Receivers On Demand Wait Time Report
For each cost center associated with a location that receives transport jobs and meets the criteria selected for the report, the Receivers On Demand Wait Time Report displays (in the Detailed View) Pending time, Completed time, and total wait time (duration in minutes from Pending to Completed status) for each destination location within the cost center that meets the report criteria for each date. The Detailed View displays daily and cost center totals, average wait times, and standard deviations. The Summary View of the report displays cost center totals, average wait times, and standard deviations. This information can help requesters and users who are waiting for patients to arrive to determine how long it might take to complete a transport job.
Only data related to transport jobs with origins and/or destinations within the membership of the user who generated the report appears.
Only completed, on demand (non-appointment) transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated appear on the report.
The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such as cost centers, locations, and date and time range) appear on the report. Only data that is within the membership of the user who generated the report and within the campus selected in the report criteria appears.
Note: When selecting report criteria, it is possible to select cost centers and then select locations that are not within those cost centers. If you select a location that is not within a selected cost center, it is possible that no data will appear.
On the Report Criteria page in the Summary Only section, if you selected Yes, then only the total trips, average wait time, standard deviation minutes, and grand totals appear on the report**. Pending Time**, Completion Time, and Wait Time When Receiving do not appear.
Each subsection of the detailed report represents a cost center. Information is displayed by date of activity. It includes the following information for each destination location within the cost center that meets the selected criteria. The summary reports displays total jobs, average sending wait time, and standard deviation wait time for each cost center included on the report (but not for each day included on the report). The report displays only cost centers that meet the report criteria and that contain transport job origin and destination locations that are within the membership of the user who generated the report.
Note: Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).
Name | Description |
Receiver (in Detailed View only) | Name of each destination location within the cost center that meets the report criteria. |
Pending Time (in Detailed View Only) | The date and time that a transport job with this destination location entered Pending status. |
Completion Time (in Detailed View only) | The time that a transport job with this destination location entered Completed status. |
Wait Time When Receiving (in Detailed View Only) | Duration in minutes of Pending to Completed status for the transport job whose destination is listed in the Receiver column. |
Daily Totals (in Detailed View only) | The total number of transport jobs with destination locations in this cost center for the day. Plus, the average wait time and the standard deviation (of Pending to Completed time) in minutes for the day. |
Cost Center Totals (in Detailed View Only) and Cost Center (in Summary View) | The total number of transport jobs with destination locations in this cost center for the date range selected. Plus, the average wait time and the standard deviation (of Pending to Completed time) in minutes for that period. |