Introduction to Specifications
Purpose of This Document:
This document explains the usage of the Health Level Seven (HL7) interface software and includes examples of HL7 message layouts and a discussion of the interface functionality. It is not intended to be a stand-alone technical reference. The HL7 specifications version 2.1 was released on June 30, 1990. Additional version 2.x specifications have been released and are incorporated in this document.
HL7 Acknowledgements:
When messages are sent from one system to another, the acknowledgment specifies that it has been received at the application level. The HL7 standard makes no functional interpretation of the requirement that a system commit the data in a message before acknowledging it. All that is required is that the receiving system accepts responsibility for the data.
Scope of TeleTracking Interface:
When messages are sent from one system to another, the acknowledgment specifies that it has been received at the application level. The receiving system accepts responsibility for the data at that time.
Special Considerations
The use of
in any field will be used to clear any data within that field.The HL7 application will only reference the first DG1 segment it receives; subsequent DG1 segments will be discarded.
The following character combinations are not supported in ADT transactions. However, the individual characters are supported when used individually:
Note: If an HL7 message contains one of the designated encoding characters/delimiters as part of the message content, an escape sequence should be provided for proper processing of the data e.g., L&D
should be sent as L\\T\\D
in the message.
Character | Escape Sequence |
& | \T\ |
^ | \S\ |
| | \F\ |
~ | \R\ |
\ | \E\ |
Event Types Quick Reference
Y = Event Code Supported
Note: This is only intended to provide a list of ADT events supported by the system. It is not required that all events be used, and specific events sent will vary based on the capabilities of the source system. It is recommended that unsupported events be filtered and not sent to TeleTracking.
Trigger Event | Event Code | Event Name | Capacity IQ® Transport or TransportTracking™ | Capacity IQ® EVS or BedTracking® | Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or PreAdmitTracking® |
Admit a patient | A01 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Transfer a patient | A02 | Transfer | Y | Y | Y |
Discharge a patient | A03 | Discharge | Y | Y | Y |
Register Outpatient – In Bed | A04 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Pre-Admit | A05 | PreAdmit | Y | Y | Y |
Transfer outpatient to inpatient | A06 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Transfer inpatient to outpatient | A07 | Admit/Discharge | Y | Y | Y |
Update patient information | A08 | Update | Y | Y | Y |
Patient Departing | A09 | Discharge | Y | Y | Y |
Patient Arriving | A10 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel Admit | A11 | Delete | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel Transfer | A12 | Transfer | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel Discharge | A13 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Pending Admit | A14 | Pend Admit | Y |
| Y |
Pending Transfer | A15 | Pend Transfer |
| Y |
Pending Discharge | A16 | Pend Discharge |
| Y |
Swap a patient | A17 | 2 Transfer | Y | Y | Y |
Inbound Bed Status Change | A20 | Dirty, InProgress, Clean, Blocked |
| Y | Y |
Leave of absence – Out | A21 | Discharge | Y | Y | Y |
Leave of absence – In | A22 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel Pending Discharge | A25 | CancelDischReg |
| Y |
Cancel Pending Transfer | A26 | CancelTranReq |
| Y |
Cancel Pending Admit | A27 | CancelAdmitReq | Y | Y | Y |
Add Person Info | A28 | Add to MPI | Y | Y | Y |
Update Person Info | A31 | Update MPI | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel – Place Outpatient in Bed | A32 | Discharge | Y | Y | Y |
Cancel – Release Outpatient from Bed | A33 | Admit | Y | Y | Y |
Merge Patient | A40 | Update MPI (Merge Patient Medical Record Number | Y | Y | Y |
HL7 message Segments Used
The following segments are needed for all clients that have Capacity IQ® EVS, Capacity IQ® Transport, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit within the Operations IQ® Platform or TransportTracking™, BedTracking®, or PreAdmitTracking® with Capacity Management Suite®:
MSH (Message Header)
EVN (Event)
PID (Patient Identification) — A17 (swap patient) messages require two PID and PV1 segments referencing each patient to be swapped.
PD1 (Patient Demographics)
PV1 (Patient Visit) — A17 (swap patient) messages require two PID and PV1 segments referencing each patient to be swapped.
PV2 (Additional Patient Visit)
DG1 (Diagnosis) — The HL7 application will only reference the first DG1 segment it receives; subsequent DG1 segments will be discarded.
MRG (Merge Patient Information)
ORC (Common Order Segment)
NPU (Outbound bed status)
OBR (Outbound Order Updates)
OBX (Inbound A20 Bed Status Change) Segment five
ZB1 (Outbound Order Updates)
ZB2 (Isolation Types)
ZB3 (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or PreAdmitTracking™ transactions)
ZB4 (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or PreAdmitTracking™ transactions)
ZB5 (Capacity IQ® Transport or TransportTracking™ order entry transactions)
ZB6 (Customer Portal Fields) Note that the ZB6 segment will be deprecated for release 3.1, but maintained for backward compatibility.
ZB8 (Custom Milestone Fields)
ZB9 (Custom interface fields for use with XT release 3.1)
All message segments other than those listed above will be ignored. For more information on these message segments, see the corresponding sections later in this guide.
Components of an Hl7 Message
Usage Column Key
The tables in the following sections show Usage columns. The following table provides the meaning and description of each usage code that could appear in the columns.
Usage | Meaning | Description |
R | Required | Mandatory field required for basic processing. |
O | Optional | Optional field. It can be captured if the value is in the source system. However, it is not required to process a message. It has subjective usage, which is conditional to workflow and customer environment. For outbound messages this is sent if pre-existing record in the system contains this field |
X | Not Required | Messages will not fail if the field is populated. There is no inherent storage or processing logic for this field. While it is effectively ignored, it can be included for future use. |
S | Standard | Can be entered in TC |
Unique Column Key
The tables in the following sections show Unique columns. The following table provides the meaning and description of each usage code that could appear in the columns.
Unique | Meaning | Description |
E | Unique across Enterprise | ID must be unique across entire enterprise |
C | Unique across Campus | ID must be unique across entire campus |
Admissions, Discharges, Transfers, and Payor (ADT) Interface - Message Segments Used
MSH Message Header
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
MSH | ~ | Message Header Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Message Header segment. |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator | 1 | R | ~ | The character, usually a pipe, immediately following the MSH segment identifier defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message and, for the MSH segment only, is a field in and of itself. |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | 4 | R | ~ | The next four characters are other kinds of message separators occurring in the following order: a. Sub~field separator (^)b. Separator for repeating fields (~) c. Escape character (\) d. Sub-sub-field separator (&)The above examples represent the most common HL7 2.x encoding characters; however these specific values are not required. Encoding characters which are sent as string data within the message content should be properly escaped. See Special Considerations section for more detail |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | ~ | O | ~ | Name of the sending application. This field can be matched against the expected sending application. |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | ~ | R | E | Name of the sending facility. This field can be matched against the expected sending facility. |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | ~ | O | ~ | Name of the receiving application. This field can be matched against the expected receiving application. |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | ~ | O | ~ | Name of the receiving facility. This field can be matched against the expected receiving facility. |
MSH | 7 | Date / Time of Message | 14 | O | ~ | Date/Time that the sending system created the message. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
MSH | 8 | Security | ~ | X | ~ | Can be used to implement security features. |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | 3^3 | R | ~ | Components: <message type> ^ <trigger event> Orders are ORM^001 or SCH^S12 Admission, Transfer, and Discharge message types will be ADT^ with the trigger event being A01, A02 etc. Orders are only ORM^001 or SCH^S12 |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | ~ | X | ~ | This field contains the message control ID of the message sent by the sending system. |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | 1 | X | ~ | This field is used to decide whether to process the message. It is matched against the expected Processing ID. |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 3 | X | ~ | Matched by receiving system to be sure the message will be interpreted correctly. |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number | *15 | X | ~ | A non-null value will imply that sequence number protocol is in use. |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | ~ | X | ~ | Can be used by specific applications. |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | ~ | X | ~ | Can be used for an advanced acknowledgement mode. |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | ~ | X | ~ | Required when the advanced acknowledgement mode is in use. |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | ~ | X | ~ | Defines the country of origin for the message. |
EVN Message Header
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
EVN | ~ | Event Type Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Event segment. |
EVN1 | 1 | Transaction Code | 3 | O | ~ | Code must correspond to the trigger event on the message header. |
EVN2 | 2 | Date/Time of Event | 14 | O | ~ | This contains the date and time of the event. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
EVN3 | 3 | Date/Time of Planned Event* | 14 | O | ~ | This contains the date and time of the planned event. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
EVN4 | 4 | Event Reason Code | ~ | X | ~ | Describes the reason for this event. |
EVN5 | 5 | Operator ID | 15 | O | ~ | Identifies the individual responsible for triggering the event. This is passed to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or PreadmitTracking™ as the User ID field. |
EVN6 | 6 | Event Occurred | 14 | R | E | Outbound only, contains transfer date/time. For more information see the Transfer Update – Outbound section on page 58. |
PID Patient Identification
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
PID | ~ | Patient ID Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Patient Identification segment. |
PID | 1 | Set ID – Patient ID | ~ | X | ~ | For messages that permit multiple segments to repeat, the set ID is used to identify repetitions. |
PID | 2 | Patient ID (External ID) | ~ | X | ~ | Patients for another institution can have their identified here. |
PID | 3 | Patient ID (Internal ID) | 30 | R | ~ | ID subfield only. Components: <patient ID> ^ <check digit> ^ <check digit scheme> Only the first subfield, first repeat is used. |
PID | 4 | Alternate Patient ID | ~ | X | ~ | Third number used to identify a patient. |
PID | 5 | Patient Name | 50^30^30^10^50 | R | ~ | Components: <family name> ^ <given name> ^ <middle initial or name> ^ <suffix> ^ <prefix> ^ <degree> Patient Name In Standard Format. |
PID | 6 | Mother’s Maiden Name | ~ | X | ~ | Family name under which mother was born. |
PID | 7 | Birth Date | 8 | R | ~ | Patient's birth date. YYYYMMDD |
PID | 8 | Sex | 1 | R | ~ | Patient's sex. |
PID | 9 | Patient Alias | 50 | O | ~ | Name under which patients have been known. |
PID | 10 | Race | ~ | X | ~ | Patient's race has a list of the published ethnic classifications. |
PID | 11 | Patient Address | 100 | O | ~ | Mailing address of the patient. |
PID | 12 | Country Code | ~ | X | ~ | Patient's country code. |
PID | 13 | Phone Number – Home | 25 | O | ~ | Up to 3 repetitions of patient's home phone number. |
PID | 14 | Phone Number – Business | 25 | O | ~ | Up to 3 repetitions of patient's business phone number. |
PID | 15 | Language – Patient | ~ | X | ~ | The patient's primary language. |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | ~ | X | ~ | Patient's marital status. |
PID | 17 | Religion | ~ | X | ~ | Patient's religion. |
PID | 18 | Visit ID Number | 30 | R | ~ | (ID subfield only) Components: <patient ID> ^ < check digit> ^ <check digit scheme> ^ <assigning facility ID> Only the first subfield, first repeat is used. |
PID | 19 | SSN Number – | 15 | O | ~ | Patient's social security number. |
PID | 20 | Driver’s Lic Number | ~ | X | ~ | Patient's driver’s license number. |
PID | 21 | Mother’s Identifier | ~ | X | ~ | Components: <patient ID> ^ < check digit> ^ <check digit scheme> ^ <assigning facility ID> Used to link newborns with their mothers’ accounts. |
PID | 22 | Ethnic Group | ~ | X | ~ | Further definition of patient's ancestry. |
PID | 23 | Birth Place | ~ | X | ~ | Location of the patient's birth. |
PID | 24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates if the patient was part of a multiple birth. |
PID | 25 | Birth Order | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the order of birth when patient was part of a multiple birth. |
PID | 26 | Citizenship | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the patient's country of citizenship. |
PID | 27 | Veterans Military Status | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the military status assigned to a veteran. |
PD1 Patient Demographics
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
PD1 | ~ | Patient Demographics Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Patient Demographics segment. |
PD1 | 2 | Living Dependency | 2 | X | ~ | Living dependency. |
PD1 | 3 | Living Arrangement | 2 | X | ~ | Living arrangements. |
PD1 | 4 | Patient Primary Facility | 90 | X | ~ | Facility of primary care. |
PD1 | 5 | Patient Primary Care Provider Name & ID No. | 50^50^30^10^50 | O E | ~ | ID subfield only This field is not required but when it is sent it must be in the following format: ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
PV1 Patient Visit
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
PV1 | ~ | Patient Visit Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Patient Visit segment. |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID – Patient Visit | ~ | X | ~ | Number that uniquely identifies the transaction. For transactions that support multiple segments like the swap transaction, the Set ID would contain values of 1 and 2. |
PV1 | 2 | Patient Class | ~ | O E | E | A common field used by systems to categorize patients by site. It does not have a consistent industry-wide definition. |
PV1 | 3 | Patient Location | 50^50^50^50 | O | ~ | This indicates the admitted location of the patient. NS^Room^Bed^Facility |
PV1 | 4 | Admission Type | 50 | O | E | Indicate the circumstance under which the patient was or will be admitted. This value must be defined in the system. |
PV1 | 5 | Preadmission Number | ~ | X | ~ | Uniquely identifies the patients pre-admit account. Some systems will continue to use this number as the billing number after the patient has been admitted. |
PV1 | 6 | Prior Loc/Room/Bed | 50^50^50^50 | O | ~ | For transferred patients, this field contains the prior patient location. |
PV1 | 7 | Attending Doctor | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | E - ID subfield only | ID subfield onlyThis field is not required but when it is sent we must have it in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
PV1 | 8 | Referring Doctor | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | E - ID subfield only | ID subfield onlyThis field is not required but when it is sent we must have it in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
PV1 | 9 | Consulting Doctor (repeating field) | 50^50^30^10^50~50^50^30^10^50~50^50^30^10^50 | O | E - ID subfield only | ID subfield onlyThis field is not required but when it is sent we must have it in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
PV1 | 10 | Hospital Service | 50 | O | E | The treatment or type of surgery that the patient is scheduled to receive. This value must be defined in the sytem dictionary. |
PV1 | 11 | Temporary Location | ~ | X | ~ | Location other than the assigned location required for a temporary period of time. |
PV1 | 12 | Pre-admit Test Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | Indicated the patient must have pre-admission testing done in order to be admitted. |
PV1 | 13 | Readmission Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates that the patient is being re-admitted |
PV1 | 14 | Admit Source | 50 | O | E | Indicates where the patient was admitted. This value must be defined in the system dictionary. |
PV1 | 15 | Ambulatory Status | ~ | X | ~ | This is a user-defined status. |
PV1 | 16 | VIP Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | User-defined code to identify the type of VIP. |
PV1 | 17 | Admitting Doctor | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | E - ID subfield only | ID subfield onlyThis field is not required but when it is sent we must have it in the following format: ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
PV1 | 18 | Patient Type | 50 | O | E | User-defined site-specific values. This value must be defined in the system dictionary. |
PV1 | 19 | Visit Number | ~ | X | ~ | Unique number assigned to each patient visit. This value will match the PID Visit Number. |
PV1 | 20 | Financial Class | ~ | X | ~ | Primary financial class assigned to the patient for the purpose of identifying sources of reimbursement. |
PV1 | 21 | Charge Price Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | Code used to determine which schedule is to be used for room and bed charges. |
PV1 | 22 | Courtesy Code | ~ | X | ~ | Code that indicates whether the patient will be extended special courtesies. |
PV1 | 23 | Credit Rating | ~ | X | ~ | User-defined code to determine past credit experience. |
PV1 | 24 | Contract Code | ~ | X | ~ | Identifies the type of contract entered into by the facility and the guarantor. |
PV1 | 25 | Contract Effective Date | ~ | X | ~ | Date the contract is to start. |
PV1 | 26 | Contract Amount | ~ | X | ~ | Amount to be paid by the guarantor each period as per the contract. |
PV1 | 27 | Contract Period | ~ | X | ~ | Specifies the duration of the contract for user-defined periods. |
PV1 | 28 | Interest Code | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the amount of interest that will be charged for outstanding amounts. |
PV1 | 29 | Transfer To Bad Debt Code | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the account was transferred to bed debts. |
PV1 | 30 | Transfer To Bad Debt Date | ~ | X | ~ | Date the account was transferred to bad debts. |
PV1 | 31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | ~ | X | ~ | Uniquely identifies the bad debt agency that the account was transferred to. |
PV1 | 32 | Bad Debt Transfer Amount | ~ | X | ~ | Amount that was transferred to a bed debt status. |
PV1 | 33 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | ~ | X | ~ | Amount recovered from the guarantor on the account. |
PV1 | 34 | Delete Account Indicator | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the account was deleted from the file and the reason. |
PV1 | 35 | Delete Account Date | ~ | X | ~ | Date the account was deleted from the file. |
PV1 | 36 | Discharge Disposition | ~ | O | E | Disposition of the patient at the time of the discharge. Used for analytics. |
PV1 | 37 | Discharged To Location | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates a facility to which a patient was discharged. |
PV1 | 38 | Diet Type | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates a special diet type for a patient. |
PV1 | 39 | Servicing Facility | ~ | R | E | This field indicates the facility with which the visit is associated. It is a required field for a multi-facility environment; otherwise, it is an accepted field. When the field is used, it must be unique across the enterprise. |
PV1 | 40 | Bed Status | ~ | X | ~ | User defined table identifying the current bed status. This may be sent as an optional fifth component of the current location and previous location fields instead of here. |
PV1 | 41 | Account Status | ~ | X | ~ | User defined status field. |
PV1 | 42 | Pending Location | ~ | O | ~ | Indicates the nursing station, room, bed, facility and bed status to which the patient may be moved. |
PV1 | 43 | Prior Temporary Location | ~ | X | ~ | Can be used when a patient is arriving or departing. |
PV1 | 44 | Admit Date/Time | 14 | R | ~ | To be used if the admit date and time is different from the event date and time. YYYYMMDDHHMM |
PV1 | 45 | Discharge Date/Time | 14 | O | ~ | To be used if the discharge date and time is different from the event date and time. YYYYMMDDHHMM |
PV1 | 46 | Current Patient Balance | ~ | X | ~ | Visit balance due. |
PV1 | 47 | Total Charges | ~ | X | ~ | Total visit charges. |
PV1 | 48 | Total Adjustments | ~ | X | ~ | Total visit adjustments. |
PV1 | 49 | Total Payments | ~ | X | ~ | Total visit payments. |
PV1 | 50 | Alternate Visit ID | ~ | X | ~ | Optional visit ID to be used if needed. |
PV2 Additional Patient Visit
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
PV2 | ~ | Additional Patient Visit Info Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Additional Patient Visit segment. |
PV2 | 1 | Prior Pending Location | ~ | X | ~ | Prior pending assigned location. At this point, only the first three fields are referenced. Required only for the Cancel Pending Transfer (A26). |
PV2 | 2 | Accommodation Code | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the specific patient accommodation for this visit. |
PV2 | 3 | Admit Reason | 255 | O | ~ | Short description of the patient admission reason. Only the first subfield is captured. |
PV2 | 4 | Transfer Reason | ~ | X | ~ | Short description of the patient change reason. |
PV2 | 5 | Patient Valuables | ~ | X | ~ | Short description of patient valuables checked in during admission. |
PV2 | 6 | Patient Valuables Location | ~ | X | ~ | Indicates the location of the patient valuables. |
PV2 | 7 | Visit User Code | ~ | X | ~ | Further categorizes a patient’s visit with respect to an individual institution’s needs. |
PV2 | 8 | Expected Admit Date | 14 | O | ~ | Date the patient is expected to be admitted Required for relevant transactions such as Pre-admits and Updates. |
PV2 | 9 | Expected Discharge Date | 14 | O | ~ | Date or Date/Time the patient is expected to be discharged. Required for pending discharges. The date sent must be the current date or in the future. |
DG1 Diagnosis
The HL7 application will only reference the first DG1 segment it receives; subsequent DG1 segments will be discarded
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
DG1 | 1 | Diagnosis HeaderSegment | ~ | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Diagnosis segment. |
DG1* | 2 | SetID – Diagnosis | ~ | X | ~ | Diagnosis Sequence number that uniquely identifies the individual transaction for adding, deleting, and updating the diagnosis in the patient’s record. |
DG1 | 3 | Coding Method | ~ | X | ~ | ICD9 is recommended coding methodology |
DG1 | 4 | Diagnosis Code | ~ | O | ~ | Diagnosis code assigned to this diagnosis. Used for analytics. |
DG1 | 5 | Description | 255 | O | ~ | Description that best describes the diagnosis. Only the first subfield is captured |
MRG Merge Patient Information
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
MRG | ~ | Diagnosis Header Segment | ~ | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Merge Patient segment. |
MRG | 1 | Prior Patient Identifier | 30 | R | E | Prior Patient Medical Record Number to be updated or removed. This is required for merge patient processing. |
MRG | 2 | Prior Alternate Patient ID | ~ | X | ~ | This has been withdrawn from HL7 as of version 2.7, and is maintained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use MRG.1 - Prior Patient Identifier. |
MRG | 3 | Prior Patient Account Number | ~ | X | ~ | Prior Patient Account Number – Note that account number merges are not supported at this time. |
MRG | 4 | Prior Patient ID | ~ | X | ~ | This has been withdrawn from HL7 as of version 2.7, and is maintained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use MRG.1 - Prior Patient Identifier. |
ZB1 Custom Bed Info
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB1 | ~ | Custom Bed Info Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Bed Information segment. |
ZB1 | 1 | Bed Status Result | 15 | O | ~ | This field is only used for Outbound Orders Results for BedRequests. |
ZB1 | 2 | Bed Size | 50 | O | E | Desired attributes for placements, matching ADT ID of entity (bed size, room accommodation, unit) |
ZB1 | 3 | Room Accommodation | 50 | O | E | Desired attributes for placements, matching ADT ID of entity (bed size, room accommodation, unit) |
ZB1 | 4 | Unit Requested | 15 | O | ~ | Desired attributes for placements, matching ADT ID of entity (bed size, room accommodation, unit) |
ZB2 Custom Patient Specific Information
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB2 | ~ | Custom Patient Specific Info Seg | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Patient Specific Information segment. |
ZB2 | 1 | Isolation | 50 | O | E | Isolation matching ADT ID Under Isolation Types. This value must be defined in the system dictionary. |
ZB2 | 2 | Comments | 255 | O | ~ | Comment updates append to existing comments with the most recent ones displayed first. Free text data is accepted. |
ZB2 | 3 | Confidential | ~ | O | ~ | "TRUE" flags confidential status, "FALSE" removes confidential status |
ZB2 | 4 | Organism | ~ | O | ~ | Not being used presently but can be used in Custom Attributes |
ZB2 | 5 | Procedures/Precautions | 255 | O | ~ | Precautions. This is a free text field. Overwrite update behavior |
ZB2 | 6 | Observation Indicator | 1 | O | ~ | V to Start and I to stop. Can be custom triggered |
ZB2 | 7 | Observation Start | ~ | O | ~ | Send Date and time Observation started [if not send indicator decides] |
ZB2 | 8 | Observation Stop | ~ | O | ~ | Send date and time Observation stopped [if not send indicator decides] |
ZB2 | 9 | Observation Duration | ~ | O | ~ | Allowable duration for the observation |
ZB2 | 10 | Level of Care | 50 | O | E | Desired attributes for placements, matching ADT ID of entity (bed size, room accommodation, unit) |
ZB2 | 11 | Discipline | 50 | O | E | Desired attributes for placements, matching ADT ID of entity (bed size, room accommodation, unit) |
ZB2 | 12 | Location IQ® Tag ID | 50 | O | E | Patient Location IQ® or Real-Time Locating System tag ID. |
ZB2 | 13 | Intercept ADT ID | ~ | O | ~ | "TRUE" allows message to be processed even when patient is on ADT Intercept. "FALSE" does not allow message to be processed on ADT Intercept. |
ZB3 Custom User-Definable Information
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB3 | ~ | Custom User-Definable Info Seg | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom User-Definable Information segment. |
ZB3 | 1 | UD1-UD20 | 50 | O | E | Defined by Patient and Bed Attributes/Indicators. "" will clear fields. This value must be defined in the system dictionary. Custom attributes are designed to append the patient record by default. If you want custom attributes to overwrite the patient information, contact TeleTracking Technical Support for additional information. |
ZB4 Custom Miscellaneous
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB4 | ~ | Custom Miscellaneous | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Miscellaneous segment. |
ZB4 | 1 | Miscellaneous | 100 | O | ~ | Free Text field for adding additional information. Overwrites with new data each time. |
ZB6 Custom Portal Fields
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB6 | ~ | Custom Portal Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the segment containing customized Patient Tracking Portal fields. |
ZB6 | 1 | Custom Portal Fields | 500 | O | ~ | Custom column on the Patient Tracking Portal Application view. This is a free text field. Custom portal comments can be configured to append or overwrite existing comments. Contact technical support for additional information. |
ZB8 Custom Milestone Fields
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB8 | ~ | Custom Milestone Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom milestone information segment. |
ZB8 | 1 | Required to update Discharge Milestones with the MileStone-OrderUpdate transaction(repeating field) | 50^-^50^255~50^-^50^255 | O | E | Milestone ADT ID (required) = matching ADT ID of milestone Milestone Complete = ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ Milestone Delay Reason ADT ID = matching delay reason ADT ID Milestone Notes = Free Text |
ZB8 | 2 | Required to update Care Progression Milestones with the MileStone-OrderUpdate transaction(repeating field) | 50^50^50^50^50^255 | O | ~ | Milestone Parent ADT ID (required) = matching ADT ID of milestone Milestone ADT ID (required) = matching ADT ID of milestone Care Progression Milestone Status = matching ADT ID of milestone status Milestone Delay Reason ADT ID = matching delay reason ADT ID Milestone Notes = Free Text |
ZB9 Custom Patient Information Fields
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB9 | ~ | Custom Column Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Column segment. |
ZB9 | 1 | User-defined patient information(repeating field) | 50^255 | O | E | ADT ID for patient comment^patient information ADT ID for patient comment (required) = matching ADT ID Patient information = free text |
IN1 Payor Information
*IN1 segment is optional. But certain fields are required when implemented
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
IN1 | 1 | Head Segment | ~ | ~ | ~ | Creates segment for each payor. |
IN1 | 3 | Payor ID | 50 | R* | E | ADT ID for a payor. |
IN1 | 4 | Payor Name | 50 | R* | ~ | Payor name, For updates to an existing entry, this not required If two names are used for 1 ID. The name will be appended with NAME-CONFLICT-XYZ, where xyz is a random three-letter name. |
IN1 | 22 | Priority ID | ~ | ~ | E | Determines the preference for a payor for a particular patient. Priority of 1 is assumed when there is only one IN1 segment without any priority. If two payors are sent with the same priority. The first one will be accepted, and the other will be disregarded. |
Sample Messages - ADT Interface
A01 — Admit a Patient
PID|||4535||TEST^ADMIT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A02 — Transfer a Patient
PID|||4535||TEST^TRANSFER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR||| HOSPSERV||||ADMITSOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A03 — Discharge a Patient
PID|||4535||TEST^DISCHARGE||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A04 — Register Outpatient – In Bed
PID|||4535||TEST^OUTPATIENT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1||E|EDLOC^^|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A05 — Pre-Admit
PID|||4535||TEST^PREADMIT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PD1||||56789^PRENTIS^PAUL^P^PrimaryCareDOCTOR||||||||||||||||PV1||||ADMIT TYPE|||12345^ADAMS^ALEX^A^AttendingDOCTOR1|11223^ROBERTSON^RONALD^R^ReferringDOCTOR|44556^CHASE^CHARLES^C^ConsultingDOCTOR1~77889^CONNORS^CALVIN^C^ConsultingDOCTOR2| HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||ServicingFacility||||||
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart| |Level of Care|Discipline
ZB3|udef01|udef02|udef03|udef04|udef05|udef06|udef07|udef08|udef09|udef10 ZB4|miscellaneous1|
A06 — Transfer Outpatient to Inpatient
PID|||4535||TEST^INPATIENT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A07 — Transfer Inpatient to Outpatient
PID|||4535||TEST^OUTPATIENT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1||||ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A08 — Update Patient Information
PID|||4535||TEST^UPDATE||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart
A09 — Patient Departing
MSH|^~ \&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A09||||EVN|A09|20050314110346
PID|||4535||TEST^DEPARTURE||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A10 — Patient Arriving
PID|||4535||TEST^ARRIVAL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A11 — Cancel Admit
PID|||4535||ADMIT^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A12 — Cancel Transfer
PID|||4535||TRANSFER^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A13 — Cancel Discharge
PID|||4535||DISCHARGE^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A14 — Pending Admit
PID|||4535||ADMIT^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1||||ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346
A15 — Pending Transfer
PID|||4535||TRANSFER^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA||20050314110346
A16 — Pending Discharge
PID|||4535||DISCHARGE^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||A||20050314110346
A17 — Swap a Patient
EVN|A17|20050314110346PID|||6464564||TEST^SWAP1||19800314|F|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||54875678|123456789|
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346|
PID|||345353||TEST^SWAP2||19800314|F|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||6756757|123456789|
A20 — Inbound Bed Status Change
A21 — Leave of Absence – Out
PID|01||045424686^||BARTLETT^ZEBIDIAH^J||20030201|M||W|25060 ROAN AVE^^DETROIT^MI^48089-1310^US^^50|50|(586)757-1000||AME^^HQ 2000|S|NON|0454246863369|94 5424686|
A22 — Leave of Absence – In
PID|01||045424686^||BARTLETT^ZEBIDIAH^J||20030201|M||W|25060 ROAN AVE^^DETROIT^MI^48089-1310^US^^50|50|(586)757-1000||AME^^HQ 2000|S|NON|0454246863369|945424686|
A25 — Cancel Pending Discharge
PID|||4535||ADMIT^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789|
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346|
A26 — Cancel Pending Transfer
PID|||4535||TRANSFER^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789|
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346|
A27 — Cancel Pending Admit
PID|||4535||ADMIT^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789|
PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346|
A28 — Add Person Info (Add to MPI)
PID|||<MRN>||<LastName^FirstName^MI^Suffix>||<DOB>|<Gender>|<Alias>||<StreetAddress Line1^StreetAddress Line2^City^State^ZipCode>||<HomePhone>|<WorkPhone>|||||<SSN>|
PV1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||<Campus ADTID>||||||
A31 — Update Person Info (Update MPI)
PID|||<MRN>||<LastName^FirstName^MI^Suffix>||<DOB>|<Gender>|<Alias>||<StreetAddress Line1^StreetAddress Line2^City^State^ZipCode>||<HomePhone>|<WorkPhone>|||||<SSN>|
PV1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||<Campus ADTID>||||||
A32 — Cancel – Place Outpatient in Bed
PID|||4170903^0^M11^B70^PN~380856^^^B70^MR~041821167^^^US GOVT^SS~669852^^^B70^PI|669852^^^B70^PI~4170903^0^M11^B70^PN~380856^^^B70^MR~041821167^^^USGOVT^SS
ONEAL^RYAN^^^^^L||19860819|M||W|12175 FRANKLIN DIXON CT^^GREENY^WI^36541 ||(251)865-9345N^^^^251^8659345M|CAT|4170903^0^M11|041821167
PV1||O|PAC^PAC-^08|R|||027014^PIKE. P. III, MD|027014||ORT||||RP|||027014^PIKE. P. III, MD|K|000001899628|C^20020107||N||||||||||||||||Y|O/P|||||200201070732
A33 — Cancel – Release Outpatient from Bed
PID|||4169732^6^M11^B70^PN~322851^^^B70^MR~424176637^^^US GOVT^SS~605348^^^B70^PI~002203294^^^CORP^EE|605348^^^B70^PI~4169732^6^M11^B70^PN~322851^^^B70^MR~424176637^^^US GOVT^SS
SCOTT^MONTGOMERY700309|F|MCCARLEY|W|2759 WILLEDEE CIR S^^SIMEON^ME^||(334)645-7531^^^^334^6457IIIM|*NO|4169732^6^M11|424176637
PV1||O|07E^0736^||||026336^REAGAN, RONALD W. MD|026336^REAGAN, RONALD W. MD||MED||||RP|||026336^REAGAN, RONALD W. MD|K|000001899639|B^20020107||Y||||||||||||||||Y|OBV|||||200201070753
A40 — Merge Patient
PID|1|Z00026570|00019788||MERGE^MRN||19640717|F|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||2|C/E|||||A||||||||||||||
Messages from Other Interfaces
The interfaces outlined in this section may be subject to additional licensure and/or installation costs. For more information on adding these interfaces, please contact your Inside Sales Coordinator.
Bed Status - Outbound
Sample layout of entire message:
MSH|^~\&|VIP|SendingFacility| | ReceivingFacility|20030205134820||ADT^A20|200302051348204|P|2.2|
Segment | # | Description | Usage | Unique | Details |
MSH | ~ | Message Header Segment | 3 | R | Three character identifier for the Message Header segment. |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator | R | ~ | | |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | R | ~ | ^~\& |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | O | ~ | VIP |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | R | E | ~ |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | O | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | O | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 7 | Date / Time of Message | O | ~ | 20030205134820 |
MSH | 8 | Security | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | R | ~ | ADT^A20 (Bed Status – Outbound message) |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | X | ~ | P |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | X | ~ | 2.2 |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | X | ~ | ~ |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | X | ~ | ~ |
EVN | ~ | Event Type Segment | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Event Type segment. |
EVN | 1 | Transaction Code | O | ~ | A20 (Bed Status – Outbound) |
EVN | 2 | Date/Time of Event | O | ~ | 200302051348204 |
EVN | 4 | Event Reason Code | X | ~ | 03 |
NPU | ~ | Bed Status Update Segment | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Bed Status Update segment. |
NPU | 1 | Location/Room/Bed | O | ~ | 3TC^3901^012 |
NPU | 2 | Bed Status | O | E | Statuses: Clean, Comprehensive Two Way interface send the clean status plus the statuses below: InProgress, Dirty, Stat, Clean Next, Occupied, Blocked, Delayed, Suspended, Udef8, Udef9 |
Orders for Transport - Inbound
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification), and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same fields that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
In addition to these segments, the Z, ORC (Common Order), and OBR (Observation) segments will be used when sending Orders for Transport. More information about these segments follows below.
Sample O01 – Transport Message
PV1||I|3WST^3101^1||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|||||||||||||||||||HOM|||ServicingFacility|||||200002241832
ORC Common Order Segment
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | ~ | Common Order Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Common Order segment. |
ORC | 1 | Order Control | 2 | R | ~ | NW = New Work, CA = Cancel, XX = Update |
ORC | 2 | Place Order Number | 50 | R | E | Unique order number |
ORC | 3 | Filler Order Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 4 | Placer Group Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 5 | Order Status Equipment Name | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 6 | Response Flag | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 7 | Quantity / Timing | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 8 | Parent | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 9 | Date / Time of Transaction | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 10 | Entered By | ~ | O | ~ | Match Requestors ADTID |
ORC | 11 | Verified By | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 12 | Ordering Provider | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | ~ | This field is required when Discharge or Transfer Milestones are in use. When the field is sent, it must be in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
ORC | 13 | Enterer's Location | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 14 | Call Back Phone Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 15 | Order Effective Date/Time | 14 | O | ~ | Date\time patient is requested. A future date in this field will post an appointment in Transport Tracking. A null or current date time will post a pending job. |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | Use “TransportOrder” in this field for patient transport jobs. Use “ItemTransportOrder” for equipment and item transfer jobs. |
ZB5 Custom Transport Order Entry Data
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB5 | ~ | Custom Transport Order Entry Data Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Transport Order Entry Data segment. |
ZB5 | 1 | Origin Location | 50^50^50^50 | R | ~ | Origin Location |
ZB5 | 2 | Destination Location | 50^50^50^50 | R | ~ | Destination Location |
ZB5 | 3 | Mode Of Travel | 50 | O | C | Mode of Travel |
ZB5 | 4 | Travel Requirements | 50 | O | C | Travel Requirements are comma (,) separated(Requirement1,Requirement,2,Requirement3).For example: Agitated,IV,Oxygen |
ZB5 | 5 | Transport Job Status | 50 | O | C | Outbound – Sends Job Status |
ZB5 | 6 | Transport Job Number | 50 | O | ~ | Outbound – Sends Internal Job Number |
ZB5 | 7 | Job Reason Code | 50 | O | ~ | Outbound – Sends Job Reason Code |
ZB5 | 8 | Transporters | 50^50^50~50^50^50 | O | ~ | When the job has more than one transporter, the information for each is separated by the “~” and is in the message in the following format: Transporter1ID^ LastName1^ FirstName1~Transporter2ID2^ LastName2^ FirstName2 |
ZB5 | 9 | Job Status | 50 | O | ~ | Placing the text “Possible” in this field during an Inbound TransportOrder Request will create a Possible Job rather than a Pending or Appointment. Dispatch |
ZB5 | 10 | Item ADT ID | 50 | O | C | When ORC:16 contains “ItemTransportOrder,” ZB5:10 is required. Otherwise, the field is not required. When the field is used, its value must be unique across the campus. |
Transport Job Status Update - Outbound
HL7 Message Segments Used - Order Result
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
In addition to these segments the ORC (Common Order) and Z segments will be used when sending Orders for Transport. More information about these segments follows below.
Sample R01 – Transport - Outbound
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart|| LevelOfCare|Discipline
ZB3|udef01|udef02|udef03|udef04|udef05|udef06|udef07|udef08|udef09|udef10 ZB4|miscellaneous1|
ZB5|OriginationLocation|DestinationLocation|ModeOfTravel|TravelRequirements|TransportJobStatus|TransportJobNumber|TransportJobReasonCode|Transporter1ID^Transporter1LastName^TTransporter1FirstName~ Transporter2ID^Transporter2LastName^Transporter2FirstName| |ItemIDfromADT
ORC Common Order Segment
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | ~ | Common Order Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Common Order segment. |
ORC | 1 | Order Control | 2 | O | ~ | NW = New Work, CA = Cancel, XX = Update |
ORC | 2 | Place Order Number | 50 | O | E | Unique order number |
ORC | 3 | Filler Order Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 4 | Placer Group Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 5 | Order Status Equipment Name | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 6 | Response Flag | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 7 | Quantity / Timing | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 8 | Parent | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 9 | Date / Time of Transaction | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 10 | Entered By | ~ | O | ~ | Match Requestors ADTID |
ORC | 11 | Verified By | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 12 | Ordering Provider | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | ~ | This field is required when Discharge or Transfer Milestones are in use. When the field is sent, it must be in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
ORC | 13 | Enterer's Location | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 14 | Call Back Phone Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 15 | Order Effective Date/Time | 14 | O | ~ | Date\time patient is requested. A future date in this field will post an appointment in Transport Tracking. A null or current date time will post a pending job. |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | O | ~ | Use “TransportOrder” in this field for patient transport jobs. Use “ItemTransportOrder” for equipment and item transfer jobs. |
There are some custom fields that are specific to the Transport Orders. They can be sent in the following fields; ZB1,ZB2,ZB3,ZB4,ZB5, and ZB6. ZB5 data for these types of message should reference the form below.
ZB5 Custom Transport Job Status Entry Data
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB5 | ~ | Custom Transport Order Entry Data Segment | 3 | ~ | ~ | Three character identifier for the Custom Transport Order Entry Data segment. |
ZB5 | 1 | Origin Location | 50^50^50^50 | O | ~ | Origin Location |
ZB5 | 2 | Destination Location | 50^50^50^50 | R | ~ | Destination Location |
ZB5 | 3 | Mode Of Travel | 50 | O | C | Mode of Travel |
ZB5 | 4 | Travel Requirements | 50 | O | C | Travel Requirements are comma (,) separated(Requirement1,Requirement,2,Requirement3).For example: Agitated,IV,Oxygen |
ZB5 | 5 | Transport Job Status | 50 | O | C | Outbound – Sends Job Status |
ZB5 | 6 | Transport Job Number | 50 | O | ~ | Outbound – Sends Internal Job Number |
ZB5 | 7 | Job Reason Code | 50 | O | ~ | Outbound – Sends Job Reason Code |
ZB5 | 8 | Transporters | 50^50^50~50^50^50 | O | ~ | When the job has more than one transporter, the information for each is separated by the “~” and is in the message in the following format: Transporter1ID^ LastName1^ FirstName1~Transporter2ID2^ LastName2^ FirstName2 |
ZB5 | 9 | Job Status | 50 | O | ~ | Placing the text “Possible” in this field during an Inbound TransportOrder Request will create a Possible Job rather than a Pending or Appointment. Dispatch |
ZB5 | 10 | Item ADT ID | 50 | O | C | When ORC:16 contains “ItemTransportOrder,” ZB5:10 is required. Otherwise, the field is not required. When the field is used, its value must be unique across the campus. |
Orders for BedRequests - Pending Admits and Transfers
HL7 Message Segments Used - Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification), PV1 (Patient Visit) and PV2 (Additional Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
In addition to these segments the ORC (Common Order) and Z segments can be used when sending order requests. More information about these segments follows below.
Sample O01 - Bed Request
EVN|O01|20050314110346PID|||4535||TEST^ORDER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|1234567|
PV1|||^^|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||ServicingFacility|||||20050314110346|
PV2||I|^^||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|| |||||||||||||||||HOM||||||||200002241832
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart| |LevelOfCare|Discipline
ORC Common Order Segment
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | ~ | Common Order Segment | 3 | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Common Order segment. |
ORC | 1 | Order Control | 2 | A | ~ | NW = New Work, CA = Cancel, XX = Update |
ORC | 2 | Place Order Number | 50 | R | E | Unique order number |
ORC | 3 | Filler Order Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 4 | Placer Group Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 5 | Order Status Equipment Name | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 6 | Response Flag | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 7 | Quantity / Timing | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 8 | Parent | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 9 | Date / Time of Transaction | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 10 | Entered By | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 11 | Verified By | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 12 | Ordering Provider | 50^50^30^10^50 | O | ~ | This field is required when Discharge or Transfer Milestones are in use. When the field is sent, it must be in the following format:ID^Last Name^First Name^MI^Suffix |
ORC | 13 | Enterer's Location | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 14 | Call Back Phone Number | ~ | X | ~ | ~ |
ORC | 15 | Order Effective Date/Time | 14 | O | ~ | Date\time patient is requested. Bed Request Orders create an active bed request effective immediately |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | This field can contain one of the following values:
There are some custom fields that are specific to these orders. They can be sent in the following fields; ZB1,ZB2,ZB3,ZB4,ZB6 and ZB9
Pending Admit Message - Outbound
The TransferCenter™ Pending Admit outbound message (A05) is sent from the Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite™ system to the hospital ADT system when the following conditions are both present:
Both of the following are selected:
The Enable Outbound ADT Registrations box on Configuration > General tab selected
A bed request has been made either by selecting the Pre-admit Patient box on the Transfer page or by selecting the Create Bed Request box on the Bed Request page.
One of the following is true:
The transfer record does not have a match in the Capacity Management Suite® or Capacity IQ® system, or
The record matches in the Capacity Management Suite® or Capacity IQ® system but does not contain a visit number.
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification), PV1 (Patient Visit), and PV2 (Additional Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction. More information on these message segments can be found on the following pages:
In addition to these segments, the ZB segments can be used when sending order requests. More information about these segments follows below.
A05 - Pre-admit
ZB1||||UnitRequested|||||| LevelOfCare|
There are some custom fields that are specific to these orders. They can be sent in the following fields; ZB1 and ZB2. ZB1 only has one change from the default.
ZB1 Custom Pending Admit Message Entry Data
Identical to Standard ZB1 except
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB1 | 4 | Unit Requested | 15 | S | ~ | Three character identifier for the Common Order segment. |
Orders for Confirmed Discharges
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
In addition to these segments, the ORC (Common Order) and Z segments can be used when sending order requests. More information about these segments follows below.
O01 - Confirmed Discharge
PV1||I|^^||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|| |||||||||||||||||HOM|||ServicingFacility|||||200002241832
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart|| LevelOfCare|Discipline
ORC Common Order Segment
Identical to the ORC data for Inbound Transport Orders except:
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | ConfirmedDischargeOrder, PendingDischarge, PatientUpdate, CancelPendingDischarge |
There are some custom fields that are specific to these orders. They can be sent in the following fields; ZB1,ZB2,ZB3,ZB4,ZB6 and ZB9 There are no customizations for Confirmed Discharge Orders to these segments.
Milestone Order - Inbound
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same fields that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
In addition to these segments, and the ZB8 segment, some of the ORC (Common Order) and OBR (Observation) segments can be used when sending order requests.
O01 - Confirmed Discharge
ORC Common Order Segment
Identical to the ORC data for Inbound Transport Orders except:
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | Milestone Order |
There are some custom fields that are specific to these Orders. They can be sent in the following fields; ZB8
Orders Results for BedRequests - Outbound
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction
In addition to these segments, the ORC (Common Order) and Z segments can be used when sending order requests.
R01 - BedRequest Result
PID|||4535||TEST^ORDER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|1234567|
PV1|||NS^ROOM^BED^FACILITY|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTO2|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||ServicingFacility||||||20050314110346|
ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart|| LevelOfCare|Discipline
Note: Orders Results for BedRequests messages require an inbound BedRequest Order Entry Interface. The trigger to send the result message is the assignment of a bed to an open Bed Request. If the assigned bed is not clean, additional results will be sent for each status change until the bed reaches the clean/available status.
ORC Common Order Segment
Identical to the ORC data for Inbound Transport Orders except:
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | BedRequestOrder |
There are some custom fields that are specific to these Orders. They are returned in the fields; ZB1,ZB2,ZB3,ZB4, and ZB6. ZB3 Differs from the standard as stated below.
ZB3 Custom Outbound BedRequest Entry Data
Identical to the ORC data for Inbound Transport Orders except:
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ZB1 | 1 | Bed Status Result | 15 | R | ~ | Outward Bed Status for Placements with an attached Order Number. Available Statuses are Blocked, Clean, CleanNext, Dirty, Stat, Udef8, Udef9, and Cancel. |
Portal order Entry Interface
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same segments that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction
In addition to these segments, the ORC (Common Order) and Z segments can be used when sending order requests.
O01 - LabOrder
ORC Common Order Segment
Identical to the ORC data for Inbound Transport Orders except:
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
ORC | 5 | Order Status | 50 | R | C | Order Status Matching dictionary in the system. |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 30 | R | ~ | LabOrder, RadiologyOrder, MedicationOrder, or OtherOrder |
There are some custom fields that are specific to these Orders. They can be sent in the following fields; OBR
OBR Observation Request Segment
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
OBR | ~ | Optional Fields Segment | ~ | R | ~ | Three character identifier for the Optional Fields segment. |
OBR | 4 | Order Description | 30^30 | O | ~ | Put Order Description text in subfield 2 in the following format: OrderDescription^OrderDescriptionText |
OBR | 11 | Specimen Action Code | 50 | O | C | Optional Code to indicate if Specimen to be acquired by source other than lab – requires matching ADT ID. |
OBR | 25 | Order Status | 50 | R | C | Optional Order Status when ORC:5 is not used. Order Status Matching dictionary in the system. |
OBR | 27 | Quantity/Timing | ^^^^^^50 | O | C | Subfield 6 contains optional code to indicate STAT priority for Orders – requires matching ADT ID. |
Transfer Update - Outbound
The outbound transfer (A02) messages can be sent from Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® system if all of the following conditions are present:
The patient has a visit/spell number.
The patient is transferred within the system to a home, non-holding location in a different unit.
HL7 Message Segments Used – Transfer
The MSH (Message Header), EVN (Event), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same fields that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction. Changes to the standard ADT interface content are detailed below.
A02 - Transfer Update - Outbound
EVN Event
Seg | # | Description | Length | Usage | Unique | Details |
EVN | 6 | Event occurred | 14 | R | E | Outbound only. This field contains the transfer date/time. |
Discharge Update - Outbound
The outbound discharge (A03) messages can be sent from the Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® system if all of the following conditions are present:
The patient has a visit/spell number.
The patient’s status previous to discharge was not PreAdmit or Outpatient.
The patient is discharged within the system.
Note: If a patient is admitted or transferred to a bed that is currently occupied in the system, displacing the patient, an A03 outbound message will still be sent.
HL7 Message Segments Used – Order
The MSH (Message Header), PID (Patient Identification) and PV1 (Patient Visit) have the same fields that are referenced in a standard ADT transaction.
A03 - Discharge Update - Outbound
Sample Messages - Other Interfaces
Individual messages and the delimiters they contain will vary from one site to another, but the following are typical examples of HL7 transactions taken from a variety of sources. They do NOT include actual patient data.
O01 - Transport
PV1||I|3WST^3101^1||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|| |||||||||||||||||HOM|||ServicingFacility|||||200002241832
O01 – Transport – Outbound
O01 – BedRequest — Pending Admits and Transfers
PID|||4535||TEST^ORDER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|1234567|
PV1|||^^|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^DOCTOR1|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^DOCTOR2|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||ServicingFacility|||||20050314110346|
PV2||I|^^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|| |||||||||||||||||HOM||||||||200002241832
R01 - BedRequest Result - Outbound
PID|||4535||TEST^ORDER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PGH^PA^15232||877-570-6903|||||53455|1234567|
O01 – ConfirmedDischarge
PV1||I|^^||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^||||||||||168^SMITH MD^JOHN^|| |||||||||||||||||HOM|||ServicingFacility|||||200002241832
O01 – Milestone Order — Inbound
O01 – LabOrder
A02 – Transfer Update – Outbound
A03 – Discharge Update – Outbound