Assignment Timer Metrics Report Description
Permission Required
The Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.
This report provides an overview of how much time elapses between the bed requested time and the time that a bed is assigned to a patient. The Assignment Timer Metrics report displays counts, averages, and duration by either:
User who assigned the bed, or
Origin unit or assigned unit
Duration is the difference between the bed requested time and the bed assignment time (Requested Time to Assigned Time).
A detailed report or a summary report may be generated.
The detailed report displays specifics about completed placements per target or origin unit or per assigning user, such as the occupied bed, the requested time, the time that the assigned unit was selected or changed and saved, and the time that the bed was assigned.
For every day of the date range selected, the summary report lists counts per unit or user of:
Completed placements
Compliant completed placements (those that have positive assignment timer durations, meaning that the bed requested time was earlier than the bed assignment time)
Non-compliant completed placements (those that have negative assignment timer durations, meaning that the bed assignment time was earlier than the bed requested time)
Duration between requested time and bed assignment time.
Average duration between requested time and bed assignment time.
Standard deviation, if selected, displays the average distance from the average time for compliant placements. For a compliant placement, the duration between the bed requested time and bed assignment time is a positive number.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only completed placements associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
The report displays only occupying locations or requesting units that are within the membership of the user who generated the report.
The user who generates the report selects a date range and a shift. Only placements with requested dates within the selected date range and the selected shift appear on the report. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
The user who generates the report can choose a summary report or a detailed report.
The user who generates the report can select to display standard deviation (average distance from the average assignment time for compliant placements).
Data appears by user who assigned the bed, by assigned unit, or by origin unit, depending on criteria selected by the user who generated the report.
Detailed Report
The following information is displayed on the detailed report for each user or assigned unit or origin unit, for each day within the date range selected.
Name | Description |
Date | Requested dates of the placement. |
Day of the Week | The day of the week on which the requested date fell. |
Patient Name | The last and first name of the patient associated with the placement. |
Assigned Unit (only if data is grouped by user or origin unit) | The unit where the assigned bed is located. |
Assigned by User (only if data is grouped by assigned unit) | The user who assigned the bed. |
Occupied Bed | The abbreviation of the bed that the patient occupies. |
Request Time | The time that the bed is needed. |
Target Time | The time that the target unit was selected or changed and saved. |
Assign Time | The time that the bed was assigned. |
RTM Time | The time portion of Ready To Move Date Time. |
Duration Req - Assn | Duration Req - Assn is the Assign Time minus Request Time displayed in hh:mm format. If the duration is negative, meaning that the assignment time was earlier than the requested time, the column is blank. |
Duration Req - Target | Duration Req - Target is the Target Time minus Request Time displayed in hh:mm format. If the duration is negative, meaning that the target time was earlier than the requested time, the column is blank. |
Duration Target - Assn | Duration Target - Assn is the Assign Time minus Target Time displayed in hh:mm format. If the duration is negative, meaning that the assignment time was earlier than the target time, the column is blank. |
Duration RTM - Assn | Duration RTM Assn is the Assign Time minus RTM (Ready-To-Move) Time displayed in hh:mm format. If the duration is negative, meaning that the assignment time was earlier than the RTM time, the column is blank. |
Group Duration Average | Average duration (bed requested time to bed assignment time) of all compliant placement records for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. Compliant placements are those that have positive durations. |
Daily Duration Average | Average duration (bed requested time to bed assignment time) of all compliant placement records for the unit or user for the date. |
Invalid Timer Values | Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. |
Summary Report
The following information is displayed on the summary report for each user or assigned unit or origin unit, for each day within the date range selected.
Name | Description |
Date | Requested date of the placement |
Day of the Week | The day of the week on which the requested date fell. |
Total Records | The total number of placements that have assignments for this requested date. |
Req - Assn Duration | Total: Difference between the bed requested time and the bed assignment time for all compliant placement records for this requested date. Non-compliant placements are excluded. Average: Average duration (bed requested time to bed assignment time) of all completed placement records for that requested date (Total Records divided by Total Compliant Records). Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. This shows the number of placements processed that were not performed in accordance with best practices. |
Req - Target Duration | Total: Difference between the bed requested time and the time the target unit was selected for all compliant placement records for this requested date. Non-compliant placements are excluded. Average: Average duration (bed requested time to bed target time) of all completed placement records for that requested date (Total Records divided by Total Compliant Records). Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. This shows the number of placements processed that were not performed in accordance with best practices. |
Target - Assn Duration | Total: Difference between the bed target time and the bed assignment time for all compliant placement records for this requested date. Non-compliant placements are excluded. Average: Average duration (bed target time to bed assignment time) of all completed placement records for that requested date (Total Records divided by Total Compliant Records). Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. This shows the number of placements processed that were not performed in accordance with best practices. |
RTM Assn Duration | Total: Difference between the Ready-to-Move (RTM) time and the bed assignment time for all compliant placement records for this requested date. Non-compliant placements are excluded. Average: Average duration (bed RTM time to bed assignment time) of all completed placement records for that requested date (Total Records divided by Total Compliant Records). Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. This shows the number of placements processed that were not performed in accordance with best practices. |
Group Summary | Average: Average duration of all compliant placement records for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. Averages include Req - Assn, Req - Target, Target - Assn and RTM - Assn. Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements for the unit or user within the selected date range and shift. |
Report Summary | Average: Average duration of all compliant placement records for included placements on the report within the selected date range and shift. Averages include Req - Assn, Req - Target, Target - Assn and RTM - Assn. Invalid: Number of non-compliant placements on the report for the selected date range and shift. |