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Pending Status Compliance Report Description - PreAdmit
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Pending Status Compliance Report Description

Permission Required

At least one of the following permissions is required to generate this report:

  • Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Pending Status Compliance Report compares the number of actual transfers from an origin unit to the number of patients who were in Pending Transfer status for that origin unit. It also compares the number of actual discharges from an origin unit to the number of patients who were in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status for that origin unit. The percentages of compliance for transfers and for discharges for each origin unit and for all origin units are displayed. If compliance percentages are more than 100, then the number of actual discharges or transfers is less than the number of patients who were in Confirmed Discharge, Pending Discharge, or Pending Transfer status. If compliance percentages are less than 100, then the number of actual discharges or transfers is greater than the number of patients who were in Confirmed Discharge, Pending Discharge, or Pending Transfer status and some patients were discharged or transferred without having been in those statuses.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.

  • Only origin units included in the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • The user who generates the report can select to include only transfers and discharges associated with specific origin units that are within the selected campus. If no specific units are selected, all transfers and discharges associated with all origin units within the selected campus and the user's membership will be included.

  • The user who generates the report can select a date range and a shift. Only transfers with a transfer time (time that patient began to occupy the destination bed) within the selected date range and shift appear on the report. Only discharges with a discharge time that is within the selected date range and shift appear on the report. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.

  • The report has two sections of columns—one for transfers and one for discharges. Each row displays the pending transfer and discharge information for one origin unit.




The following information is displayed on the report for each origin unit displayed for the date range and shift selected.




The origin unit of the transfer.


The number of patients in Pending Transfer status who were to be transferred from this unit.


Total number of actual transfers from this unit.


Pending divided by Actual. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for the unit.ExampleIf Pending and Actual are both 3, then Compliance is 100%. If Pending is 3 and Actual is 2, then compliance is 150%. (More patients were in Pending Transfer status than were actually transferred.) If Pending is 3 and Actual is 4, then compliance is 75%. (More patients were transferred than were in Pending Transfer status. A patient was transferred without having been in Pending Transfer status.)

Overall Transfer Totals

The following information is displayed on the report for all origin units displayed for the date range and shift selected.




The origin units of the transfers.


The number of patients in Pending Transfer status who were to be transferred from all units included on the report.


Total number of actual transfers from all units on the report.


Pending total divided by Actual total. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for all units on the report.ExampleIf Pending and Actual are both 8, then Compliance is 100%. If Pending is 8 and Actual is 7, then compliance is 114%. (More patients were in Pending Transfer status than were actually transferred.) If Pending is 8 and Actual is 9, then compliance is 88%. (More patients were transferred than were in Pending Transfer status. A patient was transferred without having been in Pending Transfer status.)



The following information is displayed on the report for each origin unit displayed for the date range and shift selected.




The origin unit of the discharge.


The number of patients in Pending Discharge status who were to be discharged from this unit.


Total number of actual discharges from this unit.

Pending Compliance

Pending divided by Actual. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for the unit.ExampleIf Pending and Actual are both 3, then Compliance is 100%. If Pending is 3 and Actual is 2, then compliance is 150%. (More patients were in Pending Discharge status than were actually discharged.) If Pending is 3 and Actual is 4, then compliance is 75%. (More patients were discharged than were in Pending Discharge status. A patient was discharged without having been in Pending Discharge status.)


The number of patients in Confirmed Discharge status who were to be discharged from this unit.

Confirmed Compliance

Confirmed divided by Actual. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for the unit.Example If Confirmed and Actual are both 3, then Compliance is 100%. If Confirmed is 3 and Actual is 2, then compliance is 150%. (More patients were in Confirmed Discharge status than were actually discharged.) If Confirmed is 3 and Actual is 4, then compliance is 75%. (More patients were discharged than were in Confirmed Discharge status. A patient was discharged without having been in Confirmed Discharge status.)

Total Discharge Compliance %

Number of discharged patients who have been in both Pending Discharge status and Confirmed Discharge status divided by the actual number of discharges.Example20 patients were discharged and 15 of those discharged patients have been in Pending Discharge status and in Confirmed Discharge status. Of the 5 remaining patients, 3 have been in Pending Discharge status, but not Confirmed Discharge status and 1 has been in Confirmed Discharge status, but not Pending Discharge status. One has been in neither Pending Discharge nor Confirmed Discharge status. Total discharge compliance is 15/20 or 75%.

Overall Discharge Totals

The following information is displayed on the report for all origin units displayed for the date range and shift selected.




The origin units of the discharges.


The number of patients in Pending Discharge status who were to be discharged from all units on the report.


Total number of actual discharges from all units on the report.

Pending Compliance

Pending totals divided by Actual totals. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for the unit.ExampleIf Pending and Actual are both 8, then Compliance is 100%. If Pending is 8 and Actual is 7, then compliance is 114%. (More patients were in Pending Discharge status than were actually discharged.) If Pending is 8 and Actual is 9, then compliance is 88%. (More patients were discharged than were in Pending Discharge status. A patient was discharged without having been in Pending Discharge status.)


The number of patients in Confirmed Discharge status who were to be discharged from this unit.

Confirmed Compliance

Confirmed totals divided by Actual totals. If N/A appears, then Actual was 0 for the unit.ExampleIf Confirmed and Actual are both 8, then Compliance is 100%. If Confirmed is 8 and Actual is 7, then compliance is 114%. (More patients were in Confirmed Discharge status than were actually discharged.) If Confirmed is 8 and Actual is 9, then compliance is 88%. (More patients were discharged than were in Confirmed Discharge status. Some patients were discharged without having been in Confirmed Discharge status.)

Total Discharge Compliance %

Number of discharged patients who have been in both Pending Discharge status and Confirmed Discharge status divided by the actual number of discharges.Example200 patients were discharged and 150 of those discharged patients have been in Pending Discharge status and in Confirmed Discharge status. Of the 50 remaining patients, 30 have been in Pending Discharge status, but not Confirmed Discharge status and 10 have been in Confirmed Discharge status, but not Pending Discharge status. Ten have been in neither Pending Discharge nor Confirmed Discharge status. Total discharge compliance is 150/200 or 75%.

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