Compliance Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Compliance report compares the number of bed cleaning jobs that were completed with the number that were formally requested through the BedTracking® application. If significantly more bed cleaning jobs were completed than requested in a unit, then the unit has a low compliance rate. This could indicate that several found beds were cleaned, but did not have formal bed cleaning requests. If all or most of the bed cleaning jobs that were completed were formally requested through the BedTracking® application, then the unit has a high compliance rate. The report displays the compliance percentage for each unit.
Although the Compliance report should NOT be compared to other reports, it is a helpful tool for understanding why reports that use job request creation time in calculations might display results that are not in line with expectations. For example, if 4 jobs were completed for found beds and only one completed job had a formal bed cleaning request, it is impossible to calculate the original response time for the 4 found bed jobs. This affects the averages that appear on a report such as the Average Response/Turn Time report.
The columns that display count and percentage information about bed cleaning jobs that were created by ADT transactions or transport jobs to discharge or transfer patients can assist with identifying the level of efficiency in discharging and transferring.
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning beds that appear on the report.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.
Only bed cleaning jobs that were created within the date range and during the shifts selected when the report was generated appear. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
Only completed bed cleaning jobs appear on the report.
Only jobs for locations and within cost centers selected on the Report Criteria page are included. If no specific locations and cost centers were selected, then jobs for all locations and cost centers within the selected campus are included in the report.
If the Summary View option was NOT selected when the report was generated, then the information described in Without Summary View Only appears on the report in addition to the information in With and Without Summary View.
Adjusted bed cleaning jobs are included only if that type of adjustment was selected on the report criteria page. The user who generates the report can include any of the following:
Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Compliance Report Column Descriptions (PDF and Microsoft Excel)
The following information appears in the columns on the Compliance Report.
With and Without Summary View
Whether or not Summary View was selected when the report was generated, the following information appears on the report. If No was selected for Summary View, then this information appears under Group Summary.
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts... |
All Cleans | The number of completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of completed jobs. |
Compliant Cleans | The number bed cleaning jobs that were formally requested through the BedTracking® application within the unit (compliant bed cleaning jobs). If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of requests. |
Compliance Percent | Requests / Cleans<br><br>Example: If there are 4 completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit and only 1 formal bed cleaning request, then the compliance percent is 1 / 4 = 25%. |
Adjusted Cleans | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were requested within the unit where the job was considered an adjusted clean. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then this column displays 0.<br>Example: If 1 bed cleaning job was completed in less than the established minimum clean time, it is considered adjusted. If there were no other adjusted cleans, then 1 appears in the Adjusted Cleans column. |
Non-Adjusted Compliance Percent | If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, the Non-Adjusted Compliance Percent column displays the compliance percentage without adjusted cleans.<br>Calculation: Requests minus Adjusted Cleans / Cleans<br>Example: If there are 5 completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit and only 2 formal bed cleaning requests, and 1 job was an adjusted clean, then the compliance percent is 2 - 1/ 5 = 20%. |
Source > TT > Disch | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created when a transport job was completed to discharge a patient. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the bed cleaning job. An example is: a transport job for a patient discharge is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > TT > Trans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created when a transport job to transfer a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the bed cleaning job. An example is: a transport job for a patient transfer is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > Interface > Disch | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of an ADT transaction to discharge a patient. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system discharges a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > Interface > Trans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of an ADT transaction to transfer a patient. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system transfers a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > RTLS > Disch | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because the patient badge was placed in a discharge drop box or because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a discharge location. |
Source > RTLS > Trans | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a new home location. |
Source > Capacity IQ® | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of: 1) an ADT transaction that could not be categorized as a discharge or transfer, 2) a user action within the BedTracking® console, PreAdmitTracking® application console, or PatientTracking Portal® console, 3) Transport jobs that could not be categorized as jobs to transfer or discharge patients. |
Without Summary View Only
In addition to the information above, the following information appears for each unit only if Summary View was NOT selected when the report was generated.
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts... |
Requester | User who requested the bed cleaning job. If Interface appears, then the bed cleaning job was created automatically because the patient was discharged or transferred as the result of an ADT transaction. If Transport-Discharge or Transport-Transfer appears, then the bed cleaning job was created automatically because the patient was transported to a discharge location or to a new home location. |
Cost Center | Abbreviation for the cost center associated with the bed (for example, WHC for Women's Health Center). |
Requests | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job. |
Percentage of Requests | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit during the selected date range / the total number of cleaning jobs requested for the unit during the selected date range. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job.<br>Example: Pat's name appears in the Requester column. Twenty bed cleaning jobs were requested for Unit 1 during the date range selected. Pat requested 5 of those jobs. Percent of Requests is 5/ 20 = 25%. Pat requested 25% of the bed cleaning jobs for the unit during the date range selected. |
Percentage of Cleans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit during the selected date range / the total number of completed cleaning jobs for the unit during the selected date range. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job.<br>Example: Pat's name appears in the Requester column. Fifteen bed cleaning jobs were completed for Unit 1 during the date range selected. Pat requested 5 of those jobs. Percent of Requests is 5/ 15 = 33%. Pat requested 33% of the completed bed cleaning jobs for the unit during the date range selected. |
Report Summary
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts and all units on the report... |
All Cleans | The number of completed bed cleaning jobs shown on the report. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of completed jobs. |
Compliant Cleans | The number bed cleaning jobs that were formally requested through the BedTracking® application for the entire report (compliant bed cleaning jobs). If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of requests. |
Compliance Percent | Requests / Cleans<br><br>Example: If there are 4 completed bed cleaning jobs for all units on the report and only 1 formal bed cleaning request, then the compliance percent is 1 / 4 = 25%. |
Adjusted Cleans | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were requested for all units on the report where the job was considered an adjusted clean. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then this column displays 0.<br>Example: If 1 bed cleaning job was completed in less than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, it is considered adjusted. If there were no other adjusted cleans, then 1 appears in the Adjusted Cleans column. |
Non-Adjusted Compliance Percent | If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, the Adjusted Compliance Percent column displays the compliance percentage without adjusted cleans for all units on the report.<br>Calculation: Requests minus Adjusted Cleans / Cleans<br>Example: If there are 5 completed bed cleaning jobs and only 2 formal bed cleaning requests, and 1 job was an adjusted clean, then the compliance percent is 2 - 1/ 5 = 20%. |
Source > TT > Disch | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs created as the result of transporting an occupying patient to a discharge non-holding location. Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs in all units on the report that were created when a transport job to discharge a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the BedTracking® job. An example is: a transport job for a patient discharge is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > TT > Trans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs created as the result of transport jobs to transfer occupying patients to other home locations. Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created when a transport job to transfer a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the BedTracking® job. An example is: a transport job for a patient transfer is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > Interface > Disch | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of discharges initiated by ADT transactions. Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of an ADT discharge transaction. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system discharges a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > Interface > Trans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of transfers initiated by ADT transactions. Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of an ADT transfer transaction. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system transfers a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Source > RTLS > Disch | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number and percentage of complaint bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because the patient badge was placed in a discharge drop box or because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a discharge location. |
Source > RTLS > Trans | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number and percentage of complaint bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of a patient being transferred because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a new home location. |
Source > Capacity IQ® | Number and percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of: 1) an ADT transaction that could not be categorized as a discharge or transfer, 2) a user action within the BedTracking® console, PreAdmitTracking® application console, or PatientTracking Portal® console. or 3) transport jobs that could not be categorized as jobs to transfer or discharge patients. |
Compliance Report Column Descriptions (Microsoft Excel-Unformatted)
The following information appears in the columns on the Compliance Report in the Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output.
With and Without Summary View
Whether or not Summary View was selected when the report was generated, the following information appears on the report.
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts... |
Unit | The unit in which the bed cleaning job occurred. A unit can be listed multiple times if there are multiple jobs associated with it. |
TT Disch Count | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created when a transport job to discharge a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the bed cleaning job. An example is: a transport job for a patient discharge is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
TT Trans Count | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created when a transport job to transfer a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the bed cleaning job. An example is: a transport job for a patient transfer is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Interface Disch Count | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of an ADT transaction to discharge a patient. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system discharges a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Interface Trans Count | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of an ADT transaction to transfer a patient. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system transfers a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
RTLS Disch Count | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because the patient badge was placed in a discharge drop box or because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a discharge location. |
RTLS Trans Count | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being transferred because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a new home location. |
Capacity IQ® Count | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs in the unit that were created as the result of: 1) an ADT transaction that could not be categorized as a discharge or transfer, 2) a user action within the BedTracking® console, PreAdmitTracking® application console, or PatientTracking Portal® console, or 3) transport jobs that could not be categorized as jobs to transfer or discharge patients. |
Without Summary View Only
In addition to the information above, the following information appears for each unit only if Summary View was NOT selected when the report was generated.
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts... |
Requester | User who requested the bed cleaning job. If Interface appears, then the bed cleaning job was created automatically because the patient was discharged or transferred as the result of an ADT transaction. If Transport-Discharge or Transport-Transfer appears, then the bed cleaning job was created automatically because the patient was transported to a discharge location or to a new home location. |
Cost Center | Abbreviation for the cost center associated with the bed (for example, WHC for Women's Health Center). |
Requests | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job. |
Percentage of Requests | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit during the selected date range / the total number of cleaning jobs requested for the unit during the selected date range. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job.<br>Example: Pat's name appears in the Requester column. Twenty bed cleaning jobs were requested for Unit 1 during the date range selected. Pat requested 5 of those jobs. Percent of Requests is 5/ 20 = 25%. Pat requested 25% of the bed cleaning jobs for the unit during the date range selected. |
Percentage of Cleans | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs requested by the user listed in the Requester column for the unit during the selected date range / the total number of completed cleaning jobs for the unit during the selected date range. Click for information about the Requester column. If the bed cleaning job was created by an ADT transaction, then the Requester column displays "Interface." If the bed cleaning job was created by a transport job, then the Requester column displays the name of the transporter who completed the transport job. For a found bed cleaning job, the Requester column displays the bed cleaner who found the bed and completed the job.<br>Example: Pat's name appears in the Requester column. Fifteen bed cleaning jobs were completed for Unit 1 during the date range selected. Pat requested 5 of those jobs. Percent of Requests is 5/ 15 = 33%. Pat requested 33% of the completed bed cleaning jobs for the unit during the date range selected. |
With Summary View Only
This column... | Displays for the selected date range and shifts... |
All Cleans | The number of completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of completed jobs. |
Compliant Cleans | The number bed cleaning jobs that were formally requested through the BedTracking® application within the unit (compliant bed cleaning jobs). If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then adjusted cleans are not included in the count of requests. |
Compliance Percent | Requests / Cleans<br><br>Example: If there are 4 completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit and only 1 formal bed cleaning request, then the compliance percent is 1 / 4 = 25%. |
Adjusted Cleans | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were requested within the unit where the job was considered an adjusted clean. If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, then this column displays 0.<br>Example: If 1 bed cleaning job was completed in less than the established minimum clean time, it is considered adjusted. If there were no other adjusted cleans, then 1 appears in the Adjusted Cleans column. |
Non-Adjusted Compliance Percent | If Adjusted Minimum, Adjusted Maximum, or Adjusted Max Response were NOT selected when the report was generated, the Non-Adjusted Compliance Percent column displays the compliance percentage without adjusted cleans.<br>Calculation: Requests minus Adjusted Cleans / Cleans<br>Example: If there are 5 completed bed cleaning jobs within the unit and only 2 formal bed cleaning requests, and 1 job was an adjusted clean, then the compliance percent is 2 - 1/ 5 = 20%. |
TT Disch Percent | Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created when a transport job to discharge a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the BedTracking® job. An example is: a transport job for a patient discharge is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
TT Trans Percent | Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created when a transport job to transfer a patient was completed. The transporter who completes the transport job is considered the requester of the BedTracking® job. An example is: a transport job for a patient transfer is completed and this results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Interface Disch Percent | Number of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of discharges initiated by ADT transactions. Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of an ADT discharge transaction. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system discharges a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
Interface Trans Percent | Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of an ADT transfer transaction. If the ADT transaction does not have a requester identification code associated with it or if the identification code associated with the job does not match the requester's identification code, then "Interface" will be noted as the requester. An example is: The ADT system transfers a patient, which results in a bed status changing to Dirty. |
RTLS Disch Percent | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because the patient badge was placed in a discharge drop box or because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a discharge location. |
RTLS Trans Percent | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a new home location. |
Capacity IQ® Percent | Percentage of compliant bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of: 1) an ADT transaction that could not be categorized as a discharge or transfer, 2) a user action within the BedTracking® console, PreAdmitTracking® application console, or PatientTracking Portal® console, or 3) transport jobs that could not be categorized as jobs to transfer or discharge patients. |
Compliance Report
The Compliance Report shows the source of the cleaning request as well as compliance. Compliance is defined as a bed that entered a dirty status (via the interface, a transport request, a manual user request, or RTLS if applicable) and progressed through In Progress to Clean. Found beds are not considered compliant cleans. The Compliance Report compares the number of bed cleaning jobs that were completed with the number that were formally requested through BedTracking. If significantly more bed cleaning jobs were completed than requested in a unit, that unit would have a low compliance rate.
Best Practice Metrics Captured In Compliance Report
There are no Best Practice Metrics within the Compliance Report that EVS Supervisors are responsible for attaining, however, there is one that is specific to transport-driven discharges. For facilities that are using the TransportTracking application, it is Best Practice that discharges and transfers are completed by transporters in order to facilitate dirty bed notification as the patient is physically being escorted to a discharge location or a new inpatient bed. Therefore, we want to see a high percentage of beds being dirtied via TransportTracking (or RTLS if applicable) to ensure bed cleaners are notified in real-time and that Patient Placement always has accurate visibility of bed capacity.
Metric | Best Practice |
TT Source - Disch | 70% or more discharges by Transport |
TT Source - Trans | There is not an official best practice goal metric, but this should still be monitored |
Date Range—Select the date range for the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
Example: If the report should include all transactions between January 1, 2011 and January 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.
Shift Time—To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note!
If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Location—To include only specific locations (beds), select the locations. If you do not select specific locations, all locations within the selected campus that are associated with units and clusters to which you have membership will be included on the report.
To select specific locations:Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Location box to display the Find a Location dialog box.
In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name.
Note: Only locations associated with the campus selected in the Campus list and to which you have membership can be selected. The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for out could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type s% to find all location names that include the letter S.
To select the check boxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All check box.
If you did not select the Check All check box, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search.
Note: If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list.
Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria.
In the list of possible locations in the Location Results box, click a location or press the CTRL key and then click multiple locations. (Locations listed are all within the selected units and clusters.)
Click Selected Locations to close the Find a Location dialog box.
To return to having all locations in the campus included, click the restore icon () next to the Location area on the Report Criteria page.
Cost Center —To include only data associated with certain cost centers, select the cost center names. To select multiple names, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the names. Only cost centers associated with the selected campus appear in the list. If you do not select any cost centers, data from all cost centers associated with the selected campus will be included on the report.
Include—Select the check boxes for any of the following types of adjusted cleans that should be included on the report. If no check boxes are selected, then adjusted cleans will not be included:
Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time. Type the minimum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Summary View (Yes or No)—To show a summary view of the report, select Yes. To show a detailed view, select No. The summary view displays per reason or per unit, the reason, the number of instances for that reason, the duration, and the average duration. The detailed view shows per unit or per reason, the unit, the reason, the bed IVR ID for each reason, the bed abbreviation, the start and end date and time of the status, the duration, and whether there is a patient in the bed adjacent to the blocked bed. In addition, it displays totals and averages per unit or reason. The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) output option is only available if you select No for Summary View.