The Clinical Workflow™ (CWS) suite (formerly the Orchestrate™ application) HL7 inbound and outbound services will normally interface with a scheduling system of some sort. Often, this is a perioperative system that sends or receives messages to/from the Inbound and Outbound services. Whether the procedure-based workflow being tracked is in the OR, GI Lab, Cath Lab, or some other part of the hospital, the Inbound and Outbound services will interface with a scheduling system to provide incoming and outgoing updates. The Clinical Workflow™ suite HL7 Inbound and Outbound services require the use of the Symphonia® Library parser (third party software). Appendix A – Symphonia® Parser Definitions defines the implemented standard for Inbound and Outbound messages.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite can accommodate a flat file schedule interface, HL7 schedule interface, and HL7 outbound timestamp interface. This document provides the specifications for interfacing. It provides the following:
Required format of flat files from a scheduling system
Character limits and data types for flat file fields
HL7 schedule events that the Clinical Workflow™ suite can accept
Sample HL7 schedule event messages
Outbound timestamp interface standards and requirements
Flat File Schedule Interface
The Clinical Workflow™ suite allows for a flat file interface for situations where HL7 is not available to connect to the scheduling system. The information may be either fixed width or comma delimited (,).
Flat File Field Information
The Clinical Workflow™ suite can accept the following information from a flat file.
Field Description | Limit/Format |
Scheduled Time | MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM |
Last Name | 50-character limit |
First Name | 50-character limit |
MRN | 64-character limit |
Gender | M or F |
Account Number | 64-character limit |
Visit Number | 30-character limit |
Chart | 32-character limit |
SSN | 32-character limit |
Date of Birth | MM/DD/YYYY |
Destination | 255-character limit |
Destination comments | 4000-character limit |
Patient comments | 4000-character limit |
Patient Text Field 1-5 | 4000-character limit |
Procedure Location | 100-character limit |
Service Type | 100-character limit |
Anesthesia Type | 100-character limit |
Anesthesia Description | 2000-character limit |
Procedure Code | 100-character limit |
Procedure Description | 2000-character limit |
Procedure Comments | 4000-character limit |
Procedure Duration | Number |
Procedure Setup Duration | Number |
Procedure Cleanup Duration | Number |
Procedure Patient Type | 32-character limit |
Add On Flag | ‘Y’ or ‘N’ |
Cancel Flag | ‘Y’ or ‘N’ |
To Follow Time | HH:MM |
Procedure Text Field 1-5 | 4000-character limit |
Staff Employee ID 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff Last Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff First Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
Staff Middle Name 1-5 | 32-character limit |
For the flat file message to add a patient to the Clinical Workflow™ suite workflow, the patient message MUST contain
Last Name
First Name
Schedule Time
Any other data entered in the flat file message will be added to the appropriate field on the Patient Information dialog box.
Flat File Clinical Workflow™ Suite Features
The Clinical Workflow™ suite has the following Flat File features:
Data values in the import file may also be mapped to generate events in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Single fields in the import file may be added to multiple fields in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Multiple fields in the import file may be combined into a single in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Staff may be assigned for up to 5 different roles on the patient or procedure. If staff does not exist they will be added to the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Sample Flat File
Below is an example of a comma separated (CSV) ASCII flat file:
"TEST","ALLYN","11/14/2011","09:15","000000062687","IN","01/25/1955","M","000000062687", "H000029232","999-9999","EMHRSRC","EMH,RESOURCE","4371","CDSTTHALIP","CD STRESS THALLIUM IN",,"EMMCARDGN","60","","STLAB 3"
HL7 Inbound Schedule Interface
HL7 Event Types Accepted by the Clinical Workflow™ suite
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Inbound Service accepts the following HL7 schedule events.
ID | Title | Expected Outcome in the Clinical Workflow™ Suite |
S12 | Notification of New Appointment Booking | A new case is entered into the Clinical Workflow™ suite. All data fields sent via HL7 message are populated. |
S13 | Notification of Appointment Modification | An existing case in the Clinical Workflow™ suite is found, and any field (except any unique identifier) can be updated/modified with this event. |
S14 | Notification of Appointment Modification | An existing case in the Clinical Workflow™ suite is found, and any field (except any unique identifier) can be updated/modified with this event. |
S15 | Notification of Appointment Cancellation | An existing case in the Clinical Workflow™ suite marked as cancelled. If it is a case that is currently being displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite then it will display a Cancel banner. |
ORMO01 | Orders | Orders can be added, updated, or canceled in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. |
Usage Column Key
The tables in the following sections show Usage columns. The following table provides the meaning and description of each usage code that could appear in the columns.
Usage | Meaning | Description |
R | Required | Required, must be present for message to be processed by Clinical Workflow® Suite |
O | Optional | Optional, mapped to database field but not required for a message to process |
I | Ignored | Neither Mapped to database or required |
M | Mapped | Mapped, used in combination with R and O. |
Store Forward Functionality
The Inbound Service stores future appointments. On the day of the scheduled procedure, the appointment is processed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. By default, each day at 6:00 PM the next day's stored forward appointments are moved to the Clinical Workflow™ suite so that the user can view the appointments on the Navigator Roster screen. This Rollover time is configurable by a TeleTracking implementation engineer.
Standard HL7 Segments for Inbound SIU Messages
The following standard HL7 message fields may be used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite Inbound service. Fields that do not specify in the Details column a location for display in the Clinical Workflow™ suite, can be custom configured with possible additional design and implementation fees.
MSH Message Header
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
MSH | 0 | Message Header | 3 | R | “MSH” |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator and Encoding | 4 | R | This field is the separator between the segment ID and the first real field. As such, it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | 4 | R | Required. Special characters used for parsing message. Example: “^~\&”. |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 7 | Entry Date / Time of Message | 26 | I | Optional |
MSH | 8 | Security | 40 | I | Optional |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | 16 | R | Required. Components: |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | 20 | R | Unique Identifier may be blank |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | 3 | I | Optional |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 60 | I | Optional |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number* | 15 | I | Optional |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | 180 | I | Optional |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | 2 | I | Optional |
MSH | 18 | Character Set | 16 | I | Optional |
MSH | 19 | Principal Language Of Message | 60 | I | Optional |
MSH | 20 | Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme | 20 | I | Optional |
SCH Schedule
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
SCH | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “SCH” |
SCH | 1 | Placer Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 2 | Filler Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 3 | Occurrence Number | 5 | I |
SCH | 4 | Placer Group Number | 22 | I |
SCH | 5 | Schedule ID Identifier | 128 | RM | Used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Unique Identifier for procedure / case. |
SCH | 6 | Event Reason | 200 | I |
SCH | 7 | Appointment Reason / Text | 2000 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Description. |
SCH | 8 | Appointment Type / Text | small | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Code ID. |
SCH | 9 | Appointment Duration | small | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Duration. Must be sent in minutes. |
SCH | 10 | Appointment Duration Units | 200 | I |
SCH | 11 | Appointment Timing Quantity / Start Date Time | 14 | RM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Start Time. |
SCH | 12 | Placer Contact Person | 48 | I |
SCH | 13 | Placer Contact Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 14 | Placer Contact Address | 106 | I |
SCH | 15 | Placer Contact Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 16 | Filler Contact Person | 38 | I |
SCH | 17 | Filler Contact Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 18 | Filler Contact Address | 106 | I |
SCH | 19 | Filler Contact Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 20 | Entered By Person | 48 | I |
SCH | 21 | Entered By Phone Number | 40 | I |
SCH | 22 | Entered By Location | 80 | I |
SCH | 23 | Parent Placer Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 24 | Parent Filler Appointment ID | 75 | I |
SCH | 25 | Filler Status Code / Identifier | 1 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Add On Flag (‘+ Icon) if value = ‘Y’. |
PID Patient Identification
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PID | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PID” |
PID | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PID | 2 | Patient ID (Internal ID) | 64 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as patient’s Medical Record Number. |
PID | 3 | Patient Identifier List | 100 | I |
PID | 4 | Alternate Patient ID | 100 | I |
PID | 5 | Patient Name | 50^50 | RM | Components: <family name> ^ <given name> ^ Patient Name In Standard Format. Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient First Name and Patient Last Name. |
PID | 6 | Mother’s Maiden Name | 48 | I |
PID | 7 | Birth Date | 8 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient's birth date. YYYYMMDD. |
PID | 8 | Gender | 1 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient's Sex. |
PID | 9 | Patient Alias | 48 | I |
PID | 10 | Race | 80 | I |
PID | 11 | Patient Address | 106 | I |
PID | 12 | County Code | 30 | I |
PID | 13 | Home Phone Number | 40 | I |
PID | 14 | Business Phone Number | 40 | I |
PID | 15 | Primary Language | 60 | I |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | 80 | I |
PID | 17 | Religion | 80 | I |
PID | 18 | Patient Account Number | 128 | OM | Used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite to uniquely identify a patient internally and externally in other systems. Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient Account Number. |
PID | 19 | SSN | 32 | I |
PID | 20 | Driver’s License Number | 25 | I |
PID | 21 | Mother’s Identifier | 20 | I |
PID | 22 | Ethnic Group | 80 | I |
PID | 23 | Birth Place | 60 | I |
PID | 24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | 1 | I |
PID | 25 | Birth Order | 2 | I |
PID | 26 | Citizenship | 80 | I |
PID | 27 | Veteran’s Military Status | 60 | I |
PID | 28 | Nationality | 80 | I |
PID | 29 | Patient Death Date And Time | 26 | I |
PID | 30 | Patient Death Indicator | 10 | I |
PV1 Patient Visit
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PV1 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PV1” |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PV1 | 2 | Patient Class | 4 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient Type. |
PV1 | 3 | Assigned Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 4 | Admission Type | 2 | I |
PV1 | 5 | Patient Number | 20 | I |
PV1 | 6 | Prior Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 7 | Attending Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 8 | Referring Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 9 | Consulting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 10 | Hospital Service | 10 | I |
PV1 | 11 | Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 12 | Preadmit Test Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 13 | Readmission Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 14 | Admit Source | 3 | I |
PV1 | 15 | Ambulatory Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 16 | VIP Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 17 | Admitting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 18 | Patient Type | 4 | I |
PV1 | 19 | Visit Number | 20 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Visit Number. |
PV1 | 20 | Financial Class | 50 | I |
PV1 | 21 | Charge Price Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 22 | Courtesy Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 23 | Credit Rating | 2 | I |
PV1 | 24 | Contract Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 25 | Contract Effective Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 26 | Contract Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 27 | Contract Period | 3 | I |
PV1 | 28 | Interest Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 29 | Transfer To Bad Debt Code | 1 | I |
PV1 | 30 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | 10 | I |
PV1 | 32 | Bad Debt Transfer Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 33 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 34 | Delete Account Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 35 | Delete Account Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 36 | Discharge Disposition | 3 | I |
PV1 | 37 | Discharged To Location | 25 | I |
PV1 | 38 | Diet Type | 80 | I |
PV1 | 39 | Servicing Facility | 2 | I |
PV1 | 40 | Bed Status | 1 | I |
PV1 | 41 | Account Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 42 | Pending Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 43 | Prior Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 44 | Admit Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 45 | Discharge Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 46 | Current Patient Balance | 12 | I |
PV1 | 47 | Total Charges | 12 | I |
PV1 | 48 | Total Adjustments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 49 | Total Payments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 50 | Alternative Visit ID | 20 | I |
PV1 | 51 | Visit Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 52 | Other Healthcare Provider | 60 | I |
RGS Resource Group
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
RGS | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “RGS” |
RGS | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I | Unique Identifier for the Resource. |
RGS | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
RGS | 3 | Resource Group ID | 200 | I | Identifier for the segment Group that contains the segment group (AIS/AIL/AIP). |
AIL Appointment Information – Location Resource
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIL | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIL” |
AIL | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIL | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
AIL | 3 | Location Resource ID | 80 | RM | Components: <PointOfCare>^<room>^<bed>^<facility>^<building>^<floor> Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Location. |
AIL | 4 | Location Type | 200 | I |
AIL | 5 | Location Group | 200 | I |
AIL | 6 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIL | 7 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIL | 8 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIL | 9 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIL | 10 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIL | 11 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIL | 12 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
AIS Appointment Information – Service
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIS | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIS” |
AIS | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIS | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Anesthesia Code. |
AIS | 3 | Universal Service ID | 200 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Service Code. |
AIS | 4 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIS | 5 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIS | 6 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIS | 7 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIS | 8 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIS | 9 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIS | 10 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
AIS | 11 | Placer Supplemental Service Information | 200 | I |
AIS | 12 | Filler Supplemental Service Information | 200 | I |
AIP Appointment Information – Personnel Resource
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
AIP | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “AIP” |
AIP | 1 | Set ID | 4 | R |
AIP | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | I |
AIP | 3 | Personnel Resource ID 1 | 80 | OM | Components <employee number>^<family name>^<given name>. If the staff member does not exist, they will be added. Staff may be assigned for up to 10 different roles on the patient or procedure. These are repeating segments. Displayed as Provider in Clinical Workflow™ suite as Staff First Name, Last Name and Middle Name. |
AIP | 4 | Resource Role | 200 | I |
AIP | 5 | Resource Group | 200 | I |
AIP | 6 | Start Date Time | 26 | I |
AIP | 7 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | I |
AIP | 8 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | I |
AIP | 9 | Duration | 20 | I |
AIP | 10 | Duration Units | 200 | I |
AIP | 11 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | I |
AIP | 12 | Filler Status Code | 200 | I |
NTE Notes and Comments
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
NTE | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “NTE” |
NTE | 1 | Set ID | 3 | I |
NTE | 2 | Source Of Comment | 8 | I |
NTE | 3 | Procedure Comments | 4000 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Description. |
NTE | 4 | Comment Type | 60 | I |
Standard HL7 Segments for Inbound ORM Messages
MSH Message Header
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
MSH | 0 | Message Header | 3 | R | “MSH” |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator and Encoding | 4 | R | This field is the separator between the segment ID and the first real field. As such, it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | 4 | R | Special characters used for parsing message. Example would be “^~\&”. |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | 180 | I |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | 180 | I |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | 180 | I |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | 180 | I |
MSH | 7 | Entry Date / Time of message | 26 | I |
MSH | 8 | Security | 40 | I |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | 16 | R | Components: <message type> ^ <trigger event> ORM^O01 |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | 20 | R | Unique identifier may be blank. |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | 3 | I |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 60 | I |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number* | 15 | I |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | 180 | I |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | 2 | I |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | 2 | I |
MSH | 18 | Character Set | 16 | I |
MSH | 19 | Principal Language Of Message | 60 | I |
MSH | 20 | Alternate Character Set Handling | 20 | I | Scheme |
PID Patient Identification
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PID | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PID” |
PID | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PID | 2 | Patient ID (Internal ID) | 64 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as patient’s Medical Record Number. |
PID | 3 | Patient Identifier List | 100 | I |
PID | 4 | Alternate Patient ID | 100 | I |
PID | 5 | Patient Name | 50^50 | RM | Components: <family name> ^ <given name>. ^ Patient Name In Standard Format. Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient First Name and Patient Last Name. |
PID | 6 | Mother’s Maiden Name | 48 | I |
PID | 7 | Birth Date | 8 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient's birth date. YYYYMMDD. |
PID | 8 | Gender | 1 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient's Sex. |
PID | 9 | Patient Alias | 48 | I |
PID | 10 | Race | 80 | I |
PID | 11 | Patient Address | 106 | I |
PID | 12 | County Code | 30 | I |
PID | 13 | Home Phone Number | 40 | I |
PID | 14 | Business Phone Number | 40 | I |
PID | 15 | Primary Language | 60 | I |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | 80 | I |
PID | 17 | Religion | 80 | I |
PID | 18 | Patient Account Number | 128 | OM | Used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite to uniquely identify a patient internally and externally in other systems. Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient Account Number. |
PID | 19 | SSN | 32 | I |
PID | 20 | Driver’s License Number | 25 | I |
PID | 21 | Mother’s Identifier | 20 | I |
PID | 22 | Ethnic Group | 80 | I |
PID | 23 | Birth Place | 60 | I |
PID | 24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | 1 | I |
PID | 25 | Birth Order | 2 | I |
PID | 26 | Citizenship | 80 | I |
PID | 27 | Veteran’s Military Status | 60 | I |
PID | 28 | Nationality | 80 | I |
PID | 29 | Patient Death Date And Time | 26 | I |
PID | 30 | Patient Death Indicator | 10 | I |
PV1 Patient Visit
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
PV1 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | R | “PV1” |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
PV1 | 2 | Patient Class | 4 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Patient Type. |
PV1 | 3 | Assigned Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 4 | Admission Type | 2 | I |
PV1 | 5 | Patient Number | 20 | I |
PV1 | 6 | Prior Patient Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 7 | Attending Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 8 | Referring Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 9 | Consulting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 10 | Hospital Service | 10 | I |
PV1 | 11 | Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 12 | Preadmit Test Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 13 | Readmission Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 14 | Admit Source | 3 | I |
PV1 | 15 | Ambulatory Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 16 | VIP Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 17 | Admitting Doctor | 60 | I |
PV1 | 18 | Patient Type | 4 | I |
PV1 | 19 | Visit Number | 20 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Visit Number. |
PV1 | 20 | Financial Class | 50 | I |
PV1 | 21 | Charge Price Indicator | 2 | I |
PV1 | 22 | Courtesy Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 23 | Credit Rating | 2 | I |
PV1 | 24 | Contract Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 25 | Contract Effective Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 26 | Contract Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 27 | Contract Period | 3 | I |
PV1 | 28 | Interest Code | 2 | I |
PV1 | 29 | Transfer To Bad Debt Code | 1 | I |
PV1 | 30 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | 10 | I |
PV1 | 32 | Bad Debt Transfer Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 33 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | 12 | I |
PV1 | 34 | Delete Account Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 35 | Delete Account Date | 8 | I |
PV1 | 36 | Discharge Disposition | 3 | I |
PV1 | 37 | Discharged To Location | 25 | I |
PV1 | 38 | Diet Type | 80 | I |
PV1 | 39 | Servicing Facility | 2 | I |
PV1 | 40 | Bed Status | 1 | I |
PV1 | 41 | Account Status | 2 | I |
PV1 | 42 | Pending Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 43 | Prior Temporary Location | 80 | I |
PV1 | 44 | Admit Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 45 | Discharge Date Time | 26 | I |
PV1 | 46 | Current Patient Balance | 12 | I |
PV1 | 47 | Total Charges | 12 | I |
PV1 | 48 | Total Adjustments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 49 | Total Payments | 12 | I |
PV1 | 50 | Alternative Visit ID | 20 | I |
PV1 | 51 | Visit Indicator | 1 | I |
PV1 | 52 | Other Healthcare Provider | 60 | I |
ORC Order Control
Segment | # | Name | Length | Usage | Details |
ORC | 1 | Order Control | 2 | R | New - "NW" |
ORC | 2 | Placer Order Number | 22 | RM | Used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Unique Identifier for procedure / case. |
ORC | 3 | Filler Order Number | 22 | I |
ORC | 4 | Placer Group Number | 22 | I |
ORC | 5 | Order Status | 2 | I |
ORC | 6 | Response Flag | 1 | I |
ORC | 7 | Quantity Timing | 200 | RM | Start Date Time Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Start Time |
ORC | 8 | Parent | 200 | I |
ORC | 9 | Date Time Of Transaction | 26 | I |
ORC | 10 | Entered By | 120 | I |
ORC | 11 | Verified By | 120 | I |
ORC | 12 | Ordering Provider | 120 | I |
ORC | 13 | Enterers Location | 80 | I |
ORC | 14 | Call Back Phone Number | 40 | I |
ORC | 15 | Order Effective Date Time | 26 | I |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 200 | I |
ORC | 17 | Entering Organization | 60 | I |
ORC | 18 | Entering Device | 60 | I |
ORC | 19 | Action By | 120 | I |
ORC | 20 | Advanced Beneficiary Notice | 40 | I |
| Code |
ORC | 21 | Ordering Facility Name | 60 | I |
ORC | 22 | Ordering Facility Address | 106 | I |
ORC | 23 | Ordering Facility Phone | 48 | I |
| Number |
ORC | 24 | Ordering Provider Address | 106 | I |
OBR Observation Request
Segment | # | Description | Length | Usage | Details |
OBR | 1 | Set ID | 4 | I |
OBR | 2 | Placer Order Number | 22 | I |
OBR | 3 | Filler Order Number | 22 | I |
OBR | 4 | Universal Service ID | 200 | RM | Procedure location |
OBR | 5 | Priority | 2 | I |
OBR | 6 | Requested Date Time | 26 | I |
OBR | 7 | Observation Date Time | 26 | I |
OBR | 8 | Observation End Date Time | 26 | I |
OBR | 9 | Collection Volume | 20 | I |
OBR | 10 | Collector Identifier | 60 | I |
OBR | 11 | Specimen Action Code | 1 | I |
OBR | 12 | Danger Code | 60 | I |
OBR | 13 | Relevant Clinical Info | 300 | I |
OBR | 14 | Specimen Received Date Time | 26 | I |
OBR | 15 | Specimen Source | 300 | I |
OBR | 16 | Ordering Provider | 120 | I |
OBR | 17 | Order Callback Phone Number | 40 | I |
OBR | 18 | Placer Field 1 | 60 | I |
OBR | 19 | Placer Field 2 | 60 | I |
OBR | 20 | Filler Field 1 | 60 | I |
OBR | 21 | Filler Field 2 | 60 | I |
OBR | 22 | Results Report Status Change | 26 | I |
| Date Time |
OBR | 23 | Charge To Practice | 40 | I |
OBR | 24 | Diagnostic Service Section ID | 10 | I |
OBR | 25 | Result Status | 1 | I |
OBR | 26 | Parent Result | 200 | I |
OBR | 27 | Quantity Timing | 200 | I |
OBR | 28 | Result Copies To | 150 | I |
OBR | 29 | Parent Number | 200 | I |
OBR | 30 | Transportation Mode | 20 | I |
OBR | 31 | Reason For Study | 300 | OM | Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as procedure description |
OBR | 32 | Principal Result Interpreter | 200 | I |
OBR | 33 | Assistant Result Interpreter | 200 | I |
OBR | 34 | Technician | 200 | I |
OBR | 35 | Transcriptionist | 200 | I |
OBR | 36 | Scheduled Date Time | 26 | I |
OBR | 37 | Number Of Sample Containers | 4 | I |
OBR | 38 | Transport Logistics Of Collected Sample | 60 | I |
OBR | 39 | Collectors Comment | 200 | I |
OBR | 40 | Transport Arrangement Responsibility | 60 | I |
OBR | 41 | Transport Arranged | 30 | I |
OBR | 42 | Escort Required | 1 | I |
OBR | 43 | Planned Patient Transport Comment | 200 | I |
OBR | 44 | Procedure Code | 80 | I |
OBR | 45 | Procedure Code Modifier | 80 | I |
Mapping Standard HL7 Inbound Message Segments to the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields
The Inbound Service can change the mapping of inbound data to the Clinical Workflow™ suite fields that differ from the standard HL7 fields described above. The Inbound Service reads an IML mapping file during initialization. This file can be modified by configuration analysts to provide a custom solution to our individual customers. See Appendix A - Mapping HL7 Fields to Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for more details on the mapping file.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields Available for Inbound Mapping
See Appendix B - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Inbound Processing for a list of Clinical Workflow™ suite fields that can be mapped to inbound HL7 fields.
Inbound Service Event Triggering
The Inbound Service has the ability to trigger selected events based on HL7 message field content. A selected event in the customer system can be configured during implementation to be triggered when a field from has a given value.
Sample Inbound SIU Scheduling Messages
S12 New Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S12|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175
AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN
S13 Reschedule Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S13|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175
AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN
S14 Update Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S14|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175
AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN
S15 Cancel Appointment
MSH|^~\&|OPTIME|CCF|CASE_SCHED|CCF|20110420145650|C068566|SIU^S15|918910|P|2.3 SCH||140100533|||140100533||^Bad Hip|^Total HIP|355|MIN|^^^201104200935||||||||||||||Y^Scheduled NTE|||Comment about the procedure PID||60920796^^^^CCF|E14041016483^^^EPI^EPI~60920796^^^^CCF~6001584^^^WSTNH^FLACCF|1406411959|Smith^Amy||19750412|F|||||||ENGL|||609207960047|376392727|||||||||||N PV1||2|PREA^^^900|||||||OTOL|||||||||179250701|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||140156655175
AIS|1|GEN|20605^ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ|201104200935|0|MIN|30|MIN|||80^LOC|1^Left AIL|1||^OR41^^CCF AIP|1||05257^KNOTT^PHILIP~432052^Anderson^Jeff|1.1^Primary|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|355| MIN AIP|2||03306^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^BillNo~435966^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^PCP~233701^LEE^WALTER^ T^^^^^500008~233704^LEE^WALTER^T^^^^^500007|1.2^Assisting|160^OTOL|201104200935|0|MIN|35 5|MIN
Sample Inbound ORM Orders
Messages ORMO01 Orders Message
MSH|^~\&|HIS|MedCenter|LIS|MedCenter|20060307110114||ORM^O01|MSGID20060307110114|P|2.3 PID|||12001||Jones ^John ^^^Mr.||19670824|M|||123 West St.^^Denver^CO^80020^USA||||||| PV1||O|OP^PAREG^||||2342^Jones^Bob|||OP|||||||||2|||||||||||||||||||||||||20060307110111| ORC|NW|20060307110114 OBR|1|20060307110114||003038^Ultrasound ^L|||20060307110114
HL7 Outbound Interface
HL7 Outbound Event Types Generated by the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
The HL7 Outbound interface is capable of generating many different message types. With the appropriate configuration the outbound interface can generate the following types of event messages:
Standard HL7 Segments for Outbound Messages
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Outbound Service uses the following standard HL7 message segments:
MSH Message Header
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
MSH | 0 | Message Header | 3 | “MSH” |
MSH | 1 | Field Separator | 1 | Empty |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | 4 | ^~\& |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | 180 | HRC-WFS. |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | 180 | Empty |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | 180 | Empty |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | 180 | Empty |
MSH | 7 | Entry Date / Time | 26 | Date/Time that the sending system created the message. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
MSH | 8 | Security | 40 | Empty |
MSH | 9 | Message Type | 3^3 | Components: <message type> ^ <trigger event> SIU^S14 = Event Time Stamp |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | 20 | Sequential number that gets incremented with every new message sent |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | 3 | ‘P’ |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 3 | Matched by receiving system to be sure the message will be interpreted correctly |
MSH | 13 | Sequence Number | 15 | Empty |
MSH | 14 | Continuation Pointer | 180 | Empty |
MSH | 15 | Accept Acknowledgement Type | 2 | ‘AL’ |
MSH | 16 | Application Acknowledgement Type | 2 | ‘NE’ |
MSH | 17 | Country Code | 2 | Empty |
MSH | 18 | Character Set | 16 | Empty |
MSH | 19 | Principal Language Of Message | 60 | Empty |
MSH | 20 | Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme | 20 | Empty |
SCH Schedule
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
SCH | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “SCH” |
SCH | 1 | Placer Appointment ID | 75 | Empty |
SCH | 2 | Filler Appointment ID | 75 | Empty |
SCH | 3 | Occurrence Number | 5 | Empty |
SCH | 4 | Placer Group Number | 22 | Empty |
SCH | 5 | Schedule ID Identifier | 128 | Unique Identifier for procedure / case. Default sent. |
SCH | 6 | Event Reason | 200 | Empty |
SCH | 7 | Appointment Reason | 2000 | Procedure Description. Default sent. |
SCH | 8 | Appointment Type | small integer | Procedure Code ID. Default sent. |
SCH | 9 | Appointment Duration | small integer | Procedure Duration - value in minutes. Default not sent. |
SCH | 10 | Appointment Duration Units | 200 | Empty |
SCH | 11 | Appointment Timing Quantity / Start Date Time | 14 | Procedure Start Time. Default sent. |
SCH | 12 | Placer Contact Person | 48 | Empty |
SCH | 13 | Placer Contact Phone Number | 40 | Empty |
SCH | 14 | Placer Contact Address | 106 | Empty |
SCH | 15 | Placer Contact Location | 80 | Empty |
SCH | 16 | Filler Contact Person | 38 | Empty |
SCH | 17 | Filler Contact Phone Number | 40 | Empty |
SCH | 18 | Filler Contact Address | 106 | Empty |
SCH | 19 | Filler Contact Location | 80 | Empty |
SCH | 20 | Entered By Person | 48 | Employee Information, person who issued the event. Default sent. |
SCH | 21 | Entered By Phone Number | 40 | Empty |
SCH | 22 | Entered By Location | 80 | Empty |
SCH | 23 | Parent Placer Appointment ID | 75 | Empty |
SCH | 24 | Parent Filler Appointment ID | 75 | Empty |
SCH | 25 | Filter Status Code / Identifier | 1 | Empty |
PID Patient Information
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
PID | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “PID” |
PID | 1 | Set ID | 4 | Empty |
PID | 2 | Patient ID | 64 | Unique ID, patient’s Medical Record Number. Default sent. |
PID | 3 | Patient Identifier List | 100 | Unique ID from HIS system. Default sent. |
PID | 4 | Alternate Patient ID | 100 | Empty |
PID | 5 | Patient Name | 50^50 | Components: <family name> ^ <given name> ^ Patient Name In Standard Format. Default sent. |
PID | 6 | Mother’s Maiden Name | 48 | Empty |
PID | 7 | Date Time Of Birth | 8 | Patient's birth date. YYYYMMDD. Default sent. |
PID | 8 | Sex | 1 | Patient's sex. Default sent. |
PID | 9 | Patient Alias | 48 | Empty |
PID | 10 | Race | 80 | Empty |
PID | 11 | Patient Address | 106 | Empty |
PID | 12 | County Code | 30 | Empty |
PID | 13 | Home Phone Number | 40 | Empty |
PID | 14 | Business Phone Number | 40 | Empty |
PID | 15 | Primary Language | 60 | Empty |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | 80 | Empty |
PID | 17 | Religion | 80 | Empty |
PID | 18 | Patient Account Number | 128 | Unique number used to identify a patient internally and externally in other systems. Originates from the HIS system. Default sent. |
PID | 19 | Social Security Number | 32 | Patient’s social security number. Default sent. |
PID | 20 | Driver’s License Number | 25 | Empty |
PID | 21 | Mother’s Identifier | 20 | Empty |
PID | 22 | Ethnic Group | 80 | Empty |
PID | 23 | Birth Place | 60 | Empty |
PID | 24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | 1 | Empty |
PID | 25 | Birth Order | 2 | Empty |
PID | 26 | Citizenship | 80 | Empty |
PID | 27 | Veteran’s Military Status | 60 | Empty |
PID | 28 | Nationality | 80 | Empty |
PID | 29 | Patient Death Date And Time | 26 | Empty |
PID | 30 | Patient Death Indicator | 10 | Empty |
PV1 Patient Visit
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
PV1 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “PV1” |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID | 4 | Empty |
PV1 | 2 | Patient Class | 4 | Patient status, IP – In patient, OP – Out Patient. Default sent. |
PV1 | 3 | Assigned Patient Location | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 4 | Admission Type | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 5 | Patient Number | 20 | Empty |
PV1 | 6 | Prior Patient Location | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 7 | Attending Doctor | 60 | Empty |
PV1 | 8 | Referring Doctor | 60 | Empty |
PV1 | 9 | Consulting Doctor | 60 | Empty |
PV1 | 10 | Hospital Service | 10 | Empty |
PV1 | 11 | Temporary Location | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 12 | Preadmit Test Indicator | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 13 | Readmission Indicator | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 14 | Admit Source | 3 | Empty |
PV1 | 15 | Ambulatory Status | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 16 | VIP Indicator | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 17 | Admitting Doctor | 60 | Empty |
PV1 | 18 | Patient Type | 4 | Patient Type. Default sent. |
PV1 | 19 | Visit Number | 20 | Visit Number. Default sent. |
PV1 | 20 | Financial Class | 50 | Empty |
PV1 | 21 | Charge Price Indicator | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 22 | Courtesy Code | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 23 | Credit Rating | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 24 | Contract Code | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 25 | Contract Effective Date | 8 | Empty |
PV1 | 26 | Contract Amount | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 27 | Contract Period | 3 | Empty |
PV1 | 28 | Interest Code | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 29 | Transfer To Bad Debt Code | 1 | Empty |
PV1 | 30 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | 8 | Empty |
PV1 | 31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | 10 | Empty |
PV1 | 32 | Bad Debt transfer Amount | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 33 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 34 | Delete Account Indicator | 1 | Empty |
PV1 | 35 | Delete Account Date | 8 | Empty |
PV1 | 36 | Discharge Disposition | 3 | Empty |
PV1 | 37 | Discharged To Location | 25 | Empty |
PV1 | 38 | Diet Type | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 39 | Servicing Facility | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 40 | Bed Status | 1 | Empty |
PV1 | 41 | Account Status | 2 | Empty |
PV1 | 42 | Pending Location | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 43 | Prior Temporary Location | 80 | Empty |
PV1 | 44 | Admit Date Time | 26 | Empty |
PV1 | 45 | Discharge Date Time | 26 | Empty |
PV1 | 46 | Current Patient Balance | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 47 | Total Charges | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 48 | Total Adjustments | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 49 | Total Payments | 12 | Empty |
PV1 | 50 | Alternative Visit ID | 20 | Empty |
PV1 | 51 | Visit Indicator | 1 | Empty |
PV1 | 52 | Other Healthcare Provider | 60 | Empty |
PV2 Additional Patient Visit
Segment | # | Name | Length | Details |
PV2 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “PV2” |
PV2 | 1 | Prior Pending Location | 80 | .. |
PV2 | 2 | Accommodation Code | 60 | .. |
PV2 | 3 | Admit Reason | 60 | .. |
PV2 | 4 | Transfer Reason | 60 | .. |
PV2 | 5 | Patient Valuables | 25 |
PV2 | 6 | Patient Valuables Location | 25 | .. |
PV2 | 7 | Visit User Code | 2 | .. |
PV2 | 8 | Expected Admit Date Time | 26 | .. |
PV2 | 9 | Expected Discharge Date Time | 26 | .. |
PV2 | 10 | Estimated Length Of Inpatient Stay | 3 | .. |
PV2 | 11 | Actual Length Of Inpatient Stay | 3 | .. |
PV2 | 12 | Visit Description | 50 | .. |
PV2 | 13 | Referral Source Code | 90 |
PV2 | 14 | Previous Service Date | 8 | .. |
PV2 | 15 | Employment Illness Related Indicator | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 16 | Purge Status Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 17 | Purge Status Date | 8 | .. |
PV2 | 18 | Special Program Code | 2 | .. |
PV2 | 19 | Retention Indicator | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 20 | Expected Number Of Insurance Plans | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 21 | Visit Publicity Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 22 | Visit Protection Indicator | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 23 | Clinic Organization Name | 90 |
PV2 | 24 | Patient Status Code | 2 | .. |
PV2 | 25 | Visit Priority Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 26 | Previous Treatment Date | 8 | .. |
PV2 | 27 | Expected Discharge Disposition | 2 | .. |
PV2 | 28 | Signature On File Date | 8 | .. |
PV2 | 29 | First Similar Illness Date | 8 | .. |
PV2 | 30 | Patient Charge Adjustment Code | 80 | .. |
PV2 | 31 | Recurring Service Code | 2 | .. |
PV2 | 32 | Billing Media Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 33 | Expected Surgery Date And Time | 26 | .. |
PV2 | 34 | Military Partnership Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 35 | Military Non Availability Code | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 36 | Newborn Baby Indicator | 1 | .. |
PV2 | 37 | Baby Detained Indicator | 1 | .. |
AIS Appointment Information – Service
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
AIS | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “AIS” |
AIS | 1 | Set ID | 4 | “1” |
AIS | 2 | Segment Action Code | 3 | Anesthesia Code. |
AIS | 3 | Universal Service ID | 200 | Patient Comments |
AIS | 4 | Start Date Time | 26 | Empty |
AIS | 5 | Start Date Time Offset | 20 | Empty |
AIS | 6 | Start Date Time Offset Units | 200 | Empty |
AIS | 7 | Duration | 20 | Empty |
AIS | 8 | Duration Units | 200 | Empty |
AIS | 9 | Allow Substitution Code | 10 | Empty |
AIS | 10 | Filler Status Code | 200 | Empty |
AIS | 11 | Placer Supplemental Service Information | 200 | Empty |
AIS | 12 | Filler Supplemental Service Information | 200 | Empty |
OBI Patient Observation
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
OBI | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “OBI” |
OBI | 1 | Set ID | 4 | Empty |
OBI | 2 | Value Type | 3 | Empty |
OBI | 3 | Observation Identifier | 80 | Event Information. |
OBI | 4 | Observation Sub ID | 20 | Empty |
OBI | 5 | Observation Value | 14 | Event Date/Time Format ‘YYYYMMDDhhmmss’. |
OBI | 6 | Units | 60 | Empty |
OBI | 7 | References Range | 60 | Empty |
OBI | 8 | Abnormal Flags | 10 | Empty |
OBI | 9 | Probability | 5 | Empty |
OBI | 10 | Nature Of Abnormal Test | 5 | Empty |
OBI | 11 | Observation Results Status | 2 | Empty |
OBI | 12 | Date Last Obs Normal Values | 26 | Empty |
OBI | 13 | User Defined Access Checks | 20 | Empty |
OBI | 14 | Date Time Of The Observation | 26 | Empty |
OBI | 15 | Procedure ID | 60 | Empty |
OBI | 16 | Responsible Observer | 60 | Empty |
OBI | 17 | Observation Method | 60 | Empty |
OBR Observation Request
Segment | # | Description | Length | Details |
OBR | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “OBR” |
OBR | 1 | Set ID | 4 |
OBR | 2 | Placer Order Number | 22 |
OBR | 3 | Filler Order Number | 22 |
OBR | 4 | Universal Service ID | 200 | Text |
OBR | 5 | Priority | 2 |
OBR | 6 | Requested Date Time | 26 |
OBR | 7 | Observation Date Time | 26 |
OBR | 8 | Observation End Date Time | 26 |
OBR | 9 | Collection Volume | 20 |
OBR | 10 | Collector Identifier | 60 |
OBR | 11 | Specimen Action Code | 1 |
OBR | 12 | Danger Code | 60 |
OBR | 13 | Relevant Clinical Info | 300 |
OBR | 14 | Specimen Received Date Time | 26 |
OBR | 15 | Specimen Source | 300 |
OBR | 16 | Ordering Provider | 120 |
OBR | 17 | Order Callback Phone Number | 40 |
OBR | 18 | Placer Field 1 | 60 |
OBR | 19 | Placer Field 2 | 60 |
OBR | 20 | Filler Field 1 | 60 |
OBR | 21 | Filler Field 2 | 60 |
OBR | 22 | Results Report Status Change Date | 26 | Time |
OBR | 23 | Charge To Practice | 40 |
OBR | 24 | Diagnostic Service Section ID | 10 |
OBR | 25 | Result Status | 1 |
OBR | 26 | Parent Result | 200 |
OBR | 27 | Quantity Timing | 200 |
OBR | 28 | Result Copies To | 150 |
OBR | 29 | Parent Number | 200 |
OBR | 30 | Transportation Mode | 20 |
OBR | 31 | Reason For Study | 300 | Displayed in Clinical Workflow™ suite as procedure description |
OBR | 32 | Principal Result Interpreter | 200 |
OBR | 33 | Assistant Result Interpreter | 200 |
OBR | 34 | Technician | 200 |
OBR | 35 | Transcriptionist | 200 |
OBR | 36 | Scheduled Date Time | 26 |
OBR | 37 | Number Of Sample Containers | 4 |
OBR | 38 | Transport Logistics Of Collected Sample | 60 |
OBR | 39 | Collectors Comment | 200 |
OBR | 40 | Transport Arrangement Responsibility | 60 |
OBR | 41 | Transport Arranged | 30 |
OBR | 42 | Escort Required | 1 |
OBR | 43 | Planned Patient Transport Comment | 200 |
OBR | 44 | Procedure Code | 80 |
OBR | 45 | Procedure Code Modifier | 80 |
ORC Order Control
Segment | # | Name | Length | Details |
ORC | 1 | Order Control | 2 | New - "NW" |
ORC | 2 | Placer Order Number | 22 | Order Number Mapped to Procedure External ID in Clinical Workflow™ suite |
ORC | 3 | Filler Order Number | 22 |
ORC | 4 | Placer Group Number | 22 |
ORC | 5 | Order Status | 2 |
ORC | 6 | Response Flag | 1 |
ORC | 7 | Quantity Timing | 200 | Start Date Time Displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as Procedure Start Time |
ORC | 8 | Parent | 200 |
ORC | 9 | Date Time Of Transaction | 26 |
ORC | 10 | Entered By | 120 |
ORC | 11 | Verified By | 120 |
ORC | 12 | Ordering Provider | 120 |
ORC | 13 | Enterers Location | 80 |
ORC | 14 | Call Back Phone Number | 40 |
ORC | 15 | Order Effective Date Time | 26 |
ORC | 16 | Order Control Code Reason | 200 |
ORC | 17 | Entering Organization | 60 |
ORC | 18 | Entering Device | 60 |
ORC | 19 | Action By | 120 |
ORC | 20 | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code | 40 |
ORC | 21 | Ordering Facility Name | 60 |
ORC | 22 | Ordering Facility Address | 106 |
ORC | 23 | Ordering Facility Phone Number | 48 |
ORC | 24 | Ordering Provider Address | 106 |
ZB2 Custom Patient Specific Information
Segment | # | Name | Length | Details |
ZB2 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “ZB2” |
ZB2 | 1 | Isolation | 15 |
ZB2 | 2 | Comments | 255 |
ZB2 | 3 | Confidential | 10 |
ZB2 | 4 | Organism | 10 |
ZB2 | 5 | Procedures_Precautions | 255 |
ZB2 | 6 | Observation Indicator | 1 |
ZB2 | 7 | Observation Start | 10 |
ZB2 | 8 | Observation Stop | 10 |
ZB2 | 9 | Observation Duration | 10 |
ZB5 Custom Fields
Segment | # | Name | Length | Details |
ZB5 | 0 | Event Type | 3 | “ZB5” |
ZB5 | 1 | Origin Location | 10 | Data type: TLC |
ZB5 | 2 | Destination Location | 10 | Data type: TLC |
ZB5 | 3 | Mode Of Travel | 50 | Data type: String |
ZB5 | 4 | Travel Requirements | 50 | Data type: String |
Mapping Outbound Message Segments to Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Outbound service can change the mapping of outbound data to HL7 fields that differ from the standard fields described above. The outbound service reads an IML mapping file during initialization. This file can be modified by configuration analysts to provide a custom solution to our individual customers. See Appendix A - Mapping HL7 Fields to Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for more details on the mapping file.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields Available for Outbound Mapping
See Appendix C - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Outbound Processing for a list of Clinical Workflow™ suite fields that can be mapped to outbound HL7 fields.
Sample Outbound SIU Time Stamp Message
S14 Event Time Stamp
SCH|||||140100543||^CPT 20605 ARTHROCENTESIS TMJ CPT 21240ARTHROPLASTYTEMPOROMANDIBULAR||||^^^20110420063500|||||||||^import^import
AIS|1||^^^^here are some comments
Appendix A - Mapping HL7 Fields to Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields
The HL7paths.xml file maps the HL7 inbound message segments to the Clinical Workflow™ suite fields. The fields that are required by the Clinical Workflow™ suite have already been mapped in this file. Some of the Clinical Workflow™ suite fields have an empty HL7 segment map, these can be filled in with HL7 segment information as needed by customers. It is possible to modify the default mapping to meet customer needs. This could result in additional design and possible implementation fees.
Example mapping
name=”Episode.FirstName”>PatientDetails[0]/PID/PatientName[0]/GivenN ame</path>
Rules for Mapping HL7 Message Segments to Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields
• Modifying the Clinical Workflow™ suite field name (“Episode.FirstName” in example above) is not allowed.
• Modifying the path name between the >< symbols is allowed provided that it is a legal path defined in the .pcf file.
• Replacing path information between the >< symbols with an empty string will prevent any association with that Clinical Workflow™ suite field. This is allowed and is the current method for allowing place holders for feature needs.
Appendix B - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Inbound Processing
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Field Name | Required by Clinical Workflow™ Suite | HL7 Field |
Episode External ID |
| PID-18 PatientAccountNumber/IDNumber |
Episode First Name | Yes | PID-5:2 |
Episode Last Name | Yes | PID-5:1 |
Episode Gender |
| PID-8 Sex |
Episode Social Security Number |
| PID-19 SSNNumber |
Episode Medical Record Number |
| PID-2 PatientID |
Episode Birth Date |
| PID-7 DateTimeOfBirth/Time |
Episode Comments |
| AIS-3 UniversalServiceID/AlternateText |
Episode Patient Status |
| PV1-2 PatientClass |
Episode Account Number |
| PID-18 PatientAccountNumber/IDNumber |
Episode Text Field 1 |
Episode Text Field 2 |
Episode Text Field 3 |
Episode Text Field 4 |
Episode Text Field 5 |
Episode Customer Visit Number |
| PV1-19 VisitNumber/IDNumber |
Episode Chart ID |
| PID-2 PatientID |
Episode Add On Flag |
Episode Customer Destination ID |
Episode Customer Leave Comments |
Episode Customer |
Acuity ID |
Episode ADT Admit Date |
Episode ADT Expected Discharge Date |
Episode ADT Discharge Date |
Episode ADT Hospital Service |
Episode ADT Last Inpatient Admit Date |
Episode Cancel Flag |
Episode Arrive Time |
Episode Customer Height |
Episode Leave Time |
Episode Customer Middle Name |
Episode Customer Weight |
Episode Date Field 1 |
Episode Date Field 2 |
Episode Date Field 3 |
Episode Date Field 4 |
Episode Date Field 5 |
Episode Delete Flag |
Episode Diagnosis |
Episode Discharge Date |
Episode HL7 External ID |
Episode HL7 Internal ID |
Episode HL7 PAN |
Episode HL7 Visit ID |
Episode NCM Notes |
Episode Primary Complaint |
Episode Primary |
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Appendix B - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Inbound Processing |
Language |
Episode Customer Emergency |
Episode Display Customer Flag |
Episode Last Name Alias |
Episode First Name Alias |
Episode ADT Patient Class |
Episode ADT Patient Type |
Episode ADT Assigned Facility |
Episode ADT Assigned Building |
Episode ADT Assigned Floor |
Episode ADT Assigned POC |
Episode Assigned Room |
Episode ADT Assigned Bed |
Episode ADT Temp Facility |
Episode ADT Temp Building |
Episode ADT Temp Floor |
Episode ADT Temp POC |
Episode ADT Temp Room |
Procedure Time To Follow |
Procedure Time Follow Order |
Procedure Code ID |
| SCH-8 AppointmentType/Text |
Procedure Comments |
| NTE-3 Comment |
Procedure Date Time Utc | Yes | SCH-11 AppointmentTimingQuantity/StartDateTime |
Procedure Description |
| SCH-7 AppointmentReason/Text |
Procedure Duration Minutes |
| SCH-9 AppointmentDuration |
Procedure External ID | Yes | SCH-5 ScheduleID/Identifier |
Procedure Facility |
| AIL-3:4 LocationResourceID/Facility |
Procedure Building |
| AIL-3:5 LocationResourceID/Building |
Procedure Floor |
| AIL-3:6 LocationResourceID/Floor |
Procedure Point Of Care |
| AIL3:1 LocationResourceID/PointOfCare |
Procedure Room |
| AIL3:2 LocationResourceID/Room |
Procedure Bed |
| AIL3:3 LocationResourceID/Bed |
Procedure Service Code ID |
| AIS-3 UniversalServiceID/Identifier |
Procedure Anesthesia Code |
| AIS-2 SegmentActionCode |
Procedure Text Field 1 |
Procedure Text Field 2 |
Procedure Text Field 3 |
Procedure Text Field 4 |
Procedure Text Field 5 |
Procedure Add On Flag |
| SCH-25 FillerStatusCode/Identifier |
Procedure Alert Flag |
Procedure Cancel Flag |
Procedure Cleanup Duration Minutes |
Procedure Create Date |
Procedure Date Field 1 |
Procedure Date Field 2 |
Procedure Date Field 3 |
Procedure Date Field 4 |
Procedure Date Field 5 |
Procedure Delete Flag |
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Appendix B - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Inbound Processing |
Procedure Expire Flag |
Procedure External Create Date |
Procedure Prep Description |
Procedure Customer Type |
Procedure Diagnosis |
Procedure State |
Procedure Type |
Procedure Zone ID |
Procedure Service Code ID |
Procedure Set Up Duration Minutes |
Staff Employee Number 1 |
| AIP-3:1 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[0]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/IDNumber |
Staff First Name 1 |
| AIP-3:3 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[0]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/GivenName |
Staff Last Name 1 |
| AIP-3:2 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[0]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/FamilyName |
Staff Comment 1 |
Staff Employee Number 2 |
| AIP-3:1 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[1]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/IDNumber |
Staff First Name 2 |
| AIP-3:3 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[1]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/GivenName |
Staff Last Name 2 |
| AIP-3:2 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[1]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/FamilyName |
Staff Comment 2 |
Staff Employee Number 3 |
| AIP-3:1 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[2]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/IDNumber |
Staff First Name 3 |
| AIP-3:3 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[2]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/GivenName |
Staff Last Name 3 |
| AIP-3:2 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[2]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/FamilyName |
Staff Comment 3 |
Staff Employee Number 4 |
| AIP-3:1 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[3]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/IDNumber |
Staff First Name 4 |
| AIP-3:3 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[3]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/GivenName |
Staff Last Name 4 |
| AIP-3:2 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[3]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/FamilyName |
Staff Comment 4 |
Staff Employee Number 5 |
| AIP-3:1 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[4]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/IDNumber |
Staff First Name 5 |
| AIP-3:3 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[4]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/GivenName |
Staff Last Name 5 |
| AIP-3:2 ResourceGroup[0]/AppointmentsPersonnel[4]/AIP/Personnel ResourceID[0]/FamilyName |
Staff Comment 5 |
Appendix C - Clinical Workflow™ Suite Fields for Outbound Processing
This table shows the default outbound mapping.
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Field | HL7 Field |
Staff First Name | SCH-20:3 EnteredByPerson/GivenName |
Staff Last Name | SCH-20:2 EnteredByPerson/FamilyName |
Staff Employee Number | SCH20:1- EnteredByPerson/IDNumber |
Episode Patient Status | PV1-2 PatientClass |
Episode First Name | PID-5:2 PatientName/GivenName |
Episode Last Name | PID-5:1 PatientName/FamilyName |
Episode Social Security Number | PID-19 SSNNumber |
Episode HL7 Internal ID | PID-3 PatientIdentifierList/IDNumber |
Episode External Episode ID | PID-2 PatientID/IDNumber |
Episode Birth Date | PID-7 DateTimeOfBirth |
Episode Gender | PID-8 Sex |
Episode Account Number | PID-19 PatientAccountNumber/IDNumber |
Episode Comments | AIS-3 UniversalServiceID/AlternateText |
Episode Customer Type | PV1-18 PatientType |
Episode Customer Visit Number | PV1-19 VisitNumber/IDNumber |
Episode Medical Record Number |
Episode Primary Complaint |
Episode Chart ID |
Episode Customer Destination ID |
Episode Customer Leave Comments |
Episode Customer Leave To |
Episode Text Field 1 |
Episode Text Field 2 |
Episode Text Field 3 |
Episode Text Field 4 |
Episode Text Field 5 |
Episode Acuity ID |
Episode Add On Flag |
Episode ADT Admit Date |
Episode ADT Discharged Date |
Episode ADT Expected Discharge Date |
Episode ADT Hospital Service |
Episode ADT Last Inpatient Admit Date |
Episode Cancel Flag |
Episode Arrive Time |
Episode Customer Height |
Episode Customer Leave Time |
Episode Customer Middle Name |
Episode Customer Weight |
Episode Date Field 1 |
Episode Date Field 2 |
Episode Date Field 3 |
Episode Date Field 4 |
Episode Date Field 5 |
Episode Delete Flag |
Episode Diagnosis |
Episode Discharge Date |
Episode ID |
Episode HL7 External ID |
Episode HL7PAN |
Episode NCM Notes |
Episode Primary Language |
Episode Customer Emergency |
Episode Display Customer Flag |
Episode Last Name Alias |
Episode First Name Alias |
Episode ADT Patient Class |
Episode ADT Patient Type |
Episode ADT Assigned Facility |
Episode ADT Assigned Building |
Episode ADT Assigned Floor |
Episode ADT Assigned POC |
Episode Assigned Room |
Episode ADT Assigned Bed |
Episode ADT Temp Facility |
Episode ADT Temp Building |
Episode ADT Temp Floor |
Episode ADT Temp POC |
Episode ADT Temp Room |
Episode ADT Temp Bed |
Procedure Service Code ID | SCH-8 AppointmentType/Text |
Procedure Code ID | SCH-7 AppointmentReason/Identifier |
Procedure Anesthesia Code |
Procedure External Procedure ID | SCH-5 ScheduleID/Identifier |
Procedure Description | SCH-7 AppointmentReason/Text) |
Procedure Date Time Utc | SCH-11 AppointmentTimingQuantity[0]/StartDateTime/Time |
Procedure Comments |
Procedure Duration Minutes |
Procedure Add On Flag |
Procedure Text Field 1 |
Procedure Text Field 2 |
Procedure Text Field 3 |
Procedure Text Field 4 |
Procedure Text Field 5 |
Procedure Alert Flag |
Procedure Cancel Flag |
Procedure Cleanup Duration Minutes |
Procedure Date Field 1 |
Procedure Date Field 2 |
Procedure Date Field 3 |
Procedure Date Field 4 |
Procedure Date Field 5 |
Procedure Delete Flag |
Procedure Expire Flag |
Procedure External Create Date |
Procedure Prep Code |
Procedure Prep Code List |
Procedure Prep Description |
Procedure Proc Code List |
Procedure Diagnosis |
Procedure State |
Procedure TF Order |
Procedure TF Time |
Procedure Type |
Procedure Zone ID |
Procedure Service Code ID |
Procedure Set Up Duration Minutes |
Event Triggered Milestone | OBI-3 ObservationIdentifier/Identifier |
Event Milestone Time | OBI-5 ObservationValue |