Requested Level of Care data point in the IQ Case (Standard Lane) data source.
We want to track when the Requested Level of Care for the patient differed from the Actual Level of Care that the patient was admitted to. The purpose of tracking this information is to understand how often they are having to deviate from the best level of care option for the patient (initial request).
A new Requested Level of Care data point has been added to the IQ Case (Standard Lane) data source.
The Requested Level of Care is the level of care that the referring facility/referring provider has requested is needed for the patient. This data point can come from Referral IQ® and/or be populated from within the Transfer IQ® application on the Patient Tab of the Patient's Case Record.
Note: This may be the same or different as the Level of Care indicated at the time of bed request or the Level of Care noted at the time of the patient's admission.
Historical data for this new data point has been backfilled.