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Patient Contact Information
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient Contact Information is used to identify and manage patient details within the system. This feature is essential for healthcare providers to track patient status, manage placements, and ensure accurate patient information is maintained. It is used whenever patient information needs to be accessed or updated.

Where you can find this feature: PreAdmitTracking application and PatientTracking Portal application.

How Patient Contact Information Works


  • Patient Name:

    • Viewable in the Patient Name column if you have the View Patient Diagnosis and Name permission.

    • If an alias is entered and the Confidentiality checkbox is selected on the Patient/Placement Details form, and the Display Alias for Patients setting under Console Settings is enabled, the alias appears instead of the patient's name.

    • Background colors indicate different statuses:

      • Gray: Indicates the patient is "unactivated" due to a predefined number of minutes passing without an activated placement.

      • Yellow: Indicates a conflict with the patient's placement due to changes in requested dates, projected discharge dates, assigned locations, occupying patient home locations, or patient statuses.

      • Red: Indicates multiple patients with the same last name are occupying beds in the same unit, a patient with the same last name has a transport job starting or ending in the same unit, or a patient with the same last name has an assigned bed in, or has been targeted to, the same unit.

    • Variations in the patient’s name (e.g., Joe vs. Joseph) can result in duplicate placement records if the MRN in an ADT transaction cannot be compared to the one on the Patient/Placement Details form.

    • Users with the View Patient/Placement Details or Edit Patient/Placement Details permission can click the patient name on a list view to access the Patient/Placement Details form.

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