The Staff Assignment dialog provides a Staff List containing staff members that can be assigned to beds in a unit for the currently set shift or future shifts. The Staff List also enables the management of temporary staff members.
If a staff member is already assigned to a bed, that staff member will be replaced automatically with the newly assigned staff member when the shift rolls over (if shifts are being used).
If a patient is transferred within the same unit, the assigned staff member remains associated with the bed.
If the patient is transferred to another unit, the staff members assigned to the patient's new bed are assigned to the patient automatically.
Only beds (locations) that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management and non-stacking beds appear in the Staff Assignment dialog.
Stacking beds cannot be assigned.
Permission Required
The Access Staff Assignment permission is required to complete this task.
To Access the Staff Assignment Dialog:
Do one of the following to display the Staff Assignment dialog:
Click the Staff Assignment icon.
Go to PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Assignment.
Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Assignment icon.
Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > <Instance Name> > Staff Assignment icon.
The Staff Assignment dialog appears
From the Unit list, select the unit.
Note - If only one unit is selected on the list view in the PatientTracking Portal® application, the Unit list does not display.
The left side of the Staff Assignment dialog shows the Staff List and displays the following information:
Staff members, permanent and temporary, that have been added to the staff list for this unit using Edit Staff List and that have been assigned to patients in the unit within the time frame configured by the Purge Staff from staff List After (Days) setting in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, if this setting is enabled.
Note - Temporary staff members have a blue diamond to the right of their name.
Device number, such as phone number or pager number, for each staff member.
Number of beds to which each staff member is assigned. If shifts are assigned, the number of assigned beds reflects the number of beds for the currently selected shift.
The right side of the Staff Assignment dialog displays the following:
Shift buttons for each shift, for example, Current Shift and Night Shift. Shift buttons are available only if shifts are assigned.
A list of beds (locations) in the selected unit.
A list of patients assigned to beds in the selected unit. The patient list also includes the following patient information:
Patient age,
Patient gender,
Patient placement status,
Isolation type
Note - If the Display Alias for Patients setting under Console Settings is enabled, the patient alias displays in place of the patient's name.
Staff members are assigned to beds in the selected unit for the current shift. The current shift is the shift that the current time falls within.
To view staff assignments for a different shift, click the shift button for the shift you want to view.Staff type columns for each of the staff types are displayed on the list view in the PatientTracking Portal® application.