RAC Code (Re-Assignment Authorization Code)
Some users are required to enter a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC) when signing in if they have variable membership and they have been asked during a shift to sign out, sign back in, and select different units and clusters.
If you are not required to enter a RAC code, leave the RAC Code box blank when signing in.
Each RAC code can be used only once, and are valid only for the current day.
Who can provide the RAC code?
Your supervisor, administrator, or another user with special permissions can provide the RAC code to you.
The Allow User to Set Membership on Login permission
Users with the permission are not required to enter RAC codes.
Users without the permission are required to enter RAC codes if they have variable membership, are signing in for a subsequent time during the same shift and are selecting units and clusters that are different from those they selected during the previous login.
The Allow User to Request RAC permission
Users with the permission can use the Request RAC feature (Admin Tool > Request RAC) to:
Generate a RAC to give to a user who requests one.
View the names of users who entered RACs when signing in.