Location Validation Report Description
Permissions Required
The Run Master Reports permission is required to generate this report.
If you need to view the settings and other characteristics that are associated with locations in a campus, generate the Location Validation Report. The Location Validation Report displays all locations within the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page and all information about them, such as the building and floor they are associated with, their ADT IDs, and the bed attributes, transport settings, and bed settings associated with them. It is a comprehensive list of information about each location.
About the Data
Only locations that are within the campus that was selected on the Report Criteria page when the report was generated appear on the report.
For each location in the selected campus, the following information is displayed on the report.
Name | Description |
Building name | Building that contains the location. |
Floor Name | Floor on which the location is situated. |
Room Name | Room that contains the location (for example 4532). |
Name | The location's name (for example, XRAY4532B). |
Abbreviation | The abbreviation or short name that has been assigned to the location (for example, X4532B). |
IVR ID | The location's IVR ID, which used to identify this bed on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. |
Description | The short text description of the location (For example, Small X-Ray Bed) |
Facility ADT ID | The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the facility (or campus) associated with the location. |
Nurse Stn. ADT ID | The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the nurses' station associated with the location. |
Room ADT ID | The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the room associated with the location. |
Bed ADT ID | The code used by the hospital's ADT system to identify the location. |
VOX Message | If a VOX message file has been recorded for this location, then Yes appears. If not, then No appears. |
Cost Center | The cost center that contains the location. |
Location Type | The location’s type (for example, Home, Treatment, Admit). |
Holding | If this location has been marked as a holding bed, then True appears. If not, False appears. |
Stacking | If the Allow Bed Stacking bed setting has been enabled for this location, then True appears. Multiple patients may occupy this location at once, although the ADT system has only one ADT ID for it. If Allow Bed Stacking is disabled for this location, False appears. |
Unit Name | The unit that contains the location. |
TT Zone | The TransportTracking™ zone where this location resides. |
Origin Priority | The origin priority number assigned to the location for use in the TransportTracking™ application. This is a number from 0 through 9. |
Lead Time | The lead time (in minutes) assigned to the location for use in the TransportTracking™ application. |
Destination Priority | The destination priority number assigned to the location for use in the TransportTracking™ application. This is a number from 0 through 9. |
Auto Return | The auto return time (in minutes) assigned to the location for use in the TransportTracking™ application. |
BT Zone Name | The BedTracking® zone where this location resides. |
Bed Size | The location's bed size (such as Adult or Crib). |
Prevent Time | The prevent time set for this bed (in minutes). |
EVS | If this location has been marked as an Environmental Services Bed (EVS Bed), then True appears. The EVS Bed bed setting has been enabled for this location and EVS department employees clean this location after a patient is discharged from it. If not, False appears. |
Shown on Bedboard | True indicates that the Show on Bedboard bed setting was enabled for this bed and this bed can appear on the electronic bedboard® view view and in the PatientTracking Portal® application list views. |
Census | True indicates that the Count in Census bed setting was enabled for this bed. |
Physical Bed | True indicates that the Count as Physical Bed bed setting was enabled for this location. In counts, the bed is considered a regular home location within a nursing unit. |
Custom Attributes | A list of the custom bed attributes that have been associated with this location (such as Negative Air Flow or Bariatric). |