Bed Assignment Priority History Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have the Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.
Nursing unit staff can mark beds with numbers from 1 through 9 from the electronic bedboard® view or a PatientTracking Portal® list view. This is called setting a bed assignment priority (or "bed ahead"). The numbers provide a visual indicator on a list view or an electronic bedboard® view of the order in which beds should be assigned to patients. For example, a bed that is marked with the number 1 should be assigned before a bed that is marked with the number 4. The Bed Assignment Priority History report can give managers and supervisors information about which beds had bed assignment priorities, which priority number was assigned to a bed, when, and by whom; when a bed assignment priority was removed, why, and by whom.
Report Parameters
If the report is in .pdf format, then criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only data about beds in the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
If specific units were selected when the report was generated, then only data about beds from those units is included. If no units were selected, then data about beds from all units in the campus are included.
All beds that are included had bed assignment priorities associated with them during the date range and time period selected when the report was generated. If the end of the selected time period extends to the day after the end of the selected date range, the relevant data from the next day will be included on the report. For example, if the selected date range ends on May 5, 2014, but the selected time range ends at 1:00 AM, then beds that had assignment priorities on May 6 from midnight until 1:00 AM will be included on the report.
If specific patients were selected when the reports were generated, then only beds that those patients occupied or were assigned to and that had priorities removed are included on the report.
There are five ways that a bed assignment priority can be removed from a bed. (For example, the bed can be assigned or an ADT system transaction can cause the bed to be marked occupied automatically and the priority is removed automatically). These are called priority removal sources. If specific priority removal sources were selected when the report was generated, then only beds that had priorities removed through those priority removal sources will be included in data about removed priorities on the report.
Data is in alphanumeric order by unit abbreviation.
Important Note: Only beds that had priorities assigned after the PreAdmitTracking® application version 3.2 was installed will be included on the report. If a bed priority was assigned before version 3.2 was installed, and then removed in version 3.2 or later, then the removal will not be included in the report.
Report Column Descriptions
PDF and Formatted Microsoft Excel
For each unit on the report, the following information appears.
Name | Description |
Bed | The abbreviation of the bed that had the priority assigned to it. |
Priority Number | A number from 1 through 9 that represents the bed assignment priority. Beds with lower numbers should be assigned before beds with higher numbers. |
Applied by | The user who applied the priority number to the bed. |
Priority Applied | Date and time that the priority number was applied to the bed. |
Priority Removed | Date and time that the priority number was removed from the bed. |
Priority Removal Source | A bed assignment priority can be removed from a bed in the following ways. These are called priority removal sources. If specific priority removal sources were selected when the report was generated, then only data about removals that happened through those sources appears on the report. The following priority removal sources could appear in this column: Bed Assignment—Priority was removed because the bed was assigned to a patient. Clear Priority-by User—A user manually removed the priority in the PatientTracking Portal® application. The user name will appear on the report. Occupy Bed-ADT—Priority was removed because an ADT system transaction marked the bed occupied automatically. The report will show that the change was made by "system user." It could also show an actual user name in the Removed by column, if the sender of the ADT message can be mapped to a valid user account. Occupy Bed-by User—Priority was removed because a user manually marked the bed occupied in the PatientTracking Portal® application. The user's user name will appear on the report. Occupy Bed-RTLS Movement—Priority was removed because a patient movement that was tracked through the TeleTracking RTLS system marked the bed occupied automatically. The report will show that the change was made by a "system user." Occupy Bed-Transport Job—Priority was removed because the completion of a patient transport job marked the bed occupied automatically. The identification number of the transport job will be shown on the report as well as the user name of the user who requested the transport job. |
Removed by | The user responsible for the removal of a priority number. One of the following could appear: - User name—If a user action caused the bed to be marked Assigned or Occupied or if the completion of a transport job caused the bed to be marked Occupied, then a user name appears. If a transport job completion caused the bed to be marked Occupied, then the user name of the transport job requester appears. If an ADT transaction caused the bed to be marked Assigned or Occupied and the sender of the ADT message can be mapped to a valid user account, then that user name will appear. - System User—If an ADT transaction resulted in the bed being marked Assigned or Occupied and the sender of the ADT message cannot be mapped to a valid user account, then System User appears. If a patient movement that was tracked through TeleTracking RTLS caused the bed to be marked Assigned or Occupied, then System User appears. |
Patient Name, Medical Record Number, and Visit Number | Name, medical record number and visit number of the patient who occupied or was assigned to the bed. If specific patients were selected when the report was generated, then only data about those patients is available. |
Placement Req. Date/Time | If a bed priority was removed because the bed was assigned to a patient or because a placement request was completed and that resulted in a patient occupying the bed, then the requested date and time of the placement request appears in this column. |
Transport Job ID | If a bed priority was removed because a transport job to that bed was completed and that resulted in a patient occupying the bed, then the identification number of the transport job appears in this column. |
Unformatted Microsoft Excel
The Unformatted Microsoft Excel report output shows the information that is listed above. However, there is a separate row for each bed. If a unit had multiple beds that had bed assignment priorities associated with them, then the unit name is listed one time for each bed.