A bed refers to the physical bed or location in a facility where a patient is accommodated for treatment, care, or recovery. Beds are used continuously throughout a patient's stay in the hospital. Beds are assigned when a patient is admitted, and reassigned when they are discharged or transferred to another unit. Nurses, doctors, transporters, and EVS staff interact with beds for patient arrival, transfer, discharge, movement, and cleaning to ensure they are ready for the next patient. Beds are integral to managing patient placement and ensuring that healthcare facilities run smoothly, with their availability and status being closely monitored in real-time within the application.
Bed details are displayed throughout Capacity IQ®, including in list views, the results of a bed search, in the Patient/Placement Details form, in consoles, and on the electronic bedboard®.
How Beds Work
Beds can have attributes like Level of Care, Discipline, Sizes, number, etc.
Patients can be assigned to beds to receive care.
Bed requests can be made for patients waiting to receive care.
Only beds that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled can appear in list views.
Beds have statuses such as Clean, Dirty, Occupied, Blocked, etc.
If a blocked, clean, or occupied bed has a requested spill cleaning job that is not started yet, then an S in a purple circle appears.
If the spill cleaning job is in progress, an S in a yellow circle appears.
After a patient is finished with a bed, it must be cleaned by EVS staff.
A bed cleaning job request will be made and EVS staff will be assigned to and complete the job.
Staff members can be assigned to beds.
The number of staffed beds can be configured per unit.
A list of occupied beds can be viewed from Capacity IQ® EVS.
Beds can be stacked.
Bed stacking is a bed setting that allows more than one patient to be associated with a single location. This is typically used in treatment or specialty locations where one patient is assigned to the bed and will occupy it once the current patient is moved or discharged
Alerts and notifications can be configured around bed statuses.
Available Beds can be found using the Adv. Search feature in the Patient Placement Details form.
Beds can be selected as the origin or destination location for transport requests.
Bed information is included on reports.
You can select whether the user interface (for example, a bed list) displays a bed's name, abbreviation, or IVR ID.
The name, abbreviation, and IVR ID are assigned in the Unit/Zone/Location Enterprise Management section of the Capacity Management Administration page.
The identifier that you select will appear in the user interface.
However, the users can view the other two identifiers by moving the mouse over the selected identifier.
For example, if you select name in the Bed Display Type list and save, the users will view bed names on the user interface but can view the abbreviations and IVR IDs by moving the mouse over the bed names.
Patient rows on list views show patient who are occupying or assigned to a bed.
If a patient row shows a patient whose placement request has the selected unit as a target unit or an "unoccupied" patient—one whose home and specialty locations appear to be unoccupied and who is not in Discharged or VisitCancelled status, but whose last known home location was in the selected unit—then the Bed column is blank.
In a bed row, the Bed column displays the bed name, IVR ID, or abbreviation.
Move your mouse over the cell to see the other bed identifiers.
If a bed has a bed assignment priority, that number appears in a circle before the bed identifier.
If brackets appear around a bed identifier, then the bed is considered "post-clean" (sometimes called pending admit) or "post-blocked."
The bed will be occupied automatically as soon as it is marked Clean, or the block is removed.
Brackets appear around a "post-clean" bed only in a bed row. In a bed row, the background color of the cell indicates the status of the bed.
If the Include Current Location in Bed Column setting is enabled, and the patient is currently in another location (such as a specialty bed for a procedure), then the patient's current location appears in small print in the lower-right corner of the cell.
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can click the bed identifier to display a menu with commands that allow you to change bed attributes, view bed details, and assign or remove bed priorities (if the unit is configured to have bed assignment priorities).
For each Patient Tracking Portal console, you can specify which beds from each unit will appear on each tab and custom view.
This is helpful when the console is displayed on large wall monitors in different areas of a unit and each area of the unit is responsible for monitoring a different set of beds.
For example, you can specify that for the Green Console, Tab 1 shows beds 12101 through 12120 from Unit A while Tab 2 shows beds 12121 through 12141 from Unit A. Tab 1 can be displayed on a wall monitor in one area of the unit, while Tab 2 is displayed on a wall monitor in a different area.
This feature helps to streamline information in a console so that staff members can focus on only those beds that they are responsible for.
Your changes are in effect only until you end your session or sign out, unless you save the console.
You must have the Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns permission to set the bed display on a list view. In addition, you must have the permission required to access the list view (for example, the Access Placement List Views permission).
You may set the bed display by select whether beds are identified in console list views and on the electronic bedboard® view by their:
IVR IDs (code by which bed is identified on the Interactive Voice Response system)
Abbreviations, or
If you select IVR ID as the bed display type for a campus, then when a bed associated with that campus appears on the electronic bedboard® view, its IVR ID (rather than its name or abbreviation) will appear. However, users can move their mouse cursors over the IVR ID to display a tool tip with the name and abbreviation.
Set the Bed Display Type:
Access the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Global Settings page.
In the General Information section, in the Bed Display Type box, select one of the following to specify the type of bed identifier that will appear on the console and electronic bedboard® view:
In the upper-right corner, click Save.
Configuring Bed Display Type
In the General section, in the Bed Display Type list, select IVR ID, Name, or Abbr.
Click Save.