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User Notification Settings Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

User Notification Settings Report Description


The User Notification Settings Report displays information such as role and membership, notification and alert delivery methods, and the events or statuses for which notifications will be sent for a selected user whose base unit is within the membership of the user who generated the report and within the selected campus. The report is available only as a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) file. The user who generates the report selects a number of days for which to display data (up to 30 days prior to the current date). Only data for the number of days selected appears.

Permission Required

To generate this report, you must have the Run Master Reports permission and the Access Application Level HIPAA Audit Data to view the application access data.


The following information is displayed on the report.



User Information

User login name and first and last name of the user as well as user's role, whether the user has Fixed, Variable, or All membership type, if membership type is not All, then the clusters and units in which the user has membership. If the user is a member of notification groups, the notification group names are listed. The Notifications Group section displays the following: Permanent notification groups that the user belongs to. An administrator assigns the user to these groups when configuring the notification group in the Notification Groups dictionary page. For more information, see Temporary notification groups that the user was a member of. and the date of their membership. Users can either become a temporary member of a notification group because at login they selected a unit or cluster that was associated with the notification group (see Floater Notification Role) OR they assigned themselves temporary membership to a notification group on their My Notifications page (see Variable Groups).

Delivery Methods

User's "Deliver My Notifications via" and "Deliver My Alerts via" selections (for example, Email); user's notification and alert delivery time selection (for example, When I am logged in); and user's job alert matching and notification matching selections (for example, Against my membership or Against my assignment).


If user has selected to receive notifications about statuses in the TransportTracking™ application, the term Active appears for the selected statuses. The term Inactive appears for statuses that the user did not select. The user's recipient qualifications appear (for example, Origin Match) for each status that displays Active.


If user has selected to receive notifications about statuses in the BedTracking® application, the term Active appears for the selected statuses. The term Inactive appears for statuses that the user did not select.

PreAdmitTracking® application (Alert)

Displays the alert settings that the user selected for the PreAdmitTracking® application. For each timer, (Assigned Bed, Occupied, Observation, and Discharge), displays whether the user chose to receive alerts when threshold 1 and/or 2 was exceeded and whether they chose to receive alerts based on the unit of the patient's home location, origin unit, target unit, either origin or target unit, assigned bed unit, or admit source. Lists the units about which the patient chose to receive notifications.

PreAdmitTracking® application and PatientTracking Portal® (list View)

Displays all list views that are saved in the user's default PreAdmitTracking® application console or PatientTracking Portal® console; all advanced filters that have been set for the list views (for example, whether filters are combined by AND or OR); and all notification events that have been selected for this list view (for example, Placement Activated or Ready to Move).

Application Access Audit

Date and time that user accessed an application, such as the PreAdmitTracking® application application; the type of transaction the user was performing (for example, signing in or updating patient information); the workstation IP address at which the transaction occurred or "IVR" if the transaction occurred through the Interactive Voice Response system over the telephone; the identification number of the bed cleaning job or transport job associated with the transaction, if applicable; and the name and/or identification number of the patient associated with the transaction.

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