This article will walk you through the steps to add and remove a target facility.
Go to Admin > Settings > Platform Settings to display the Manage Settings page.
Facility Utilization
Under Facility Utilization in Select Facilities, begin typing the name of a facility to which you want to allow referrals to be sent.
Then, select the facility from the list that appears.
The facilities in the list are designated as Targeted Facilities in the Transfer IQ® application or the Capacity IQ® solution at the health system you want to send the patient to.
The facility name appears in the Target Facilities list.
Select Save to save the new targeted facilities that you selected.
When users who have the External Care Provider role create referrals, only these facilities will appear as selection options in the Preferred Facility drop-down menu within the Referral Submission page.
Remove Target Facilities
To remove a target facility, simply click the X located at the end of the facility.
Select the "Save" button to save the updated target facility list.
Who Can Configure the Facility Utilization Setting?
You must have an administrator role to configure settings.