass from one staff member to another when a shift changes.
Assign Pagers to Staff Members or to Roles
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and then select the Pagers option. The Pager Maintenance dialog box appears.
Select a pager from the Pager Name list and select Assignments. The Pager Assignment dialog box appears.
Verify that the Pager Name is the pager to be assigned or reassigned.
Select one of the following option buttons:
Select the Staff Assignment option button to assign the pager to a staff member
Select the Role Assignment option button to assign the pager to a staff role.
From the Available list in the left window pane, select the staff or role name that you want to assign.
Select Add. The selected staff member or role appears in the Selected assignment in the right window pane.
Select Save to save and close the window.
Remove Pager Assignments from Staff Members and Roles
On the Navigator Edit menu, point to the Pager Maintenance option, and then select the Pagers option. The Pager Maintenance dialog box appears.
Select a pager from the Pager Name list and select Assignments. The Pager Assignment Dialog box appears.
In the Current Assignment field, select the current pager assignment that you want to remove.
Select Remove. The pager assignment is removed from the Current Assignment field.
Select Save to save and close the window.
Assign Pagers to Staff Members
Use the View Staff dialog box to assign pagers to specific staff members in the Clinical Workflow™ suite client. Only one pager per role is allowed. The staff member always has the same pager which no other staff member carries.
To assign a pager to a staff member, do the following:
Go to Admin > Staff option, and then select Find/Edit Staff.
In the Staff Search dialog box, type or select search criteria as required to find a staff member. To view all staff members, leave the search criteria blank.
Select Search.
Select a staff member from the list.
Select View Staff Info.
Select a pager from the Assign Device list to assign to the staff member.
In the Pager Info box, you can type additional pager information, such as a personal pager number. This information is not used for pager assignments.
Select Save to save or Save & Close to save and close window.
Remove Pagers from Staff Members
To remove a pager assignment from a staff member, do the following:
In the View Staff dialog box, select the <No Selection> option in the in the Assign Device list.
The pager is removed from the Assign Device field.
Select Save or Save & Close to save and close window.
Pager Assignment
You can use the Pager Assignment dialog box to assign pagers to a staff member or staff role or to remove a pager assignment from a staff member or staff role.
When a pager is assigned to a role, it stays with the role, not with the particular staff member. For example, if a pager is assigned to the charge nurse role, when one charge nurse goes off duty the pager gets passed to the next charge nurse on duty. When a pager is assigned to a staff member, it stays with the staff member and does not pass from one staff member to another when a shift changes.
Assign Pagers to Staff Members or to Roles
Go to Admin > Pager Maintenance, and then select the Pagers option. The Pager Maintenance dialog box appears.
Select a pager from the Pager Name list and select Assignments. The Pager Assignment dialog box appears.
Verify that the Pager Name is the pager to be assigned or reassigned.
Select one of the following option buttons:
Select the Staff Assignment option button to assign the pager to a staff member.
Select the Role Assignment option button to assign the pager to a staff role.
From the Available list in the left window pane, select the staff or role name that you want to assign.
Select Add. The selected staff member or role appears in the Selected assignment in the right window pane.
Select Save to save and close the window.
Remove Pager Assignments from Staff Members and Roles
On the Navigator Edit menu, point to the Pager Maintenance option, and then select the Pagers option. The Pager Maintenance dialog box appears.
Select a pager from the Pager Name list and select Assignments. The Pager Assignment Dialog box appears.
In the Current Assignment field, select the current pager assignment that you want to remove.
Select Remove. The pager assignment is removed from the Current Assignment field.
Select Save to save and close the window.
Assign Pagers to Staff Members
Use the View Staff dialog box to assign pagers to specific staff members in the Clinical Workflow™ suite client. Only one pager per role is allowed. The staff member always has the same pager which no other staff member carries.
To assign a pager to a staff member, do the following:
Go to Admin > Staff option, and then select Find/Edit Staff.
In the Staff Search dialog box, type or select search criteria as required to find a staff member. To view all staff members, leave the search criteria blank.
Select Search.
Select a staff member from the list.
Select View Staff Info.
Select a pager from the Assign Device list to assign to the staff member.
In the Pager Info box, you can type additional pager information, such as a personal pager number. This information is not used for pager assignments.
Select Save to save or Save & Close to save and close window.
Remove Pagers from Staff Members
To remove a pager assignment from a staff member, do the following:
In the View Staff dialog box, select the <No Selection> option in the in the Assign Device list.
The pager is removed from the Assign Device field.
Select Save or Save & Close to save and close window.
Create Messages
To create a message, do the following:
Go to Admin> Messages to display the Messages dialog box.
Select New to display the Add Message dialog box.
Select one option button to specify the message type:
Bulletin Board — select this type if you want your message to appear in the Messages bar in the Navigator. Works for both staff and role selections.
Notifications — select this type if you want your message to be sent to one or more pagers. Works only for staff selection.
Standard — select this type if you want your message to appear in the Messages menu. This option works only for staff selection.
Determine the message recipients by selecting one of the following options:
To Staff — Select this button to select staff members to receive the message.
The Select Staff dialog box appears.
To add staff members to the list of those receiving the message, do the following:
Make a selection in the Filter list to reduce the number of names visible in the Available Staff list.
Select a staff member from the available staff list in the left window pane.
Select Add.
The staff member’s name moves to the selected staff list in the right window pane. Repeat to add additional staff members if needed.
To remove staff members from the list of those receiving the message, do the following:
Select a staff member from the selected staff list in the right window pane.
Select Remove.
The staff member’s name moves to the available staff list in the left window pane. Repeat to remove additional staff members if needed.
To Role — select this button to select roles to receive the Bulletin Board message.
The Add Messages dialog box appears.
To add a role to the list of those receiving the message, do the following:
Make a selection in the Filter list to reduce the number of roles visible in the available roles list in the left window pane.
Select a role from the available roles list in the left window pane.
Select Add.
The role moves to the selected roles list in the right window pane. Repeat to add additional roles.
To remove a role from the list of those receiving the message, do the following:
Select a role from the selected roles list in the right window pane.
Select Remove.
The role moves to the available roles list in the left window pane. Repeat to remove additional roles.
Select OK.
The information about the message recipients appears in the recipient section of the New Message dialog box.
In the Subject field, type the subject.
In the Message field, type the body of the message.
To send the message, select Send or Cancel to close window without sending a message.
Tag Staff Members
Why Tag Staff Members?
In the RTLS Tagging field of the View Staff dialog box, administrators enter IDs for staff members' badges that communicate with the. TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (RTLS). Based on the RTLS location of tagged staff members, icons can be displayed on the Vues to indicate such things as "Doctor in room." The Staff Search also displays the Staff RTLS location.
Avoiding extensive searches for staff makes it easier to get the right people to the right location at the right time. This functionality is available in both the client-server and browser-based versions of the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Who Can Tag Staff Members?
You must have the system administrator role to assign RTLS tags to staff members. Minimum technical requirements for the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (RTLS) are available for download from https://clients.teletracking.com. Go to Products and Solutions > Documents > TeleTracking® RTLS > Technical Information Reference Documents. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting.
How to Tag and Untag Staff Members with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solution
Select the Staff Tag Status icon for the particular staff member to display the Staff Tagging dialog box.
Type the tag ID number into the RTLS TagID field.
Scan the tag barcode. Press the ENTER key after scanning the tag ID to automatically remove the leading characters and zeros from the ID number.
If your scanner has been configured to automatically press the ENTER key, you do not have to manually press ENTER after scanning the tag's barcode.
Select Attach Tag if you want to attach the tag to the staff member and close the dialog box.
To detach the tag from staff member, select the Detach Tag button. The RTLS TagID field clears and the dialog box closes.