The Workflow IQ® HL7 inbound and outbound services will normally interface with a scheduling system of some sort. Often, this is a perioperative system that sends or receives messages to/from the Inbound and Outbound services. Whether the procedure-based workflow being tracked is in the OR, GI Lab, Cath Lab, or some other part of the hospital, the Inbound and Outbound services will interface with a scheduling system to provide incoming and outgoing updates.
The HL7 Agent
The HL7 Agent is a service developed by Golang that is used for HL7 integration for TeleTracking Products.
The On-Premise HL7 Agent service is designed to be installed on the client's machine, where it listens for incoming HL7 messages. Once received, it publishes these messages to the TeleTracking API. The API then processes this information and converts the data into a format that is recognizable by the application.
HL7 Inbound Schedule Interface
Accepted Event Types
The Inbound Service accepts the following HL7 schedule events.
ID | Title | Expected Outcome in Workflow IQ® |
S12 | Notification of New Appointment Booking | A new case is entered. All data fields sent via HL7 message are populated. |
S13 | Notification of Appointment Modification | An existing case is found, and any field (except any unique identifier) can be updated/modified with this event. |
S14 | Notification of Appointment Modification | An existing case is found, and any field (except any unique identifier) can be updated/modified with this event. |
S15 | Notification of Appointment Cancellation | An existing case marked as cancelled. If it is a case that is currently being displayed in the application then it will display a Cancel banner. |
Common Segments of a HL7 SIU Message
: Message metadata.SCH
: Scheduling activity details.PID
: Patient information.PV1
: Visit details (optional).AIL
: Location of the appointment.AIP
: Involved personnel.PR1
: Procedure DetailsZB3
: Custom Segment for Visit Attributes
Usage Column Key
The tables in the following sections show Usage columns. The following table provides the meaning and description of each usage code that could appear in the columns.
Usage | Meaning | Description |
R | Required | Required, must be present for message to be processed by Workflow IQ® |
O | Optional | Optional, mapped to database field but not required for a message to process |
I | Ignored | Neither Mapped to database or required |
M | Mapped | Mapped, used in combination with R and O |
Standard Segments for Inbound SIU Messages
The following standard message fields may be used in the Inbound service. Fields that are not currently designated for display in the UI of Workflow IQ® within the Details column can be customized. Please note that this may incur additional design and implementation fees.
MSH Message Header
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
MSH | 0 | Message Header | 3 | R | “MSH” |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator and Encoding | 4 | R | This field is the separator between the segment ID and the first real field. As such, it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | 4 | R | Required. Special characters used for parsing message. Example: “^~\&”. |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 7 | Entry Date / Time of Message | 26 | I | Optional |
MSH | 8 | Security | 40 | I | Optional |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | 16 | R | Required. Components: |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | 20 | R | Unique Identifier may be blank |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | 3 | I | Optional |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 60 | I | Optional |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number* | 15 | I | Optional |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 18 | Character Set | 16 | I | Optional |
MSH | 19 | Principal Language Of Message | 60 | I | Optional |
MSH | 20 | Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme | 20 | I | Optional |
SCH Schedule
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
SCH | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “SCH” |
SCH | 1 | Placer Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 2 | Filler Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 3 | Occurrence Number | 5 | I |
SCH | 4 | Placer Group Number | 22 | I |
SCH | 5 | Schedule ID Identifier | 128 | RM | Used as the Unique Identifier for procedure / case. |
SCH | 6 | Event Reason | 200 | I |
SCH | 7 | Appointment Reason / Text | 2000 | OM | Displayed as the Procedure Description. |
SCH | 8 | Appointment Type / Text | 32 | OM | Displayed as the Procedure Code ID. |
SCH | 9 | Appointment Duration | 32 | OM | Displayed as Duration. Must be sent in minutes. |
SCH | 10 | Appointment Duration Units | 200 | I |
SCH | 11 | Appointment Timing Quantity / Start Date Time yyyymmddhhmm | 14 | RM | Displayed as Procedure Start Time. |
SCH | 12 | Placer Contact Person | 48 | I |
SCH | 13 | Placer Contact Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 14 | Placer Contact Address | 106 | I |
SCH | 15 | Placer Contact Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 16 | Filler Contact Person | 38 | I |
SCH | 17 | Filler Contact Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 18 | Filler Contact Address | 106 | I |
SCH | 19 | Filler Contact Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 20 | Entered By Person | 48 | I |
SCH | 21 | Entered By Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 22 | Entered By Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 23 | Parent Placer Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 24 | Parent Filler Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 25 | Filler Status Code / Identifier | 1 | OM | Displayed as Procedure Add On Flag (‘+ Icon) if value = ‘Y’. |
PID Patient Identification
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PID | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PID” |
PID | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PID | 2 | Patient ID (Internal ID) | 64 | OM | Displayed patient’s Medical Record Number. |
PID | 3 | Patient Identifier List | 100 | I |
PID | 4 | Alternate Patient ID | 100 | I |
PID | 5 | Patient Name | 50^50 | RM | Components: <family name> ^ <given name> ^ Patient Name In Standard Format. Displayed as Patient First Name and Patient Last Name. |
PID | 6 | Mother’s Maiden Name | 48 | I |
PID | 7 | Birth Date | 8 | OM | Displayed as Patient's birth date. YYYYMMDD. |
PID | 8 | Gender | 1 | OM | Displayed as Patient's Sex. |
PID | 9 | Patient Alias | 48 | I |
PID | 10 | Race | 80 | I |
PID | 11 | Patient Address | 106 | I |
PID | 12 | County Code | 30 | I |
PID | 13 | Home Phone Number | 40 | OM |
PID | 14 | Business Phone Number | 40 | I |
PID | 15 | Primary Language | 60 | I |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | 80 | I |
PID | 17 | Religion | 80 | I |
PID | 18 | Patient Account Number | 128 | I |
PID | 19 | SSN | 32 | I |
PID | 20 | Driver’s License Number | 25 | I |
PID | 21 | Mother’s Identifier | 20 | I |
PID | 22 | Ethnic Group | 80 | I |
PID | 23 | Birth Place | 60 | I |
PID | 24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | 1 | I |
PID | 25 | Birth Order | 2 | I |
PID | 26 | Citizenship | 80 | I |
PID | 27 | Veteran’s Military Status | 60 | I |
PID | 28 | Nationality | 80 | I |
PID | 29 | Patient Death Date And Time | 26 | I |
PID | 30 | Patient Death Indicator | 10 | I |
PV1 Patient Visit
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PV1 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PV1” |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PV1 | 2 | Patient Class | 4 | OM | Displayed as Patient Type. |
PV1 | 3 | Assigned Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 4 | Admission Type | 2 | I |
PV1 | 5 | Patient Number | 20 | I |
PV1 | 6 | Prior Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 7 | Attending Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 8 | Referring Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 9 | Consulting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 10 | Hospital Service | 10 | I |
PV1 | 11 | Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 12 | Preadmit Test Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 13 | Readmission Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 14 | Admit Source | 3 | I |
PV1 | 15 | Ambulatory Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 16 | VIP Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 17 | Admitting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 18 | Patient Type | 4 | I |
PV1 | 19 | Visit Number | 20 | OM | Displayed as Visit Number. |
PV1 | 20 | Financial Class | 50 | I |
PV1 | 21 | Charge Price Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 22 | Courtesy Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 23 | Credit Rating | 2 | I |
PV1 | 24 | Contract Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 25 | Contract Effective Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 26 | Contract Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 27 | Contract Period | 3 | I |
PV1 | 28 | Interest Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 29 | Transfer To Bad Debt Code | 1 | I |
PV1 | 30 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | 10 | I |
PV1 | 32 | Bad Debt Transfer Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 33 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 34 | Delete Account Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 35 | Delete Account Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 36 | Discharge Disposition | 3 | I |
PV1 | 37 | Discharged To Location | 25 | I |
PV1 | 38 | Diet Type | 80 | I |
PV1 | 39 | Servicing Facility | 2 | I |
PV1 | 40 | Bed Status | 1 | I |
PV1 | 41 | Account Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 42 | Pending Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 43 | Prior Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 44 | Admit Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 45 | Discharge Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 46 | Current Patient Balance | 12 | I |
PV1 | 47 | Total Charges | 12 | I |
PV1 | 48 | Total Adjustments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 49 | Total Payments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 50 | Alternative Visit ID | 20 | I |
PV1 | 51 | Visit Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 52 | Other Healthcare Provider | 60 | I |
RGS Resource Group
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
RGS | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “RGS” |
RGS | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I | Unique Identifier for the Resource. |
RGS | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
RGS | 3 | Resource Group ID | 200 | I | Identifier for the segment Group that contains the segment group (AIS/AIL/AIP). |
AIL Appointment Information – Location Resource
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIL | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIL” |
AIL | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIL | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
AIL | 3 | Location Resource ID | 80 | RM | Components: <PointOfCare>^<room>^<bed>^<facility>^<building>^<floor> Displayed as Procedure Location. |
AIL | 4 | Location Type | 200 | I |
AIL | 5 | Location Group | 200 | I |
AIL | 6 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIL | 7 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIL | 8 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIL | 9 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIL | 10 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIL | 11 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIL | 12 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
AIS Appointment Information – Service
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIS | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIS” |
AIS | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIS | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | OM | Displayed as Anesthesia Code. |
AIS | 3 | Universal Service ID | 200 | I |
AIS | 4 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIS | 5 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIS | 6 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIS | 7 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIS | 8 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIS | 9 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIS | 10 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
AIS | 11 | Placer Supplemental Service Information | 200 | I |
AIS | 12 | Filler Supplemental Service Information | 200 | I |
AIP Appointment Information – Personnel Resource
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIP | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIP” |
AIP | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIP | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
AIP | 3 | Personnel Resource ID 1 | 80^50^50 | OM | Components <employee number>^<family name>^<given name>. If the staff member does not exist, they will be added. Staff may be assigned for up to 10 different roles on the patient or procedure. These are repeating segments. Displayed as Provider in the format Staff First Name, Last Name and Middle Name. |
AIP | 4 | Resource Role | 200 | I |
AIP | 5 | Resource Group | 200 | I |
AIP | 6 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIP | 7 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIP | 8 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIP | 9 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIP | 10 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIP | 11 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIP | 12 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
PR1 - Procedure Information
An appointment can have multiple Procedures. Include multiple PR segments to send multiple procedures.
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PR1 | 1 | Segment identifier (Procedure information) | 3 | R |
PR1 | 2 | Set ID (sequence number of this procedure) |
PR1 | 4 | Procedure code | 32 | R |
PR1 | 5 | Procedure description | 2000 | R |
PR1 | 6 | Procedure duration (in minutes) |
| OM |
PR1 | 9 | Anesthesia used (General anesthesia) | 32 | OM |
PR1 | 11 | Primary Staff | 50^50^50^50^32 | OM | Format |
PR1 | 20 | Secondary Staff | 50^50^50^50^32 | OM | Format Responsibility^LastName^FirstName^MiddleName^Suffix or Responsibility^LastName^FirstName |
PR1 | 21 | Laterality(Side of the body) | 32 | OM | Left or Right |
ZB3 - Custom Z Segment for Patient Visit Attributes
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
ZB3 | 1 | Segment identifier (Custom Segment for Patient Attributes) | 3 | R |
ZB3 | 2 | The Patient Visit attributes delimited | 32 characters for each attribute | OM | Attribute1^Attribute2^Attribute3 |
NTE Notes and Comments
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
NTE | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “NTE” |
NTE | 1 | Set ID | 3 | I |
NTE | 2 | Source Of Comment | 8 | I |
NTE | 3 | Procedure Comments | 2000 | OM | Displayed as Procedure Comments. |
NTE | 4 | Comment Type | 60 | I |
Mapping Standard HL7 Inbound Message Segments to the Workflow IQ® Fields
The TeleTracking Inbound Services parse the HL7 Messages into internal messages that could be processed by Workflow IQ®. See Appendix B - Workflow IQ® Fields for Inbound Processing for a list fields that can be mapped to inbound HL7 fields.
Sample Inbound SIU Scheduling Messages
S12 New Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S12|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175 RGS|1||1 AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN PR1|1||20605|ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|30||||GENERAL||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP|||||||||||||||432052^Anderson^Jeff|Left PR1|1||20606|ROBOTIC TONSIL ADENOIDECOTMY|60||||GENERAL||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP|||||||||||||||432052^Anderson^Jeff|Left ZB3|Covid^Latex
S13 Reschedule Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S13|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175 RGS|1||1 AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN PR1|1||20605|ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|30||||GENERAL||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP|||||||||||||||432052^Anderson^Jeff|Left ZB3|Covid^Latex
S14 Update Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S14|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175 RGS|1||1 AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN PR1|1||20605|ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|30||||GENERAL||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP|||||||||||||||432052^Anderson^Jeff|Left ZB3|Covid^Latex
S15 Cancel Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S15|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175 RGS|1||1 AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN PR1|1||20605|ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|30||||GENERAL||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP|||||||||||||||432052^Anderson^Jeff|Left ZB3|Covid^Latex
Appendix B - Workflow IQ™ Fields for Inbound Processing
Field Description | Limit/Format |
Appointment Scheduled Time | YYYYMMDDHHMM |
Patient Last Name | No character limit but 50-character limit recommended |
Patient First Name | No character limit but 50-character limit recommended |
Patient MRN | 64-character limit |
Patient Gender | M or F or O(other) |
Date of Birth | YYYYMMDD |
Procedure Location | 100-character limit |
Service Type | 100-character limit |
Anesthesia Type | 100-character limit |
Anesthesia Description | 2000-character limit |
Procedure Code | 100-character limit |
Procedure Description | 2000-character limit |
Procedure Comments | 4000-character limit |
Procedure Laterality | L or R (Indicates Left or Right) |
Procedure Duration | Number |
Patient Visit Type | 32-character limit |
Patient Visit attributes | Delimited Strings with 32 character limit in each string |
Visit Number | 30-character limit |
Add On Flag | ‘Y’ or ‘N’ |
Cancel Flag | ‘Y’ or ‘N’ |
Procedure Text Field 1-5 (supports multiple procedures and staff associated) | 4000-character limit |
Procedure Id | 32-character limit |
Procedure Start Time | YYYYMMDDHHMM |
Staff Employee ID 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff Last Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff First Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff Middle Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff Gender | M or F or O(other) |
Staff Responsibility | 32-character limit |