You might experience a tag bouncing between a monitor situated in a basement and another monitor that is not nearby, indicating a completely different flow. It is not possible for a tag to move between floors.
The issue is likely due to a duplicate IR profile. IR profiles are duplicated for monitors that are part of a chain. Chains are used in large rooms where multiple monitors are needed. This allows different monitors to read the same location for tag updates. If a tag moves from Monitor 'A' to Monitor 'B', it will still read the same location within the GUI.
However, there have been cases where a monitor is incorrectly chained within a monitor group, causing the tag to bounce between different areas.
For example, in the screenshot below, 8402178 was chained to the same group as 8402106, even though 8402178 was on a different floor.
To fix this issue, right-click on the monitor name and select "edit". Change the IR to the highest unused value. You can find the highest unused value by sorting by IR ID and scrolling to the bottom. After making the change, save the core config page and close it. Then, open the streaming client software and reload the ini at the bottom.