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Patient and Staff Interaction Duration Report Description
Patient and Staff Interaction Duration Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient and Staff Interaction Duration Report Description

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You must have the following permission to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information


The Patient Staff Interaction Durations Report shows instances when patients and staff members with TeleTracking RTLS badges have been in the same location and for how long. It provides data about the frequency and the length of interactions between patients and staff. This information can be helpful when you are researching patient care and determining how much time staff members have spent with patients (for example, when assistance with meals is required). The data can be useful when researching costs involved in staff and patient interactions.

Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ®® solution users and physicians.

This report is available only if the Capacity IQ®® solution is fully integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • "Interaction" means that the staff member and the patient were in the same location.

  • If you upgraded to version 3.1 or later from a version earlier than 3.1, then only data about interactions that occurred since the upgrade can appear on the report. Historical interaction data does not appear.

  • Only interactions that occurred within the date and time range selected appear on the report. For example, if the date range May 5, 2014 through May 5, 2014 was selected and the time range 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM was selected, then only interactions that occurred between 7AM and 3PM on May 5 appear on the report. The user who generated the report might have selected a time period within the selected date and time range as well (for example, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). If so, then only interactions for that time period appear. A time period might be selected if you need to focus on certain parts of the day when patients require more staff attention (such as at lunch time when patients might need help with feeding). The date and time range can be no more than 24 hours for a detailed version of the report and no more than 30 days for a summary version of the report. If the end of the selected time range is on the next day, then that part of the next day is included on the report, even if that date is not included in the date range. For example, if the last date of the date range is May 5, but the time range is 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM, then the time from midnight to 1:00 AM on May 6 will be included in the report.

  • Only interactions that occurred within the selected campus are included. If specific units were selected, then only interactions that happened within those units are included.

  • The report can be grouped by patients, staff types (such as RN or nursing assistant), units, or staff members.

  • Sometimes staff members are in the same location with patients only briefly, for example to ask how they are or to deliver something quickly. The user who generated the report might have chosen to exclude interactions that lasted less than a certain number of seconds (for example, 10 seconds).

Patient Staff Interaction Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears on the report detailed view and summary view.

.PDF File or Microsoft Excel Formatted Output

Detailed Report



Unit, Staff Type, Staff Member, or Patient Name

Depending on the selection made in the Group by list when the report was generated, either a unit, a patient, a staff type, or a staff member name will be shown. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ®® solution users and physicians.


This column appears only if the report is grouped by unit, staff type, or staff member. It shows the patient's medical record number.

Visit Number

This column appears only if the report is grouped by unit, staff type, or staff member. It shows the patient's visit number.


This column appears only if the report is grouped by unit, staff type, or patient. It shows the staff member who interacted with the patient. Staff members can include temporary or agency employees in addition to employees who are Capacity IQ®® solution users and physicians.

Staff Type

This column appears only if the report is grouped by unit, staff, or patient. It shows the staff type (such as RN or nursing assistant) of the staff member who interacted with the patient.


This column appears only if the report is grouped by staff, staff type, or patient. It shows the abbreviation of the unit where the interaction occurred.


The abbreviation used to represent the location where the interaction occurred (for example, B122A for Bed 122A). This is the abbreviation for location as it has been configured in the Capacity Management Suite® solution rather than in TeleTracking RTLS.

Actual Interaction Start

The actual date and time when the interaction began. This date and time might be before the beginning of the date and time range for the report. Dates and times are in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss. This date and time are displayed for informational purposes. The Actual Interaction Start time is not part of the duration calculation.

Interaction Start

The date and time that the interaction started. If the interaction started before the time range of the report, then the beginning of the time range is shown. For example. if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction started at 6:50 AM, then 7:00 AM is shown as the interaction start time. Dates and time are in the format selected for the enterprise in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Interaction End

The date and time that the interaction ended. If the interaction ended after the time range of the report, then the end of the time range or the time that the report was generated (whichever is earlier) is shown. For example. if the report time range ends at 3:00 PM and the interaction was still in progress at that time, then either 3:00 PM or the time that the report was generated is shown as the interaction end time. "Ongoing" will appear under the time. Dates and time are in the format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.


The length of time for which the interaction occurred. This is the Interaction End Time minus the Interaction Start Time. If the Actual Start Time was earlier than the beginning of the report date and time range, then any interaction time that occurred before the beginning of the report date and time range is not included in the calculation. For example. if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction actually started at 6:50 AM and ended at 7:05 AM, then only the 5 minutes between 7:00 AM and 7:05 AM are included in the calculation. Dates and time are in the format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Interaction End Type

For interactions that ended within the specified Interaction Start and Interaction End times, shows the reason why the interaction ended. A row appears on the report for each interaction type for a given patient. The row displays one of the following:

  • Detach Badge—Interaction ended due to badge detachment from a patient

  • Location Change—Interaction ended due to badge movement.

  • Missing Badge—Interaction ended because a badge has not reported to a beacon within time frame set by the administrator in the Missing Badge rule in TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. Therefore, the badge is considered missing.

  • No IR—Interaction ended because a badge could not make contact with a monitor.

Group Summary

Total Interactions

Number of patient/staff interactions included within the grouping.

Total Interaction Duration (hh:mm:ss)

Total durations for all patient/staff interactions within this grouping. Dates and time are in the format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Average Interaction Duration (hh:mm:ss)

Average duration of patient/staff in this grouping. Dates and time are in the format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Report Summary

Total Interactions

Number of patient/staff interactions included in the report.

Total Interaction Duration (hh:mm:ss)

Total length all patient/staff interactions included in the report, shown in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Average Interaction Duration (hh:mm:ss)

Average length of patient/staff interactions included in this report shown in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Summary Report

Unit, Staff Type, Staff Member, or Patient Name

Depending on the selection made in the Group by list when the report was generated, either a unit, a patient, a staff type, or a staff member name will be shown.

Patient Staff Interaction-Count

Number of interactions that the staff member or staff type had with patients or that the patient had with staff members or the number of patient/staff interactions in the unit (depending on what is shown in the first column).

Patient Staff Interaction-Total Duration

Total length of all patient/staff interactions for the patient, the staff member, the staff type, or the unit listed in the first column. Durations are in the format hh:mm:ss (Hours, minutes, seconds).

Patient Staff Interaction-Average Duration

Average length of all patient/staff interactions for the patient, the staff member, the staff type, or the unit listed in the first column. Durations are in the format hh:mm:ss (Hours, minutes, seconds).

Interaction End Type

For interactions that ended within the specified Interaction Start and Interaction End times, shows the reason why the interaction ended. A row appears on the report for each interaction type for a given patient. The row displays one of the following:

  • Detach Badge—Interaction ended due to badge detachment from a patient

  • Location Change—Interaction ended due to badge movement.

  • Missing Badge—Interaction ended because a badge has not reported to a beacon within time frame set by the administrator in the Missing Badge rule in TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. Therefore, the badge is considered missing.

  • No IR—Interaction ended because a badge could not make contact with a monitor.

Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output

The following columns appear in the Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output.


Last and first name of the patient involved in the interaction.

Medical Record NumberVisit Number, or Staff Type

The medical record number of the patient listed in the first column.

Visit Number

The visit number shown in the first column.


Last and first name of the staff member who interacted with the patient listed in the first column.

Staff type

Staff type (for example, RN or nursing assistant) or the staff member who interacted with the patient in the first row.


The abbreviation of the unit where the interaction occurred.


The abbreviation used to represent the location where the interaction occurred (for example, B122A for Bed 122A). This is the abbreviation for the location as it has been configured in the Capacity Management Suite® Solution rather than in TeleTracking RTLS.

Actual Interaction Start

The actual date and time when the interaction began. This date and time might be before the beginning of the date and time range for the report. Dates and times are in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss. This date and time are displayed for informational purposes. The Actual Interaction Start time is not part of the duration calculation.

Interaction Start

The date and time that the interaction started. If the interaction started before the time range of the report, then the beginning of the time range is shown. For example, if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction started at 6:50 AM, then 7:00 AM is shown as the interaction start time. Dates and times are in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Interaction End

The date and time that the interaction ended. If the interaction ended after the time range of the report, then the end of the time range or the time that the report was generated (whichever is earlier) is shown. For example, if the report time range ends at 3:00 PM and the interaction was still in progress at that time, then either 3:00 PM or the time that the report was generated is shown as the interaction end time. If the interaction was still in progress at the end of the report time range, the Is Ongoing Interaction? column displays Yes. Dates and times are in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.


The length of time for which the interaction occurred. This is the Interaction End Time minus the Interaction Start Time. If the Actual Start Time was earlier than the beginning of the report date and time range, then any interaction time that occurred before the beginning of the report date and time range is not included in the calculation. For example. if the report time range begins at 7:00 AM and the interaction actually started at 6:50 AM and ended at 7:05 AM, then only the 5 minutes between 7:00 AM and 7:05 AM are included in the calculation.

Is Ongoing Interaction?

If the interaction was still in progress at the end of the report time range, then this column displays Yes.

Interaction End Type

For interactions that ended within the specified Interaction Start and Interaction End times, shows the reason why the interaction ended. A row appears on the report for each interaction type for a given patient. The row displays one of the following:

  • Detach Badge—Interaction ended due to badge detachment from a patient

  • Location Change—Interaction ended due to badge movement.

  • Missing Badge—Interaction ended because a badge has not reported to a beacon within time frame set by the administrator in the Missing Badge rule in TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™. Therefore, the badge is considered missing.

  • No IR—Interaction ended because a badge could not make contact with a monitor.

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