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Receivers Delay and Cancellations Report - Capacity IQ® Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Receivers Delay and Cancellations Report


For each cost center that receives transport jobs and meets the criteria selected for the report, the Receivers Delay and Cancellations Report displays delay and cancellation information for each destination location within the cost center that meets the report criteria. The information includes the number of delays and cancellations, average delay length in minutes, and percentage of transport jobs delayed and cancelled. This information can help supervisors to analyze trends and determine how to adjust staff to minimize the impact of delays and cancellations.


Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.

Only transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated appear on the report.

The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as cost centers, locations, and date and time range) appear on the report.

Each subsection of the report represents a cost center. It includes the following information for each destination location within the cost center that meets the selected criteria. The report displays only cost centers that meet the report criteria and that contain transport job origin and destination locations that are within the membership of the user who generated the report.

The following information appears on the report.




Name of each destination location within the cost center that meets the report criteria.

Total Jobs

Total number of transport jobs for each destination location for the selected date range.

Total Delay

Total number of transport jobs that were delayed for each destination location for the selected date range.

Delay Percentage

Percentage of transport jobs that were delayed for each destination location for the selected date range.

Average Delay Minutes

Average number of minutes that transport jobs were delayed for each destination location for the selected date range.

Total Cancellations

Total number of transport jobs that were cancelled for each destination location for the selected date range.

Cancellation Percentage

Percentage of transport jobs that were cancelled for each destination location for the selected date range.

Avg Wait Time

Average duration of Pending status to Completed status time of transport jobs for each destination location for the selected date range.

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