Discharge Disposition
Discharge Disposition is a read-only field available in Capacity IQ®. It indicates what will happen to a patient after discharge, such as going home, to a Skilled Nursing facility, or to rehabilitation. Caregivers use this information during discharge planning.
Where you can find this feature: Patient Tracking Portal and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit consoles.
How Discharge Disposition Works
Discharge Disposition is automatically populated through an HL7 transaction and cannot be changed by console users.
Discharge Dispositions can be added, edited, activated, deactivated, and deleted in the Discharge Disposition dictionary.
A confirmation message will appear on deletion.
ADTID is a required field for Discharge Disposition dictionary entries.
You cannot delete a disposition associated with patients.
Discharge Dispositions can also be used as advanced filter conditions.
Administrators can configure Discharge Disposition options, associating specific dispositions like "Patient going home," "Rehab," or "Skilled Nursing" with ADT messages.
This ensures patient discharge information is automatically updated on the user interface.
The Discharge Disposition field can be displayed as text or an icon.
Configuration is controlled under Dictionary Management in the Admin Tool > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management..
Integration teams must work with TeleTracking to ensure proper configuration.
Permissions Required
Admin Tool Menu permission: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Discharge Dispositions administrative permission: To configure discharge dispositions.
Edit rights: To make changes.
View rights: To see but not change bed attributes in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting a Discharge Disposition
Display the Dictionary Management page:
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management > Discharge Disposition.
Add a Discharge Disposition:
Click Add to add a new row at the bottom of the page.
In the Name column, type a discharge disposition (e.g., Home, Rehab Facility, Skilled Nursing). The name can be up to 200 characters.
Enter the ADT ID associated with the discharge disposition (required).
Optionally, select an image for the Display Icon.
To remove an image that has already been selected, click the X in the upper-right corner of the image.
Click Save.
Edit a Discharge Disposition:
Change the information in the appropriate rows and columns.
Click Save.
Delete a Discharge Disposition:
Select the checkbox for the dispositions to delete.
Click Delete Selected Records.
Confirm the deletion.
Activating or Deactivating a Discharge Disposition
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management > Discharge Disposition.
Select the checkbox next to the disposition to activate or deactivate.
Click Activate to enable or Deactivate to disable the disposition.