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Creating New Locations - Capacity IQ®
Creating New Locations - Capacity IQ®

How to add a location

William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago


  • Locations can be either:

    • physical (such as a campus, floor, or building)

    • logical (non-geographic)


  • Each room within the physical structure has locations.

    • For example, In Building J on Floor 1, Room 1234 might have a location called Bed 1234A and a location called Bed 1234B.

  • After you have added rooms to a floor, you can add locations to those rooms.

  • You may also edit existing location information

    • for example, change the name or location type or select a different room.


  • Logical locations have attributes such as zones or units defined by the hospital.

  • The attributes of a logical location are used for assigning and dispatching transport jobs and for assigning bed cleaning jobs.

    • For example, transporters or bed cleaners can be assigned to a specific zone.

How to add a Location

  • Prior to creating a location several entities must already exist.

  • These include:

    • Cost Center

    • Unit

    • Room

    • Transport Zones and Sections

    • EVS Zones and Sections

  • Transport and EVS Zones and Sections are not required to create the location.

    • Note: If the location is to be used as a transport location or is to be served by Environmental Services, Transport and EVS Zones and Sections are required

Steps to add a location

  • To add a location do the following:

    • Select the Admin Tool > Select Enterprise Management > Select Enterprise Information > Select the Campus where the room is to be located > Select the Building where the room is to be located > Select the Floor where the room is to be located > Select the Room where the location is to be added > Select Add Location (On the Location screen all starred information must be completed)

  • Add information (such as name, abbreviation, cost center, description, ADT IDs, and IVR ID) for a new location or edit the existing information about the location that you selected on the Locations tab.

  • Associate the location with a unit and a room.

Location Name

  • This is the name your location

Location Abbr.

  • This is an abbreviation for your location


  • These are used within the IVR system, pertaining to Transport and EVS jobs.

  • IVR ID’s are provided by the clients Telecom department.

Location Type

  • When creating a location you will see six different location types to choose from.

    • Home Location - Home locations are beds on patient units that patients are admitted to for their hospital stays.

    • Admit Location - An admit location is a location within an admitting or registration area

    • Specialty Location - A specialty bed is usually a transitional location for a patient, such as a surgical bed or a bed where a procedure is performed.

    • Exam/Treatment Location - An exam/treatment location is a location within a treatment, exam, or testing area.

    • Discharge Location - A discharge location is either a location where a patient is transported upon discharge (discharge non-holding location) or a location where a patient may be transferred or transported while waiting to be discharged (discharge holding location).

    • Other - If the Capacity IQ® system is integrated with the Location IQ®, then there is a location type called Other. This location type is for trackable locations such as closets, patient restrooms, and hallways.

  • In its most basic definition, a unit is a grouping of rooms (and the locations in those rooms).

    • Select a Unit that the location will be associated with


  • After you have added rooms to a floor, you can add locations to those rooms.

    • Select a room that the location will be associated with

Everything that is required is now filled out and you can complete the location.

  • Save

Best Practices

Once the location is complete, you can go back and edit it as often as needed.

We never want to delete locations, as once that is deleted all data pertaining that location is deleted as well. To keep the data our best practice would be to put zzz in front of the location name.

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