Average Response/Turn Time Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Average Response/Turn Time Report provides a snapshot of the bed cleaning workload for the selected units or employees during the date range selected on the Report Criteria page. The data can be grouped by unit or by employee (bed cleaner). For each unit or employee selected on the Report Criteria page, the report displays the following sections: Bed Details, Average Response/Turn Time for Job Requests (Excluding Upgraded and Downgraded Jobs), Average Response/Turn Time for Upgraded and Downgraded Jobs), and All Job Totals. (See Sections).
See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
If the user who generated the report selected to exclude from averages in the Response/Turn Time section any jobs that fall short of a certain minimum clean time, or exceed a certain maximum clean time, or exceed a certain maximum response time, then that will be reflected in the parameters. For example, "Exclude From Averages: Min Clean Time, 5, Max Clean Time 120" means that the user who generated the report chose to exclude jobs from calculations of averages if their clean times were less than 5 minutes or greater than 120 minutes.
About the Report Data
The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus to display data from those units on the report. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report. If no specific units were selected, then the report displays data from all units in the selected campus that meet the criteria defined in the next bullet.
Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if the base unit of the user who generated the report includes the locations of the jobs.
The report includes only data about jobs that were created during the date range and shift selected on the Report Criteria page. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
Only data about EVS Services beds is included.
Only jobs for which formal bed cleaning requests were submitted in the BedTracking® application are included in the report. Non-compliant bed cleaning jobs do not appear.
Only completed jobs are included.
Cancelled jobs are NOT included in calculations.
If Yes was selected for Detail by Bed and the report is grouped by employees, then only jobs that the employee has been given credit for are included in the job detail for that employee. If an employee was associated with a job, but did not receive credit for it, details about that job will appear in a separate section of the report. However, that job will not be included in calculations of job statistics.
If the report is grouped by unit, then all jobs that were completed by the selected bed cleaners will be included in the report. If the report is not grouped by unit, then all jobs that were associated with the selected bed cleaners will appear on the report.
If the report data is grouped by unit, then all completed bed cleaning jobs that were requested through BedTracking® for EVS Services beds are included on the report.
Only completed, non-adjusted, compliant bed cleaning jobs are included in counts and averages in the following sections: Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Up/Downgraded Job Requests), Average Response and Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job Requests, Non-Adjusted Cleans row of the Job Totals section, and the Non-Adjusted Cleans row of the Grand Totals>Job Totals section. Cancelled jobs, found beds, and adjusted cleaning jobs are not included. The user who generates the report can flag the jobs that are defined as "adjusted" by completing the Exclude from Averages section on the Report Criteria page. The following check boxes can be selected: Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response . For each selected check box, the user enters a number of minutes. The number of minutes is compared to the clean time or the response time for each job. Jobs with clean times that exceed the maximum clean time or fall short of the minimum clean time or with response times that exceed the maximum response time are defined as "adjusted." They are excluded from averages and counts in the Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Up/Downgraded Job Requests) section, the Average Response and Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job Requests section, the Non-Adjusted Cleans row of the Job Totals section, and the Non-Adjusted Cleans row of the Grand Totals>Job Totals section.
If the report is grouped by totals, then only grand total information appears. There are not details about bed cleaners or units.
If the report is in unformatted .xls format, then data appears in simple rows and columns and is not totaled, summarized, or grouped. This format is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis.
PDF Output Average Response/Turn Time Quick Report Section and Column Descriptions
The following sections are on the report:
Bed Details—Displays by bed the response times,
(status response and original response), turn times, delay and suspension times, number of delays and suspensions, and clean times for bed cleaning jobs created during the selected date range. For more information, see Bed Details under Column Descriptions. If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner, then there is an additional bed details section called Bed Details (No Credit Job). The Bed Details section lists the jobs that the bed cleaner received credit for. The Bed Details (No Credit Job) section lists the jobs that the bed cleaner was associated with, but did not receive credit for. An additional column lists other bed cleaners who were associated with the job.PDF Output-Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Up/Downgraded Job Requests)—Displays the average response times, average turn times, average delay and suspension times, counts (totals), number of delays and suspensions, and average clean times for bed cleaning jobs created on the current day that were NOT adjusted and NOT upgraded or downgraded. For more information, see Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Upgraded and Downgraded Jobs) under Column Descriptions.
PDF Output-Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Up/Downgraded Job Requests—Displays the average response times, average turn times, average delay and suspension times, counts (totals), number of delays and suspensions, and average clean times for bed cleaning jobs created on the current day that were NOT adjusted but WERE upgraded or downgraded. For more information see Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Up/Downgraded Job Requests under Column Descriptions.
PDF Output-All Job Totals—For all bed cleaning jobs created during the date range selected, displays the count (totals), number of delays and suspensions, average delay and suspension time, average response, time average status response time, and average clean time for all jobs in the categories of Non-Adjusted Cleans, Adjusted Cleans, Total Compliant Cleans, Non-Compliant (Found Bed) Cleans, and Canceled Cleans. For more information see All Job Totals.
Grand Total—For all jobs on the report in non-adjusted clean statuses, displays the count (totals), number of delays and suspensions, average delay and suspension time, average response, time average status response time, and average clean time for all jobs in the categories of Non-Adjusted Cleans, Adjusted Cleans, Total Compliant Cleans, Non-Compliant (Found Bed) Cleans, and Canceled Cleans. Averages are computed as Total time divided number of jobs per status or type. In the example below, Avg Suspend time for the Dirty status is calculated as: total suspended time for all jobs on the report divided by total suspended jobs on the report that were requested for beds in Dirty status.
Avg Status Response
Average elapsed time from the time the bed was placed in the last unclean status until the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or Delayed status for the first time.
Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from the bed's last unclean status to when the job was placed in the In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if the report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by ward) and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by ward) and that were previously in this status
Average Response and Turn Times for Upgraded/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job Requests
PDF Output- Column Descriptions
The Bed Detail, Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Up/Downgraded Job Requests), Average Response and Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job Requests, and All Job Totals sections display the following columns.
Bed Details and Bed Details (No Credit Job)
If the Detail by Bed option was selected when the report was generated, then a Bed Details section appears. If the report was grouped by unit, then the Bed Details section includes all jobs completed within the selected date range. If the report was grouped by bed cleaner, then the Bed Details section displays only jobs that the bed cleaner received credit for and an additional section called Bed Details (No Credit Job) appears. Bed Details (No Credit Job) lists all jobs that the bed cleaner was associated with but did not receive credit for and the other bed cleaners who were involved.
This column . . . | Displays for the selected date range. . . |
Bed | Bed that was in an unclean status (such as Dirty, Stat, or Clean Next). |
Status | If the Base on Original Request option was selected when the report was generated, then this column displays the original unclean status associated with the bed when the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status. If the Base on Original Request option was NOT selected, then this column displays the last unclean status (such as Dirty or Stat) associated with a bed before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status. Example: If Stat appears and Based on Original Request was NOT selected, then the bed's status was Stat at the time that the employee placed the job into the In Progress status and began to clean the bed . If Based on Original request was selected, then the bed's original unclean status was Stat (but it might have been downgraded to another status before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status). |
Adjusted | If the bed cleaning job for this bed was an adjusted bed cleaning job, then Yes appears. Click to learn more about how a job is defined as adjusted. A job is considered adjusted if the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes entered on the Report Criteria page for Adjusted Minimum Clean OR greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Clean OR the time that elapses between when the job is created and when it is placed in the In Progress status or in the Delayed status is greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Response time. If the user who generated the report did not enter any minutes for Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response, then no jobs are considered "adjusted." |
Delayed | The number of bed cleaning job delays for the bed shown in the Bed column. Example: If a bed cleaning job for this bed was delayed at 9:00 AM and then again at 9:10 AM, then this column displays 2. |
Delay Time | Total time that the bed cleaning job was in Delayed status from the time the bed cleaning request was created until the time that the job was completed. |
Suspended | The number of times that a bed cleaning job was suspended from the time that the bed cleaning request was created until the time that the job was completed. For a definition of Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions. |
Suspend Time | Total time that the bed cleaning job was in Suspended status from the time that the bed cleaning request was created until the time that the job was completed. |
Original Response | Elapsed time from when the bed cleaning request was created until an employee first changed the status to In Progress or Delayed. |
Status Response | Elapsed time from when the bed entered its last unclean status (for example, Clean Next) to the first time that the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or the Delayed status. |
Clean Time | Total time that the bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If Yes was selected for the Omit Suspend Times option on the Report Criteria page, then time that the bed was in Suspended status is not included in Clean Time. |
Turn Time | If the Based on Original request option was selected on the Report Criteria page, then turn time is the elapsed time from when the bed cleaning job request was created to when the bed cleaning job was completed. If Based on Original Request was NOT selected on the Report Criteria page, then turn time is the elapsed time from when the bed entered its LAST unclean status to when the job was completed. If Yes was selected for the Omit Suspend Times option on the Report Criteria page, then time that the bed was in Suspended status is not included in Turn Time. If Yes was selected for the Omit Delay Times option on the Report Criteria page, then time that the bed was in Delayed status is not included in Turn Time. |
Bed Cleaner | If the report was grouped by Bed Cleaner, this column appears only in the Bed Details (No Credit Job) section. Only jobs that the bed cleaner whose name appears at the top was associated with but did not receive credit for appear in the Bed Details (No Credit Job) section. The Bed Cleaner column lists other bed cleaners who were associated with the jobs. |
Average Response and Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests (Excludes Upgraded and Downgraded Jobs)
The section only includes bed cleaning jobs that were not upgraded or downgraded. To be included, a job must be placed in the In Progress status when it is in the same unclean status that it was created in. Jobs that were adjusted are excluded. Click to learn more about how a job is defined as adjusted. A job is considered adjusted if the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes entered on the Report Criteria page for Adjusted Minimum Clean OR greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Clean OR the time that elapses between when the job is created and when it is placed in the In Progress status or in the Delayed status is greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Response time. If the user who generated the report did not enter any minutes for Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response, then no jobs are considered "adjusted."
This column . . . | Displays for the selected date range. . . |
Status | Unclean status at the time that a bed cleaning request was created (the bed cleaning was requested). Your organization might have specific names for custom statuses (such as Special). These statuses are campus-specific. Each campus could have different customized names for them. The custom name appears on the report. Example: If Dirty appears in the Status column, then Dirty is the last status that a bed was in before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or Delayed status. The bed was downgraded to Dirty at some point from the status that it had when the bed cleaning request was created (for example, from Clean Next). |
Count | The number of cleaning job requests (excluding those that were either upgraded or downgraded to a different status) that were placed when beds were in the status shown in the Status column. The count includes only cleaning jobs for EVS Services beds. If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner, only cleaning jobs that employees received credit for completing are included in the count. Example: If the report is grouped by bed cleaner and 9 appears for the Dirty status, then employees received credit for 9 cleaning jobs for beds that were in Dirty status when the cleaning job was created (cleaning request was submitted). If 10 Dirty beds were actually cleaned, but one employee placed one of those Dirty beds in Suspended status and another employee completed the job, then neither employee received credit for the 10th bed. It is not included in the count. If the report data is grouped by unit, then the 10th bed would be included in the count. |
Delayed | The number of delays in bed cleaning jobs for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job (excluding upgraded or downgraded jobs). If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner, then only bed cleaning jobs that the employees received credit for are included. Example: If the report is grouped by bed cleaner and employees received credit for cleaning 9 Dirty beds and there were a total of 3 delays for these 9 bed cleaning jobs (for example, one of the 9 bed cleaning jobs was delayed once and another was delayed twice), then 3 appears in the Delayed column for the Dirty status. |
Avg Delay | The average duration of delays for bed cleaning jobs that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job (excluding upgraded or downgraded jobs). Calculation: Total delay time for all beds that the employee received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the job request was created/ Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if the report was groped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning request was created. Example: If the report is grouped by bed cleaner and employees received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were in the Dirty status when the cleaning request was created, and there were 3 delays of 10 minutes each (30 minutes of delays) for these 9 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Delay for the Dirty status would be 30 / 9 = 03.33 minutes. |
Suspended | The number of bed cleaning job suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job (excluding upgraded or downgraded jobs). If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner, only beds that employees received credit for cleaning are included. Example: If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner and employees received credit for cleaning 12 Clean Next beds and placed 2 of those beds into a Suspended status, then 2 appears in the Suspended column for the Clean Next status. If one bed had 2 suspensions and another had 1, then 3 appears in the Suspended column. Note: For a description of the Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions. |
Avg Suspend | The average duration of suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job (excluding upgraded or downgraded jobs). Calculation: Total suspension time for all beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status at the time that the bed cleaning request was created/ Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning request was created. Example: If report data is grouped by bed cleaner and employees received credit for cleaning 12 beds that were in the Clean Next status when the bed cleaning request was created, and there were 2 suspensions of 10 minutes each (20 minutes of suspensions) for these 12 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Suspend for the Clean Next status would be 20 / 12 = 01.67 minutes. |
Avg Response | For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the bed cleaning job requests were created to when the employees first changed the job status to In Progress or Delayed. The time that the job was created is the time that the bed cleaning request was submitted. Upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning jobs are excluded. Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the bed cleaning job request was created and when the job was placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning job was created/ Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning request was created. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were in the Stat status when the bed cleaning job was created. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. Because the patient was still in the room when one employee arrived to clean the third bed, that employee put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. The calculation used to determine the average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes. |
Avg Clean | For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average time from the start of In Progress status to Complete (Clean) status minus any time that beds were suspended (see note below). Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from In Progress to Complete status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning request was created. Note: If the Omit Suspended Time option was selected when the report was generated, then suspensions are not included in the calculation. Example: The report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Employees received credit for cleaning 2 beds that had previously been in the user-defined, custom status called Contagious. When the report was generated, Yes was selected for Omit Suspended Time. The first bed entered the In Progress status at 11:00 AM and into Completed (Clean) status at 11:15 AM. The second bed entered the In Progress status at 2:00 PM, was suspended at 2:05 PM, was put into In Progress status again at 2:15 PM, and was completed (marked as clean) at 2:25 PM. The total suspension time was 10 minutes. The calculation used to determine average clean time is (15 + 25) - 10 suspension minutes/ 2 = 15 minutes. If Omit Suspended Time had NOT been selected when the report was generated, then the calculation would have been (15 + 25) / 2 = 20 minutes. |
Avg Turn | For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employees started them, the average time taken to both respond to and complete bed cleaning job requests. Depending on whether Yes or No was selected for the Omit Suspended Times and the Omit Delay Times option, the amount of time that a job was in Suspended or Delayed status will be either included or excluded from the calculations. "Delayed" means that an employee has selected an option on the IVR to indicate that the bed cleaning has been delayed. A bed cleaning might be delayed when there is some non-emergency reason that the bed cannot be cleaned immediately (for example, the patient has been discharged but is still in the room). "Suspended" means that the bed cleaner started the job, but then put it on hold temporarily before it was completed to work on a higher-priority job. Calculation (if Based on Original Request was selected): Sum of elapsed time from job creation to job completion / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were in this status when the bed cleaning request was created. (Time that the bed cleaning job spent in Delayed or Suspended status might or might not be included, depending on selections made when the report was generated.) Calculation (if based on original request was NOT selected): Sum of elapsed time from beginning of LAST unclean status to job completion / Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data was grouped by and that were LAST in this status. (Time that the bed cleaning job spent in Delayed or Suspended status might or might not be included, depending on selections made when the report was generated.) Example: Report data was grouped by bed cleaner. Based on Original Request was NOT selected when the report was generated. No was selected for both Omit Suspended Time and Omit Delayed Time. Employees received credit for cleaning 2 beds that were last in the user-defined, custom status called Special. The beds were previously in Dirty status. The bed entered special status at 3:00 PM and an employee completed the bed cleaning job at 3:15 PM. The second bed entered Special status at 4:15 PM and the employee completed the job at 4:40 PM. The calculation used to determine the average turn time is 15 + 25 / 2=20 minutes. If Based on Original Request had been selected when the report was generated, then the calculation would have been based on the when the bed cleaning job request was submitted rather than when the bed entered Special status. |
Average Response and Turn Times for Upgraded/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job Requests
The bed cleaning jobs included in this section entered the In Progress status only after the unclean bed status was upgraded or downgraded at least once. For example, if a bed cleaning job was created when the bed was in Dirty status, but the job did not enter the In Progress status until after the bed status changed to Clean Next, then the job was upgraded once (Dirty to Clean Next). If the bed had a Stat status at the time the job request was created, then the status changed to Clean Next, then the status changed to Dirty, and then an employee placed the bed cleaning job in the In Progress status, then the job was downgraded twice (Stat to Clean Next to Dirty). To be included, a job must have undergone an upgrade or downgrade while in an unclean status.
This column . . . | Displays for the selected date range. . . |
Status | The last unclean status that a bed was in when an upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning job request entered the In Progress or Delayed status. Your organization might have specific names for custom statuses (such as Special). These statuses are campus-specific. Each campus could have different customized names for them. The custom name appears on the report. Example: If Dirty appears in the Status column, then Dirty is the last status that a bed was in before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or Delayed status. The bed was downgraded to Dirty at some point from the status that it had when the bed cleaning request was created (for example, from Clean Next). |
Count | The number of upgraded or downgraded cleaning requests that were placed when beds were in the status shown in the Status column. The count includes only jobs for EVS Services beds. If the report data is grouped by bed cleaner, only cleaning jobs that employees received credit for completing are included in the count. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. If 9 appears for the Dirty status, then employees received credit for 9 cleaning jobs for beds whose last status was Dirty (but which had at least one status upgrade from Clean Next or Stat). If 10 Dirty beds were actually cleaned, but one employee placed one of those Dirty beds in Suspended status and another employee completed the job, then neither employee received credit for the 10th bed. It is not included in the count. If the report data had been grouped by unit, the 10th bed would have been included in the count. |
Delayed | The number of delays in upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning jobs for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. If report data is grouped by bed cleaner, only bed cleaning jobs that the employees received credit for are included. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. If employees received credit for cleaning 9 Dirty beds and there were a total of 3 delays for these 9 upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning jobs (for example, one of the 9 bed cleaning jobs was delayed once and another was delayed twice), then 3 appears in the Delayed column for the Dirty status. |
Avg Delay | The average duration of delays for upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning jobs that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Calculation: Total delay time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status / Total number of delayed jobs that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data was grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data was grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. If employees received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were previously in the Dirty status, and there were 3 delays of 10 minutes each (30 minutes of delays) for these 9 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Delay for the Dirty status would be 30 / 3 = 10 minutes. |
Suspended | The number of bed cleaning job suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. If report data is grouped by bed cleaner, only beds that employees received credit for cleaning are included. Only upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning jobs are included. Example: Report data was grouped by bed cleaner. If employees received credit for cleaning 12 Clean Next beds and placed 2 of those beds into a Suspended status, then 2 appears in the Suspended column for the Clean Next status. If one bed had 2 suspensions and another had 1, then 3 appears in the Suspended column. Note: For a description of the Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions. |
Avg Suspend | The average duration of suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Calculation: Total suspension time for all beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status / Total number of suspended beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by user) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. If employees received credit for cleaning 12 beds that were previously in the Clean Next status, and there were 2 suspensions of 10 minutes each (20 minutes of suspensions) for these 12 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Suspend for the Clean Next status would be 20 / 2 = 10 minutes. |
Avg Original Response | This column appears only in the Average Response Time for Up/Downgraded Job Requests section. For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the job was created to the first time that an employee changed the bed's status to In Progress or Delayed. Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the job was created and when it was placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit). Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status and had been upgraded from Dirty status. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. Because the patient was still in the room when one employee arrived to clean the third bed, that employee put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. The third bed was put into the In Progress status, but then delayed again for 5 more minutes. The calculation used to determine the original average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes. (The second time that one of the bed cleaning jobs was delayed and then put into the In Progress status is not included in the calculation.) |
Avg Status Response | Average elapsed time from the time the bed was placed in the last unclean status until the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or Delayed status for the first time. Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from the bed's last unclean status to when the job was placed in the In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if the report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit). Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Clean Next status and had been upgraded from Dirty status. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the Dirty status began. Because the patient was still in the room when one employee arrived to clean the third bed, that employee put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the Dirty status began. The third bed was put into the In Progress status, but then delayed again for 5 more minutes. The calculation used to determine the original average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes. (The second time that one of the bed cleaning jobs was delayed and then put into the In Progress status is not included in the calculation.) |
Avg Clean | For upgraded or downgraded jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average time from the start of In Progress status to Complete (Clean) status minus any time that beds were suspended. Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from In Progress to Complete status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status. Note: If the Omit Suspended Time option was selected, then suspensions are not included in the calculation. If the Omit Delay Time option was selected when the report was generated, then delay times are not included in the calculation. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Employees received credit for completing 2 upgraded or downgraded jobs for beds that had previously been in the user-defined, custom status called Contagious. When the report was generated, Yes was selected for Omit Suspended Time. The first bed entered the In Progress status at 11:00 AM and into Completed (Clean) status at 11:15 AM. The second bed entered the In Progress status at 2:00 PM, was suspended at 2:05 PM, was put into In Progress status again at 2:15 PM, and was completed (marked as clean) at 2:25 PM. The total suspension time was 10 minutes. The calculation used to determine average clean time is (15 + 25) - 10 suspension minutes/ 2 = 15 minutes. If No has been selected for Omit Suspended Time when the report was generated, then the calculation would have been (15 + 25) / 2 = 20 minutes. |
Avg Turn | For upgraded or downgraded jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employees started them, the average time taken to both respond to and complete bed cleaning job requests. Calculation (if Based on Original Request was selected): Sum of elapsed time from job creation to job completion / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status. Calculation (if based on original request was NOT selected): Sum of elapsed time from beginning of LAST unclean status to job completion / Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning (if report data is grouped by bed cleaner) or that were completed (if the report data is grouped by unit) and that were previously in this status. Depending on whether Yes or No was selected for the Omit Suspended Times and the Omit Delay Times option, the amount of time that a job was in Suspended or Delayed status will be either included or excluded from the calculations. "Delayed" means that an employee has selected an option on the IVR to indicate that the bed cleaning has been delayed. A bed cleaning might be delayed when there is some non-emergency reason that the bed cannot be cleaned immediately (for example, the patient has been discharged but is still in the room). "Suspended" means that the bed cleaner started the job, but then put it on hold temporarily before it was completed to work on a higher-priority job. Example: Report data is grouped by bed cleaner. Based on Original Request was NOT selected when the report was generated. No was selected for Omit Suspended Times and Omit Delay Times. Employees received credit for cleaning 2 beds that were last in the user-defined, custom status called Special (UDEF-9). The beds were previously in Dirty status. The bed entered Special status at 3:00 PM and an employee completed the bed cleaning job at 3:15 PM. The second bed entered Special status at 4:15 PM and the employee completed the job at 4:40 PM. The calculation used to determine the average turn time is 15 + 25 / 2=20 minutes. If Based on Original Request had been selected when the report was generated, then the calculation would have been based on the when the bed cleaning job request was submitted rather than when the bed entered Special status. |
Job Totals
The Job Totals section includes jobs that were upgraded and downgraded as well as jobs that were not.
The section contains individual rows for:
Non-Adjusted Cleans—Jobs that are not adjusted.
Adjusted Cleans—Jobs that are adjusted. Click to learn more about how a job is defined as adjusted. A job is considered adjusted if the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes entered on the Report Criteria page for Adjusted Minimum Clean OR greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Clean OR the time that elapses between when the job is created and when it is placed in the In Progress status or in the Delayed status is greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Response time. If the user who generated the report did not enter any minutes for Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response, then no jobs are considered "adjusted." % shows the percentage of jobs that were adjusted (Number of adjusted jobs/total number of jobs). The Adjusted Cleans row displays the following:
Adjusted Minimum—Number of completed bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time established when the report was generated. % shows the percentage of jobs meeting the adjusted minimum (Number of adjusted-minimum jobs/total number of jobs).
Adjusted Maximum—Number of completed bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time established when the report was generated. % shows the percentage of jobs meeting the adjusted maximum (Number of adjusted-maximum jobs/total number of jobs).
Adjusted Response Time—Number of completed bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time established when the report was generated. % shows the percentage meeting the adjusted response time (Number of adjusted-response jobs/total number of jobs).
Total Compliant Cleans—Bed cleaning jobs that had requests associated with them and were not found beds.
Non-Compliant (Found Bed) Cleans—Bed cleaning jobs that did not have formal requests associated with them (for example, a bed cleaner encountered a dirty bed and cleaned it, even though there was no formal request to clean it in the BedTracking® application).
Canceled Cleans—Bed cleaning jobs that were canceled before they were completed. The reasons for cancellation and the number of jobs that were cancelled for each reason appear. Canceled counts appear only if the report is grouped by unit.
Unformatted Excel Output
The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
If you would like to perform your own calculations and analysis in Microsoft® Excel, then Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) is a good option.
The unformatted Excel output for the Average Response/Turn Time report contains the following columns.
Unformatted Excel-Columns
A few column names differ depending on whether data is grouped by bed cleaner or by unit. These columns are noted in the table.
Time is shown in minutes and is rounded to 2 decimal places in the cell. For example, 22.22999 appears as 22.23 in the cell. However, if you click in the cell, you can see the full value in the address bar above the grid.
This column . . . | Displays for the selected date range. . . |
Unit (appears only if data is grouped by unit) | Abbreviation of the unit associated with the bed. |
Bed Cleaner (appears only if data is grouped by bed cleaner) | Name of bed cleaner. |
Bed | IVR ID of the bed associated with the job. |
Status | If the Base on Original Request option was selected when the report was generated, then this column displays the original unclean status associated with the bed when the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status. If the Base on Original Request option was NOT selected, then this column displays the last unclean status (such as Dirty or Stat) associated with a bed before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status. Example: If Stat appears and Based on Original Request was NOT selected, then the bed's status was Stat at the time that the employee placed the job into the In Progress status and began to clean the bed. If Based on Original Request was selected, then the bed's original unclean status was Stat (but it might have been downgraded to another status before the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress status). |
Delayed | Number of times that a job was delayed from the time that it was created to the time that it was completed. |
Delay Time | Total time that the job was in Delayed status from the time that the bed request was created until the time that it was completed. |
Suspended | The number of times that a bed cleaning job was suspended from the time that the bed cleaning request was created until the time that the job was completed. For a definition of Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions. |
Suspend Time | Total time that the bed cleaning job was in Suspended status from the time that the bed cleaning request was created until the time that the job was completed. |
Original Response | Elapsed time from when the bed cleaning request was created until an employee first changed the status to In Progress or Delayed. |
Status Response | Elapsed time from when the bed entered its last unclean status (for example, Clean Next) to the first time that the bed cleaning job entered the In Progress or the Delayed status. |
Clean Time | Total time that the bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If Yes was selected for the Omit Suspend Times option on the Report Criteria page, then the time that the bed was in Suspended status is not included in Clean Time. |
Turn Time | If the Based on Original Request option was selected on the Report Criteria page, then turn time is the elapsed time from when the bed cleaning job request was created to when the bed cleaning job was completed. If Based on Original Request was NOT selected on the Report Criteria page, then turn time is the elapsed time from when the bed entered its LAST unclean status to when the job was completed. If Yes was selected for the Omit Suspend Times option on the Report Criteria page, then time that the bed was in Suspended status is not included in turn time. If Yes was selected for the Omit Delay Times option on the Report Criteria page, then time that the bed was in Delayed status is not included in turn time. |
Up/Downgrade | Y means the job was upgraded or downgraded before it entered the In Progress status or the Delayed status. N indicates that it was not upgraded or downgraded. An example of upgrading is changing a job's status from Dirty to CleanNext or from CleanNext to Stat. An example of downgrading is changing a job's status from Stat to CleanNext or from CleanNext to Dirty. |
Adjusted Minimum | Y indicates that the job's clean time is less than the Adjusted Minimum Clean time that was entered when the report was generated. N indicates that it is not. |
Adjusted Maximum | Y indicates that the job's clean time is greater than the Adjusted Maximum Clean time that was entered when the report was generated. N indicates that it is not. |
Adjusted Maximum Response | Y indicates that the job's original response time is greater than the Adjusted Maximum Response time that was entered when the report was generated. N indicates that it is not. |
Credit (appears only if the data is grouped by bed cleaner) | Y indicates that the bed cleaner shown in the Bed Cleaner column for this row was given credit for the job. N indicates that the bed cleaner shown in the Bed Cleaner column did NOT receive credit. If N appears, then the names of other bed cleaners who were associated with the job appear in the Credit column. |
Bed Cleaners (appears only if the data is grouped by bed cleaner) | If the Credit column displays an N, meaning that the employee listed in the Bed Cleaner column did not receive credit for the job, then the names of all other bed cleaners who were associated with the job appear. This does not mean that the bed cleaners listed were given credit for the job. For some jobs, no one receives credit. If the bed cleaner listed in the Bed Cleaner column received credit for the job, then this column is blank. |