Global Settings
Global settings in the Capacity IQ® applications determine actions that always occur for a specific campus. These settings are configured by users with the appropriate permissions and administrative rights.
Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information
How Global Settings Work
Global settings for the Capacity IQ® applications include:
PatientTracking Portal Global Settings: Found under Enterprise Info > Select a campus > Global Settings > PatientTracking Portal.
PreAdmitTracking Global Settings: Found under Enterprise Info > Select a campus > Global Settings > PreAdmitTracking.
BedTracking Global Settings: Found under Enterprise Info > Select a campus > Global Settings > BedTracking.
TransportTracking Global Settings: Found under Enterprise Info > Select a campus > Global Settings > TransportTracking.
After configuring Global settings, Internet Information Services (IIS) and all Capacity IQ® services must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
PreAdmitTracking® Application Global Settings
Global settings for the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application determine actions such as automatically changing patient status to Pending Discharge on projected discharge dates for a specific campus.
Configuration requires the following permissions and administrative rights:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
PreAdmit Campus Settings permissions.
Membership and administrative rights to the campus
You must have administrative rights to the campus.
Admin Rights must be enabled for the campus on the Membership tab in your user profile.
TransportTracking® Application Global Settings
Global settings for the Capacity IQ® Transport application include parameters such as auto-saving requests and marking beds as "dirty" based on job request status.
You can set parameters that help to keep the workflow for transport jobs in balance.
Types of Settings That Can Be Configured
Include the same text in all pages or messages sent to transporters.
Configure settings that warn transporters against scheduling breaks and lunch periods during busy times.
Set the number of minutes in which item and patient transport jobs must be completed before they are considered anomalies or outliers.
Set the number of minutes after which a job will be eliminated if it is a duplicate job.
Set the maximum number of transporters who can work on one job.
If requesters will be able to hear (over the IVR) the average response time for transport jobs for a certain number of minutes in the past, set the number of minutes. For example, if requesters should hear the average response time for a job for the last 60 minutes, the administrator can set 60. This helps requesters to gauge how long it might take a transporter to arrive at the origin to begin a transport job.
Set the number of minutes after which another page or message for the same transport job will be sent to an available transporter if the transporter who received the first page does not respond.
Set the minimum number of minutes after which a transporter who has not responded to a page or message can be paged again (either for the same job or a different job). For example, if you type 5, a transporter who does not respond to a page or message at 3:00 PM can be paged for that job or for a completely different job at 3:05 PM.
Enable users with the appropriate permissions to select an option that sends information to the hospital system if a patient is being taken to a discharge location.
Allow all jobs involving patients who are no longer at the hospital to be cancelled automatically.
Permissions Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
TransportTracking™ Campus Settings permission.
Edit rights and appropriate membership type with administrative rights.
Integration Settings
TeleTracking integration settings are:
Which transport job request status (Completed or In Progress) in Capacity IQ® Transport will automatically mark a bed involved in the request as "dirty" in the Capacity IQ® EVS application.
Whether new and edited requests for transport jobs are 1) saved automatically or 2) requesters must click Save to save them.
BedTracking® Application Global Settings
Global settings in the BedTracking® application affect how the entire Capacity IQ® application works for a campus.
Configuration includes setting parameters for bed cleaning jobs, bed identification, and notifications.
Permissions Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
BedTracking Campus Settings permission.
Membership and administrative rights to the campus.
For each campus, you may configure:
The maximum and minimum amount of time that it should take to complete a bed cleaning job. This affects whether a bed cleaning job is considered an outlier and is included in the adjusted beds count.
The maximum amount of time that it should take to respond to a bed cleaning job. This affects whether a bed cleaning job is considered an outlier and is included in the adjusted beds count.
Whether beds will be identified on bed lists by their IVR ID codes, names, or abbreviations.
Whether bed size should be included in notifications and IVR prompts when appropriate.
Whether employees can be paged for STAT jobs in sections and zones where they are not assigned.
Whether a page will be sent to a supervisor if a patient is discharged from a section or zone where no bed cleaners are assigned (no coverage page).
Whether a bed will be marked as Clean (Set Location Clean) or Dirty (Create Cleaning Request) when an admission or transfer is cancelled.
Which bed statuses trigger two-way ADT interface.
Multi-Stage Cleans workflow to allow for deep discharge cleaning of specific rooms.
The minimum clean time and maximum clean time settings allow to you to set the acceptable maximum and minimum amount of time that it should take to complete a bed cleaning job.
The maximum and minimum clean times are compared with actual clean times to determine if a bed cleaning job was out of the ordinary (an outlier).
The maximum response time setting allows you to configure the maximum amount of time it should take to respond to a bed cleaning job request.
A bed cleaning job's maximum response time is compared to its original response time to determine whether the job was out of the ordinary (or was an outlier).
These settings are used to determine the number of adjusted bed cleaning jobs each employee had.
Sometimes, it is necessary to change the status of a clean bed to Dirty again (for example, create a cleaning request for a bed that has been marked Clean but needs to be cleaned again).
However, sometimes a bed is marked Clean and a request to clean it again comes through the ADT system, the IVR, or the Capacity IQ®EVS application because of unusual circumstances.
A patient is discharged.
After the patient leaves the room, an employee cleans the bed and marks it Clean. However because the Admissions and Discharge Department is understaffed, the clean bed is still noted as occupied in the ADT system.
When the ADT system is updated later to note that the bed is no longer occupied, another request to clean the bed could be generated. This could result in an unnecessary duplicate cleaning job for the same bed.
The Prevent Method option on the BedTracking® Global Settings page of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component allows the administrator to select whether or when a bed that has been cleaned can be marked Dirty again through the IVR (telephone), the Capacity IQ® EVS application (Console user interface), or the ADT system (ADT interface).
Timer—The clean bed can be marked Dirty again through this source (for example, ADT interface) after the number of minutes specified in the Prevent Time box for this bed in the Ward/Zone/Location Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management (for example, 240 minutes).
If a clean bed for which the prevent method is set to Timer becomes occupied before it is marked Dirty again, then it can be marked Dirty before the prevent time expires.
If prevent time is 240, but the bed is occupied 60 minutes after it is marked Clean, and then an employee attempts to mark it Dirty 60 minutes later, the employee will be allowed to mark the bed Dirty, even though 240 minutes have not passed yet. Because the clean bed was officially occupied before an employee attempted to mark it Dirty, it is acceptable to mark it Dirty before the prevent time expires.
Never—Never prevent a clean bed from being marked Dirty again through this source (for example, Telephone), regardless of the prevent time specified for the bed.
Always—Always prevent a clean bed from being marked Dirty again through this source (for example, Console user interface), regardless of the prevent time specified for the bed. A bed can never be marked Dirty through this source
A patient is discharged and the bed has been cleaned. However, the Admissions and Discharge Department is understaffed for the day and the ADT system still indicates that the discharged patient's bed is occupied.
The bed has a prevent time of 240 minutes and the administrator has selected Timer for the ADT interface prevent method. When the patient left the room, an employee cleaned the bed and marked it Clean through the IVR. The bed is eligible to be marked Dirty again through the ADT system after it has been clean for 240 minutes. When the Admissions and Discharge department notes in the ADT system that the patient has been discharged, the bed will not be marked Dirty again unless 240 minutes passed since the employee marked it Clean or unless the bed becomes occupied within that 240 minutes.
This will prevent the ADT system from initiating a duplicate cleaning job for at least 4 hours after the discharged patient's bed has been cleaned.
Configure PreAdmitTracking® Global Settings
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the PreAdmitTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
Configure settings as needed.
Click Save to apply changes.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.
Configure TransportTracking Global Settings Workflow
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the TransportTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
Configure settings as needed.
Click Save to apply changes.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.
Configuring TeleTracking Integration Settings for the Capacity IQ® Transport Application
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the TransportTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
In the TeleTracking Integration section, configure settings such as BT Dirty and Auto-Save Requests.
BT Dirty: In the BT Dirty list, select the transport job request status (Completed or In Progress) that will automatically mark a bed involved in the request as "dirty" (meaning the bed and room must be changed and cleaned) in the Capacity IQ® EVS application. (For example, if the request involves bed number 1234B, and In Progress is selected in the BT Dirty list, then when the request status is In Progress, the bed will be marked as "dirty" in the Capacity IQ® EVS application.)
Auto-Save Requests: If the green Enabled button appears, then new or edited requests are saved automatically. If not, and you want to require that new requests or requests that are being edited are saved automatically (the requester does not have to click Save), then click the gray Disabled button next to Auto-Save Requests. The button changes to Enabled. If changes should NOT be saved automatically, then click Enabled. The button name changes to Disabled.
Show Transporter as: Select one of the following options in the drop-down list to determine what columns appear on the Transporter List:
Empl ID: Displays only the transporter's User Login ID (default setting).
Empl First Name and Empl Last Name: Displays only the transporter's first and last name.
Empl ID and Empl First Name and Empl Last Name: Displays both the previous options, the transporter's Empl ID number and the transporter's first and last name.
Click Save to apply changes.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.
Configuring Workflow Settings for the Capacity IQ® Transport Application
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the TransportTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
In the Workflow Settings section, complete the following:
Device Data: Type the text to include in all notification messages sent to transporters (max 50 characters).
Break Alert Ratio (P/T): The Break Alert Ratio provides a way to warn transporters when they attempt to take breaks or lunch periods during busy times. The Break Alert Ratio is calculated using the following formula: Number of Jobs in Pending Status + Number of Jobs in Appointment Status that fall within the Appointment Break Inclusion Minutes/Number of Transporters Currently Logged into Work. For example, if there are 8 jobs in pending status and 2 jobs that fall within the Appointment Break Inclusion minutes, and there are 5 transporters signed in to work, then the current Break Alert Ratio is 2 ([8 + 2]/5=2). If the ratio of transporters to potential jobs is higher than the Break Alert Ratio that has been entered in this box, then employees who attempt to take breaks or lunch periods will be warned with a message through the IVR. In the Break Alert Ratio box, type the break alert ratio to which the ratio of transporters to potential jobs will be compared. In the previous scenario, if 1 were entered in the Break Alert Ratio box, then transporters would receive a warning when attempting to take breaks or lunch periods because 2 is greater than 1. Type a number greater than or equal to 0..
Appt (Appointment) Break Inclusion (Minutes): Type the number of minutes before an appointment is considered a pending job (for the purpose of being included in the Break Alert Ratio calculations). Type a number greater than or equal to 0.
Outlier In Progress: A transport job will be considered an adjustment and will be included in the count listed in the Adjust column of the transporter listing on the Transporters dashboard in the Capacity IQ® Transport application if its In Progress to Completed time is greater than the number of minutes entered here. For example, if you enter 110 and it takes longer than 110 minutes for a transport job to go from In Progress status to Completed status, then the transport job is considered an adjustment.
Outlier Completed Under: A transport job will be considered an adjustment and will be included in the count listed in the Adjust column of the transporter listing on the Transporters dashboard in the Capacity IQ® Transport application if its Pending to Completed time is less than the number of minutes entered here. For example, if you enter 4 and it takes less than 4 minutes for a transport job to go from Pending status to Completed status, then the transport job is considered an adjustment.
Outlier Completed Over: A transport job will be considered an adjustment and will be included in the count listed in the Adjust column of the transporter listing on the Transporters dashboard in the Capacity IQ® Transport application if its Pending to Completed time is greater than the number of minutes entered here. For example, if you enter 135 and it takes more than 135 minutes for a transport job to go from Pending status to Completed status, then the transport job is considered an adjustment.
Duplicate Job: Type the minimum number of minutes after which a duplicate job is eliminated. (Greater than or equal to 0)
Max Transporters Per Job: The maximum number of transporters who can work on a single transport job at once. Type a number greater than 1. For example, if you type 4, then a transport job can have no more than 4 transporters at one time—1 primary transporter and up to 3 assistants. Typically, the value of this setting is no more than 4.
Average Response Time Review Period (in minutes): This feature can help requesters to gauge how long it might take for a transporter to arrive at the origin to start a transport job. (However, there is no guarantee that a transporter will arrive at an origin within the average response time.) If requesters will be able to hear (over the IVR) the average response time for transport jobs within a certain period of time in the past, type the period of time in minutes. For example, if requesters should be able to hear the average response time for transport jobs within the last hour, type 60. (Although 60 is a typical entry, you may increase or decrease the time depending on your hospital's needs.) Type a number from 15 through 120.
Number of Minutes Before Next Avail Page Sent Type: The minimum number of minutes after which a transporter who has not responded to a page or message can be paged again (either for the same job or a different job). For example, if you type 5, a transporter who does not respond to a page or message at 3:00 PM can be paged for that job or for a completely different job at 3:05 PM. Type a number greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Minutes Before Next Avail Page Received: Type the number of minutes after which another page or message for the same job will be sent again to an available transporter (if the transporter who received the original page or message does not respond). For example, if you type 5 and an available transporter is paged for a job at 3:00 PM but does not respond, then Capacity IQ® looks for and pages an available transporter again at 3:05 PM for the same job. If there is still no response, then another transporter will be paged again at 3:10 PM. Type a number greater than or equal to 0.
Future Appointment Cancel Window: If a patient is discharged, but still has a transport job appointment scheduled in the future, then the appointment will be cancelled if the difference between the time that the patient was discharged and the time of the appointment is greater than the value in the Future Appointment Cancel Window box.
The value in this box is 12 hours. A patient has a transport job appointment for 6:00 AM on Tuesday. The patient is discharged at 5:00 PM on Monday. Because the patient was discharged 13 hours before the appointment and the Future Appointment Cancel Window value is 12 hours, the transport job appointment will be cancelled automatically. Type a number of hours (from 1 through 24) in this box.
Enable Discharge Disposition: Disable this setting as it is not in use at this time.
Return to Base Location After Break or Lunch: Transporters are often assigned jobs based on proximity to the locations where their previous jobs ended. If the Return to Base Location After Break or Lunch global setting is enabled, then when the transporter indicates that they are on a lunch period or a break, the transporter's base location will automatically be noted as their current location instead of the location where the transporter is at the time when the break or lunch option is selected. This setting can help to ensure that the transporter is offered a job in an appropriate location when the transporter returns to work after a break or lunch period. The setting is disabled by default.
Click Save to apply changes.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.
BedTracking Global Settings Workflow
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the BedTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
Configure settings such as bed cleaning job parameters, bed identification, and notifications.
Save changes and confirm.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.
Configuring BedTracking® Application Global Settings Workflow
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Click the campus name in the Campus column to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
Click the BedTracking® application link on the Global Settings tab.
Under General, configure the minimum and maximum clean time and the maximum response time:
Minimum Clean Time: Type the minimum number of minutes to complete a bed cleaning job.
Maximum Clean Time: Type the maximum number of minutes to complete a bed cleaning job.
Maximum Response Time: Type the maximum number of minutes allowed between job notification and placing the job into In Progress status.
Save changes and confirm.
Restart IIS and Capacity IQ® services.