Processing Time Analysis Report Description
Permission Required
The Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.
The Processing Time Analysis report displays information about milestones in the placement process, grouped by one of several possible entities and by time periods that can be selected on the Report Criteria page (such as origin unit, target unit, admit source, or attending physician). Examples of the information are:
Time that the bed was assigned
Time that the patient was marked Ready to Move
The amount of time between when the bed was assigned and when the patient was marked Ready to Move
The amount of time between when the bed was marked Clean and when the patient began to occupy it.
The amount of time between when it was possible for the patient to begin occupying a bed and when the patient actually began to occupy the bed. It is possible for a patient to begin occupying a bed when the patient is ready to move AND a clean bed is assigned to the patient. The Clean & RTM - Occupied time takes into consideration the time and order in which the patient was marked Ready to Move, the bed was assigned to the patient, and the bed was marked Clean compared to the time that the patient began to occupy the bed. This can help to clarify why there might be a longer-than-expected period of time between when a patient is marked Ready to Move or when the bed is assigned or cleaned and when the patient begins to occupy the assigned bed.
In addition, statistics appear for each time period and each grouping (such as origin unit or admit source).
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only completed placements where the bed has already been occupied that are associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
The report displays only placements where the origin bed (patient's home location before the placement was completed), the origin unit, or the occupied bed location are within the membership of the user who generated the report.
The user who generates the report selects a date range and time periods. Only placements with requested dates and times within the selected date range and the selected time periods appear on the report.
The user who generates the report can group the data in the columns by origin unit, admit source, admit type, admitting physician, attending physician, hospital service, patient type, occupied unit, or discipline associated with occupied unit. They can limit the data on the report to specific entities within these categories (for example, show only placements associated with certain origin units, admit sources, or attending physicians on the report).
Data for the time periods selected is displayed under each grouping. For example, under each origin unit grouping shown on the report, data for the time periods included on the report that had activity (such as Period 2) appears.
The Report Parameters section displays the descriptions of the time periods included on the report (for example, Period 2: 08:00 to 15:59).
Statistics for each period (such as Period 2) and each grouping (such as Origin Unit 010100) appear. Examples of these statistics are average Clean-to-Occupied time or average Request-to-Assign time and number and percentage of placements that were never activated [exceptions] per period or group). There is also a section of overall statistics for the report.
The user who generates the report can exclude placements that exceed a maximum time in which placements should go from Requested status to Assigned status, beds should go from Clean status to Occupied status, and beds should go from Requested to Occupied. Placements with non-zero values for Request-to-Assign time, Clean-to-Occupied Time, and Request-to-Occupied time which exceed the maximum values that were selected are excluded from the report.
The user who generates the report can select to display standard deviation in the Statistics sections.
If Protected Health Information (PHI) was excluded, a line will appear in place of the excluded PHI.
The user who generates the report can select to include a target summary in each statistics section. The target summary shows the number and percentage of normal records that met the target times set for Requested-to-Assigned, Clean-to-Occupied, and Requested-to-Occupied. Normal records are placement requests that are NOT:
Conflicts—Placements where the assigned bed is different from the occupied bed.
Exceptions—Placements that were never activated.
Pre-Assigned—Placements where the date and time that the bed was assigned is earlier than the requested date and time.
Unassigned—Placements where no bed is assigned.
The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
Data per Period
The following information is displayed for each entity in the selected grouping (for example, each origin unit or each admit source) and each time period selected.
Name | Description |
Specific Grouping | Specific entity by which the data is grouped. Examples are specific admit sources, origin units, occupied units, or attending physicians. |
Period | The number of the period for which the data is displayed (for example, Period 2). The definitions of each period are shown in the Report Parameters. |
Assn Bed | The bed abbreviation for assigned bed associated with the placement. Red text means that the bed is assigned to a pre-admitted patient. |
Origin Bed | The bed that was the patient's home location just before the placement was completed. This bed could be an origin bed for a patient who was in Pending Transfer status or a holding bed for a patient who was in PreAdmit status. |
Occpd Bed | The abbreviation of the bed that was occupied as a result of the placement. Teal-colored text indicates that no bed was assigned to this placement request (Unassigned). Violet-colored text indicates that the assigned bed was different from the occupied bed (Conflict). |
Patient Name, Visit Number, or Medical Record Number (MRN) | Depending on selections made on the Report Criteria page, this column displays either the patient's medical record number, visit number, or name. |
Creation Date | The date that the placement request was created. |
Req Date and Time | The date and time that the bed is needed. |
Assn Time | The time that the bed was assigned. |
RTM Time | The time that the patient was marked Ready to Move. |
Clean Time | If the bed was cleaned after it was assigned, then this is the time that the bed was marked Clean. If the bed was cleaned before it was assigned, then this is the time that the bed was assigned. If the assigned bed was already clean, then the time is updated when the bed is assigned. If the assigned bed is not cleaned, then the time is updated every time the assigned bed is cleaned. |
Occupied Time | The time that bed became occupied. |
Name | Description |
Req-RTM | The Ready-to-Move date and time minus the requested date and time. If there is no Ready-to-Move date and time associated with the placement, then this column is blank. The value is shown in hours and minutes. For example, 1:30 means that the patient was marked Ready-to-Move 1 hour and 30 minutes after the bed was requested. |
Req-Assn | The assignment date and time minus the requested date and time. The value is shown in hours and minutes. For example, 1:00 means that the bed was assigned 1 hour after it was requested. |
RTM-Assn or Assn-RTM | If the patient was marked Ready-to Move before the bed was assigned, then the RTM-Assn columns shows the assignment date and time minus the Ready-to-Move date and time. If the patient was marked Ready-to-Move after the bed was assigned, then the Assn-RTM column shows the Ready-to-Move date and time minus the assignment date and time. If no Ready-to-Move time is associated with the placement, then this column is blank. For example, :30 in the RTM-Assn column means that the bed was assigned 30 minutes after the patient was marked Ready-to-Move. :30 in the Assn-RTM column means that the patient was marked Ready-to-Move 30 minutes after the bed was assigned. At least one of these columns is blank because the values are based on the order of events. If the patient was marked Ready to Move after the bed was assigned, then the Assn-RTM column has a value and the RTM-Assn does not and vice versa. If there is no Ready to Move time associated with the patient, then both columns are blank. |
Assn-Clean | The date and time that the bed was marked clean minus the date and time that the bed was assigned. For example, 1:00 means that the bed was marked Clean 1 hour after it was assigned. If the column is blank, then 1) the bed was clean when it was assigned or 2) the bed was not assigned. |
Assn-Occupied | The date and time that the bed was occupied minus the date and time that the bed was assigned. For example 1:30 means the bed became occupied 1 hour and 30 minutes after it was assigned. If the column is blank, the bed was not assigned. |
RTM-Occupied | The date and time that the bed was occupied minus the date and time that the patient was marked Ready-to-Move. For example, :25 means that the patient was marked Ready-to-Move 25 minutes before the bed was occupied. If the column is blank, then 1) there is no Ready to Move date and time associated with the patient or 2) no bed was assigned to the placement. |
Clean-Occupied | The date and time that the bed was occupied minus the date and time that the bed was marked Clean. For example, :30 means that the bed was marked Clean 30 minutes before it became occupied. If this column is blank, then 1) the bed was clean when it was assigned or 2) no bed was assigned to the placement. If a patient is assigned to a Clean bed, then the Assigned-to-Occupied time (Assn-Occupied) appears in this column. |
Clean & RTM-Occupied | The duration between 1) the latest of when the patient was marked Ready to Move, or when the bed was assigned, or when the bed was marked Clean and 2) when the patient actually began to occupy the bed. The calculation used to compute the Clean & RTM-Occupied time takes into account the difference between the latest time that it was possible for the patient to begin occupying the bed and the time that the patient actually did begin to occupy the bed. It is possible for a patient to begin occupying a bed when the patient is ready to move AND a clean bed is assigned to the patient. The value shown in this column takes into consideration that the order in which a bed was marked clean, a patient was marked Ready to Move, and the bed was assigned to the patient can vary between placements. For example, often a patient is assigned to a bed that is already clean, and then the patient is marked Ready to Move, and then the patient is moved to the bed. Sometimes the patient is assigned to a bed that is not yet clean, then the patient is marked Ready to Move while the bed is not clean, and then the bed is cleaned. The Clean & RTM-Occupied value helps to clarify situations where it might have taken longer than expected for a patient to begin occupying a bed. The value is shown in minutes rounded to two decimal places. Sometimes this column is blank. For placements that are considered Exceptions or Unassigned, this column will always be blank. It is not feasible to compare occupied times to assignment times, Ready to Move times, or clean times for placements that were never activated or never had assigned beds. For placements that are considered PreAssignments or Conflicts, this column will be blank if the assigned bed is NOT clean and/or the patient is NOT marked Ready to Move. If there is no Ready to Move time or no clean time for a placement that had an assigned bed prior to the requested date and time, or where the patient ultimately occupied a bed other than the assigned bed, then it is not feasible to compare the occupied time to the assigned time, Ready to Move time, or the clean time. |
Calculation | Occupied date and time minus the latest of the Clean Time, the Assn Time, or the RTM Time. |
Total Time | The date and time that the bed became occupied minus the requested date and time. Value is shown in hours and minutes. 2:30 means that the bed became occupied 2 hours and 30 minutes after the placement request was activated. |
Period, Group, and Overall Statistics
The following information is displayed in each Period Statistics and Group Statistics section and in the Overall Summary section. The Period Statistics section shows the statistics for each time period associated with the grouping. The Group Statistics section shows statistics for the entire grouping. The Overall Summary section shows the statistics for the entire report. For example, in the Origin Unit 01001 section, the Period 2 Statistics section shows data for Period 2 within Origin Unit 01001. The Group Statistics section within the Origin Unit 01001 section shows data from all time periods associated with Origin Unit 01001. The Overall Summary section shows statistics for all groupings and time periods included on the report.
Name | Description |
Normal Records | Number of normal placement records in the grouping or time period or overall report. Normal records are those that are not pre-assignments, exceptions, conflicts, or unassigned. (See below for definitions.) |
PreAssignments | Number of placement records in the grouping or time period where the dates and times that beds were assigned are earlier than the requested dates and times. Only records where the assigned bed is clean and the patient is marked Ready to Move are included in calculations of PreAssignments. |
Calculation | Occupied Date/Time minus the maximum of Clean Date and Time, Ready to Move date and time, or assignment date and time. |
Exceptions | Number of placement records in the grouping or time period that were never activated. |
Conflicts | Number of placement records in the grouping or time period where the assigned bed was different from the occupied bed. Only records where the assigned bed is clean and the patient is marked Ready to Move are included in calculations of Conflicts. |
Calculation | Occupied Date/Time minus the maximum of Clean Date and Time of assigned bed, Ready to Move date and time, or assignment date and time. |
Unassigned | Number of placement records in the grouping or time period that did not have an assigned bed. |
Note | Target summaries only included if selected on Report Criteria page. |
Target Summary for Normal Records: Requested to Assigned | Number and percentage of total normal records for the period or grouping which met the target selected on the Report Criteria page for Requested-to-Assigned time. Normal records are those that are not pre-assigned, exceptions, conflicts, or unassigned. For example, if 30 minutes was selected as the maximum time after which a bed should be assigned once a placement request has been activated, and 3 of 3 placement records had beds that were assigned within 30 minutes after the placement requests were finalized, then 3 of 3 for 100% appears. |
Target Summary for Normal Records: Clean to Occupied | Number and percentage of total normal records for the period or grouping which met the target selected on the Report Criteria page for Clean-to-Occupied time. Normal records are those that are not pre-assigned, exceptions, conflicts, or unassigned. For example, if 1 hour was selected as the maximum time after which a bed should be occupied once it has been marked clean, and 2 of 3 placement records had beds that were occupied within 1 hour after they were marked clean, then 2 of 3 for 67% appears. |
Target Summary for Normal Records: Requested to Occupied | Number and percentage of total normal records for the period or grouping which met the target selected on the Report Criteria page for Requested-to-Occupied time. Normal records are those that are not pre-assigned, exceptions, conflicts, or unassigned. For example, if 1 hour and 30 minutes was selected as the maximum time after which a bed should be occupied once the placement request has been activated, and 2 of 3 placement records had beds that were occupied within 1 hour and 30 minutes after the placement requests have been activated, then 2 of 3 for 67% appears. |
Avg (Req-RTM, Req-Assn, Assn-RTM, Assn-Clean, Assn-Occpd, RTM-Occpd, Clean-Occpd) | Average for the grouping or the period for Requested-to-Ready-to-Move, Requested-to-Assigned, Assigned to Ready-to-Move, Assigned-to-Clean, Assigned-to-Occupied, Ready-to-Move-to-Occupied, Clean-to-Occupied, and Clean and Ready-to-Move-to-Occupied times. Values are displayed in hours and minutes. For example, 0:09 means an average of 9 minutes. Placements that do not have time spans are excluded from the calculations of averages. |
Std. Dev (Req-RTM, Req-Assn, Assn-RTM, Assn-Clean, Assn-Occpd, RTM-Occpd, Clean-Occpd) | Standard deviation for the grouping or the period for Requested-to-Ready-to-Move, Requested-to-Assigned, Assigned to Ready-to-Move, Assigned-to-Clean, Assigned-to-Occupied, Ready-to-Move-to-Occupied, and Clean-to-Occupied times. Values are displayed in hours and minutes. For example, 0:17 means a standard deviation of 17 minutes. Placements that do not have time spans are excluded from the standard deviation calculations. The standard deviation only appears on the report if it was selected on the Report Criteria page. |