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Asset, Patient, Staff Interaction Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Asset, Patient, Staff Interaction

Permissions Required

You must have the following permission to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information



The Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction report shows instances when assets, patients, and staff members with TeleTracking RTLS badges have been in the same location. This information is helpful if you are attempting to track the spread of infection or to audit an incident reported by a patient or staff member.

This report is available only if the Capacity Management Suite® solution is fully integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions about information that appears on the report.


Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.


About the Report Data

  • "Interaction" means that the two entities (asset, staff member, and/or patient) were in the same location.

  • If you upgraded to version 3.1 or later from a version earlier than 3.1, then only data about interactions that occurred since the upgrade can appear on the report. Historical interaction data does not appear.

  • Only interactions that occurred within the date and time range selected appear on the report. For example, if the date range May 5, 2013 through May 5, 2013 was selected and the time range 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM was selected, then only interactions that occurred between 7AM and 3PM on May 5 appear on the report.

  • If an interaction started before the beginning of the selected time range or if it finished before the end of the selected time range, it still will be included if at least part of the interaction occurred within the selected time range. For example, if the selected time range is 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM and an interaction started at 6:55 AM and ended at 7:10 AM, the interaction will be included in the report. Similarly, if an interaction started at 2:55 PM and ended at 3:05 PM, it will be included in the report.

  • Only interactions that occurred within the selected campus are included. If specific units were selected, then only interactions that happened within those units are included.

  • The report shows either an asset, a staff member, or a patient, depending on the selection made for Starts With when the report was generated. You can only see interaction data for one asset, staff member, or patient per report.

Asset, Patient, Staff Interaction Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears on the report.

.PDF File or Microsoft Excel-Formatted Output

Date and Time

The actual date and time when the staff member, asset, or patient entered the location shown. Dates and times are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.


The abbreviation of the unit where the interaction occurred.


The abbreviation used to represent the location where the interaction occurred (for example, B122A for Bed 122A). This is the abbreviation for location as it has been configured in Capacity Management Suite® solution rather than in TeleTracking RTLS.


Whether the interaction was with an asset, a patient, or a staff member. For example, if a staff member name and staff type appears above the column and the Type column shows Asset, then the staff member was in the same location with an asset. If the type is Asset, then the asset name and ID number appear. If the type is a patient, then the patient last and first name and visit number appear. If the type is a staff member, then the staff member's last and first name and staff type (such as RN or nursing assistant) appear.

Asset, Staff Member, or Patient Name

When the report was generated, either Asset, Patient, or Staff was selected for Start With. Depending on the selection, either an asset, a patient name, or a staff member name will be shown. If an asset name is shown, the asset ID number will also appear. If a staff member name is shown, the staff member's staff type will also appear. If a patient is shown, the patient's medical record number and visit number will appear.

Interaction Start

The date and time that the interaction started. If the interaction started before the time range of the report, then the beginning of the time range is shown. For example, if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction started at 6:50 AM, then 7:00 AM is shown as the interaction start time. Dates and time are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Interaction End

The date and time that the interaction ended. If the interaction ended after the time range of the report, then the end of the time range or the time that the report was generated (whichever is earlier) is shown. For example, if the report time range ends at 3:00 PM and the interaction was still in progress at that time, then either 3:00 PM or the time that the report was generated is shown as the interaction end time. "Ongoing" will appear under the time. Dates and time are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Location Enter

Actual date and time that the interaction started (or when this entity was first in the same location as the entity shown at the top of the report).

Location Exit

Actual date and time that the interaction ended (or when this entity was last in the same location as the entity shown at the top of the report). If this column is blank, then the entity was still in the location when the report was generated.

Interaction End Type

For interactions that ended within the specified Interaction Start and Interaction End times, shows the reason why the interaction ended. A row appears on the report for each interaction type for a given patient. The row displays one of the following:

  • Detach Badge—Interaction ended due to badge detachment from a patient

  • Location Change—Interaction ended due to badge movement.

  • Missing Badge—Interaction ended because a badge has not reported to a beacon within time frame set by the administrator in the Missing Badge rule in TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. Therefore, the badge is considered missing.

  • No IR—Interaction ended because a badge could not make contact with a monitor.

Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output

The following columns appear in the Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output.

Asset, Staff Member, or Patient Name

When the report was generated, either Asset, Patient, or Staff was selected for Start With. Depending on the selection, either an asset, a patient name, or a staff member name will be shown.

Asset ID, Medical Record Number and Visit Number, or Staff Type

If an asset name is shown in the first column, the asset ID number will appear. If a staff member name is shown, the staff member's staff type (such as RN or Staff Nurse) will appear. If a patient is shown, the patient's medical record number and visit number will appear.

Date and Time

The actual date and time when the staff member, asset, or patient entered the location shown. Dates and times are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component.


The abbreviation of the unit where the interaction occurred.


The abbreviation used to represent the location where the interaction occurred (for example, B122A for Bed 122A). This is the abbreviation for the location as it has been configured in Capacity Management Suite® solution rather than in TeleTracking RTLS.


Whether the interaction was with an asset, a patient, or a staff member. For example, if a staff member name appears in the first column and the Type column shows Asset, then the staff member was in the same location with an asset. If the type is Asset, then the asset name and ID number appear. If the type is a patient, then the patient last and first name and visit number appear. If the type is a staff member, then the staff member's last and first name and staff type (such as RN or nursing assistant) appear.


The name of the asset, staff member, or patient that was in the same location as the entity shown in the first column (had interaction with the entity in the first column). If an asset name appears in this column, the asset ID number also appears. If a patient name appears in this column, the patient visit number also appears. If a staff member name appears in this column, the staff member's staff type also appears.

Interaction Start

The date and time that the interaction started. If the interaction started before the time range of the report, then the beginning of the time range is shown. For example, if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction started at 6:50 AM, then 7:00 AM is shown as the interaction start time. Dates and time are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component.

Interaction End

The date and time that the interaction ended. If the interaction ended after the time range of the report, then the end of the time range or the time that the report was generated (whichever is earlier) is shown. For example, if the report time range ends at 3:00 PM and the interaction was still in progress at that time, then either 3:00 PM or the time that the report was generated is shown as the interaction end time. "Ongoing" will appear under the time. Dates and time are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Interaction End Type

For interactions that ended within the specified Interaction Start and Interaction End times, shows the reason why the interaction ended. A row appears on the report for each interaction type for a given patient. The row displays one of the following:

  • Detach Badge—Interaction ended due to badge detachment from a patient

  • Location Change—Interaction ended due to badge movement.

  • Missing Badge—Interaction ended because a badge has not reported to a beacon within time frame set by the administrator in the Missing Badge rule in TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. Therefore, the badge is considered missing.

  • No IR—Interaction ended because a badge could not make contact with a monitor.

Location Enter

Actual date and time that the interaction started (or when this entity was first in the same location as the entity shown at the top of the report).

Location Exit

Actual date and time that the interaction ended (or when this entity was last in the same location as the entity shown at the top of the report). If this column is blank, then the entity was still in the location when the report was generated.

Is Ongoing Interaction

If the interaction was still in progress at the end of the report time range, then this column displays Yes.

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