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Average Response and Turn-Time Report QRG - Capacity IQ® EVS
Average Response and Turn-Time Report QRG - Capacity IQ® EVS
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 5 months ago

Average Response/Turn-Time Report

The Average Response/Turn-Time Report provides an overview of key bed cleaning metrics including average response time, clean time, and turnaround times for individual units or the entire hospital. This report includes data for standard cleans and jobs that had an upgraded priority. For a bed to be included, it must have been requested for cleaning.

Best Practice Metrics Captured In Average Response/Turn-Time Report


Best Practice Goal

Average Response Time

< 30 Minutes

Average Clean Time (Standard Cleans)

< 30 Minutes

Average Turn Time (Standard Cleans)

< 60 Minutes

Generating The Average Response/Turn-Time Report

Database - Where Your Facility's Data Is Stored

  • Production - Data that is stored in the production database (this is your current data).

    • Use when live up-to-the-minute data is needed.

    • Contains the data from the current time and for the past number of days as defined in Archive Management. This is typically 7 days but may range between 1 and 30 days. If you do not know the number of days, your TeleTracking System Administrator should be able to assist.

  • Archive - Data that is stored in the archive database (this is your older data).

    • Does not capture data for the current day.

    • Users can access reports as far back as the go-live date.


  • Campus Drop-Down

    • Defaults to your campus. The only exception is if you have access to multiple campuses. If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.

Date & Time

  • Date Range

    • Click on the Calendar Icon to select the needed dates.

  • Shift Time

    • The system defaults to the entire day however, you may want to isolate specific shifts if you are trying to investigate issues with not meeting metrics.


Detail By Bed

  • No: Recommended option that provides a one-page summary of the overall totals and averages if you choose Totals in the Group By section below.

  • Yes: Provides detail for all bed cleans in the selected date and time range. Output is a long multiple-page report. This is an in-depth investigative option to choose.


Search By

  • Employee

    • Defaults to include all bed cleaners (recommended).

    • Click on the magnifying glass to choose a specific bed cleaner.

  • Employee Category

    • Will run the report only for the chosen category. You must have these categories built-in dictionary management to use this option (not commonly used).


Patient Unit

  • Magnifying Glass

    • Clicking on the magnifying glass allows you to select specific units.

    • If no units are selected, the report will run for all units by default.


Exclude From Averages

  • Allows you to choose whether you want to exclude or include adjusted beds.

  • Unchecked - Recommended option for reporting best practice metrics-includes all data and provides true metrics. However, this will not list adjusted beds.

  • Checked - Excludes metrics that fall outside of selected parameters. However, this will list the adjusted beds if showing Detail by Bed.

  • Note: This report should be run using both methods to see the true metrics and adjusted beds.


Based On Original Request

  • Yes (recommended): metric based on the time of the original bed clean request.


Omit Delay Times?

  • No (recommended): will incorporate all delays which provide true turn time metrics.

  • Yes: if times are omitted, true turn time will not be captured, and data can be skewed.


Omit Suspended Times?

  • No (recommended): will incorporate all suspended cleans.

  • Yes: if times are omitted, true turn time will not be captured, and data will be skewed.


Group By

  • Totals (recommended): an option if you choose ‘No’ in Detail by Bed when generating the report.

  • Unit: sorts the data by individual unit.

  • Bed Cleaner: sorts the data by individual bed cleaners.



  • Choose the format of the report data. Options include Adobe and Excel.

  • Run Report

    • Click Run Report once all fields are populated.


Analyzing The Average Response/Turn-Time Report


Above is an example Average Response/Turn-Time Report. We will now break down the information to learn how to read the data. Items with a * denote a best practice metric.

  • Avg Response* - Time from Cleaning request to In-Progress.

    • Note: Reportable Best Practice metrics are considered ‘Dirty’.

  • Avg Clean* - Time from In Progress to Clean.

  • Avg Turn* - Time from bed cleaning request to Clean.

  • Adjusted Clean - Jobs that fit one of the following criteria:

    • Job completed in more than the maximum clean time.

    • Job completed in less than the minimum clean time.

    • Job response time is greater than the maximum response time.

      • Note: Running the report without checking anything in the Exclude from Average section, you will see zero values listed for adjusted cleans.

  • Compliant Clean - A formal bed cleaning request was submitted within the application.

  • Found Bed - A bed cleaning job that was completed without a formal cleaning request.

  • Canceled Cleans - A bed cleaning request was created and for some reason needed to be canceled.

    • Note: Provide canceled reasons and how many beds were canceled per reason.

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