Item Listing Report Description
The Item Listing Report lists item types that are associated with the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page when the report was generated.
Only items for campuses associated with the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page when the report was generated appear on the report.
The following information is displayed on the report.
Name | Description |
IVR ID | The item's IVR ID. |
Item | The name of the item. |
Patient Required | If Yes appears, then a patient must be associated with a request to transport this item type. If No appears, then a patient does not need to be associated with a request to transport this item type. |
VOX | Whether a VOX file exists for the item type (Yes or No). |
Origin Override | Whether the origin override of the item type is Ask (requester is prompted for an origin location) or a specific location. |
Origin Location | If the origin override is a specific location, this column lists the location. |
Destination Override | Whether the destination override of the item type is Ask (requester is prompted for an destination location) or a specific location. |
Destination Location | If the destination override is a specific location, this column lists the location. |
Override Priority | An item type’s override priority is the priority that should be associated with every request to transport this item. It overrides the priorities that have been set for a transport job’s origin and destination locations. If an override priority has been defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then it appears in this column. |
Override Lead | An item type’s override lead time is the lead time that should be associated with every request to transport this item. It overrides the lead time that has been set for the transport job’s destination location. The override lead time defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component appears in this column. |
Override Zone | The override zone defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. |
Batch In | The batch in setting defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. |
Batch Name | The batch name that this item is assigned to. |
Batch Max | The batch max setting defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. |
Batch Basis | The batch basis setting defined for this item type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. |