A location is part of the logical structure of a hospital campus. Each room within the physical structure has locations.
Locations provide:
A point to-and-from which transport jobs may be created
A bed which can be assigned to be cleaned
A home or temporary place for a patient
Locations may be edited for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons might include:
Transport or EVS wants to rezone locations for efficiency
Two units are located on the same floor, one room and the location within it are moved from unit to the other
A room is being withdrawn from use as a patient room and is now going to be used for storage or an office
To address additional capacity that may be required during emergencies
Creating a new location involves multiple steps. Each of those steps will be explained and can be remembered by the acronym CURLS.
C - Cost Center
U - Unit
R - Room
L - Location
S - Sections/Zones
Cost Centers
Cost Centers are groupings of departments or units which are used for reporting purposes. These logical components are seen as reporting groups, more so than what we would consider a traditional cost center. Several entities must exist prior to Creating A Location.
These include:
Cost Center
Add a Cost Center
Select the Admin Tool > Select Dictionary Management > Select Cost Centers > Select Add
Add the new Cost Center’s name and an abbreviation then click Save
A Unit is a logical component of a campus. In its most basic definition, a unit is a grouping of rooms (and the locations in those rooms). All rooms in a unit must be in the same building and on the same floor.
Units typically contain at least one room and any associated locations. Rooms must be associated with a Unit, therefore, units must be created before rooms.
Add a Unit
Select the Admin Tool > Select Unit / Zone /Location Management
Click Units then Add Unit
All starred information must be completed before saving
A Room is a physical component of a campus. Prior to creating a room several entities must already exist:
Add a Room
Select the Admin Tool > Select Enterprise Management > Select Enterprise Information
Select the Campus then Building then Floor where the room is to be located
Click Add Room
All starred information must be completed before saving
A location is another logical component of a campus. Prior to creating a location several entities must already exist:
Cost Center
Transport Zones and Sections
EVS Zones and Sections
Note: Zones and Sections are not required to create the location. However, if the location is to be used as a transport location or is to be served by Environmental Services (EVS), then the sections are required
When creating a location you will see six different location types to choose from.
Home Location - Home locations are beds on patient units that patients are admitted to for their hospital stays.
Admit Location - An admit location is a location within an admitting or registration area
Specialty Location - A specialty bed is usually a transitional location for a patient, such as a surgical bed or a bed where a procedure is performed.
Exam/Treatment Location - An exam/treatment location is a location within a treatment, exam, or testing area.
Discharge Location - A discharge location is either a location where a patient is transported upon discharge (discharge non-holding location) or a location where a patient may be transferred or transported while waiting to be discharged (discharge holding location).
Other - If the Capacity IQ® system is integrated with the Location IQ®, then there is a location type called Other. This location type is for tracking locations such as closets, patient restrooms, and hallways.
Add a Location
Select the Admin Tool > Select Enterprise Management > Select Enterprise Information
Select the Campus < Building < Floor < then the Room where the location is to be added
Select Add Location
All starred information must be completed
Sections and zones are used to assign transporters, bed cleaners, and supervisors to specific areas in which they will perform their work.
Add a Section
Select the Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones
In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure the correct campus is selected
On the Sections & Zones tab, in the Name/Application column, choose the application
Sections, Zones, and Locations tabs for the selected application appear.
Click the Sections tab
To add, click Add Section
Add a Zone
Zones can be grouped into sections so that transporters, bed cleaners, or supervisors can be designated to work in multiple zones through one assignment.
Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones
In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure the correct campus is selected
On the Sections & Zones tab, in the Name/Application column, choose the application
Sections, Zones, and Locations tabs for the selected application appear
Click the Zones tab
To add, click Add Zone