Walk-through on creating exclusive override zones and item transporters.
Use the Admin Tool to configure the override zones and user accounts. The following below are how to create and configure Exclusive Item Override Zones and Exclusive Item Transporters.
Create a new Section.
To do this, navigate to Admin Tool > Unit / Zone / Location Management > Sections and Zones > TransportTracking > Add Section.
Fill out your Section name and IVR ID, and then save.
Create a new Zone.
Navigate to Admin Tool > Unit / Zone / Location Management > Sections and Zones > TransportTracking > Zones > Add Zone.
Fill out your Zone name, IVR ID, Parent Section, check the box for Item override zone and Exclusive zone, and then save. You will not be adding any locations to this zone.
Create a new item type and assign this item to the newly created Item override zone.
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management > Item Type > Add Item Type.
Fill out your Item information as desired (for example, Origin override set to a default location or set to Ask), but make sure in the Override zone dropdown you select your newly created Item override zone and then save.
Create a Transporter via copying from an existing Transporter and set their TransportTracking Assignment to the Item override zone.
Navigate to Admin Tool > User Management > Select an existing Transporter > Select “Copy”.
Fill out the missing information (the key information will already be populated by using the “Copy” feature) as desired. Verify their Membership is set correctly to the campus by scrolling down to the bottom of the user profile page.
IMPORTANT – Under the TransportTracking Assignment tab, set their Assignment type to Fixed and Exclusive, select Add, check the box for the Item Override Zone, select Add again, close the “Select Sections and Zones” and then save.
While on the User Profile tab, select the User Notifications tab and enable Paging Device in the Notifications section, and then save. (REMOVED "and Alerts")
Log in and out as the user in the application to activate their profile.