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Item Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Item Transports

Item Transports are used to manage the movement of items within a healthcare facility. This feature is used by staff to ensure items are transported efficiently and tracked accurately. It is typically used when an item needs to be moved from one location to another within the facility.

Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® Transport

How Item Transports Work


  • When an item needs to be transported, an item transport request can be made.

  • If multiple items need to be transported, batching can be used.


Requesting Item Transport

  1. In Capacity IQ® Transport, click on the Item Trans icon from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

  2. Complete the fields in the Item Transport Request box:

    • Item Type: Choose from the drop-down menus.

    • Origin: Select the starting location.

    • Destination: Select the ending location.

Note: Selecting Origins and Destinations for Items is the same as in a patient transport request.

  1. Click Save to create the transport request.

  2. The job will appear in a Pending Status.

Item Transport Requests

Item Transport Requests are used to schedule and manage the transport of items within the healthcare facility. This feature allows staff to specify the details of the transport, including the origin, destination, and timing.

Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® Transport

How Item Transport Requests Work


  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you may create requests to transport items (such as linens or lab samples).

  • Permissions Required:

    • Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the Capacity IQ® Transport Functions > User May Edit Item Transports permission.

    • If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected item, then the requester may request to move that item from any origin to any destination.

  • Multiple item transport job requests are grouped together and given to one transporter.

    • Administrators can allow this by configuring item types to be "batched."

    • For example, an item request could involve picking up multiple items (like blood samples, urine samples, or cultures) at different locations and taking them to one place (such as the lab) on one trip.

    • Batching is done automatically based on settings configured by the administrator.

    • After the settings are configured, the requester does not need to do anything special to batch items in a request.


View and Manage Item Transport Requests

  1. Click the Patient Tracking Portal menu or the Item Trans icon, and then select View Item Requests.

  2. Navigate to Patient Tracking Portal > Item Transports > View Item Requests.

  3. Alternatively, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

  4. If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > <Instance Name> Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

Item Transport Jobs

Item Transport Jobs are used to manage and track the movement of items within a healthcare facility. This feature is used by staff to ensure items are transported efficiently and tracked accurately. It is typically used when an item needs to be moved from one location to another within the facility.

Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® Transport.

How Item Transport Jobs Work


  • Item Transport Jobs can be associated with patients; for example, if the job is to transport test results to an individual patient's room

    • Supervisors or other users who are eligible to receive notifications about this job based on their My Notifications settings will see the selected patient's name and identification code in those notifications.

    • If a transporter receives a post-dispatch page or message about the job, the selected patient's name and identification code will be in that page or message.

    • The administrator might have selected an option that requires you to select a patient name when adding a transport job request for the item type selected.

      • If so, you must select a patient name.

      • If not, it will not be possible to select a patient name.

    • You may only select a patient whose home location is within the campus that you selected and within your membership or a patient who does not have a home location (or whose home location is not a patient bed) and is associated with a campus that is within your membership (if you DID NOT select Exclude Patients with Unknown Locations when searching for patients).

    • If an item is to be associated with multiple patients (for example, when test results are to be transported from one origin, such as a lab, to multiple patient rooms), then do not select a patient name. A separate job should be created for each item/patient association.

    • It is not possible to select a patient name for an item job that is a recurring appointment. If a patient name has been selected for a job already, it is not possible to make the job a recurring appointment.

  • When creating an Item Transport Request, the following information about the transport job that you have requested appears at the top of the page:

    • Its job identification number is displayed.

    • The job's origin and destination appear under Start/Dest.

    • The status (for example, Pending) appears.

  • If a job does not need to be sent to the queue for dispatching immediately, it can be created with the Possible status.

    • Possible Job requests will not be placed in the queue for dispatching with other jobs. You will have to release the job later to send it to the queue.

  • Item Transport Jobs can be scheduled as appointments to be completed at a later time.

    • Recurring appointments can be set up.

  • If a job should be completed as soon as possible rather than scheduled for an appointment or marked as a possible job, it is referred to as an on-demand transport job and should be created with the Pending Job Status.

  • You can view the following information about an Item Transport Job:

    • Job #—The identification code of the transport job. You can click the job number to see the transport request for the job.

    • Status—The current status of the transport job.

    • !— The level of alert that the transport job has received. For example, if alerts are configured so that they are sent to supervisors at level 3, and an alert has been sent to a level 3 supervisor, then 3 appears in this column.

    • Item Type—The item being transported.

    • Empl ID—The user name of the last person who made a change to the transport job (for example, changed the status using the IVR or edited the request).

    • Origin—Location where the transport job begins.

    • Destination—Location where the transport job ends.

    • Priority—The priority designated for this transport job.

    • Apt/Pending Time—Either 1) the time that the transport job status became Pending, or 2) if you are viewing a transport job that started as an appointment, the scheduled appointment time.

    • Status Time—The time that the transport job entered its current status.

    • Patient Job—The Item Transport tab also shows equipment return tasks. These are tasks to return equipment that was used in completed patient transport jobs. The Patient Job column shows the number of the completed patient transport job for which the equipment was used.

  • Origin and Destination locations will appear in the Recent and favorites tab after item transport requests have been created.

  • The Origin and Destination lists display one of the following, depending on how the item types have been configured in the Dictionary:

Origin Override for the Item Type in Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management

Destination Override for the Item Type in Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management

Default Selection for Origin

Default Selection for Destination



None. Select one.

None. Select one.


Specific location selected by administrator

None. Select one.

Selected location.

Specific location selected by the administrator

Specific location selected by administrator

Selected location.

Selected location.

Specific location selected by the administrator


Selected location.

None. Select one.


Access an Item Transport Job

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. Click the Patient Tracking Portal menu or the Item Trans icon, and then select View Item Requests.

    2. Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Item Transports > View Item Requests.

    3. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

    4. If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > <Instance Name> Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

  2. Select units from the Units box.

    1. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    2. In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

    3. Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    4. Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    5. If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    6. Click Save.

  3. In the list next to the Unit list, select the unit where the transport job starts (origin) or ends (destination). Only units that you chose in the previous step are available to select.

  4. In the Job Number column, click the number of the item job to display the Transport Summary page.

Canceling an Item Transport Job

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Item Transports > View Item Requests.

    2. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

    3. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > <Instance Name> > Item Trans icon > View Item Requests.

  2. Select units from the Units box.

    1. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

    2. In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units. Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

    3. Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

    4. If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

    5. Click Save.

  3. In the list next to the Unit list, select the unit where the transport job starts (origin) or ends (destination).

  4. Only units that you chose in the previous step are available to select.

  5. In the Job Number column, click the item transport job number to open the Item Transport Request page. In the upper-right corner on the Item Transport Request page, click Cancel to display the Cancel Request dialog box.

  6. If you are required to provide a reason for canceling the job, then in the Reason for Cancel list, select a reason (such as Exam Canceled).

  7. Click Submit, and then Close.

Adding a Request for an Item Transport Job

To add a request for an item transport job:

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. Go to Patient Tracking Portal or Capacity IQ® Transport > Item Transport > Create Item Request.

    2. Click the Item Trans icon > Create Item Request.

    3. Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > Item Transport icon > Create Item Request.

    4. If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, do one of the following:

      1. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > <Instance Name> > Item Transport icon > Create Item Request.

      2. Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > <Instance Name> > Item Transport icon > Create Item Request

  2. If you have membership to more than one campus, in the Campus list, select the campus where the transport job will occur.

    1. You cannot change the selected campus after you click Save. If you have membership to only one campus, then that campus is selected automatically.

  3. In the Item Type list, select the item type to be transported (for example, blood sample).

    1. The Item Type list displays only item types that are associated with the campus that you selected.

    2. You cannot change the selected item type after you click Save.

  4. Select the Origin and Destination using the steps in the Select Origins and Destinations workflow below.

  5. If applicable, associate the job with a patient.

    1. Use the Patient Search feature to locate the patient in the system.

    2. Click the appropriate patient ID to close the Job Item Patient Search page and place the patient name in the Patient box on the request.

  6. Schedule an appointment for the transport to occur at a future date/time and set recurring appointments if needed.

    1. If this is an on-demand transport job, make sure that Pending is selected as the Job status in the Scheduling section.

    2. If this request is for a Possible Job, select Possible as the Job status in the Scheduling section.

  7. Click Save.

Select Origins and Destinations

  1. Click the magnifying glass next to the Origin box to display the Location Finder dialog box, then do the following:

    • You can only select origin and destination locations that are in the previously selected campus.

    • Only locations that have transport settings configured can be selected.

  2. In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name.

    • Notes

      • The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for out could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type s% to find all location names that include the letter S.

      • You cannot change the campus displayed in the Campus list. This is the campus that you selected in Step 2. The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership in the campus selected in Step 2.

  3. To select the checkboxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All checkbox.

  4. If you did not select the Check All checkbox, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search.

    • Note: If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list.

  5. Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria.

  6. In the list of possible locations in the Location Results box, click a location. (Locations listed are all within the selected units and clusters.)

  7. Click Select Location.

  8. To select a Destination repeat these steps, but either select the magnifying glass icon next to Destination box or click the Destination link on the Origin/Destination Finder, and then select the destination from there.

Schedule an Appointment

  1. In the Job Status list, select Appointment.

  2. Click the calendar icon next to the Date box, select a month, and then click a date.

  3. Type the appointment time in the following format: hh:mm and AM or PM.

    1. Dates and times appear in the format configured by the administrator.

Set Up Recurring Appointments

Note: If a patient was selected in the Patient box, it is not possible to create a recurring appointment. It will not be possible to select an option in the Type list.

  1. In the Type list, select Daily or Weekly.

  2. If you selected Daily, then in the Frequency list, select the appropriate interval (for example, Every or Every Third Day), and then click the calendar icon next to the Last Occurrence box to select the date of the last appointment.

  3. If you selected Weekly, then click the button for the day of the week that the appointment should occur (for example, W for Wednesday), and then click the calendar icon next to the Last Occurrence box to select the date of the last appointment.

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