All Beds List
The All Beds List provides an overview of all hospital beds across a selected campus. It allows users to view and manage bed statuses, access detailed bed and employee information, generate quick reports, and filter by unit or area. The All Beds List is used by Patient Placement Specialists, Nurses, and EVS staff. Users with the appropriate permissions can change bed statuses, reoccupy a mistakenly marked clean bed, and sort or filter data for better capacity management. The list can also be adjusted to display beds from different campuses or specific units within a campus, helping staff efficiently monitor and allocate hospital resources.
Where you can find this feature: The All Beds List can be accessed by clicking the All Beds button within the Capacity IQ® EVS application.
How the All Beds List Works
The All Beds List provides a view of all of the beds in a campus. The campus that beds are displayed from can be selected or changed using the Campus drop-down in the upper-right corner. If there are more than 20 beds in the selected unit/campus, they will be displayed on multiple pages.
Pages can be traversed by clicking:
> to go to the next page
>> to go to the last page
< to go to the previous page
<< to go to the first page
a page number to go to the selected page
Information about each bed is displayed in the columns that appear on the All Beds List, including:
Bed Number: Clicking the Bed Number brings up the Bed Details for the selected bed.
Room Accommodation Type
Bed Size: Clicking the Bed Size opens the Change Bed Attributes window, where the bed size can be updated.
Bed Status: Clicking a Bed Status will bring up the Change Bed Status window. If the status is Clean, users will see an option to open the Change Bed Status or the Reoccupy Patient window.
Status Time: Displays when a bed was put in the current status. If there are alerts for the status, they will be displayed with a colored background.
Orange = 1st Level Alert
Red = Escalated Alert
Tan = Delayed
Sort the list of beds by Status Time by clicking the Status Time column header. The arrow indicates the sort order: up for ascending, down for descending.
Job #
Last Employee Informed
ISO Type
The Unit Filter available on the All Beds List allows users to filter the beds in the Campus by Unit. Clicking the All Campuses link in the top-left of the All Beds List will take you to the Bed Dashboard that displays the number of beds in each status separated by Campus. You cannot change the campus displayed in the Campus list on the Unit Filter dialog box.
Changing the Campus
To display beds from a different campus, in the Campus list in the upper-right, select another campus.
Filtering the Bed List by Unit
In the Campus list in the upper-right corner of the page, select the campus where the units that you want to filter by are located.
In the Unit Filter section, click Browse to display the Unit Filter dialog box. A list of the units to which you have membership in the campus appears.
If a plus sign (+) appears next to a name in the list, then it is a cluster that contains units. To display the units that are in the cluster (so that you may select certain ones), click the plus sign (+).
To change the campus, click Cancel, and then select another option from the Campus list at the top of the page.
Select the check boxes next to the unit or cluster of units for which you want to display bed information. If you select a cluster, beds in all units in that cluster will appear on the list.
Click Apply to close the window and finalize selections.
In the Unit Filter section, click Select to display the beds for the selected units.
To clear the filter and display all beds in the selected campus, click Clear.
Enabling the BedTracking Multi-View
The BedTracking® Multi-View looks like this:
The 'Access All Beds List View' permission found on the list of permissions for a BedTracking Group allows the use of this.