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Daily Cleans Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Daily Cleans Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Daily Cleans report shows totals and averages related to daily clean jobs. Data is displayed either by employee or by unit. This report can help you to determine the units or employees that have had the most daily cleaning jobs, how many daily cleaning jobs have been completed or cancelled per units or employee, and the average time it took to complete daily cleaning jobs.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions related to the data that appears on the report.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • All the available daily clean data for rooms that are associated with the BedTracking® application and that are within the membership of the user who generated the report are included.

  • The report can be grouped by employee name or by unit. If it is grouped by employee, employees' names are listed and information about the daily cleaning jobs they worked on appears underneath their names. If the report is grouped by unit, then units are listed with details about the daily cleaning jobs that occurred within those units. However, grouping is not in effect if the report is in Microsoft Excel-Unformatted format.

  • If No was selected for Summary View?, then details about individual jobs appear. If Yes was selected for Summary View?, then counts and averages are listed per unit or per employee. However, details about times, reason codes, room accommodation, and bed count do not appear.

  • The report is sorted in ascending or descending chronological order by the date and time that daily clean jobs were performed. If the report is in Microsoft Excel-Unformatted format, the Group By selection determines the sorting.

Detailed Daily Cleans Report Column Descriptions (.pdf and Unformatted Microsoft Excel output)

The following information appears in the columns on the detailed Daily Clean report in .pdf or Microsoft Excel format.

This column...



The room abbreviation associated with the daily cleaning job.


Dates appear as determined by the enterprise-wide setting for date format.

To Do

The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the To Do status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.

In Progress

The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the In Progress status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.


The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the Clean status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.


The time of day that the daily cleaning job was canceled. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting.


The amount of time that the job has been in an In Progress status at time the report is generated:<br><br>If the job was completed, (Complete time minus In Progress time).<br><br>If job was canceled, (Canceled time minus In Progress time).<br><br>If job is in progress at the time of report generation, (NOW minus In Progress time).


The action that resulted in the latest status. For example, Job In Progress," "Supervisor status change," or "Job completed."

Reason Code

The reason code associated with the latest status change if appropriate.


Who or what performed the action. Options are Employee name or System.

Bed Count

The number of beds in the room where the daily clean was performed.

Group Summary on the Daily Cleans Detail Report

The following information is appears at the end of each group's section on the report and is calculated using the data from the group for the selected campus during the selected date range.



Appears if the Report is Grouped By:

Jobs Completed

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Clean status for the selected campus and date range.

Unit, Employee.

Jobs Canceled

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Canceled status.

Unit, Employee.

Jobs Repeated

The sum of the daily clean jobs that were reset from Clean to To Do by a supervisor.


Jobs Not Started

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Not Started reason code.


No of Outliers

Two numbers appear that are separated by a slash (/).The first number is the count of jobs where duration is less than the Min Daily Clean Time</li><li>The second number is the count of jobs where duration is greater than Max Daily Clean Time.

Unit, Employee.

Avg Clean

The average time it took to complete a daily cleaning job. The average is calculated by dividing the sum of durations of completed jobs by the count of completed jobs. The calculation does not include outliers.

Unit, Employee.

Report Summary on the Daily Cleans Detail Report (.pdf)

The following information appears at the end of the Daily Clean Detailed report if the Summary View? report criteria field was set to Yes. This section is calculated using all of the report's data for the selected campus during the selected date range.



Appears if the Report is Grouped By:

Total Jobs Completed

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Clean status for the selected campus and date range.

Unit, Employee.

Total Jobs Canceled

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Canceled status.

Unit, Employee.

Total Jobs Repeated

The sum of the daily clean jobs that were reset from Clean to To Do by a supervisor.

Unit, Employee.

Total Jobs Not Started

The sum of the daily clean jobs with a Not Started reason code.


No of Outliers

Two numbers appear that are separated by a slash (/).The first number is the count of jobs where duration is less than the Min Daily Clean Time</li><li>The second number is the count of jobs where duration is greater than Max Daily Clean Time.


Total Avg Clean Time

The average time it took to complete a daily cleaning job. The average is calculated by dividing the sum of durations of completed jobs by the count of completed jobs. The calculation does not include outliers.

Unit, Employee.

Daily Cleans Report Column Descriptions(Unformatted Microsoft® Excel® Output)

The following information appears in the columns on the detailed Daily Clean report when the output is unformatted Microsoft Excel format.

The unformatted Excel report is not grouped. Instead, the Group by option in the report criteria determines the sort order.

  • If Unit is the Group By selection, the primary sort is by Unit, the secondary sort is by Date, and the tertiary sort by is by To Do time.

  • If Employee is the Group By selection, the primary sort is by Employee, the secondary sort is by Date, and the tertiary sort is by To Do time.

This column...



The unit that includes the rooms which had a daily cleaning job.


The room abbreviation associated with the daily cleaning job.


The date when the daily clean job was performed. Dates appear as determined by the enterprise-wide setting for date format.

To Do

The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the To Do status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.

In Progress

The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the In Progress status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.


The time of day that the daily cleaning job was put in the Clean status. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting. If the job was cancelled, then this column is blank.


The time of day that the daily cleaning job was canceled. Times are in the format determined by the enterprise-wide setting.


The amount of time that the job has been in an In Progress status at time the report is generated:<br><br>If the job was completed, (Complete time minus In Progress time).<br><br>If job was canceled, (Canceled time minus In Progress time).<br><br>If job is in progress at the time of report generation, (NOW minus In Progress time).

Daily Cleans

  • Date Range—Select the date range for the report. Only daily cleaning job data from within the selected date range appear on the report.

    • Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.

    • Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.

    • Example: If the report should include all daily cleaning job data from between December 1, 2011 and December 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until December 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until December 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.

  • Employee—To include only data associated with certain employees, select the employees' names. If you do not select any names, all employees associated with the selected campus will be included on the report. For example, on the Daily Cleans report, to include only daily cleaning jobs that were completed by certain employees, select the names of those employees.

To Select Employee Names:

  1. In the Search by section, select Employee to search for individual employees / bed cleaners to include on the report. Select Employee Category to display a list of employee categories to include on the report.

  2. If you selected Employee Category in the Search by section, a list appears in the Employee Category box. Click the category you want to include on the report (such as Bed Cleaners-Campus A). To select multiple categories, press and hold the CTRL key and click the categories. If you do not select any names, all employees will be included on the report.

  3. If you selected Employee in the Search by section, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Employee box to display the Search Employees window.

    1. Note: Only employees or bed cleaners whose base units are included in your membership and within the selected campus are listed.

    2. To search for a specific name:

      1. To narrow the list of bed cleaners or employees, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the first or last name, and then click Go.

      2. Select the check boxes for the bed cleaners or employees whom you want to include on the report OR to include all bed cleaners or employees who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.

      3. Click Selected Bed Cleaners to close the Search Bed Cleaners window and place the selected bed cleaner names in the Bed Cleaner box on the Report Criteria page.

    3. To return to having all employees or bed cleaners in the campus who are within your membership included in the report, click the restore icon next to the Bed Cleaner box.

  • Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.

  • Exclude From Averages—You can flag the jobs that are defined as "adjusted," which excludes them from the report's averages calculations. Select one, both, or none of the Adjusted Min Clean or Adjusted Max Clean check boxes. For each selected check box, enter a number of minutes as follows:

    • Adjusted Min Clean—The number of minutes that you enter in the Min box will be compared to the total time that a bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is less than the number of minutes that you enter, then the job will be considered adjusted. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days).

    • Adjusted Max Clean—The number of minutes that you enter in the Max box will be compared to the total time that a bed cleaning job was in the In Progress status. If the total time that a job was in the In Progress status is greater than the number of minutes that you enter, then the job will be considered adjusted. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days).

  • Reason Code—Sometimes users are required to select a reason for blocking a bed or delaying a bed cleaning job. The reason codes that they can select are configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. Some reason codes are automatically assigned to daily cleaning jobs without users selecting them, such as Job Not Started, Job Not Completed, or Patient Discharged. If only certain reason codes that users selected should appear on the report, select those codes in the Reason Code list. To select multiple reason codes, press the CTRL key, and then click. Only reason codes associated with the selected campus appear in the list. If you do not select specific reason codes, all reason codes associated with the selected campus will appear on the report.

  • Note: Any action that was not associated with a reason code will also appear on the report if no specific reason codes are selected.

  • Group By—You can group the data on the report by unit or by employee.

  • Summary View (Yes or No)—To show a summary view of the report, select Yes. To show a detailed view, select No. Summary view displays high level statistics per employee or per unit. Detail view shows a detailed history and multiple additional data points per employee or per unit, such as the time of each job status. In addition, it displays totals and averages per unit or reason. The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) output option is only available if you select No for Summary View.

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