Compound Metrics Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
For the date range and shift time selected on the Report Criteria page, the Compound Metrics report displays summary information about three categories of data:
Response/Turn Time—Average response times, clean times, turn times per unclean status, plus volume per status for jobs that were NOT adjusted cleans.
By Hours Analysis—Number of bed cleaning jobs starting in each unclean status by each hour of the day.
Compliance—Totals of bed cleaning job requests and beds cleaned. It is possible to see the total number of bed cleaning job requests that were created because:
A patient was transported to a discharge non-holding location or to a non-discharge location (such as a new home location)
An ADT transaction (Interface) transferred or discharged a patient or moved a patient to another location.
A patient was disassociated from a bed automatically for reasons other than a discharge or transfer transport job or ADT transaction. For example, the patient was taken from a home location to a specialty location, and then transferred directly from the specialty location to a new home location in ICU. A request to clean the original home location was generated.
Information in this section can help with analyzing efficiency in discharging patients.
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning jobs and beds that appear on the report.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
If the user who generated the report selected to exclude from averages in the Response/Turn Time section any jobs that fall short of a certain minimum clean time, or exceed a certain maximum clean time, or exceed a certain maximum response time, then that will be reflected in the parameters. For example, "Exclude From Averages: Min Clean Time, 5, Max Clean Time 120" means that the user who generated the report chose to exclude jobs from calculations of averages if their clean times were less than 5 minutes or greater than 120 minutes.
About the Report Data
Only jobs for beds in units that are within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.
On the Report Criteria page, the user generating the report can choose to display only jobs for beds in selected units. If no units are selected, all units within the selected campus and within the membership of the user who generates the report appear.
On the Report Criteria page, the user generating the report can choose to display or not display the UDEF-8 and UDEF-9 statuses.
Only bed cleaning jobs that users requested through the BedTracking® application are included in the Compliance section of the report. However, the Response/Turn Time and By Hours Analysis sections also include found beds.
The report includes only bed cleaning job requests that occurred between the dates selected and during the shifts selected on the Report Criteria page. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
Only bed cleaning jobs for Environmental Services (EVS) beds are included on the report.
Only non-adjusted bed cleaning jobs are included in counts and averages in the Response/Turn Time section. Adjusted cleaning jobs are excluded. The user who generates the report can flag the jobs that are defined as "adjusted" by completing the Exclude from Averages section on the Report Criteria page. The following check boxes can be selected: Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response. For each selected check box, the user enters a number of minutes. The number of minutes is compared to the clean time or the response time for each job. Jobs with clean times that exceed the maximum clean time or fall short of the minimum clean time or with response times that exceed the maximum response time are defined as "adjusted." They are excluded from averages and counts in the Response/Turn Time section.
Compound Metrics Section Descriptions
Response/Turn Time
For each unclean status, the Response/Turn time section displays the average original response time, status response time, clean time, and turn time for the date and time range selected when the report was generated (24 Hour) and for the shift selected when the report was generated. In addition, the report shows the total number of jobs that were not adjusted and began in a specific status.
Click to learn more about how a job is defined as adjusted. A job is considered adjusted if the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes entered on the Report Criteria page for Adjusted Minimum Clean OR greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Clean OR the time that elapses between when the job is created and when it is placed in the In Progress status or in the Delayed status is greater than the number of minutes entered for Adjusted Maximum Response time. If the user who generated the report did not enter any minutes for Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response, then no jobs are considered "adjusted."
If specific units were selected when the report was generated, the following information appears for each unit.
This section under the Status heading... | Displays for the selected date and time range (24 Hour) and shifts for each status... |
Original Response | For bed cleaning jobs that were requested when the beds were in the status shown in the Status column, the average time (in minutes) from the time that the job was created until the first time that the job's status changed to In Progress or Delayed.<br>Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from the time that the jobs were created until they first entered In Progress or Delayed status / number of jobs that started when the beds were in this status.<br>Example: Four jobs were created when the 4 beds were in the Dirty status. The first 2 jobs were each placed in the In Progress status 10 minutes after the bed cleaning job requests were created. The third and fourth jobs were each placed in Delayed status 5 minutes after the bed cleaning job requests were created. The original response time average for the Dirty bed status is 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 / 4 = 7.5 minutes. |
Status Response | Sometimes bed statuses change between the time that the bed cleaning job request was created and the time that the job is placed in the In Progress or Delayed status. For example, a bed cleaning job request could be created when the bed is in Dirty status, but the bed status could change to Stat before the job is first placed in the In Progress status. For beds that were LAST in the status shown in the Status column, the average time (in minutes) from the time that the job was upgraded or downgraded to that status until the first time that the job's status changed to In Progress or Delayed.<br>Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from the time that the jobs were upgraded or downgraded to this status until they first entered In Progress or Delayed status / number of jobs that were upgraded or downgraded to this status.<br>Example: Four beds were upgraded to the Stat status. The first 2 bed cleaning jobs were each placed in the In Progress status 4 minutes after the bed statuses were upgraded. The third and fourth jobs were each placed in Delayed status 2 minutes after the bed statuses were upgraded. The status response time average for the Stat bed status is 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 / 4 = 3 minutes. |
Clean Time | For beds that were in the status shown in the Status column when the bed cleaning jobs entered the In Progress status, this is the average time (in minutes) from when the jobs were placed in the In Progress status to when they were placed in the Clean (or completed) status. Time that the job was delayed or suspended between In Progress and Clean status is included.<br>Calculation: Total In Progress time for beds that were in this status / number of beds that were in this status before being cleaned.<br>Example: Four beds were in the Clean Next status. For the first 2 bed cleaning jobs, 10 minutes elapsed between the start of the In Progress status to the time that the job was placed in Clean status. For the third and fourth job, 12 minutes elapsed between the start of the In Progress status and the time that the job was placed in Clean status. The clean time average for the Clean Next bed status is 10 + 10 + 12 + 12 / 4 = 11 minutes. |
Turn Time | For beds that were in the status shown in the Status column at the time that the bed cleaning job was created, this is the average time (in minutes) from when the job was created (requested) until it was placed in the Clean status.<br>Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from when bed cleaning jobs are requested with this status until they are placed in Clean status / number of jobs requested when the beds were in this status.<br>Example: Four bed cleaning job requests were created when the beds were in Dirty status. The first job two jobs each entered Clean status 30 minutes after the job requests were created. The third and fourth jobs each entered Clean status 40 minutes after the job requests were created. The turn time average for the Dirty status is 30 + 30 + 40 + 40 / 4 = 35 minutes |
Volume | For each unclean status, the number of bed cleaning job requests that were created (Adjusted cleans are NOT included.); the total number of bed cleaning requests; and the percent of adjusted jobs (The total number of completed adjusted bed cleaning jobs / the total number of completed bed cleaning jobs). |
By Hours Analysis
The grid in the By Hours Analysis section displays the total number of bed cleaning jobs requested for beds in each unclean status, for each hour of the day, for the date range selected when the report was generated. For example, if the date range of the report spans 7 days, and 10 appears in the Dirty column in row 13, then 10 beds were cleaned in the 13th hour of the day during the last 7 days.
Compliance Report
This section... | Displays for the selected date and time range (24 Hour) and shifts for each status... |
Total Beds Cleaned | Number of beds cleaned. This includes found beds. |
Total Compliant Cleans | Number of compliant beds cleaned. This excludes found beds. |
Total Interface-Discharge | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patients being discharged because of ADT transactions. |
Total Interface-Transfer | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patients being transferred because of ADT transactions. |
Total RTLS-Discharge | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of patient being discharged because the patient badge was placed in a discharge drop box or because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a discharge location. |
Total RTLS-Transfer | This column is used only if the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ is integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution. It shows the number of bed cleaning jobs that were created because TeleTracking RTLS detected that the patient was in a new home location. |
Total Transport-Discharge | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of occupying patients being transported to discharge non-holding locations. |
Total Transport-Transfer | Number of bed cleaning jobs that were created as the result of occupying patients being transported to new home locations because of a transfer. |
Total Capacity IQ® Requests | Number of compliant bed cleaning job requests that were created through any method other than a discharge or transfer transport job or ADT transaction. For example, the patient was taken from a home location to a specialty location, and then transferred directly from the specialty location to a new home location in ICU. A request to clean the original home location was generated. |
Compound Metrics Report
Date Range—Select the date range for the report. Only bed cleaning jobs created within the date range the shift that you select will be included on the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
Example: If the report should include all jobs created between January 1, 2011 and January 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.
Shift Time—To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note!
If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all
units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Display UDEF8/UDEF9 Status (Yes or No)—To display custom, user-defined bed statuses (UDEF-8 and UDEF-9) on the report, select Yes. User-defined statuses are specific to campuses. Only those user-defined statuses associated with the selected campus will appear on the report.
Exclude from Averages—Only non-adjusted bed cleaning jobs are included in counts and averages in the Response/Turn Time section of this report. Adjusted jobs are excluded. You can flag the jobs that are defined as "adjusted" by completing the Exclude from Averages section on the Report Criteria page. The following check boxes can be selected: Adjusted Minimum Clean, Adjusted Maximum Clean, or Adjusted Maximum Response. For each selected check box, enter a number of minutes. The number of minutes is compared to the clean time or the response time for each job. Jobs with clean times that exceed the maximum clean time or fall short of the minimum clean time or with response times that exceed the maximum response time are defined as "adjusted." They are excluded from averages and counts in the Response/Turn Time section. Select up to two of the three check boxes. After you select the check boxes, the Min boxes become available so that you can enter a number of minutes that will be compared to a bed cleaning job's In Progress time and/or response time to determine whether or not the job is adjusted. You are required to enter a number of minutes in the Min box for each check box that you select.
Adjusted Minimum—The number of minutes that you enter in the Min box will be compared to the total time that a bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes that you enter, then the job will be considered adjusted. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days).
Adjusted Max Clean—The number of minutes that you enter in the Min box will be compared to the total time that a bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is greater than the number of minutes that you enter, then the job will be considered adjusted. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days).
Adjusted Max Response—The number of minutes that you enter in the Min box will be compared to the time that elapsed between when a bed cleaning job was created and when it was placed in the In Progress status or in the Delayed status. If the time that elapsed is greater than the number of minutes that you enter, then the job will be considered adjusted. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days).
Omit Delay Times?—If you want to EXCLUDE the time that a bed cleaning job spent in Delay status from the calculation of the job's turn time, click Yes. If you want to INCLUDE it, select No. "Delayed" means that an employee has selected an option on the IVR to indicate that the bed cleaning has been delayed. A bed cleaning might be delayed when there is some non-emergency reason that the bed cannot be cleaned immediately (for example, the patient has been discharged but is still in the room).
Omit Suspended Times?—If you want to exclude the time that a bed cleaning job spent in Suspended status from the calculation of the job's clean time/turn time, click Yes. If you want to include it, select No. "Suspended" means that the bed cleaner started the job, but then put it on hold temporarily before it was completed to work on a higher-priority job.