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Permission Groups
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Group Permissions

Permissions affect users' capabilities within applications.

<Who, Why, When: Administrators use this feature to manage user capabilities within various applications. It exists to control access and functionality based on user roles and is used when configuring or updating user permissions.>

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

How Group Permissions Work


Permissions determine what users can do within applications. Examples include:

  • Viewing or editing a request for a patient transport job.

  • Suspending a bed cleaning job in the Capacity IQ® EVS application.

  • Editing a patient name on the Patient/Placement Details form in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.

Global Group Permissions Functions:

  • Console and Console Customization

  • Reporting Access and Permissions

  • IVR Administration and Controls

  • Administrative Controls

  • Notifications

  • Electronic Bedboard®

Configuring Group Global Administrative Permissions:

When adding or editing a group associated with the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you can set administrative permissions for users assigned to roles within the group. Some permissions are universal, while others are specific to applications like Capacity IQ® Transport.

Important Note: You cannot disable workflow permissions for users currently signed in, as this could prevent them from performing tasks.

Required Permissions and Memberships:

  • Admin Tool menu permission to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Group Management permission to access administrative groups.

  • Edit rights to change information accessible from the Groups tab; View rights to see but not change information.


Configuring Group Global Administrative Permissions

  1. Complete the steps in Adding a Group or Editing a Group to display the group information page, selecting Admin in the Application list.

  2. In the Group Information section, for each permission listed under TransportTracking Functions and Administrative Controls:

    • Click View to allow users to see but not change information.

    • Click Edit to allow users to see and change information.

    • Click None if users should neither see nor change the information.

  3. For detailed information about each permission, see Permission Details.

Enabling or Disabling Group Global Application Permissions

  1. Complete the steps in Adding a Group or Editing a Group to display the Group page, selecting the appropriate application in the Application list.

  2. On the Group page, for each permission listed:

    • Click Disabled to enable the permission (button name becomes Enabled).

    • Click Enabled to disable the permission (button name becomes Disabled).

  3. Click Save.

Important Note: Changes do not take effect until users sign out and sign in again. If changes are made for signed-in transporters or bed cleaners, they must sign out and sign in again for changes to take effect.

Understanding Membership in Group Context

When user records are added or edited, users can be assigned to roles and associated with memberships, granting them access to specific areas and permissions.

Permission Toggle Options:

  • View: User can view but not change information.

  • Edit: User can view and edit information.

  • None: User can neither view nor edit information.

Other Permissions:

Permissions for individual applications (e.g., releasing from jobs, suspending jobs) are either enabled or disabled. TeleTracking Technologies provides default groups with suggested permissions for various roles.

Adding a Group

  1. Review Concepts: Before you begin, review concepts about how groups affect security and capabilities. See About Groups and Security, How Permissions, Roles, and Groups Affect User Capabilities, and Scenario: Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Users.

  2. Permissions and Memberships Required:

    • Admin Tool menu permission to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

    • Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Group Management permission to access administrative groups.

    • Edit rights to change information accessible from the Groups tab; View rights to see but not change information.

  3. Begin Adding a Group:

    • Access the Groups tab.

    • In the upper-right area of the Groups tab, click Add Group to display the Group: Add Group page.

  4. Next Step: Enter Group Information.

Editing a Group

  1. Review Concepts: Before you begin, review concepts about how groups affect security and capabilities. See About Groups and Security, How Permissions, Roles, and Groups Affect User Capabilities, and Scenario: Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Users.

  2. Permissions and Memberships Required:

    • Admin Tool menu permission to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

    • Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Group Management permission to access administrative groups.

    • Edit rights to change information accessible from the Groups tab; View rights to see but not change information.

  3. Edit a Group:

    • Access the Groups tab.

    • In the Group name column, click the group that you want to edit.

    • When the Group page appears, do any of the following:

      • Change or copy group information.

      • Enable or disable group global TransportTracking™ application permissions.

      • Configure group global administrative permissions.

Copying a Group

  1. Complete Editing Steps: If you have not done so already, complete the steps in Editing a Group and click the name of the group that you want to copy to access the Group page.

  2. Copy Group:

    • On the Group page, in the upper-right corner, click Copy.

    • Type a Group Name and Group Description for the new group.

    • If necessary, change the Category, Inactivity Timeout Period, or Console Patient Name Display.

    • Click Save.

    • Enable or disable group global permissions or configure group global administrative permissions for the new group.

Deleting Groups

  1. Review Concepts: Before you begin, review concepts about how groups affect security and capabilities. See About Groups and Security, How Permissions, Roles, and Groups Affect User Capabilities, and Scenario: Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Users.

  2. Permissions and Memberships Required:

    • Admin Tool menu permission to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

    • Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Group Management permission to access administrative groups.

    • Edit rights to change information accessible from the Groups tab; View rights to see but not change information.

  3. Delete Groups:

    • Access the Groups tab.

    • Select the check boxes for the groups that you want to delete.

    • To select all groups, select the check box in the title bar.

    • Click Delete.

    • When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

Entering or Changing Group Information

  1. Access Group Page: Complete the steps in Adding a Group or Editing a Group to access the Group page.

  2. Select Application: In the Application list, select the application that this group is associated with.

  3. Enter Group Information:

    • In the Group Name box, type a name for the group (maximum 30 characters).

    • In the Group description box, type detailed information about the group (maximum 100 characters).

    • In the Category list, select the category that users in this group should be associated with.

    • In the Inactivity Timeout Period for All Screens box, type the number of minutes after which users' session will end automatically if they have not performed any actions (1-60 minutes).

    • In the Console Patient Name Display list, select how patient names will appear in the applications.

  4. Save Changes: Click Save. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

If Transporters or Bed Cleaners Are Signed In

  1. Save Changes: If you change information for transporters or bed cleaners who are currently signed in to the IVR, the following message appears when you attempt to save:

    • “The following active users will lose the ability to perform employee activities. Please sign them out before saving changes: ”

  2. Sign Out and Sign In: Bed cleaners and transporters must sign out and sign in again for changes to take effect. If a user with both bed cleaner and transporter roles is signed in, changes to either role will require this user to sign out.

Capacity IQ® EVS Found Bed

  1. Found Bed Functionality: In Capacity IQ® EVS, an EVS employee who finds a bed that needs cleaning can enter a cleaning job as Found Bed.

  2. Permissions Required: The user must have a Capacity IQ® EVS group associated with their role with the Allow Found Bed permission enabled.

  3. Check Permission: Follow this path to check if they have the permission: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > User Management > Group Management > Select users BedTracking Group.

  4. Enable Permission: Once this permission is enabled, it will show a green Enabled icon. The user, as well as all users associated with this group, now have the permission to utilize this functionality.

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