Bed Assignment Priority by the Hour Report Description
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Nursing unit staff can mark beds with numbers from 1 through 9 from the electronic bedboard® view view or a PatientTracking Portal® list view. This is called setting a bed assignment priority (or "bed ahead"). The numbers provide a visual indicator on a list view or an electronic bedboard® view of the order in which beds should be assigned to patients. For example, a bed that is marked with the number 1 should be assigned before a bed that is marked with the number 4. The Bed Assignment Priority by the Hour report can give managers and supervisors information about compliance with, and effectiveness of, bed priority assignment practices. The report shows:
The number of beds per unit that had bed assignment priorities and the number of clean beds available on the hour, every hour.
Report Parameters
If the report is in .pdf format, then criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only data about beds in the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
If specific units were selected when the report was generated, then only data about beds from those units is included. If no units were selected, then data about beds from all units in the campus are included.
All beds that are included had bed assignment priorities associated with them during the date range selected when the report was generated.
Data is in alphanumeric order by unit abbreviation.
Important Note: Only beds that had priorities assigned after the PreAdmitTracking® application version 3.2 was installed will be included on the report. If a bed priority was assigned before version 3.2 was installed, and then removed in version 3.2 or later, then the removal will not be included in the report.
Report Column and Row Descriptions
PDF and Formatted Microsoft Excel
Under each unit, there is a grid. Each row of the grid is an hour of the day (Hour 0 through Hour 23). Each column is a day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).