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Transport Requests Made to Occupied Locations Report Description (HIPAA)
Transport Requests Made to Occupied Locations Report Description (HIPAA)
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Transport Requests Made to Occupied Locations Report Description

Permission Required

The Access Application-Level HIPAA Audit Data permission is required to generate this report.


Requesters may select beds that are already occupied by other patients as destinations for patient transport jobs. After the jobs are completed, the transported patients appear as the beds’ occupants, rather than the patients who already occupied the beds. This report displays information about patient transport job requests where beds occupied by other patients were selected as destinations. This information can be helpful when you need to edit or cancel an active transport request or when you need to make adjustments for a displaced patient after the job is completed. Requesters can edit the destinations for jobs in Possible or Pending status. Jobs in any Dispatched status may be cancelled. Jobs in any In Progress status may be cancelled by the transporters originally associated with the jobs (but not by transporters who are assisting with the jobs).

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only jobs associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.

  • The user who generates the report selects a date range. In the Completed Jobs That Have Unoccupied a Patient section, only jobs that were completed within that date range appear on the report. The date range does not affect the Active Jobs That Could Unoccupy a Patient section.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific patients and/or a specific job to appear on the report. If no patients and no job are selected, all patient jobs that meet the report

criteria appear.



The report has two sections: Active Jobs That Could Unoccupy a Patient and Completed Jobs That Have Unoccupied a Patient.

Active Jobs That Could Unoccupy a Patient displays active transport jobs (not completed or cancelled) where an already-occupied destination has been selected. Job statuses are listed. Job statuses that could appear are:

  • Possible

  • Appointment

  • Pending

  • Dispatched

  • Assist/Dispatch

  • Delay/Dispatch

  • In Progress

  • Assist/In Progress

  • Delay/In Progress

Under each status, jobs in that status appear in order by job number. The patient who currently occupies the destination bed could be displaced unless the transport request is edited or cancelled before the job is completed.

Completed Jobs That Have Unoccupied a Patient displays completed transport jobs with destinations that were already occupied by another patient. When the job was completed, the transported patient was noted as the bed's occupant and the patient who previously occupied the bed was displaced.


Both sections have the following columns.



Job ID

The identification number of the transport job. Jobs appear in order by job number. If a job was a sequential job, the number will appear in the format ####-# (for example, 544322-1, 54432-2).


The user who selected and saved the occupied destination location (bed).

Patient Name

The patient who was or is to be transported. The patient associated with the transport request.

Patient Number

The medical record number or visit number of the patient who was or is to be transported. Whether medical record number or visit number appears depends on settings configured in the Master Configuration section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure these settings.


The location that the patient was or is to be transported from.


The already-occupied location that the patient was or is to be transported to.

Affected Patient

The patient who occupied the destination location and was or will be displaced upon completion of the transport job.

Affected Patient Number

The medical record number or visit number of the patient who occupied the destination location and who was or will be displaced upon completion of the transport job. Whether medical record number or visit number appears depends on settings configured in the Master Configuration section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure these settings.


If requesters at your organization are required to select reason codes and enter comments when they select occupied destinations on transport job requests, the reason code selected for each job appears in this column.


If requesters at your organization are required to select reason codes and enter comments when they select occupied destinations on transport job requests, the comments entered for each job appear in this column.

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