Milestone Delay Report Description
Permissions Required
The PreAdmitTracking® application Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.
The completion of discharge and transfer milestones can be delayed for various reasons. For example, completion of the Transportation discharge milestone could be delayed because the patient's family cannot take the patient home until the evening. The Milestone Delay Report allows you to analyze reasons for delays in completing discharge and transfer milestones. You can see the units, the patients, and the reasons that were involved in delays. The report also provides details such as the start and end time of delays, the duration of delays, and any comments entered by the users who marked the milestones delayed. This information can help to uncover trends in milestone delays.
Report Parameters
If the report is in .pdf format, the report header includes the parameters of the report. Examples of the parameters are the campus for which data will be displayed, the date and time range selected, and whether the report is about discharge or transfer milestones. If the report is in .xls format, then report parameters do not appear.
About the Report Data
Only data from the campus selected when the report was generated appears. The users who generate the reports can select a campus if they have membership to at least one unit in the campus. The users can choose any units from the selected campus to appear on the report, even if those units are not within their membership. If no specific units are chosen at the time the report is generated, then all units from the selected campus are on the report.
Only data that meets the report criteria selected appears. For example, if specific units and patients were selected when the report was generated, only data about those units and patients appears.
One report can show data for either transfer milestones or discharge milestones. The user who generates the report selects either Discharge or Transfer.
If the report displays transfer milestone information, then the units displayed are either the origin units (the units from which patients were transferred) or the destination units (the units that received transferred patients). The user who generates the report selects either Origin or Destination.
If patients have discharge milestone delays associated with them at the time that the Milestone Delay report is generated, then those patients and their discharge milestone delays are displayed on the report, regardless of whether the patients have been discharged or are still inhouse. The patients' statuses could be Inhouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged.
The Milestone Delay report shows transfer milestone delays that were associated with patients in Inhouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged status at the time that the report was generated, whether or not the patients' placements have been completed. Placements would be incomplete for patients who are in Pending Transfer status. The placement status would be Completed for patients whose status is Inhouse, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged. If the Maintain Bed Assignment on ConfirmD/PendingD setting is enabled, then placements could be incomplete for patients in Confirmed Discharge or Pending Discharge status.
If the report is in .pdf format, it can be grouped by patient, by unit, or by milestone and delay reason. The user who generates the report makes the selection. If the report is grouped by unit, each unit will appear with patient and milestone delay data underneath. A unit summary will also appear. If the report is grouped by patient, each patient name will appear with unit and milestone delay data underneath. A patient summary will appear. If the report is grouped by milestone and delay reason, then each milestone appears with the delay reason underneath and patient and unit data under that. A milestone summary appears. Reports in .xls format do not include group headings or summaries.
If the report is in .pdf format, within each unit or patient section (depending on whether data is grouped by unit or patient), data is sorted either alphabetically by patient name, alphabetically by milestone, or chronologically by milestone delay date and time in either ascending or descending order. Within that primary sort, data can be sorted again a second and third time by the same categories.
Groupings and summaries appear in the .pdf format of the reports only. The .xls format displays only the columns.
The following information is displayed on the report.
Columns in Unit, Patient, and Milestone Groupings
Each grouping displays a title that is either a unit name, a patient name, or a milestone name. If the grouping title is a milestone name, then the milestone delay reasons appear as subtitles underneath. Groupings appear only if the report is generated as a .pdf file. They do not appear in .xls files. Only the columns appear in .xls files. The following columns appear.
Name | Description |
Patient Name | Does not appear if the report is grouped by patient. This column displays the name of the patient associated with the milestone delay reason. |
Unit | Does not appear if the report is grouped by unit. This column displays the unit associated with the patient. If this is a transfer milestone delay report, this can be either the origin unit from which the patient was transferred or the destination unit to which the patient was transferred, depending on selections made when the report was generated. Check the report parameters at the top of the report to see whether origin or destination unit was selected. If this is a discharge milestone report, this is the unit where the patient's last known home location is. |
Discharge/Transfer Milestone and Delay Reason | If the report is in .pdf format and is grouped by milestone delay, then these columns do not appear. They display the name of the milestone that was delayed and the reason selected for the delay. Examples are Discharge Teaching and Consult Needed or Transportation and Evening Family pickup. If a delay reason is changed, both the original reason and the new reason will be displayed in separate rows. |
Comments | The most recent notes entered about this milestone for this patient. |
Delayed by | The user who delayed the milestone. |
Delay Start | The date and time that the milestone delay reason was selected. |
Delay End | This is the earliest of the date and time that either 1) the milestone was completed, 2) the milestone delay reason was changed, or 3) the patient was transferred or discharged. If a delay reason is changed, both the original reason and the new reason are displayed in separate rows. The Delay End date and time of the original is the Delay Start date and time of the new reason. |
Delay Duration (Minutes) | The Delay End time minus the Delay Start time rounded up to the nearest minute. |
Unit, Patient, or Milestone Summary Information
If data is grouped by patient, a patient summary appears under each patient name. If data is grouped by unit, a unit summary appears under each unit. If data is grouped by milestone delay, a milestone summary appears under each milestone name. Summaries appear only if the report is generated as a .pdf file.
Name | Description |
Discharge Milestone | Does not appear if data is grouped by milestone delay. Lists the milestone that is associated with the unit or patient. |
Delay Reason | Lists the delay reason associated with the milestone. |
Count | Total occurrences of the delay reason for the unit, the patient, or the milestone. |
Delay Duration (Minutes) | Total delay duration in minutes across all occurrences of this delay reason for this patient, or this unit, or this milestone. |
Report Summary Information
A report summary appears only if the report is generated as a .pdf file.
Name | Description |
Discharge Milestone | Lists the milestones that appear in the report. |
Delay Reason | Lists the delay reason associated with each milestone. |
Count | Total occurrences of the delay reason in the report. |
Delay Duration (Minutes) | Total delay duration in minutes across all occurrences of this delay reason in this report. |