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Notification History Report - PreAdmit
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

PreAdmitTracking® application Notification History Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the following permission to generate this report:

Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information


The Notification History Report gives an overview of notifications that have been sent to PreAdmitTracking® application users during the date range selected on the Report Criteria page for the selected campus. It is an easy way to see the number of notifications or alerts that were sent about specific patients or to specific recipients and to see the types of notifications that were sent.


See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning users and beds that appear on the report.

Report Parameters

If the report is in .pdf format, then criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only notifications and alerts about patients associated with the selected campus appear on the report.

  • If the report is in unformatted .xls format, then data appears in simple rows and columns and is not totaled, summarized, or grouped. This format is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis.

  • If the report is in .pdf or formatted .xls format, then data is grouped by recipient name. The number of messages for each recipient appears near the recipient's name in the Recipient Notification Count section.

  • If the report is in unformatted .xls format, then a Message Text column appears displaying the information in each notification or alert. If the report is in formatted .xls or .pdf format, then the user who generates the report can choose to include or exclude message text by selecting Yes or No for the Show Details option. If message text is included in a .pdf or formatted .xls report, it appears underneath the date and time that the message was sent for each recipient.

  • Only notifications and alerts that were sent within the specified date range are included in the report.

  • Only notifications and alerts that concern the selected patients are included. If no specific patients were selected, then messages about all patients associated with the selected campus are included.

  • Only messages sent to the selected recipients are included. If no specific recipients were selected, then messages sent to all recipients associated with the enterprise are included. Recipients from multiple campuses can appear on one report.

  • Instant messages about discharge and transfer milestones can be included. Other types of instant messages are excluded.

Notification History Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears in the columns on the Notification History Report.

On a report in formatted .xls or .pdf format, the following information appears under each recipient's name. The messages that user received are listed under the user's name. A total number of messages for that recipient for the specified date range appears in the Recipient Notification Count section. The total number of notifications/alerts for all recipients included in the report appears at the end in the Total Notifications section.

On a report in unformatted .xls format, the following information is not grouped under each recipient's name. Each message is listed separately. The recipient's name appears in the Recipient column. The message text appears in the Message Text column. There are no counts of messages per recipient or total messages.

This column... Displays...

Date Sent

The date and time that the message was sent. If the report is in .pdf format and the user who generated the report selected Yes for Show Detail, then the message text appears below the date and time. In unformatted Excel output, there is always a column called Message Text that shows the text of the message.

OCCPD Alert: Jones, Chris U Isolation: Chicken Pox Dest Room/Bed: LocA6 Dest Bed Status: Clean Origin Unit: 3C ACUTE Admit Source: Main


Displays the event that the notification or alert concerns. For example, you can see whether a notification was sent about an assigned bed or about a bed becoming occupied. You can see whether an alert was sent because a discharge timer or occupied timer threshold was reached. You can see whether the user received an instant message or a "Notify Now" message (another user chose to notify the recipient immediately after information on the Patient/Placement Details form was saved).


Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method


desktop |

screen Alert |

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.

pager |


device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings

Email |


Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings

Nurse Mobile |

handheld-P |

push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail car

transporter Mobile |

handheld |

push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information

EVS Mobile |

handheld |

push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information


The last and first name of the patient whom the message concerns.

Assigned Bed

The abbreviation of the bed to which the patient was assigned at the time that the message was sent.

Message Text (column appears only on unformatted .xls output)

In a .pdf or formatted .xls output, message text appears underneath Date Sent if Yes was selected for Show Detail when the report was generated. In the unformatted .xls output, the full message text always appears in the Message Text column.

OCCPD Alert: Jones, Chris U Isolation: Chicken Pox Dest Room/Bed: LocA6 Dest Bed Status: Clean Origin Unit: 3C ACUTE Admit Source: Main

Recipient (column appears only on unformatted .xls output)

Last and first name of user who received the message.


Yes means that the message was sent successfully. However, this does not guarantee that the intended recipient got the message. If the Alert button at the top of the screen is indicating that a screen alert has been received, the message will be included in this history, even if the user has not yet clicked the Alert button to view the message.

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