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ADT Transport Job Status Mappings
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

ADT Transport Job Status Mappings

This feature is used by hospital administrators to ensure that the ADT (Admission, Discharge, and Transfer) system receives updates about transport job status changes. It is essential for maintaining accurate and timely patient transport information. This feature is used whenever there is a need to update the ADT system with the status of transport jobs.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

How ADT Transport Job Status Mappings Work


The ADT Transport Job Status Mappings allow you to configure settings so that a message is sent to the ADT system when a transport job is placed in a specific status (e.g., In Progress). You can select each job status for which a message should be delivered to the ADT system and enter any text or numbers that should be sent in the message for that status. If you select a status, you must enter information in the ADT ID column for that status.

Important Note: Your hospital must have the ADT Outbound Transport Job Status Update license for this feature to be available.

Permissions and Membership Required

To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission. To complete this task, you must have the TransportTracking™ Campus Settings permission. You must have Edit rights to make changes. Additionally, you must have the Membership Type "All" with administrative rights enabled, or the Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and administrative rights enabled for the campus.


To Select Job Statuses for Which Messages Will Be Sent to the ADT System:

  1. Access the TransportTracking™ Global Settings page.

  2. In the Transport Job Status ADT Mapping section, click the gray statuses for which messages should be sent. The background of the statuses changes from gray to a color.

  3. In the ADT ID column, for each status that you selected, type the information that should be in the message for that status (e.g., numbers or text that should identify this status in the message sent to the ADT system). Maximum characters: 50.

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