Bed Assignment Priorities
Bed Assignment Priorities are a tool that allows Nursing Units to communicate their preference for bed assignment order to Patient Placement. This feature helps reduce the number of phone calls needed regarding bed requests and allows Nursing Units to remain in control of where their patients are placed. If priorities are not set, Patient Placement will make an educated decision based on the provided patient information and current bed availability on the unit. Setting priorities helps facilitate efficient patient flow by allowing Patient Placement to quickly assign beds, ensuring patients can continue their care journey and making room for new patients arriving at the hospital.
Where you can find this feature: Unit Tab in PatientTracking Portal®.
How Bed Assignment Priorities Work
Bed Assignment Priorities range from 1-9.
Priorities are displayed to the left of the bed number.
Hospitals may designate specific parameters for certain priorities. Refer to your Reference Guide for additional information.
Setting a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number from the Unit Tab in PatientTracking Portal®. A pop-up window will appear.
Choose the appropriate Bed Assignment Priority you want to set.
The priority number will display to the left of the bed number.
Changing a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number.
Select the new Bed Assignment Priority from the list.
The updated priority number will display to the left of the bed number.
Canceling a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number. A pop-up window will appear.
Use the scrollbar on the right-hand side of the window to find and remove the Bed Assignment Priority.
The bed number will now return to displaying without a priority.
Things to Keep in Mind
Clean beds should be identified first, followed by dirty beds and beds with patients being discharged.
It is recommended to always have at least three priorities set per unit, if possible.
Priorities should be reevaluated throughout the day and updated as needed.
Multiple beds can have the same priority number (e.g., a Priority 1 male bed and a Priority 1 female bed in semi-private rooms).
Check with your supervisor or Reference Guide for any special guidelines on how certain priorities should be used.
Setting a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number from the Unit Tab in PatientTracking Portal®. A pop-up window will appear.
Choose the appropriate Bed Assignment Priority you wish to set. Priorities range from 1-9.
The priority number will display to the left of the bed number.
Changing a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number.
Choose the new Bed Assignment Priority.
The updated priority number will display to the left of the bed number.
Canceling a Bed Assignment Priority
Click on the desired Bed Number. A pop-up window will appear.
Use the scrollbar to find and remove the Bed Assignment Priority.
The priority will be removed.